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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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Apologies - I wish I had more than 24 hours a day :sad:.


Anyway - here is the list. Is everytging correct? Is anyone missing anything? It has been decided (*blames Ana*) that it might be easier if we just have a list with those that are willing to prticipate right now. I have tried to delete everyone from the list that is finished with their last partner/ no longer participating/ taking a break or whatever. Is that ok like this?


Current MMers


Sarah_Lollipop (UK) - ircazo (Austria)

Silver (UK) - keti

England - RosinaKiwi

Tomomi (JP) - DarkLight (UK)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - lulle91



and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:


mozarella (SWE)


RosinaKiwi (NZ)

Superstar (USA)

England (US)

lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)



Tegan - Ana and I will take photos tomorrow!!! We need better light for that :naughty: (and the dog :das:)!! :woot_jump:

LadyGodiva and I are still doing our MM. We're still workin' on them. :bleh:

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totally ok for me!

it's easier this way for everyone i guess, thanks!:thumb_yello:



Current MMers


Sarah_Lollipop (UK) - ircazo (Austria)

Silver (UK) - keti

England - RosinaKiwi

Tomomi (JP) - DarkLight (UK)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - lulle91



I have tried to delete everyone from the list that is finished with their last partner/ no longer participating/ taking a break




i'm not finished with my second partner , i just sent mine and she is still preparing hers.

so neither of us got a parcel yet:no:

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That's indeed a good thing to have!

Maybe a thread especially for these things, so that everyone can make a post with the conditions of their country in there and then a link to it on the first page of the MM thread?

So that it's all together and easy to read through?


It's a nice idea but the lists would be huge. Better just to check at your Post Office before you start collecting stuff to put in your parcel :thumb_yello:

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i'm not finished with my second partner , i just sent mine and she is still preparing hers.

so neither of us got a parcel yet:no:


:boxed: Sorry :boxed::wub2:


Current MMers


Sarah_Lollipop (UK) - ircazo (Austria)

Silver (UK) - keti

England - RosinaKiwi

Tomomi (JP) - DarkLight (UK)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - lulle91

JoseOle (NL) - dilek (Turkey)

iadoremika- LadyGodiva (US)

Neiobi (Portugal)- Juls



and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:


mozarella (SWE)


RosinaKiwi (NZ)

Superstar (USA)

England (US)

lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)


Edited by Petra
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Apologies - I wish I had more than 24 hours a day :sad:.


Anyway - here is the list. Is everytging correct? Is anyone missing anything? It has been decided (*blames Ana*) that it might be easier if we just have a list with those that are willing to prticipate right now. I have tried to delete everyone from the list that is finished with their last partner/ no longer participating/ taking a break or whatever. Is that ok like this?


Current MMers


Sarah_Lollipop (UK) - ircazo (Austria)

Silver (UK) - keti

England - RosinaKiwi

Tomomi (JP) - DarkLight (UK)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - lulle91





One little correction - me and DarkLight are still on ours MMs. We still haven't sent off our parcels. :cheerful_h4h:

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One little correction - me and DarkLight are still on ours MMs. We still haven't sent off our parcels. :cheerful_h4h:


In again :cheerful_h4h:


don't mean to spam, but for those who don't want to send big parcels, there is now a pen pals thread- the handwritten letter kind.


Hello :bye:!





:naughty: Sorry. In now :cheerful_h4h:


I think I might join this again. Though I would need a fair bit of time to put together a parcel


In, too :cheerful_h4h:



Current MMers


Sarah_Lollipop (UK) - ircazo (Austria)

Silver (UK) - keti

England - RosinaKiwi

Tomomi (JP) - DarkLight (UK)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - lulle91

JoseOle (NL) - dilek (Turkey)

iadoremika- LadyGodiva (US)

Neiobi (Portugal)- JULS92 (SUI)

mozarella (SWE) - lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)

keti - DarkLight

DarkLight - superstar



and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:


RosinaKiwi (NZ)

Superstar (USA)

England (US)


Edited by Petra
DL x 3 :punk:
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So what did I get?

I got a bunch of leaflets & brochures about Australia & the Blue Mountains (are they really blue? *makes plan to check this out :naughty:*), an Australian flag (:wub2:), a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute little Koala (awwww!!!), two most fantastic necklaces (thank you thank you thank you!!!!!), a rose to ... I don't know how to say it in English *points at pictures*), a bag of marshmallows (:cheerful_h4h: *plans to put in hot chocolate*), Rum as promised (HA!! Brilliant!!! :naughty:), 4 glow cups (totally awesome - it's like the glowsticks! Tegan, I'm not sure yet how to use this break-thingy :blink:), postcards (*wubs*), boxing kangaroo candy (:wub2:), a choco koala (I need more smileys), a BIG bar of Cadbury, a glass from Orange country (FANTASTIC!!! THANK YOU!!), a kangaroo pin, awesomely yummy chocolate cookies, a Jupiter caramel bar (never tried it before!), 2x instant "Chocoate Mudcake" (I need to try this :naughty:), a pen with ... where is my English? strange hair (very cool!!), lollies and bonbons! and finally a book with Australian poetry! Whoop!!!!

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One of the necklaces:



I photographed me wearing the other one but I look so stupid that I will better not post it :naughty:


The glow cups (awesome things!!):



They say that one can only use them once but if they are like glowsticks, I might also be able to put them into the freezer after use (am I allowed to put them into the freezer? I need to check the instructions again!), so that I can use them again!


The last picture of the cookies. May they rest in peace :cheerful_h4h::



The flower! Gorgeous!! :wub2:


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ohh join the club I'm doing 3 mm's & a project for mika but i'd love to do mm with you again sometime in the future maybe say like next xmas time lol


I dont know I'll be broke for the next couple of months pretty much


so if we were gonna do another one it'd have to be feb or march probably


I know the feeling! I have to save all my money for the visit of a certain little mikamite in the next couple of weeks or we won't be doing anything :naughty:


WOOOW Silver and Tanya - your MMs are amazing!!!


Silver and Tanya, great Mika Mails


Thanks for the pics, they're awesome


Thanks heaps girls!


Ok ok...here comes


Biekje & Starrats.....both awesome packages girls!



Maybe nobody noticed, but we got eachother one present that's the same

It's the heart-box with the beads in it

The pink box


Great minds think alike :wink2:


And that too!


I really do feel sorry for you... it seems that Australia Post likes me for now.. .though I'm pretty sure quarantine hates me... They keep opening up packages for me from overseas... the last one they opened they ended up breaking!


They've never opened one of mine....they must think you're dodgy Teegs:naughty:...but they should've had to replace the stuff they broke!


Yesterday, we both received a Christmas card from Tanya in the mail. It was such a wonderful surprise! Thanks Tanya!


You're welcome!


Apologies - I wish I had more than 24 hours a day .


Anyway - here is the list. Is everytging correct? Is anyone missing anything? It has been decided (*blames Ana*) that it might be easier if we just have a list with those that are willing to prticipate right now. I have tried to delete everyone from the list that is finished with their last partner/ no longer participating/ taking a break or whatever. Is that ok like this?


Since you do all the hard work, I think it should be whatever is easiest for you :wub2:


I received a





MikaMail from nico_collard!!





Is that a bottle of Bundy in there? I've never been game enought to try sending alcohol in case it broke! Excellent package.....and I'm sure they are the marshmallows from chubby bunny!

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That's indeed a good thing to have!

Maybe a thread especially for these things, so that everyone can make a post with the conditions of their country in there and then a link to it on the first page of the MM thread?

So that it's all together and easy to read through?


Hmmmmmm... good idea...


I received a



MOST FANTASTIC Copyofworthy.gifCopyofworthy.gif



MikaMail from Copyofworthy.gif nico_collard!! fangurl.giffangurl.giffangurl.gif





It looks good!


So what did I get?

I got a bunch of leaflets & brochures about Australia & the Blue Mountains (are they really blue? *makes plan to check this out*), an Australian flag, a cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute little Koala (awwww!!!), two most fantastic necklaces (thank you thank you thank you!!!!!), a rose to ... I don't know how to say it in English *points at pictures*), a bag of marshmallows (*plans to put in hot chocolate*), Rum as promised (HA!! Brilliant!!!), 4 glow cups (totally awesome - it's like the glowsticks! Tegan, I'm not sure yet how to use this break-thingy), postcards (*wubs*), boxing kangaroo candy, a choco koala (I need more smileys), a BIG bar of Cadbury, a glass from Orange country (FANTASTIC!!! THANK YOU!!), a kangaroo pin, awesomely yummy chocolate cookies, a Jupiter caramel bar (never tried it before!), 2x instant "Chocoate Mudcake" (I need to try this), a pen with ... where is my English? strange hair (very cool!!), lollies and bonbons! and finally a book with Australian poetry! Whoop!!!!


Blue Mountains - They look blue at a distance...


Necklaces... the opal one I got in Melbourne.. though I could find it in Lightning Ridge...


The rose clip... put it on the side of your head, tilt your head to the side, and close your eyes... and take a pic.. it's the re do of the pink bow smiley smiley...


I'm glad you like the Orange glass... the leaf is the symbol for Orange (the city I live in... it's considered Australia's Colour City cause of the different colours in the city)...


The pens are part of a family called the Kooky's... it reminded me of the Kooks, cause kooky's=kooks...


The books is a book of poetry by a poet called Banjo Patterson.. he was born outside Orange (quite close to where I live right now)...


Petra, that MM is rockin'.


And are those the marshmallos Mika used for that Chubby Bunny interview?


Good question! No idea though! TEGAN!!!


Well, that interview was done in Australia and Tegan is from Australia so...


I watched the interview again, and I can't really tell. We'll just have to wait for Tegan to answer.


Yes... that is the exact same brand of marshmallows Mika used in the Chubby Bunny interview...


They've never opened one of mine....they must think you're dodgy Teegs...but they should've had to replace the stuff they broke!




Is that a bottle of Bundy in there? I've never been game enought to try sending alcohol in case it broke! Excellent package.....and I'm sure they are the marshmallows from chubby bunny!


I must be dodgy...




Yep...sure is!


As long as it's plastic it should be fine...


It sure is chubby bunny marshmallows!

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