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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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And they really do smell like cough syrup! But you have to smell them as soon as you open them, otherwise the smell goes...


mmm sounds appetising:blink::naughty: What was it he said they smelt like I can't remember the name of it now:blink:

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And they really do smell like cough syrup! But you have to smell them as soon as you open them, otherwise the smell goes...

Oh my goodness, that awesome. Well...kinda...err...nevermind. :naughty:


mmm sounds appetising:blink::naughty: What was it he said they smelt like I can't remember the name of it now:blink:

Robitussin. :wink2:

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mmm sounds appetising:naughty: What was it he said they smelt like I can't remember the name of it now:blink:


Oh my goodness, that awesome. Well...kinda...err...nevermind. :naughty:



Robitussin. :wink2:


ahh I thought that was what it was funnily enough I've never heared of it:blink::naughty:


yep, that's it!


I've heard of it, but haven't seen it for a while... I obviously don't use cough syrup very often :naughty:

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  • 2 weeks later...
The flag is up on the wall:



Thanks samantha...

Love you...


That is so cool! It really looks good there! I'm kinda glad I don't have any flags, cause I have nowhere to hang them in my room! I have a masssive windown in my room and the other walls have maps, pictures and large cupboards covering them...

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well i have a big room (when i dont have things in it)


My room is big as well... but i have a large cupboard, a display cabinet, another cupboard (it's not as big as the other one), a low boy, a chest of drawers, a double bed and a bedside table... I have too much furniture...

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My room is big as well... but i have a large cupboard, a display cabinet, another cupboard (it's not as big as the other one), a low boy, a chest of drawers, a double bed and a bedside table... I have too much furniture...

dont we all...

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I just got Mika Mail from Mika-obsessive-13 aka. samantha today...

I love it... :punk:

Thanks samantha :wink2:


Here are the pic.




Love the flag...

That's such a great MM! And I agree, love the flag.


And I spy Jaffa Cakes, I wanna try those so bad. :drool::naughty:

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Great MM!:punk:

i love flags too!


too bad i lost the pen that silver sent me:crybaby:


i can promise i will post the pictures tomorrow because we have a ninterview to adopt a cat =]


aww :wub2:

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