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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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Now -- THE parcel!! I got lots of candies and sweets


IMG_4103.jpg and Marmite breadsticks,I LOVE them btw


Cadbury chocolates



Maaany lollipops and bonbons







Mika pics






Great parcel Keti. :thumb_yello: I'll try to make sure you get some different sweets and chocs (unless there are any you particularly like and want more of :naughty:).

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I have the exact same one!




ohh I like your other tama the orange one :punk: I have the other one (which is identical to the one I sent keti) it's quite cool:thumb_yello: Mine came with a mametchi charm which was cool I like mametchi :punk: he's my fave tama

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ohh I like your other tama the orange one :punk: I have the other one (which is identical to the one I sent keti) it's quite cool:thumb_yello: Mine came with a mametchi charm which was cool I like mametchi :punk: he's my fave tama


The orange one is my friend's :naughty::sneaky2:


Aww, no fair, mine just came with the key :sad:

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It's probably too expensive... I know it is for me... I think the postabe for Petra's MM cost more than the actual MM :blink:...



there's big artistic potential in you Dilek! :naughty:


true, postal costs for sending outside of Europe are really too much, from here too

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Wow : that MM is amazing!!

What a great gift you got today!

btw Hi dear :


Thaaanks dear!! :wub2: how are you??



glad you guys like my mm to keti:


yup that is only part one wait til you see the cool stuff in part 2::


And just wait till I send THE PICS of the 2nd parcel :das: yep yep,you heard it right - I got it today!!!!!



I love this

p><p>I actually hadn


I ended up seeing the other pics after my last posts and it looks like a great MM... I like the posters, especially the one with the gold mask...


Oh yeah,the mask one is :das: in particular



OMG, how BIG was that parcel??

Awwww!!! It looks fantastic!!!


Ah, Keti - didnt you post that you wanted another partner or something? I read it somewhere but that must have been paaaages ago *slaps self for not paying enough attention*.


Thanks a lot Petra!! : )


Hmmm I don't think so,I've finished my MM with Chantelle,I'm doing one now with Silver,and I have some plans for later but right now I'm not looking for anyone!



I have the exact same one!


http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll134/oakie_doke/DSCF0495.jpg' alt='DSCF0495.jpg'>


How cool!!! :punk: I love my tama,even though I'm just a starter wit it,this is my first *bleh*

Love the orange one!!








Great parcel Keti. I'll try to make sure you get some different sweets and chocs (unless there are any you particularly like and want more of .



Thanks Silver! Hmmm well I like Cadbury,there's never enough of Cadbury :naughty: and I like Milka/Toblerone...and marshmallows hehe!

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As I said in my previous post - I got the rest of my MM with Chantelle! :woot_jump: it's absolutely amazing,I love love it sooo much!!


The pics..

I got this loveable jeans pencil case with I Love Mika on!!



And THIS is what was in it


A bunch of bracelets,charms,and other beads! I'm loving the lollipop charms cos I'm mad about the lollipop stuff,I have the purple-pink one (my fav colors lol) on one necklace already!


Next,the lollipop bath fizzers and a bath shampoo in this very nice package


(the lollipop fizzers smell mmmm naaaahce)


A bit more of the chocolate stuff and lollipop/chewing bar stuff



Now the things I admire Chantelle for making them the most for


A Mika clock,Mika watch and Mika keyring!!! I love the watch,I'll post pics of it later!!


An England flag and my second Tama *boings*



...will be continued..

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These are the pics of the Mika watch!! ! :wub2:






It is a bit big for my wrist,but I like it soo much,fantaastic job Chantelle :huglove:


And now the bracelet I like the most






Those colours are amazing!! Even my rabbit likes it :naughty:



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And now the Mika Mail highlights - this is how it looked like alltogether




You can spot the Derren Brown's DVD as well,I'm going to watch it!





All the stuff you sent were absolutely brilliant Chantelle,I don't know how to thank you !!! :huglove::punk:

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there's big artistic potential in you Dilek! :naughty:


yeah,i'm cool like that,full of skills:mf_rosetinted::roftl:


And now the Mika Mail highlights - this is how it looked like alltogether





keti they are aaaaalll great!:punk: chantelle did an amazing job as always!

now don't tell me there is a part 3:shocked:

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keti they are aaaaalll great!:punk: chantelle did an amazing job as always!

now don't tell me there is a part 3:shocked:


Thank you!! :punk: yeah,she did indeed :wub2:


Hahah,no there isn't :roftl:



Have you finished yours with Jose btw? :)

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The orange one is my friend's :naughty::sneaky2:


Aww, no fair, mine just came with the key :sad:

aww i didn't know that wasn't your it's cool though


I just got a new one (well i say new it's 2nd hand but new to me lol) version 3 light pink tama off ebay it has heart on it & is soooo cute

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Thank you!! :punk: yeah,she did indeed :wub2:


Hahah,no there isn't :roftl:



Have you finished yours with Jose btw? :)


oh good:naughty:


i sent mine and she got it.


but she is ultra-mega busy with real life stuff atm, she couldn't even post pics on here. So we're let's say half done if that makes sense:blink::naughty:

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You can spot the Derren Brown's DVD as well,I'm going to watch it!





All the stuff you sent were absolutely brilliant Chantelle,I don't know how to thank you !!! :huglove punk


glad you love the mm I am really pleased I thought you'd love the mika watch/clock & keyring that I hand made for you, you did say it is so difficult to get Mika stuff where you live so i thought I would make you some Mika stuff


I can't wait to see what you think of Derren I just LOVE that man so much he's a sweetheart <3

Edited by DarkLight
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oh good


i sent mine and she got it.


but she is ultra-mega busy with real life stuff atm, she couldn't even post pics on here. So we're let's say half done if that makes sense::


Oh yeah,it does :naughty::wink2:



glad you love the mm I am really pleased I thought you'd love the mika watch/clock & keyring thatI hand made for you, you did say it is so difficult to get Mika stuff where you live so i thought I would make you some Mika stuff


I can't wait to see what you think of Derren I just LOVE that man so much he's a sweetheart <3


I adore all the stuff you sent me,it's so generous of you wub2: :wub2: there really are NO Mika stuff AT ALL here,exept the CD you can buy in stores and *extremely rarely* posters in some mags. But they don't even have his DVDs,no NOTHING! :no::sneaky2:


Haha he seems very cool indeed,I'll let you know once i watch it okay :D

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btw keti have you tried the chocolate footballs yet they're my fave they Are so scrummy :licks_lips: it is difficult to not buy loads of bags of them & eat them every day they are that yummy


the nicest chocolate i've ever had


point is if I ate too many of them I'd end up being Mika's big girl not lolipop girl & I don't fancy that Idea much:mf_rosetinted::naughty:


notthat I think Mika would mind as he likes big girls but I would mind I don't fancy being big it's suck on my joints:thumbdown:

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btw keti have you tried the chocolate footballs yet they're my fave they Are so scrummy :licks_lips: it is difficult to not buy loads of bags of them & eat them every day they are that yummy


the nicest chocolate i've ever had


point is if I ate too many of them I'd end up being Mika's big girl not lolipop girl & I don't fancy that Idea much:mf_rosetinted::naughty:


notthat I think Mika would mind as he likes big girls but I would mind I don't fancy being big it's suck on my joints:thumbdown:


Oh yeah as I said I've tried them :mf_lustslow:

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Mika mail from England





Awww!! Brilliant!!! Was she allowed to send tea? I was wondering about that when I sent mine to Australia! :blink:


We have a new MM pair btw!


Happikali has decided to join us :das: and will be MMing with dilek!


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