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Who else is tired of Mika?


Should Mika do a videoblog on how he likes his tea?  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Mika do a videoblog on how he likes his tea?

    • Yes, and he should use his birthday tea set!
    • Yes, and he should use the musical tea-cup Jack so thoughtfully gave him in Philadelphia
    • Yes, and he should have a tea party with his sisters and Andy
    • Yes, and he should do all of the above
    • No, because I hate all things Mika and tea-related.

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i sometimes really don't get it...


fans whining because Mika doesn't pay enough attention to them

then more fans whining because he writes everyday

people claiming to be fans and saying they hate everything related to the man

people claiming to be fans and almost bragging they are " over him"


i really don't mean to be mean ( uh, sounds nice) but i reaaaaally don't get it !!


you're tired of the blog, don't read it...

you're tired of the man, do something else


i dunno...


maybe this poll is a joke and i didn't get it.. sorry if it is...


and if you're tired of the whining, switch thread :roftl:


I came for the Mika, I stay for the whining :naughty:

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i sometimes really don't get it...


fans whining because Mika doesn't pay enough attention to them

then more fans whining because he writes everyday

people claiming to be fans and saying they hate everything related to the man

people claiming to be fans and almost bragging they are " over him"


i really don't mean to be mean ( uh, sounds nice) but i reaaaaally don't get it !!


you're tired of the blog, don't read it...

you're tired of the man, do something else


i dunno...


maybe this poll is a joke and i didn't get it.. sorry if it is...


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I came for the Mika, I stay for the whining :naughty:






I don't come back for the whining as such, or participate too much, but I'm still inexorably drawn towards threads containing it. It's as much part of MFC now as lollipops and Mikagasmicness. Resistence is futile :mf_rosetinted:

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Oh, i see... i think i get it now.. it's a bit sad though...


Well...it's been a while since he released an album you know, we are trying to pass the time while waiting for the next one...and some of us just find whining a more amusing way to pass the time than discussing (imo) incredibly boring blogs :fisch:

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Well...it's been a while since he released an album you know, we are trying to pass the time while waiting for the next one...and some of us just find whining a more amusing way to pass the time than discussing (imo) incredibly boring blogs :fisch:



well, his "incredibly boring blogs" recently led me to the Hayward Gallery and i couldn't thank him enough for that, because it was amazing. And being parisian, i would probably never have heard about it otherwise...


But, whatever floats your boat, i guess...

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I like mika

don't care if he puts up a blog every day, every week, every month, or once a year. he's trying the best he can, and there are always people saying it isn't enough or it is too much. and I'm getting tired of it



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But this blog thing, I just want him to shut up. Not entirely, but I find myself cringing when I see new posts on the blog thread, thinking, "oh geez, did he post another one already? I hope not." I go to Mikasounds, wait for it to load... and am filled with relief when I see that there's no new blog.


I like to have a little space! I want to discuss Mika-related stuff without his constant meddling and interruption. I can't handle having to keep up with his minutiae every day. I think a blog a week would be good, let us breathe a little!!


Also, I think he could benefit by being a little more selective about what he posts. He could at least try to be a little entertaining, to consider whether what he's writing will actually interest his audience. The videoblogs tend to accomplish this more than the text ones. I like the text ones a lot when they're done well, but not when it seems like they're there for the sake of filling up space, or because he had some random thought flitting through his mind for a second and happened to be near a laptop. For Pete's sake, Mika, I don't care that you got a comic book or a new toy unless you tell me something interesting enough about it to make me care.


:shocked: Well I couldn't agree more. But I feel bad admitting it :naughty: Because having someone like him updating his blog for his fans SO often is something we should be extremely grateful of.


Blogs are great, lots of blogs are great. Blogs that say nothing and have little thought are not great. Yes, he's a genius and has a zillion fans who are infinitely interested in everything he has to say, and that's why we love everything he shares with us. It's like a view into his world and how he thinks, hearing about the random things that interest him and people/things he likes. (Or so we did for a short while) But I think the general "getting tired of them now" thing is not because we now take them for granted or anything, but more because from the constant blogging and letting us into his world we feel more like he is a normal person just like us, and have come to the sudden realisation of "Wtf, these blogs are pretty crap, if this was written by a random I would have exited this page roughly 0.2 seconds after clicking on it." Like ... Mentos and Coke video ... random comic cover? *cringe*


The little-thought blogs ruin it for the thoughtful ones, so many MFCers have stopped looking as MS at all because of them (and their quantity), and they're missing the interesting stuff that is worthwhile/brilliant because the blog has an overall vibe of "pointless crap".


I guess this is something that will be made better when the full website is finished and he categorises the posts :thumb_yello:


Actually, I don't really do it, but I have friends who DO go dumpster-diving a lot, and I think that's awesome. I want to do it myself, but I want a buddy to go with me. Did you know that supermarkets throw out perfectly edible unsold vegetables, bread, etc, at the end of each day? They wrap them in plastic too, so they're quite sanitary. Stores throw out lots of reusable things, and it's such a waste! Some people manage to live almost entirely on what they scavenge from dumpsters. I quite admire that.


Haha! Just yesterday I read a thing in the uni magazine about dumpster diving as a form of getting by on a student income :roftl: They called it something funny ... Freegan I think. And they specifically explained how to get by the dumpster-locks, and that smaller supermarket chains are less likely to have them :roftl:


Don't you read his text blogs carefully?

Everything has been kept, organised and stored over the last two years!


:naughty: Don't you?


"PS, just to let everyone know. Almost all of the pieces of art, sculptures, drawings, hand made books etc… have been kept over the last two years."


He actually admits to throwing the crappy gifts out :thumb_yello:

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I like mika

don't care if he puts up a blog every day, every week, every month, or once a year. he's trying the best he can, and there are always people saying it isn't enough or it is too much. and I'm getting tired of it




I hear you. Basically I'm tired of topics like these.

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Hmm, so I just went and got some peanut butter on toast and while waiting for my toast to cook I had some thoughts :naughty:


To everyone who is discusted by the thread: Did you actually read past the title and the first sentence? Honestly?

I saw the title and came in here to bash some faces, and then I realised it wasn't actually 'one of those threads' :naughty:


And another random thought: I actually remember saying to someone around the beginning of the mass-blogging something about how cute it was that he was addicted to it and posting every random thing that comes to his mind (the time he couldn't sleep I think?). I guess it's only 'cute'/'tolerable' for so long :naughty:


Yes I noticed that...I felt bad for the crappy gifts


:naughty: :naughty:

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:lmao: Yes I noticed that...I felt bad for the crappy gifts :mf_rosetinted:


I bet he threw mine out :sneaky2::roftl:


Anyway I agree with Oakie Doke (wtf? that has to be a first :roftl:), if it was posted by anyone else, then most people wouldn't have bothered to read past the first random "look what I found on the internet" blog...and that is why I'm not bothered to read his blogs, it's not that interesting...and I have loads of frinds who keep that kind of blogs who actually find more amusing things than Mika :roftl:

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new blog!


:doh: sorry wrong thread:mf_rosetinted:




Hmm, so I just went and got some peanut butter on toast and while waiting for my toast to cook I had some thoughts :naughty:


To everyone who is discusted by the thread: Did you actually read past the title and the first sentence? Honestly?

I saw the title and came in here to bash some faces, and then I realised it wasn't actually 'one of those threads' :naughty:


Jack does have a certain way with thread titles doesn't she :naughty:

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one one more thing to add. on the poll you put "no i hate everything about mika and his tea'" or something along those lines. well obviously you put "hate mika" in there, and this is a mika fan club. so the ppl voting for that, shouldnt be on here, if they hate mika.


I reserve the right to hate Mika if I want to and remain on this board.






I don't come back for the whining as such, or participate too much, but I'm still inexorably drawn towards threads containing it. It's as much part of MFC now as lollipops and Mikagasmicness. Resistence is futile :mf_rosetinted:


That's the spirit!


Well...it's been a while since he released an album you know, we are trying to pass the time while waiting for the next one...and some of us just find whining a more amusing way to pass the time than discussing (imo) incredibly boring blogs :fisch:


Or how curly his hair is, or if he waxes his chest.......


I like mika

don't care if he puts up a blog every day, every week, every month, or once a year. he's trying the best he can, and there are always people saying it isn't enough or it is too much. and I'm getting tired of it



Have a lie down love, if you are tired!:wink2:


I hear you. Basically I'm tired of topics like these.



Look, for every person who doesn't like topics like these, I won't say there is one who likes them, I don't think the ratio is that high, but there are a number of us who agree with them, and also a number of us who have a particular sense of humour.

If this thread doesn't suit you, fair enough, but it does amuse some of us, it's also Jack's opinion, and therefore is valid.

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I reserve the right to hate Mika if I want to and remain on this board.




That's the spirit!




Or how curly his hair is, or if he waxes his chest.......



Have a lie down love, if you are tired!:wink2:





Look, for every person who doesn't like topics like these, I won't say there is one who likes them, I don't think the ratio is that high, but there are a number of us who agree with them, and also a number of us who have a particular sense of humour.

If this thread doesn't suit you, fair enough, but it does amuse some of us, it's also Jack's opinion, and therefore is valid.


Thanks for clarifying that for me. Clearly I get that many of you have the same sense of humor and I don't think I implied in my post that there's anything wrong with that. Just stating my own opinion.

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new blog!


:doh: sorry wrong thread:mf_rosetinted:


Oh thank you :roftl: That one was somewhat amusing :blink: Oh sorry, still wrong thread :roftl:



Nah it's not really, cause that actually proves the point - a good blog posted once in a while is much much better :mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks for clarifying that for me. Clearly I get that many of you have the same sense of humor and I don't think I implied in my post that there's anything wrong with that. Just stating my own opinion.


No, that's true, you didn't, and you did, in that order. :thumb_yello:

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I hear you. Basically I'm tired of topics like these.


uhu, me too...I know people should be eigble to say what they want but lets just stick it to one thread instead of a new one every time mika doesor say something :wink2:


Have a lie down love, if you are tired!:wink2:



I tried but everytime I want to lay down there are threads sticking in my back :mf_rosetinted:

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uhu, me too...I know people should be eigble to say what they want but lets just stick it to one thread instead of a new one every time mika doesor say something :wink2:



Blimey if this was the criteria for opening threads, we would only have two, one to agree with all things Mika, and one to disagree.:naughty:


I tried but everytime I want to lay down there are threads sticking in my back :mf_rosetinted:


At least it isn't knives.

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...I really kind of want him to go away.


Well. Actually I've been listening to his music more lately. I haven't played LiCM in a while, and a few days ago I took it out of my CD pile and put it back in my car player, so I've been listening to it every day (I commute). It's good, and I like being able to listen to it again with fresh ears and find that I still love it. So, I'm not saying I'm tired of his music or anything.


But this blog thing, I just want him to shut up. Not entirely, but I find myself cringing when I see new posts on the blog thread, thinking, "oh geez, did he post another one already? I hope not." I go to Mikasounds, wait for it to load... and am filled with relief when I see that there's no new blog.


I like to have a little space! I want to discuss Mika-related stuff without his constant meddling and interruption. I can't handle having to keep up with his minutiae every day. I think a blog a week would be good, let us breathe a little!!


Also, I think he could benefit by being a little more selective about what he posts. He could at least try to be a little entertaining, to consider whether what he's writing will actually interest his audience. The videoblogs tend to accomplish this more than the text ones. I like the text ones a lot when they're done well, but not when it seems like they're there for the sake of filling up space, or because he had some random thought flitting through his mind for a second and happened to be near a laptop. For Pete's sake, Mika, I don't care that you got a comic book or a new toy unless you tell me something interesting enough about it to make me care.


Anyone with me? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


...I thought not. :naughty:





He's just trying to give us what we wanted and I think you are the only one who's bored with it... and well if it's there another person, sinceriously I've no interest in knowing.


Jackie boy, as simple as this... If you don't wanna see his blogs DON'T GO to the MIKAsounds BLOG that's about MIKA... It's just my opinion though.

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Anyway I agree with Oakie Doke (wtf? that has to be a first :roftl:), if it was posted by anyone else, then most people wouldn't have bothered to read past the first random "look what I found on the internet" blog...and that is why I'm not bothered to read his blogs, it's not that interesting...and I have loads of frinds who keep that kind of blogs who actually find more amusing things than Mika


*shakes head in discust* and I agree with you - I also know plenty of people more adept at posting even the pointless "look what I found" blogs :naughty:


I tried but everytime I want to lay down there are threads sticking in my back :mf_rosetinted:




new blog!


:doh: sorry wrong thread:mf_rosetinted:


Oooh oooh! *runs off the the updates thread to fangurl*

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