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well i had a silly moment when i was talking to my sister... she wanted to show me some pictures so i wanted to say ok im gona go on msn now but i have this reflex of saying mfc so im sitting trying so hard not to say mfc and i ended up saying ok im gona go on mfsen.. my sister was like :blink: u really need to cut down on the mika its taking over ur brain...

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well i had a silly moment when i was talking to my sister... she wanted to show me some pictures so i wanted to say ok im gona go on msn now but i have this reflex of saying mfc so im sitting trying so hard not to say mfc and i ended up saying ok im gona go on mfsen.. my sister was like :blink: u really need to cut down on the mika its taking over ur brain...

thats what my friends tell me, I associate everything with him, there was some chords coming out of the cash register at the movies, they were colorful and I told the cashier lady it look mikaish! hehe, she looked at me with the weirdest face :roftl:

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You know you're a Mika fan when you get christmas cards from friends saying "Merry Mika!" with a picture of him with a santa hat and a white beard...


hehehe, that's good!!


you know your a mika fan when you get sent home from work (coz i was ill) and told "go to bed and let mika heal you" :blink::lmfao:


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YKTYAAMF when your son tells you "Mika's always going to be there for you" when you are going through difficult times ,when your daughter tells you to "hide your hurt finger with a Mika bandage" and when the guy at your local CD stores calls you"Mrs Mika" and your husband's jalous of the time you spend on MFC at night!

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You know you're a Mika fan when you go to type 'facebook' in google and accidentally type

'mikafancl' and then yell 'OH **** WHAT AM I DOING!!'

hehe. I've done that!!


YKYAMFW You are writing a book report, the main character's name is Mike, but for the whole paper you write MIKA without realizing what you've done, then your teacher wonders how you win the spelling bee. hmmm.

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YKYAMFW you refuse to leave shops just because they're playing a Mika song.

I refused to leave Journeys until everyone noticed I knew every single lyric to We are golden hehe, my mother thought I was crazy, which I am :) but I finally had to leave, they were playing it over and over, I was in there "trying on shoes" for like 3 hours. hehe

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