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RuRu and the Magical Chocolate Lollipop


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i just threw up a little in my mouth.




i am soooo effing excited about the ruru weekend!!! i'm not going to be able to sleep AT ALL!!!

and i can't wait for our mini-mika-meet-up.


Tastes good, huh! :mf_rosetinted:


ME TOO!!!! You have no idea!!!! OMR it is SO hard for me to keep it all inside and contain myself!!!!! And in addition to our little Mini MFC Meet Up..... with everyone and their grandmother going to London for the MFC Christmas Party..... I was thinking ---- W H Y don't we have a Christmas Party for the Florida MFCers since NONE of us will be able to go to London!!!! What do you think????? We need a Christmas Party too!!!! :mf_rosetinted:

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Tastes good, huh! :mf_rosetinted:


ME TOO!!!! You have no idea!!!! OMR it is SO hard for me to keep it all inside and contain myself!!!!! And in addition to our little Mini MFC Meet Up..... with everyone and their grandmother going to London for the MFC Christmas Party..... I was thinking ---- W H Y don't we have a Christmas Party for the Florida MFCers since NONE of us will be able to go to London!!!! What do you think????? We need a Christmas Party too!!!! :mf_rosetinted:


tastes like fried cabbage :boxed:


i know!!! i'm nervous than excited for my phantom planet concert. for rufus, i'm just excited!!!!!


sooo true!!! what would do though?

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tastes like fried cabbage :boxed:


i know!!! i'm nervous than excited for my phantom planet concert. for rufus, i'm just excited!!!!!


sooo true!!! what would do though?


Then I guess it tastes Good :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


Oooohhh ... at this point I am SSSOOOOO nervous for RuRu!!!! :shocked:


uuumm.... WELL---- we would HAVE to go to Orlando....cause everyone that would come lives there, or around there :naughty: I was thinking we could go to Old Town or SOMETHING -- there is a MILLION possibilities in that city of things to do...... I dunno... we would figure something out! We could all dress up in our Holiday dresses and just P A R T A Y MFC style :woot_jump:

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Then I guess it tastes Good :mf_rosetinted:


Oooohhh ... at this point I am SSSOOOOO nervous for RuRu!!!! :shocked:


uuumm.... WELL---- we would HAVE to go to Orlando....cause everyone that would come lives there, or around there :naughty: I was thinking we could go to Old Town or SOMETHING -- there is a MILLION possibilities in that city of things to do...... I dunno... we would figure something out! We could all dress up in our Holiday dresses and just P A R T A Y MFC style :woot_jump:



eeeew :mf_rosetinted:


i'm a bit nervous. but mostly i'm looking forward to the funz!!!!

what's oldd town? :blink:



LOOKS like peeps are interested Alex.......


Time to plan ANOTHER Meet Up :mf_rosetinted:


ooooh goodness.

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eeeew :mf_rosetinted:


i'm a bit nervous. but mostly i'm looking forward to the funz!!!!

what's oldd town? :blink:





ooooh goodness.


I am Nervous beyond beleif!!! And the nerves are growing every DAY :shocked:

anyways I am really excited too!!!! I will see you on october 4.... so I am looking forward to that!!!!


Old Town is a REALLY cool place in Kissimmee look it up --

but, definately NOT a place to have a Christmas Partay... what was I thinking? :boxed:



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So Alex.... we got our first date of the weekend already! :woot_jump:


My gay Alex invited us to dinner with him and his boyfriend before the Cocktail Reception.... hope you don't mind -- I of course said Y E S :yay:


He got his tickets last night.... I e-mailed him and I am like DID YOU GET YOUR tickets today? And he is all WTF are you talking about.... I thought it was the 20th... so, I told him about the Fan Club Pre-Sale and gave him the password.... and he immediately booked his tickets..... he was SO happy!


And guess WHAT.... I was like OMR... so what seats did you get-- I hope you are close to us... and he is all -- well, I luuuurrvveee my seats, but you prolly wouldn't.... and then he tells me that he got balcony seats. That Friday is his boyfriend's birthday {another reason to clebrate} and he REALLY likes sitting in the balcony so he did it for him.... he said love sux :naughty:


and he said that they have their little .. and I quote, "gay opera glasses" so they will be just fine! He and I both are shooting for CLOSE seats at Palm Beach! He said that Saturday morning he is going to be ready with a phone in each hand.... I told him that if he gets better seats then me... I will bitch slap him! :naughty:


So, we have some MAJOR competition on Saturday morning... as that is when all of us locals and ALL of the Europeans are going to be calling to get their tickets cause there are NO pre-sales on this one! Don't worry I will be up super duper early that morning... and READY!


Premium Seats here we come.... RuRu watch out for flying thongs :mf_rosetinted:

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I think she is wearing heels :naughty:


All of the shows are assigned seats......


We have had our tickets for the Miami show for a WHILE.... Alex Bought our Melbourne tickets TODAY :woot_jump: and I am getting our Palm Beach tickets on Saturday!!!!! :yay:

Mika got me sooo used to general admission. Lately, all of my shows are GA; so I am quite excited about it. You two will have an amazing time!!!! Please don't forget to post pictures and the reports.

OMR .... Alex you are gonna LOVE this----


So, it is a special occasion cause it is my daddy's Birthday Today!!!!


So for dinner we are having fried cabbage :mf_rosetinted:


I know is late but say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daddy!!!

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So Alex.... we got our first date of the weekend already! :woot_jump:


My gay Alex invited us to dinner with him and his boyfriend before the Cocktail Reception.... hope you don't mind -- I of course said Y E S


He got his tickets last night.... I e-mailed him and I am like DID YOU GET YOUR tickets today? And he is all WTF are you talking about.... I thought it was the 20th... so, I told him about the Fan Club Pre-Sale and gave him the password.... and he immediately booked his tickets..... he was SO happy!


And guess WHAT.... I was like OMR... so what seats did you get-- I hope you are close to us... and he is all -- well, I luuuurrvveee my seats, but you prolly wouldn't.... and then he tells me that he got balcony seats. That Friday is his boyfriend's birthday {another reason to clebrate} and he REALLY likes sitting in the balcony so he did it for him.... he said love sux :naughty:


and he said that they have their little .. and I quote, "gay opera glasses" so they will be just fine! He and I both are shooting for CLOSE seats at Palm Beach! He said that Saturday morning he is going to be ready with a phone in each hand.... I told him that if he gets better seats then me... I will bitch slap him!


So, we have some MAJOR competition on Saturday morning... as that is when all of us locals and ALL of the Europeans are going to be calling to get their tickets cause there are NO pre-sales on this one! Don't worry I will be up super duper early that morning... and READY!


Premium Seats here we come.... RuRu watch out for flying thongs :mf_rosetinted:


date? :roftl:

yay!!! this will be fun! did you suggest olive garden?

woooow! the orchestra already sold-out?! :boxed:

i'm definitley looking forward to the gay opera glasses....maybe i should buy a pair. there's a vintage shop in coral springs and i'm suurrre they'll have some :naughty:





no pressure :mf_rosetinted:

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Mika got me sooo used to general admission. Lately, all of my shows are GA; so I am quite excited about it. You two will have an amazing time!!!! Please don't forget to post pictures and the reports.



I know is late but say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daddy!!!


Oh we will make a BOOK about our weekend!!!! :blush-anim-cl:


THANK YOU from my daddy!!!! :naughty:

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where are you guys having a meet up?? That would be nice to whoever lives around FLORIDA, but for me :thumbdown:


We don't know WHERE it is going to be yet.... Orlando for sure -- it is going to be a Christmas Party for all those that can not afford to go to the one in London!

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Mika got me sooo used to general admission. Lately, all of my shows are GA; so I am quite excited about it. You two will have an amazing time!!!! Please don't forget to post pictures and the reports.


me too!! i prefer it! cause we can do what we did in NYC, and get amazing seats and not have to worry about stupid pre-sales.

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date? :roftl:

yay!!! this will be fun! did you suggest olive garden?

woooow! the orchestra already sold-out?! :boxed:

i'm definitley looking forward to the gay opera glasses....maybe i should buy a pair. there's a vintage shop in coral springs and i'm suurrre they'll have some :naughty:





no pressure :mf_rosetinted:


So by saying this is all up to me.... you are hereby giving me the ability to schedule dates and such? FABULOUS! Our weekend is going to be booked from the moment I pick you up :roftl:

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me too!! i prefer it! cause we can do what we did in NYC, and get amazing seats and not have to worry about stupid pre-sales.


ME too!!!! BUT {and this is a SERIOUS but} I am SO looking forward to being able to RELAX... go to the cocktail party..... spend my day getting ready and all glammed up and not have to worry about sitting out there for 15 hours just to be at the front... although -- in this case I don't think I would have to......

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I found my outfit for Melbourne....


it is not a dress...... rather a pant suit -- it is VERY stylish and I could NOT beat the price!!!! I love it... and will dress it up! Oh -- and I have to wear RED shoes :mf_rosetinted:

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I found my outfit for Melbourne....


it is not a dress...... rather a pant suit -- it is VERY stylish and I could NOT beat the price!!!! I love it... and will dress it up! Oh -- and I have to wear RED shoes :mf_rosetinted:


oh la la! what does it look like? what color?


I am dressing 'funky' for the fillmore :rolls_eyes:


funky? like what?!

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oh la la! what does it look like? what color?




funky? like what?!


Black pants with a black and white polka dot top and it has a red belt.... it is SO cute (to me) :naughty:


Funky ... like jeans and shirt.... :insane: I am funky right :lmao:

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that must look niccce. those colors look really good together.


you are a wild woman holly! :bleh:


I know! I am SO wild..... anyways it does look VERY *nice* that is a good word... I kinda look more like a polititian then a concert-goer.... I am afraid I might scare RuRu....

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oh! i had a dream with mika last night!

we were at the beach, and he wasn't wearing a shirt :das:. that's all i can remember.



Ooohhhhhh I had a dream about RuRu last night.... you were in it!!!!

It was CRAZY! There was no :chkn: in this dream :boxed:


we were following him from concert to concert and guess what?????

He kept RUNNING away from us :blink:


WTF -- I do not have dreams like that :mf_rosetinted:

In my dreams I can DO what ever I want and I WANT :chkn:

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