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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 3


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i say your name "lee-in-eh" like that. :naughty:

i'll have to make a vid of me saying yours and carlota's and mafa's names. :naughty: i'll probably make it when i get back from the toy store!!! :das: my favorite!!


ok lets do this once. im gonna make a video RIGHT now, and show how to pronounce it OK ? :roftl:

everybody asks me this :D


wait for 2 minutes and i will post a video.

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omg you guys i have musical tommorow. im excited, but it is so sad.


our teacher even said....a character like this sucks you into the part. if you guys are into it enough, you should FEEL depressed all day. And thats exactly how i am. we all are. after the rehearsal we are just emotionally drained of everything. you guys need to ehar about the scene....


oh sammy tell us :shocked:

it sounds interesting...

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so i walk into a hospital where my brother and all the other men are fatally wounded. Ad i rush to him, and i start to bandage him up. And i start to cry, and he tries to comfort me. So i sit down and lean on him, and sit there for what i know is my final hour with my brother. And this guy starts singing about LET THE MEN LIVE, i am old i have lived my life. Let me die, let them live...


and all that sad stuff. So i kind of dose off on my brother. Then we wake up at the end of the song. And the guys kicks me out. And i dont want to leave my brother, but he doesnt want me to watch him die. A kidn of "remember me like this" thing, he doesnt want me to watch him go. So im crying and hes comforting me...then i leave my brother for the last time. And later he goes to war, gets shot and dies. And I DONT KNOW THIS KID.....and i have to get SO INTO CHARACTER that i can be by his side, fall asleep next to him on his shoulder, then leave him to die....knowing i will never see my brother again.


And im literally leaning on this boy ive never met and crying like he is a part of my family, and i have to leave him to die. and hes comforting me. its just so emotional. By then end of rehearsal we are all so drained of all energy, all emotion.



BUT we had to develope characters.......french names and our lives stories.


My name? well....i needed a french name, so i tooke YASMIN! Pronounced like Yasmine, but written without the E.


So my name is yasmin. My brother is in teh war. And he dies. And its so sad. I could cry just thinking about it. When we get onstage with the lighting and the costumes and everything....oh im just gunna be a total wreck.




we didnt have so sad palys in my theater, we had plays for little kids to entertain them, i was chick, mouse and hedgehog in one play :naughty::glasses3:


but sammy this sounds more interesting than mine, you should ask someone to film it :thumb_yello:

we could see it later :mf_lustslow::punk:

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You seem happy today x)


haha just a little! lol.. it rained :D and other good things happened today :blush-anim-cl: . i will explain later. im at my moms school (in her classroom) on a classroom comp, and i dont like talking bout my personal life w/ her around me xD lool



so how is everyone today?

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omg im so sad just thinking about it...

and listen to this....


even little boys went to war in revolutionary france. So there are little boys who play an 8 year old and a 7 year old.



And my friends little brother, whom is the most adorable pudgy little chunker boy youve ever seen, with freckles and red hair.

He is going to be in the show. AND EVEN THEY are dying in the hospital. So im in charge of being with him the whole show. Tommorow is his first rehearsal. SO.......



i may have to be with him...ASWELL as my brother...as if he were my son.


How do you say goodbye to your 8 year old son? How do you do that?

If hes in that scene, hes going to have to stay with me, so his sister told the director becuase hes only 8 and im the only one who knows him. he needs supervision, so his sister assigend me to watch him, and the director said i could.


So if hes in that scene, i have to be with him.......how do you play that character withou getting completely into it? Girls, if hes in that scene.....my heart will just break on that stage.


COULD YOU IMAGINE THAT? Holding you son and then kissing him goodbye? Letting him leave you, only for the gun of the enemy? How will i handle that on stage without totally breaking down?


sammy that sounds horrible....

i g2g to sleep now, but just wanted to tell you that you are strong and youre gonna do it with youre BEST. :thumb_yello:


bye love, bedis caling for me :naughty:

today all trees were yellow and i thought about joy of life. and i felt happy. :original:


i have a WISE smileon my face now.

i know youre depressed today so im making you to feel better.

think of yellow leaves in the trees :wub2:


bye LOVE. my Sammy, i love ypu.

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anybody still here? I need soem cheering up!




think of yellow leaves in the trees and .... remember the video where me and žanete were eating plums and laughing ?

watch it again and laugh about me :original:

find a way to think positive.... :wub2::thumb_yello:





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i have a Q. if u ask some ppl how u should cut your hair, and a guy (u like) says "dont. i find girls more attractive w/ long hair. i think you should grow it out" then he puts your hands in his bcuz youre freezing.. could it mean anything?


i think it means that he likes you :das:

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but its only been one guy. and idt he has a clue. i just wanna know if he feels the same, ya know? the suspense KILLS ME


what should i do?


i know same here!


id, my friends want to hook me up w/ him. im really clueless about it. just get his attention, and try to flirt naturally w/ him. my friends tell me im a pronatural flirt, but i nvr thought i even knew how (i guess it runs in my fam tho haha both my sisters are/were). just be real i guess. ive spent nights looking up information lately cuz i really want to get him to notice me and all u know

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just got back from the toy store where i GOT SAMMY'S MIKAMAIL!! don't have a heart break sammy, the mika mail is wonderful!! :naughty:

tell me, which ugly doll do you have?


i kind of feel out of place because i am just SO happy, and you guys are all depressed :blink::naughty:

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i so want to. but the only friend i called so far has a church thing, and i dnt have his # or anything


mika-stalk skills come in handy at times like this :das:


btw, my dad's in california! i told him to come find you. i'm like "find a girl named devin!!" and he's like "uh..ok". so look out for my dad! he has a beard. and looks like this :old: (not really :roftl:)

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