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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 3


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OMG.. This can't be!


sure!!! :roftl:





Simon did you make youre video for us ? i would love to see it :naughty:


btw i will see tomorrow what grade i got in my german test :shocked::boxed:


my father has the camera...so i can't make it bacause mums camera

is not working

i can make a video with my handy but i don't know how to

upload 3gp files. :boxed: (youtube)

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Liene GOOD LUCK! yeah you can do it!


btw did you make something for that year book for mika?


oh and btw again: a few months ago the german mfc made

a dvd for mika....i was so awkward...my voice my video


the administrator gave it to mika on a gig and now i hope

he didn't see my video :boxed:

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daniela :wu2:

how are you sweetie ? :mf_lustslow:

whats new ?


im gerat tnx! i just get my 1st braces and tomorrow im getting the new ...and im so happy !:wub2:

how r u?:wub2:hows in school?:huglove:

AHHH! LIENE! i miss you so much girl! and now i have to go shower!!!!!!







we will talk soon................i SWEAR to you


and me?:mf_rosetinted:


i see,u forget i exist...my feelings r hurt.:glasses2:

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Waiit Waiiit Waiit



New Daydream?!?! I Want In!


i'm writing part two!

here's the first part (by freestyle)


Your sitting in the tube.In front of you: Lovely Mika.

You're too shocked to say anything...and he's smiling

his cutest smile ever.In the tube aren't many people.

But you can hear someone say: Tickets please.


You: Fuc* I forgot to buy a ticket!!


You: *realise that you have said something after about 10 minutes*


Mika: Did you forget ....

You: *think: omg that's so emberassing!!* Erm...no... (that's all what you can say)

You can see the man coming to you...

You: Mika! Hide me!

Mika: What? Why do you know...

Man: Can I see your tickets please?

Mika: Here.

Man: Ok...and yours?

You: Mine is...

Mika: We belong together... See

I have a month ticket! ***

You: *think: Omg what did he just say???!*

Man: But...I didn't saw you coming in at the same time.

Mika: Yeah...I said I'll meet her here in the tube.And

I have a month-card so she doesn't need one.

believe me sir.She's my girlfriend.

Man: Ok ok...have a nice day *goes away*

You: Erm... Thanks.That was really nice of you.


(sorry the smilies didn't copy :blush-anim-cl:)

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freestyle's daydream, continued:


You both get off of the tube at the same stop. You’re walking up the stairs, out of it, and of course you stumble (on purpose:roftl:) and accidently bump Mika.

Mika: Today just isn’t your day, is it dear?

You: Well..

Mika: *laughs a little *

You: thanks for that, what you did on the tube. that was really nice, you didn’t have to, really… *awkward *

Mika: its ok, love.

*walking up the stairs, awkward silence *

Mika: so…where are you off to?

You: I think I’m gonna walk on over to the music store, there’s this album I want to check out.

Mika: you’re gonna walk?? that’s like, 10 blocks, no?

You: I’m not in a hurry!

Mika: I can catch you a cab if you want?

You: oh would you! you’re just..!

Mika: :naughty:

(its starting to rain, and by the time you get to the curb, all the cabs are getting filled. it takes a while for Mika to catch you one)

Mika: so which album are you looking at?

You: (thinking of what mika likes) well, there’s this one by a band called Fleet Foxes?

Mika: :shocked: OMG! I LOVE THEM!

You: yeah, I’ve heard some of their stuff..they’re good?

Mika: Amazing.

(finally, Mika manages to hail a cab for you.)

Mika: finally, a cab!

You: *get in cab * uhm…you can come in if you want? It’s gonna be a while before you can catch another one! :naughty:

Mika: I was thinking the same thing. *gets in, his long lovely legs are a little bit like a teenage boy, you’re blushing so red * So you figured it out, then did you?

You: w-w-what? :blush-anim-cl:

Mika: that I’m..you know..Mika? the pop star?

You: well of course I knew! I’m like…your biggest fan! I own your CD! My room is like your shrine! I’m always on the Mika Fan Club! I write you letters in Math class! I daydre— *mika puts a hand to your lips *

Mika: Love! Take a breath!

You: :blush-anim-cl::bleh:

Mika: well then I suppose I can tell you… Fleet Foxes are being here tonight, in the square. I was planning on going. Want to come with me?


take it away, someone!

should i PM this, no one ever reads what's written at this time in the night!

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whats the tube?


i thought it was the TV


the tube is like the underground, the subway.





here's the first part (by freestyle)


Your sitting in the tube.In front of you: Lovely Mika.

You're too shocked to say anything...and he's smiling

his cutest smile ever.In the tube aren't many people.

But you can hear someone say: Tickets please.


You: Fuc* I forgot to buy a ticket!!


You: *realise that you have said something after about 10 minutes*


Mika: Did you forget ....

You: *think: omg that's so emberassing!!* Erm...no... (that's all what you can say)

You can see the man coming to you...

You: Mika! Hide me!

Mika: What? Why do you know...

Man: Can I see your tickets please?

Mika: Here.

Man: Ok...and yours?

You: Mine is...

Mika: We belong together... See

I have a month ticket! ***

You: *think: Omg what did he just say???!*

Man: But...I didn't saw you coming in at the same time.

Mika: Yeah...I said I'll meet her here in the tube.And

I have a month-card so she doesn't need one.

believe me sir.She's my girlfriend.

Man: Ok ok...have a nice day *goes away*

You: Erm... Thanks.That was really nice of you.


(sorry the smilies didn't copy )

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well it was about the guy i like. and he was going out w/ this wierd freak, that like i thought she lived in a cave, bcuz ive seen her like 1 time at school. and i have PE w/ her. but it made me go crazy!


Ooohh that's bad.:thumbdown: I dreamed something strange last night...can't remember the dream though...:boxed: i think it was something about MFC lol!

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