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Quotes about MIKA from normal (and not-so-normal) people


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mum: that's it, no mika for a day, i mean it...

me: :tears:

mum: i can't take it any longer

me: :tears:

mum: it's been over 18 years of your life (my whole life) of you being sad and sorry for yourself

me: yeah and...

mum: i used to long for the days a man would change your attitude to life

me: :blink: wtf are you on about?

mum: well, this guy has changed your attitude to life, your a hyped up life speeder that hasn't calmed down for a second without letting at least 5 minutes go by without a mika comment, mika song, mika fact, mika story, mika quote...

me: :boxed: you make me sound horrible

mum: i have had it with the mika stuff, just shut up for half a day PLEASE, and i will know that you can be trusted to be normal...

me: ... :blink: ...

mum: :wink2:

me: ... ... ... ... ... you know mika doesn't agree to being normal and fitting in with others!!

mum: :doh::roftl:

me: :blink: uh oh, that just slipped out :lmfao:


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:shocked: I'm so shocked...


Today in art class, it was the end of the lesson so I decided to touch up a drawing of Mika I did recently in my planner. My art teacher, Mr Whiteley, came up to me and asked me who it was.

Me: It's Mika, the singer.

Mr Whiteley: Oh yes, the one with the sqeaky voice. I know him

Robyn - my friend who I was sitting next to: Yes, but do you know him personally?

Mr Whiteley: No. But I'm sure Alice wants to. (:das:)



Mr Whiteley is...well, he must be wayyyy over 50! He used to teach my parents! He should not be saying these things !! :shocked:


Maybe the fact that your drawing was topless gave it away slightly...? (:naughty:)

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Sorry, it was an event. :teehee: We had an odd conversation about Mika.


Me:*quietly singing Love Today*

Him: Are you singing Mika?

Me: YES!! Do you know his music?

Him:Yep, I saw him live with my cousin awhile back. He's okay.

Me: I saw him live last month!!!! *sigh* It was amazing. :wub2:

Him: Did you meet him?

Me: Sadly, no. Did you?

Him: Yep. He was nice, but he kept staring at my cousin's boobs.

Me: What?!

Him: He did! Even the people around us noticed. It was pretty obvious. Sorry, did I just crush your dreams? :naughty:

Me: Uhhh...no



I'm not sure what he meant by that.


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this thread is helarious

i have a few


after a mika concert a few months back in the loo

girl 1: So, enjoy yourself?

girl 2: Yes, I really did.

girl 1: How does it feel? You're no longer a Mika-virgin

girl 2: It was amazing. I'm becoming a whore!





And another one

IT teacher: What's your website about?

Friend from across the room: MIKA I BET!

Me: Well, maybe

IT teacher: Who's Mika?

Me: sdgvfjghsdjgfdsjgfdsg!!! Okay, Mika is the most amazing, talented singer ever.

*shows about 600 pictures of him to her*

IT teacher: Oh okay, he's sweet. What does he sing?


Friend from across the room: DO NOT GET HER STARTED!

Me: What?





I love Mika

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this thread is helarious

i have a few


after a mika concert a few months back in the loo

girl 1: So, enjoy yourself?

girl 2: Yes, I really did.

girl 1: How does it feel? You're no longer a Mika-virgin

girl 2: It was amazing. I'm becoming a whore!



:roftl::roftl: "a whore" :thumb_yello: Fantastic :teehee:

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Sorry, it was an event. :teehee: We had an odd conversation about Mika.


Me:*quietly singing Love Today*

Him: Are you singing Mika?

Me: YES!! Do you know his music?

Him:Yep, I saw him live with my cousin awhile back. He's okay.

Me: I saw him live last month!!!! *sigh* It was amazing. :wub2:

Him: Did you meet him?

Me: Sadly, no. Did you?

Him: Yep. He was nice, but he kept staring at my cousin's boobs.

Me: What?!

Him: He did! Even the people around us noticed. It was pretty obvious. Sorry, did I just crush your dreams? :naughty:

Me: Uhhh...no



I'm not sure what he meant by that.



:lmfao::lmao: Mika's the best!!!!!!! :roftl:

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this thread is helarious

i have a few


after a mika concert a few months back in the loo

girl 1: So, enjoy yourself?

girl 2: Yes, I really did.

girl 1: How does it feel? You're no longer a Mika-virgin

girl 2: It was amazing. I'm becoming a whore!





And another one

IT teacher: What's your website about?

Friend from across the room: MIKA I BET!

Me: Well, maybe

IT teacher: Who's Mika?

Me: sdgvfjghsdjgfdsjgfdsg!!! Okay, Mika is the most amazing, talented singer ever.

*shows about 600 pictures of him to her*

IT teacher: Oh okay, he's sweet. What does he sing?


Friend from across the room: DO NOT GET HER STARTED!

Me: What?





I love Mika



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(This one is indirectly about Mika. My mom saw Rufus Wainwright on TV and this is how it went.)




Mom: Wow, he looks like Mika!

Me: You know, Mika is actually a really big fan of his.

Mom: Wow, he really looks like Mika. The could be brothers!




What? :aah::lol3:

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We were watching some travel show and they were in Morocco.

My Mum (out of the blue): Mika was in Morocco once, wasn't he. It's very pretty there.

Me: :shocked::blink:

She didn't even like Mika, but I think we've (my sister and I) changed her mind about him. She even offered to go to his concert with me if my sister couldn't go. :aah:

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this was a really mean trick my friends at work played on me


d: oh yeah i for got to say, there's was news about mika today

me: :blink: what news, i don't know no news, news about what, what about mika *i said it really fast and all at once*

r: :)

d: yeah it was all over the front pages of the papers...

me: WHAT WAS? what news about mika?

d: well he had a break down last night, and did a britney

me :blink: WHAT?

r: :roftl: yeah, i heard about that too, he shaved all his hair off

me: shut up. that's not funny

d and r: we're not joking seriously, he went mad and shaved it all off, it's in the papers and was on the news this morning

me: :tears: *i actually welled up and was sooo close to tears* that's not nice, he'd never do that?

d and r: well he did, and that's true

me: :tears: *a small tear rolled down my face* b b b but...

d: :huglove: oh helen, i'm soooo sorry...

me: *pushes her off* i know you're lying, and that's not funny

d and r: :lmfao: of course he hasn't shaved his head, he still has a full head of hair as far as we know!!

me: *whispers* i love his hair. i'd die if he did it for real



and yeah, i really did cry, there and then on the spot, with customers walking passed too:blush-anim-cl:


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Guest EyeLoveMeCarPenKneeMan

This was a really LOW insult that my friend threw at Meeks in one of my rambles. Im not usualy the kind of person who gets mad whenever someone insults him, but this was just plain mean:


me: so yeah, the way he says imogen is really sexy. I have to show you. In one of these videos you can see them together and hes talking about her and i actually hate her cause he ADORES her and im jealous cause shes like, perfect for him.

Her: why, is she a boy?


I kicked her and chased her across the platgroud thumping her with my biology folder and screaming my head off at her. -.-

i can deal with the whole 'clips up his balls' thing, cause thats plain funny, i can also deal with 'hes a fake', cause i know thats bull****, and 'hes gay' cause thats not really an insult, but that was just plain LOW.

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The boy 'I like' from school : "Is Mika a boy!?!?! I always thought Mika was a girl"... I try to forget he said that.. :mf_rosetinted:


My mum : "Why is Mika singing about rain!? If it rains now I'm gonna get a bucket of water and tip it down his shorts!! (refering to Mika's white boxers in the WAG vid)" :blink:

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I brought TBWKTM in the car this morning (I drive to school with my Mika-loving friend) she was a gold mine of funny quotes:


Me: I was in a Mika mood this morning so I brought him to listen to

E: You were in a Mika movie?

Me: no a Mika mood!

E: I thought you said Mika movie! could you see the jealousy on my face!!!??




on the ride home while listening to Dr. John:


E: the Mika this morning made this such a good day... but I practically failed both of the tests I got back today. Oh Dr. Joooohn, what am I do- Heather, when we're listening to Mika we're so jolly! thats the only word I can use to describe us we're just jolly!




at her house after school, having a WAG dance party:


E: Heather, my pants have been slipping down all day! They're so big I could fit a whole other person in here! preferably Mika...:naughty:


as you can tell my friend's a little crazy, but she sure made laugh today!

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Listening to Lollipop in the car:

dad-what is it he says? Something something your lollipop?

Me- umm :$ *starts singing because it thankfully got to another part*

dad- 'too much candy gonna rot your soul'? I guess these are just lyrics made to rhyme. Its not a song with a deeper meaning or anything.

Mum- he probably just likes candy.

Me- yeah, thats right. *extremely embarrassed* (cant tell them the REAL meaning of the song, so far they think mika is just this innocent high pitched poppy young lad- they dont know (as someone rightly put it earlier on this thread) THE DARK SIDE OF DA MIKA!)

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Listening to Lollipop in the car:

dad-what is it he says? Something something your lollipop?

Me- umm :$ *starts singing because it thankfully got to another part*

dad- 'too much candy gonna rot your soul'? I guess these are just lyrics made to rhyme. Its not a song with a deeper meaning or anything.

Mum- he probably just likes candy.

Me- yeah, thats right. *extremely embarrassed* (cant tell them the REAL meaning of the song, so far they think mika is just this innocent high pitched poppy young lad- they dont know (as someone rightly put it earlier on this thread) THE DARK SIDE OF DA MIKA!)



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