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Quotes about MIKA from normal (and not-so-normal) people


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At the last dinner party we were into my husband was telling our friends how Mika-obssessed i've been for the last months (jeeeeeeezzzz, i've been mocked about it for so long now), and his best friend says:"Oh, Mika, yes I like it too but I always liked Garfield more!, and I said, not Mickey! Mika!, Oh he said, and that stands for what????





Oh the poor people....they have no idea what they are missing!:pbjt:


Well, their loss!



well, i can't seee you're face, becasue i have no idea what you look like. i kind of imagine you as a green mika. :roftl:

but OMG, that would be so unexpected. Hilarious. :biggrin2:


Don't read too much into the avatars!:biggrin2:

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"I like his eyes. he has nice, big, puppy dog eyes. He's kinda cute."


Mommy :wub2:


Awwww!!! :wub2: Kinda' cute? I'd say ADORABLE!


Me: What'd you put as your favorite CD? (it was a question on our math test for some reason)

My friend: I dunno, I couldn't think of any so I just put that CD that you gave me. (LICM, of course)

Me: :mf_lustslow::boing::wub2:

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"I like his eyes. he has nice, big, puppy dog eyes. He's kinda cute."


Mommy :wub2:


Awwww!!! :wub2: Kinda' cute? I'd say ADORABLE!


Me: What'd you put as your favorite CD? (it was a question on our math test for some reason)

My friend: I dunno, I couldn't think of any so I just put that CD that you gave me. (LICM, of course)

Me: :mf_lustslow::boing::wub2::punk:




"Wow, I respect him a lot more than I thought I did."

--My friend after I told her how he doesn't discuss his sexuality because it's not relative to his career.

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"What? Are you a Mikafan? That's something to be proud of!..... How old is he?? Does he have a girlfriend??" - the boyfriend of one of my cousins (who has curly hair btw) and knows that I don't have a boyfriend...:blush-anim-cl::naughty:

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i was watching the love today video with my mum a little while ago( she had never seen it!!!!:boxed:) when my sister suddenly said :

" y'know Tayler, i used to listen to love today, then you started listening/watching it. so i stopped.":sneaky2: thats nice isn't it?!

my sister. evil girl.

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At the last dinner party we were into my husband was telling our friends how Mika-obssessed i've been for the last months (jeeeeeeezzzz, i've been mocked about it for so long now), and his best friend says:"Oh, Mika, yes I like it too but I always liked Garfield more!, and I said, not Mickey! Mika!, Oh he said, and that stands for what????







That looks like me & my cousin, last June, telling our aunt how excited we were to go to Mika's gig on the following month, and then she says "wow, that's so nice! Btw...Who's Mika?" :blink:



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Remembered another one:


My cousin met Mika after the gig in Lisbon (don't ask, or I'll bite! :sneaky2:) and when she got back home, she was showing the pics to a friend of hers (who kinda HATES Mika)...


My cousin - ...and here's me with Mika.

Friend - No way! That guy is NOT Mika. Mika is UGLY and...and...and...horrible! :shocked: That guy you're with CAN'T be Mika.

Cousin - No, it IS Mika.

Friend - NO IT ISN'T! The guy in the pic is cute, so...it's not Mika!



(and she insisted for a while... LOL)



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That looks like me & my cousin, last June, telling our aunt how excited we were to go to Mika's gig on the following month, and then she says "wow, that's so nice! Btw...Who's Mika?" :blink:




haha :roftl:

i had someone today ask me who MIKa was.

i have no idea why she put all letters in capitals apart from the a :blink:

i was little shocked that she didn't know.

but i was happy that it gave me an excuse to start talking about him again :naughty:

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haha :roftl:

i had someone today ask me who MIKa was.

i have no idea why she put all letters in capitals apart from the a :blink:

i was little shocked that she didn't know.

but i was happy that it gave me an excuse to start talking about him again :naughty:


:naughty: Any excuse is good to talk about Mika! :naughty:

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Remembered another one:


My cousin met Mika after the gig in Lisbon (don't ask, or I'll bite! :sneaky2:) and when she got back home, she was showing the pics to a friend of hers (who kinda HATES Mika)...


My cousin - ...and here's me with Mika.

Friend - No way! That guy is NOT Mika. Mika is UGLY and...and...and...horrible! :shocked: That guy you're with CAN'T be Mika.

Cousin - No, it IS Mika.

Friend - NO IT ISN'T! The guy in the pic is cute, so...it's not Mika!



(and she insisted for a while... LOL)




:roftl: :roftl:


Something similar:

One of my friends always said that Mika was ugly and bla bla bla, she really didn't like him; But then one day we had to do something for school so she came to my house and when she saw my wallpaper with a pic of Mika she was like "Oh! What a beautiful pic! He looks really cute!" Since then she stopped saying negative things :thumb_yello:

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:roftl: :roftl:


Something similar:

One of my friends always said that Mika was ugly and bla bla bla, she really didn't like him; But then one day we had to do something for school so she came to my house and when she saw my wallpaper with a pic of Mika she was like "Oh! What a beautiful pic! He looks really cute!"Since then she stopped saying negative things :thumb_yello:


i love it when that happens:roftl:

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It's the Mika magic :mf_rosetinted:

I wished it happened more. I'm used to negative reactions when I talk about Mika :thumbdown: Tsss they don't know what they miss! :wub2:


yeah, i get lots of negative reactions.

i was singing snippets from all the different mika songs from the top of my head and this girl comes up to me and says

" you really like all these goonies songs don't you?"

Me: wha? whatever.

girl: what other songs do you like?

me: me? i only really like mika.

girl: omg!! i've never met anyone who only likes mika

me: well, you live and learn

girl: you know he's gay right.

me: whatever you say, * sigh, starts singing again*

girl: my school teacher met him once and he told her.

me: i think you're thinking of someone else. *walks away*


everyone i try and talk to brings that up.

some girl the other day told me he was married

i was like what?!

then she said yeah, he's married to that guy blah blah blah

( turns out she was talking about elton john :roftl:)


i finally managed to get my best friend to listen to licm the other day and she asked me why he kept screaming halfway through his songs:roftl:

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girl: you know he's gay right.

me: whatever you say, * sigh, starts singing again*

girl: my school teacher met him once and he told her.

me: i think you're thinking of someone else. *walks away*


:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


Oh I would've answered something like "Yeah, and he called me yesterday saying he's getting married, and asking me to be the maid of honor!"



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Oh I would've answered something like "Yeah, and he called me yesterday saying he's getting married, and asking me to be the maid of honor!"





damn, why didn't i think of that? :roftl:

i probably wouldn't have said it though, she's a bully :boxed:

my class make fun of me because i have a few pictures in my books of him.

they steal my books and pass them around shouting TAYLER LOVES MIKA!!!!!

and when i put my music on ( full blast :fisch:) my form shout : NOT MIKA AGAIN!!!!!!


and yesterday someone even shouted ARE YOU LISTENING TO MIKA AGAIN???? I CAN HEAR IT FROM OVER HERE!!!! TURN IT DOWN! .no. i will never turn it down :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

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My kids asked for ipods at Xmas so they could listen to ANY OTHER THING BUT LICM MUMMY WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO THAT (and nothing else) FOR A YEAR NOW...

They ask me everyday when is Mika releasing a new album as they can't stand LICM anymore, and i reply i wish i knew, guys, i wish i knew...

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Oh, I had a nice one at work recently ..


We were talking about music and then the question came: what music do you listen?

So .. I hesitated a little while, but since I did my internship there (and I had my laptop with me because I needed it and my screensaver was my folder with Mika-pics :roftl:) most people knew .. Apart from 1 girl, she's new, so ..


So I said: still Mika

And she said: iiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuw, how can you listen to that? He can't sing at all! It's like a screaming cat ... (or something around those lines).


And before I could answer, 2 other people (older than me and 1 of them is almost 60 and a man) said: no, Mika's a good singer, good music!


It was so funny to see her face :roftl:

And then I said that maybe not everyone likes his voice that much (I felt a bit sorry for her) but that he's a great entertainer. And she suddenly was all like: yes, you're right, he's good ...



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random quotes from people online i've chatted to in recent days


'oh mika he's straight trust me, my mothers friends daughter was in a relationship with him 3 years ago'


I wasn't actually talking about his sexuality Someone else was it was a conversation online between me & 2 other people


another separate covesation online eugh you like Mika? sheesh he sucks how can you like him?


I said I just do he's a sweetie he's talented & he's hot too!!!


hotttt?? eeeeekk you need glasses you do!!!


then I showed her some photos & she went


umm well ehh yeah he is kinda yummy i guess looking at those photos mm they're quite nice

that shut her up lol


these are the photos i showed her btw






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i probably wouldn't have said it though, she's a bully :boxed:

my class make fun of me because i have a few pictures in my books of him.

they steal my books and pass them around shouting TAYLER LOVES MIKA!!!!!

and when i put my music on ( full blast :fisch) my form shout : NOT MIKA AGAIN!!!!!!


and yesterday someone even shouted ARE YOU LISTENING TO MIKA AGAIN???? I CAN HEAR IT FROM OVER HERE!!!! TURN IT DOWN! .no. i will never turn it down :


Ouch... :boxed:

That's so mean! My classmates made fun of me aswell, whan I was around 13/14 yrs old, because I listened to a band that they didn't like...you know how it is... So, I guess it's like that everywhere! We'll always find mean people.


Honestly, I don't mind when people say they don't like Mika, or that he's a bad singer, because there's always someone with different tastes, specially in music.


But making fun of Mika, because of his (unknown) sexual orientation...ha...they only try once, believe me! :sneaky2: Besides, you'll always find a gay person among the bands your mates listen to. And against that, they can't argue! :mf_rosetinted:


My kids asked for ipods at Xmas so they could listen to ANY OTHER THING BUT LICM MUMMY WE HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO THAT (and nothing else) FOR A YEAR NOW...

They ask me everyday when is Mika releasing a new album as they can't stand LICM anymore, and i reply i wish i knew, guys, i wish i knew...




Your kids are getting crazy like their mom, heh?


Oh, I had a nice one at work recently ..


We were talking about music and then the question came: what music do you listen?

So .. I hesitated a little while, but since I did my internship there (and I had my laptop with me because I needed it and my screensaver was my folder with Mika-pics :roftl:) most people knew .. Apart from 1 girl, she's new, so ..


So I said: still Mika

And she said: iiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuw, how can you listen to that? He can't sing at all! It's like a screaming cat ... (or something around those lines).


And before I could answer, 2 other people (older than me and 1 of them is almost 60 and a man) said: no, Mika's a good singer, good music!


It was so funny to see her face :roftl:

And then I said that maybe not everyone likes his voice that much (I felt a bit sorry for her) but that he's a great entertainer. And she suddenly was all like: yes, you're right, he's good ...


Poor girl! :naughty:

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