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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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That's not only freaking genius, that's abso****inglutely amazing!!!!!


I KNOW!!!! :shocked:


Well I still think he's cute. :sneaky2:


Oh, he's cute! He has the face of a 6 year old, of course he's cute! (The cutest six year old ever to walk this earth, at that), but it's unsettling to see it on an 18 year old body :naughty:


My download is now 73% finished and I'd like to finish it tonight but it's nearly 4am so I don't think I will. Time for bed.


Na-night all!


Wow! It's really fast! I normally don't download while I'm using the computer, I do it after I go to sleep :naughty: To each their own :naughty:



Me too - have-have to get up early tomorrow, we have a rent inspection :thumbdown:

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:bow: :bow: You are a freaking genius (and I guess I didn't hit refresh before posting )


And I was going to show off your skillz anywho:




I cropped it at the beads because the wood should have stopped when it reached the beads and seeing as it's kind of her trademark swing Margaret would have been like "wtf?!"

It looks totally like a proper nice semi-pro-ish photo now! Thank you Thank you thank you! And I LOVE the wing-shadow!




Nah, I highly doubt that.

OMFG!! He is creepy like that makauley caulkin kid (I have no idea how to spell that), he has his child face on a lanky body - WEEEEIIIIIIIRDDDDDDDDDDD!!! It's freaking me out! Please stop him being so lanky-childfaced! :shocked:



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That pic is... just the PSycho one isn't...




It's so sad you're excited by multi storey shopping centres...








I was front row centre for Mika... we were there from about 3pm... I figure we can get there once you've freshened up and if there's no-one there we can get some food and wait...




I was an observer... only cause I had to (modding)...




Yeah, I know!


Well we got windy today... apparently it was 4 1/2 degrees this morning...


Exactly! Why didn't they make more of an effort!


Why am I not surprised at Teale... but Chrislyn???


We were all ready to get over it when he was supposed to be at V Festival... then he cancelled... though we should have known cause he usually cancelled




Of course!!!


I was in front of Martin when I went... I could have touched his leg if I tried...

ahhh sure, sure "modding" :nauhty: *pbs*

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No :fisch:



it was the phone companies idea... they needed proof I could call the US but not sms it... so I called... but hung up before letting you answer :zhhz:


Oh ok :lol3:


I was just like "WTF? :blink:"




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Oh, I'm still here. I was just saying goodnight to Tanya. Do you honestly think I would go to bed at 10:15pm in the holidays?


I should hope not!


New blog from yours truly....


And now I am off to bed, have placements tomorrow, now that their back from school holidays (only now that I've done the necessary hours, its no longer placements, and just me mentoring/tutoring as a volunteer)


Chat tomorrow


:lmfao: ....and that is why I always shake my towel, check the roof and bed before I get in and check my clothes and shoes before I put anything on!


Oh yeah, so Margaret's bird ... died. I walked out there and she was dead on the bottom of her cage. Horrible, we have NO idea what happened to her, she was fine no more than half an hour earlier - fine! And then dead! I'm suuuper worried about Piggy now, I freaking put Piggy in Sam's cage with her yesterday!

Anyway, Margaret is understandably upset, we got Piggy and Sam together! 4 years ago! And on Thursday at 3am she is going to Melbourne for a week and a half and then going straight to Europe/etc with my dad, so I wanted to try and print and frame a picture of Sam for her tomorrow, but stupid me has been putting off properly photoshooting Sam and the only pictures I have of her were taken at night with a stupid flash


Poor Margaret...I'm sorry about Sam!:wub2:


*wanders in singing "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus... koo koo ca choo"*


I agree... I actually finished it before my sister... she ended up going to Canberra to meet up with one of her HP friends and then came home later... I kicked her arse actually...


Impressive entrance!

Good for you:thumb_yello:


I was 3 then I’ve never heard it. But the video was directed by that girl who directed Mika’s videos!

Also never heard of it But the dancing is awesome.

You’re really forgetting the “I was three years old then” thing And I didn’t live in Australia until I was 6, not that I could remember any music from then anyway


Ooh! Colour!

Oh, that girl was in one of the pictures from the slideshow!


1. I wasn't even thought of when Elvis was at his peak but I still know him and his songs :bleh:...and they're not Australian so it shouldn't matter that you weren't here and I didn't know that anyway!


That clip is from the film Green Mansions, one of the ones I want to see the most. The girl is Audrey Hepburn. One of the most famous actresses of all time. Never heard of Breakfast At Tiffany's?


Oh yeah , I guess I know her! I haven't seen that though :P



I give up, there's no hope for her...nore blasphemy!

*walks away grumbling*...how can you not know Audrey Hepburn?

...and before you say anything, I wasn't thought of when that was released either but I've still seen it and know who she is :bleh:


I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes

Christmas is all around me, and so the feeling grows

So if you really love Christmas

C'mon and let it snow!


Mine too! Thomas is sooo cute.


Goodnight Sweet dreams!!! Have a good one!! :bye:


Hi Wendi!


Good morning Aussies


Get on with that course work OKD


Morning Silver:wub2:.....and don't bother, she never listens.

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I would be disappointed if you didn't...have you seen off the other girl yet?

Oh, you're an arm girl too!

Please OKD may I have one!


Well, no. Seeing as we're casual friends and I quite like her. But I think she's got the message...

She's definitely not the only one though...my exchange student mentioned today that a girl in their acting class seems to be infatuated with him...and her I REALLY dislike :mf_rosetinted:

*polishes gun*


She's cruel like that. :naughty:


Oh my God!! Brian May was just talking on the radio! Well not really, but they played a clip of him talking about Queen letting the audience be a part of their live shows. How amazing. I just had the sudden urge to turn on the radio and about 30 seconds later they played that clip! :shocked:


Oooooh, psychotic moment!


I like guitarists... and bass guitarists... :das:



Have you seen a guitarist's fingers??? They usually have quite thin fingers... let me prove that point...



Bass guitarists can have thin fingers too.








Tell me about it!


Look at those boney little fingers. :naughty: Lovely though.. :wub2:




I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes

Christmas is all around me, and so the feeling grows

So if you really love Christmas

C'mon and let it snow!


I love Love Actually. My favourite movie of all time.


And Thomas Sangster is one of the cutest kids ever (well he's not really a kid anymore. He's 18 now!).



Elf boy!!


I LOVE LOVE ACTUALLY! And it's Christmas soon so I can watch it! :D

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Does it sound like I want to?


I think my dad and Margaret are pretty unhappy with their landlord here. Is the impression I get: "OMG, I can't believe so-and-so-renty-person, this is the LAST straw!"

They own TWO houses down south, and they were just staying up here where it is expensive and impossible to buy a property like this to be close to me and my brother, and now we're "old" they want to move :naughty:

And the constant "Oh Biancaaa, you know that I moved out when I was 16?? I thought it was great! What do you think? Don't you want to live on your own??"


But I will only move out if I can find a suitable live in position at a vet I think. That would suit me well I think. They give you a free flat + amenities (and I'm sure would pretty much all take pets) in return for checking/cleaning cages in the morning or night :biggrin2:


The problem is that they all start in early December, when the 5th year students graduate, and I can't start until mid January ...

I am getting like 3 live-in advert emails from the vet school every day atm :thumbdown: And they all want you to start 1st December...


What about you? :naughty:

A free flat + amenities just for helping out? That's brilliant. :punk: My parents are the exact opposite of yours, rather than hinting that I should move out they hint that unless I get married I'm going to live with them forever. :shocked: But I seriously need more space and freedom so I'm planning to move out anyway (assuming that I can get the finances in order - it's going to be hard if not impossible :boxed:).


Is it still 14 months of procrastination or are we up to 17 months??

Have you been procrastinating about updating your siggy?

No, it has been 14 months since June 3rd last year.

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A free flat + amenities just for helping out? That's brilliant. :punk: My parents are the exact opposite of yours, rather than hinting that I should move out they hint that unless I get married I'm going to live with them forever. :shocked: But I seriously need more space and freedom so I'm planning to move out anyway (assuming that I can get the finances in order - it's going to be hard if not impossible :boxed:).

I'll sleep on your couch *pbs*


No, it has been 14 months since June 3rd last year.

But, we're not in August anymore.. :naughty:

(and I canceled August anyway)

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Hurro my widdle Aussies :wub2:


Hurro :cheerful_h4h:


A free flat + amenities just for helping out? That's brilliant. My parents are the exact opposite of yours, rather than hinting that I should move out they hint that unless I get married I'm going to live with them forever. :shocked: But I seriously need more space and freedom so I'm planning to move out anyway (assuming that I can get the finances in order - it's going to be hard if not impossible :boxed:).


:boxed: I'm the same as OKD...my mum wants to move as soon as I graduate, pretty much. I'm planning on going back to England, and I can probably stay in the flat that adjoins to my grandparents' house until I sort myself out...

How come your parents are so set on you staying? (I don't mean that in a 'how can they possibly stand your company' kind of way)


Hello All ! :bye: Had another one of those crappy nights sleep last night .... *sigh* .... hope yooz are all well & happy .... :original:


Hey HK!

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Hurro :cheerful_h4h:




:boxed: I'm the same as OKD...my mum wants to move as soon as I graduate, pretty much. I'm planning on going back to England, and I can probably stay in the flat that adjoins to my grandparents' house until I sort myself out...

How come your parents are so set on you staying? (I don't mean that in a 'how can they possibly stand your company' kind of way)




Hey HK!


Hey ER ! :wub2: Wow .... would that be a big move for you ?? Since you have lived in Canada for quite awhile now ? When you show pics. from your part of Canada ... it always looks so lovely there ! :thumb_yello: Which year do you graduate ... :blink:

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Hey ER ! :wub2: Wow .... would that be a big move for you ?? Since you have lived in Canada for quite awhile now ? When you show pics. from your part of Canada ... it always looks so lovely there ! :thumb_yello: Which year do you graduate ... :blink:


Yeah, it'd probably be quite stressful but when I went to England over the summer...I decided that's where I want to live :wub2: Don't get me wrong--I love it here, my school and my friends have been amazing, and yes it is incredibly beautiful...but where I live holds absolutely no prospects for me. If I were to go to uni in Canada, I would go to Montreal--which is on the other side of the country anyways. I figure if I'm going to uproot, I may as well return to the one other place where I feel at home. My best friend lives in England as well, so it would be good to be near her.

I graduate in 2010...

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Hello All ! Had another one of those crappy nights sleep last night .... *sigh* .... hope yooz are all well & happy ....

Hey. Are you awake now? I had a good sleep once I fell asleep which seemed to take forever. Early to bed tonight.

Back from placement...going to go attempt to do some study *groans*

*whips crack*

I'm the same as OKD...my mum wants to move as soon as I graduate, pretty much. I'm planning on going back to England, and I can probably stay in the flat that adjoins to my grandparents' house until I sort myself out...

How come your parents are so set on you staying? (I don't mean that in a 'how can they possibly stand your company' kind of way)

I'm wondering how they put up with her. :naughty:

I know the answer, but I'll leave her to explain *pbs*

Yeah, it'd probably be quite stressful but when I went to England over the summer...I decided that's where I want to live :wub2: Don't get me wrong--I love it here, my school and my friends have been amazing, and yes it is incredibly beautiful...but where I live holds absolutely no prospects for me. If I were to go to uni in Canada, I would go to Montreal--which is on the other side of the country anyways. I figure if I'm going to uproot, I may as well return to the one other place where I feel at home. My best friend lives in England as well, so it would be good to be near her.

I graduate in 2010...

And we'll have somewhere to crash when we visit!! :boing:

Sounds like a good plan. And you'll get to go to all those fantastic concerts. :punk:

btw, I never got my postcard from you. :sneaky2:

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And we'll have somewhere to crash when we visit!! :boing:

Sounds like a good plan. And you'll get to go to all those fantastic concerts. :punk:

btw, I never got my postcard from you. :sneaky2:

Exactly! :naughty:

*cough* The music scene is a part of why I'm going back too...:rolls_eyes:


:shocked: But I told Hedwig to take it to Kelzy!

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Mine too! Thomas is sooo cute.
I LOVE LOVE ACTUALLY! And it's Christmas soon so I can watch it! :D


Yay! Lots of people love Love Actually!


Oooooh, psychotic moment!




I graduate in 2010...


Me too. I'll probably be staying in Albury though. All of my friends think I'm crazy because they can't wait to get out of here and move to Melbourne and Sydney. But I think I'll prefer staying at home than trying to rent a place. My parents are okay with that as well.

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Exactly! :naughty:

*cough* The music scene is a part of why I'm going back too...:rolls_eyes:


:shocked: But I told Hedwig to take it to Kelzy!

I'd find any excuse to move to England just to see ( = getting squished whilst hearing not much more than thousands squealing) Bon Jovi at Wembley. :blush-anim-cl:


Hedwig!!! :roftl: That movie is amazing. I'd been meaning to watch ever since you linked me to Sugar Daddy :naughty:


Hmmm.. stuff your postcard, just send me Hedwig. :wub2:

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I'd find any excuse to move to England just to see ( = getting squished whilst hearing not much more than thousands squealing) Bon Jovi at Wembley.


Hedwig!!! :roftl: That movie is amazing. I'd been meaning to watch ever since you linked me to Sugar Daddy :naughty:


Hmmm.. stuff your postcard, just send me Hedwig. :wub2:


Ahh, but if you get up front then it doesn't matter what you hear 'cause the view makes up for it. :das:


What? :roftl: I never linked you to Sugar Daddy...I take it Hedwig is the singer? I was thinking more...you know, along the lines of an owl :naughty:


*sighs* I must be off...I have to shower and then go to bed...

Nighty night! :huglove:

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Yeah, it'd probably be quite stressful but when I went to England over the summer...I decided that's where I want to live :wub2: Don't get me wrong--I love it here, my school and my friends have been amazing, and yes it is incredibly beautiful...but where I live holds absolutely no prospects for me. If I were to go to uni in Canada, I would go to Montreal--which is on the other side of the country anyways. I figure if I'm going to uproot, I may as well return to the one other place where I feel at home. My best friend lives in England as well, so it would be good to be near her.

I graduate in 2010...

Aaah ... that's understandable ! I'd love to visit UK/Euro. .... don't know if I could live there for too long tho' ..... Oz is prob. always going to be home for me ... :wub2:

Hey. Are you awake now? I had a good sleep once I fell asleep which seemed to take forever. Early to bed tonight.

Hey Kelz ... yeah, I iz awake .... I'm just so over not sleeping well :thumbdown: On a brighter note , losing the net sent me back to reading real books again .... i.e. my astrology books ... & after a few years of really difficult transits :boxed: ... pretty soon I will start to have some wonderful transits ... full of hope & possibility ... :cheerful_h4h: *pats good transits*


EDIT: G'night Rosie ! :bye:

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Night Bec.. Oh I have a creepy and funny story for you. I'll tell you tomorrow.



Its tomorrow now *bats lashes* Storytime?



*whips crack*


*points to two pages of notes she just did*


*goes on extended study break*

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