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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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We are pickle fans here. :bow:

There will be none of this Olive talk. :sneaky2:


(it's for your own good. :wink2: )

begging your forgiveness, ma'am, it was the example given in my textbook!

(dare I ask the origin of the War of the Olives & Pickles?)

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:lmfao: What a fascinating & random read the last x-amount of pages were !!! American/Canadian busy banter !! :naughty:


Hiya Soy & everyone else ... :bye:


The python has moved on today ... but I still hope to post a pic. or 2 later .:thumb_yello:

:blush-anim-cl: *Quotes self 'cos had to log out due to storm* .... *goes to read back ... to catch up* :boxed:

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So this is the week where we drive you nuts in real time!!

What sort of RL things you got planned? Are you going to practice your baking cake skills??


Truly exciting RL stuff like getting estimates for a new boiler ... hospital appt .. getting hair cut ....


but also planning some MFC stuff - there's a thread I want to start, and I'm finding photos to do my own Mika calendar (don't like the ones in the version available)



:mf_rosetinted:I think I've done enough on the cake front.

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Is this an Anthony Perkins movie by any chance? (Wild guess...)

And yes you should..

Well, technically those files must exist in a temp folder on your computer somewhere.. It's finding them that is a problem.. they are normally named "4589dffjkskdfj344345" or smth..But I'll look into it for you..


:shocked: Wow! How did you guess? :naughty:


Don't worry about it. I've decided that I will do the honourable thing and purchase it.

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Osmoregulation is how organisms balance solute concentration/gain & loss of water.


Cosmoregulation is how magazines balance gratuitous sex surveys/gain & loss of subscribers.


Cosmoregulation :floor:

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begging your forgiveness, ma'am, it was the example given in my textbook!

(dare I ask the origin of the War of the Olives & Pickles?)

One night, by the refridgerator light, there was 1 girl and 1 jar of pickles. 10 minutes later, there were no more pickles. :naughty:

Olives just don't represent good Aussie values like pickles do..


:blush-anim-cl: *Quotes self 'cos had to log out due to storm* .... *goes to read back ... to catch up* :boxed:

Heya HK!! Nice storm?? Thunder? Lightning? Very very frightening?


Truly exciting RL stuff like getting estimates for a new boiler ... hospital appt .. getting hair cut ....

I'm intrigued. Tell me more. :bleh:

but also planning some MFC stuff - there's a thread I want to start, and I'm finding photos to do my own Mika calendar (don't like the ones in the version available)

Thread about what??

Umm.. what's in the version available, and where do I find it?

I think I've done enough on the cake front.

NO nO noNOnoNOnooooNOOoooo noo. No.. You need to make a glow in the dark cake like OkD's.

Branston Pickle :licks_lips:



You can be PFC member #5 then.

I'll ignore that last bit..

Osmoregulation is how organisms balance solute concentration/gain & loss of water.


Cosmoregulation is how magazines balance gratuitous sex surveys/gain & loss of subscribers.


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Cosmoregulation :floor:


Thank you. it just came to me.

I'm using any means necessary to remember this stuff.


here's a related joke:

why did the man get fired from the orange juice factory?

he couldn't concentrate!

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They are Jack Russells!!


Awwww... gorgeousness!



I want one! Do you think FedEx ships puppies?


That's a good question...


None of them are here right now, but if you leave a message with the interfering american and canadian, we'll make sure the real aussies get it.


Secretarial service?


I haven't decided yet. It always takes forever for me to decide. It's a toss up between a lollipop and a hangover.


Hangover sounds good..


They make our sarcasm look like mika's butt. Non-existant.




It scares me too, I just remember seeing you log in and me being like AMY!!!!!!!!! and it taking a while then suddenly a "hi" and it was odd 'cuz it wasnt exciting and there was no capitals and period, and then "it's jack, amy's boyfriend." and i got concerned, and then he told me what happened.


I thought the same thing...




In December last year Amy had a car accident... she was AWOL for at least a day (I actually can't remember... Amy?)


Jack came online and told the Aussies that were online at HK's place that he couldn't find her...


Soooo - anyone got a backpackers in Sydney to recommend?

Every single one says it fantastic and then has reviews saying it's crap. I'm totally bored of it *closes eyes and points to one*


I need one near ... what's that place called? Oh, I already forgot, I think Tegan said it's close to where the Forum is, and one that's just close to the city/touristy stuff ... maybe just the same one because I'm lazy :smth:






How's that one? It's cheap... and really close to Central... unless you want me to find one near Moore Park...

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So - Princess is dead.

The vet was a really nice guy, but he said there's no chance of her improving, and for her to survive or be comfortable she'd have to stay in a small pen for the rest of her life, and she freaks out when she's away from the others. So yeah. She was really unhappy anyway, you could totally see it.


But yeah, you know what I'm going to ask, right?

Actually, I have a whole photo diary collection of photos of Princess-poo since her birth. But they were taken with my dodgy dodgy old camera.


*decides to spam thread with an aww-princess-was-a-cutey-patooty tribute*

















I'm so sorry Bianca... She was a gorgeous sheep though... and at least she's not in pain...



She's probably frolicking in that great big paddock in the sky now!



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Good grief OKD, that was actually a well-reasoned argument


I pretty much copied it from the chatter last night :naughty:


do you get your Sunday papers on Saturdays?

here, it's not hypothetical, it's for REAL!


I require proof of this nonsense.


Yesh, very creepy indeed..

Well, according to a website I saw, what people (not us obviously) are doing is creating a playlist and then burning the playlist to a disc and then ripping the tracks back onto their computer..Apparently it works for them...


Okay! Thanks!


As far as I know our Sunday papers get printed on Saturday night / early Sunday morning.. I think they struggle to fill them with anything interesting anyway.

Do you read the comics?


BTW! I am going to be in the local newspaper about Costa Rica! I am going in on Thursday for an interview and photo!!!! They must be SERIOUSLY struggling around these here parts :naughty: I'm trying to wrangle my friend into coming with me so I don't look like a pompous kind of "look how cool I am, I'm going to Costa Rica, everyone read about my trip here" person.


begging your forgiveness, ma'am, it was the example given in my textbook!

(dare I ask the origin of the War of the Olives & Pickles?)


No war on Olives, just a predisposition for Pickles :thumb_yello:


In December last year Amy had a car accident... she was AWOL for at least a day (I actually can't remember... Amy?)


Jack came online and told the Aussies that were online at HK's place that he couldn't find her...


Ohhh, when I wasn't on MFC yet :shocked:

*bites finger nails* I hope she's okay! Did she make it?




How's that one? It's cheap... and really close to Central... unless you want me to find one near Moore Park...


The numerous plays on "wake up" are hurting my brain :naughty:

You have stayed there, I take it? How much is it? Because it's one of those annoying "Neener neener, I'm not telling you how much ti actually is until you send in your application" ones, it might cost more in peak season, also, it says this

*Reservations between 20 Dec - 4 Jan, minimum stay 7 nights and require 3 weeks notification of cancellation (cancellations within this period incur a 100% charge).

Don't know if that includes the night of the 4th (but I think so), and you wanted to stay there the night of the 4th, didn't you?


I'm so sorry Bianca... She was a gorgeous sheep though... and at least she's not in pain...


She's probably frolicking in that great big paddock in the sky now!




Awww :cheerful_h4h:

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And yes you're right... I can't even see if it's available those days...



That last link I gave is $40 per bed.. but I don't want to go too cheap... the cheaper the place, the dodgier...




That Wake up one is $40 per bed too... but in an 8 bed dorm...

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Bianca - we're not likely going to get one near Moore Park (it's near Paddington, and it's expensive)... best bet is near Central... it's only a 5 min (at the most) bus ride to the Hordern pavillion...


Okay then! :thumb_yello: So we are looking for ones near Central, then?

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Bianca... I found another one... http://www.hb-247.com/aff/index.cfm


Ah, the mysterious second link you spoke of :naughty:


But it doesn't work :tears:


And yes you're right... I can't even see if it's available those days...



That last link I gave is $40 per bed.. but I don't want to go too cheap... the cheaper the place, the dodgier...


Yes, highly annoying. Did you stay there before though? How much was it?


And $40? *whines* :naughty: That maaay be so, but not neccessarilyyyyy :naughty:

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