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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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Next friday, but I have one the monday after that as well, so want to get it out of the way


How did you go? Did you get it and Monday’s done?


Just imagine what they can do with theose skinny fingers ...


OG... bad omen!


I love it! (and thanks Suzy for posting it in Kath's thread for Tanya to steal!)


Not touching that!:naughty:

I thought it was a good omen….at least he was here touring!:wink2:

Always happy to do a little petty larceny for a good cause!


Oops! Sorry to keep you waiting!

I bought an Ipod Touch!


Oooooh! Shiny!


Teegs took the words right out of mouth….and yay I finally figured out where I got that bl**dy “Oooooo Shiny” from….it’s been driving me nuts!:roftl:


TOPLESS PIC - Lazy I know!


OMFG that photo!!!!! Has really, really, big fangirl moment *sighs*:wub2::mf_lustslow:


I'm going to watch The Sound Of Music!


OMG I love The Sound of Music. Apparently when I was little I watched it that much that my poor mum now hates it!

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Okay, so I zoned out. Here's my buys from today:


Stuff for that necklace! My friend's birthday is next week Saturday! I made one tenticle just now and it looks pretty good I think. Some things I will do differently, but I'll treat this tenticle as a practice one



Hiking shoes for Costa Rica! $69! Score! My dad paid for them! MASSIVE SCORE!


Other stuff for Costa Rica! 50% off! Score!


Glad to see you went with the necklace!:thumb_yello:

Yay for Costa Rica Freebies and cheapies.



Who knows. I had to buy all the stuff in multi-packs anyway, but I think I've already had at least 3 orders in this thread


*sigh* Well, it's a extra absorbant/quick dry travel towel and a packing cube for keeping stuff neat in my bag


Who was the third order?

You! Neat! I no believe it!:naughty:


So you see me as a voice from the grave, do you?

(Sshh - I am on leave next week so I am going to try to sneak in some chat at a time when everyone in Oz is actually awake)


Depends….how old are you again? tee hee hee!

*jumps for joy* :woot_jump:


Longer running than you?


You are age obsessed missy!


Possibly - I can't remember when it started cos we didn't have a TV when I was young.


*channels OKD* How long ago was that?:naughty:


And sweet dreams all my other lovely Aussies.


Even Kelzy the slapper (Tanya slapper that is)




Do you want your lollipop back now?


Well, we see Tanya as a voice from the fiery depths of hell, so why not have you in a grave?


*slaps Tan*



What did you do to it?

What’s this we business?

I even get slapped when I’m not here….I wondered what that smile was doing on my face for no reason :das: Please may I have some more Ms. K:das:

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Becster! Twatty! long time no boff


Smutty little pervert!:bleh:



Probably her sinceI have good morals. *zhhz*


You shouldn’t leave holes big enough to drive a truck through!:naughty:


Hello! I have Itunes money!


Woo hoo!


ZOMBIE PIC - Lazy again!


Is that a self portrait Kelz?:naughty:


Another movie I've just finished watching (I watched most of it last night, but seeing as it goes for about 14 and a half hours I couldn't finish) is The Sound Of Music. Now I have a thing for Captain Von Trapp! Georg (gay-org) is a beautiful name!


Doesn't everybody just love this scene? EDIT: Sorry for the huge picture!


Nah…not me, I thought he was a pig!




I totally sat down and started and finished something all in one go! It only took about 5 hours I think!


Photos suck because of close up + flash, so I'll take some better ones in the daylight tomorrow :P


OMG that is freaking brilliant! You should make heaps and sell them!



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Ohhh, that sucks I can't have anything other than sterling silver in my ears So I usually rip apart awesome earrings to make them attachable to sterling silver earrings


If it was on a plastic chain it would be alright, wouldn't it? Can you even get plastic chains?


You're weird


I love chunky cheap and nasty jewellery just as much as classy expensive stuff! :wink2: *waits for Kelzy to pick up on the cheap and nasty bit*


after what you did with it?


Oh, what did she do with it?

Oh! My favorite is the Colin Firth one. Very dreamy, that man.


That man is a honey and a half!:wub2:


Couldn't be arsed to MQ, so.....

3. I am no longer visually impaired...


Aaawwww…those glasses suit you perfectly! You look gorgeous.:thumb_yello:



wats up?


Too much red cordial for you!:naughty:


I'm here SD !! KOOKS are on Rage !!!!


Right there with ya HK!


KOOKS ARE ON RAGE !!!.... why is no one going mental .... ????? !!!! Pfffttt .. you guys are weird ...it's only been weeks that you have been raving about this band .... PFFFTTT !!!


We’re fickle......NOT!!!


HOLY ****! HK! I COULD KISS YOU! The second I read this I was like "OMG I AM THE BIGGEST IDIOT IN THE WORLD!" I turned on tv in a hurry and it was doing the rating/warning thing before the show! So I rewinded the tape that was in there (the fratellis) as much as I could before it started .. Which wasn't very much

*can only assume Tanya has a more sufficient memory*

*and far better reception, I hate our highly varying and unpredictable reception, it's much worse than it was for the fratellis *


Oh dear lord. What are these light up girl and boy bits? Did they choose this song? D:


How could you possibly forget? I’ve been reminding you every day for like three weeks!!!!:shocked:

Tanya definitely has superior memory and has finished uploading said vids!:wink2:

Yes, they did choose the song and yes the light up girl boy bits are interesting….but it takes the glare off their faces!:naughty:

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Seeing as nobody is here I shall spam the thread with some screencaps I just took of The Matchmaker!

Hope you like them (even though this is primarily for my own enyjoment)!


Spam away!

OKD never let that stop her from spamming!:naughty:



Pebbles had 5 pups 4 dogs and one bitch!!

Snowy, Poppy, Sparky, Pip and Smudge!!

Photos in the Oldlings!!!


How exciting…I love doggies!:wub2:


hullo, Australians what's going on?


Ooooooohhhhh….I was going to be naughty and say fresh meat has arrived on the aussie thread but I’ll be nice instead and just say welcome!!!!:wink2:


so do these Aussies know you just run all wild and sarcastic through their thread when they're not home?


We do….and it’s part of her charm.


*ahem*Post whores!

(Wow, I'm such a smiley whore *pbs*)



….and post whore….and spam whore etc etc:naughty:


So - Princess is dead The vet was a really nice guy, but he said there's no chance of her improving, and for her to survive or be comfortable she'd have to stay in a small pen for the rest of her life, and she freaks out when she's away from the others. So yeah. She was really unhappy anyway, you could totally see it.


But yeah, you know what I'm going to ask, right?

Actually, I have a whole photo diary collection of photos of Princess-poo since her birth. But they were taken with my dodgy dodgy old camera.


*decides to spam thread with an aww-princess-was-a-cutey-patooty tribute*


Aaawwww I’m so, sorry! *huggles you tight*

They’re lovely photos OKD :huglove:



good morning, Australians!


there are some odd characters lurking about here

when you're away.


hope you don't mind me dropping in,

as you're awake when most of my usual

gang of suspects seem to be asleep!


There are some very odd characters lurking when we’re here too!:roftl:

It’s the honorary aussies you understand…they rub off on us and then we act strange too! :naughty:

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here's a related joke:

why did the man get fired from the orange juice factory?

he couldn't concentrate!




Who's Kevin 'bloody' Wilson?


*cough splutter choke slaps*:shocked:



I just had the most amazing idea for something that I want to happen

So you see how they usually have a musician on GNW? And how the person on now who I do not know seems to be pretty mainstream, well, he looks like Justin Timberlake or smth. Right? Well ... how ****ING BRILLIANT would it be is Mika went on GNW when he makes it back to Australia?

*daydreams *


Okay, I guess Mika probably isn't as good at humorous improvisation But it's worth them giving him a chance!


He did look like him didn’t he? Poor ba**ard!

Do you really want to put Mika in the path of Paul and Mikey?:naughty:



Awww, Frank Woodley just made a joke about James Blunt's high singing voice. *loses a little bit if respect*


(It's okay, he gained some for his kangaroo impersonation and anus jokes, so he's still in the lead as the coolest person ever)


He was so funny but then he always is!:roftl:

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1:30 sounds good to me. My only problem will be that I'll have to go home sooner than normal. I really need to be back home by 6:30pm. Unfortunately this is non-negotiable.


Yay for adding..


My cats love the window sill here at the computer. So I have to make sure minimal fur goes behind the desk and into the box.. Anyway, I have a stool next to the computer so they can jump on that, then onto the window sill.. avoids damages. You'll have to make their easy life easier.



I'm sure we can work with that then. That means you need to catch which time train home?


There's my beside table which she can easily jump onto it from... but some days she tries to jump from my bed instead and misses the gap.. silly cat.

With her fat pregnant belly, she fell off it before, dragging the curtains down with her. It was hilarious (and a pain in the arse to fix)



How did you go? Did you get it and Monday’s done?






I got the first draft for fridays done.. will have to type it up.

And monday's one I haven't started because I was "taking a break" but I plan to start it tomorrow.. still giving me plenty of time :wink2:

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HELLO TANYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bonk:


"chunky cheap and nasty" You said it.. :naughty::bleh:

I'm sure we can work with that then. That means you need to catch which time train home?

The 5ish one.

There's my beside table which she can easily jump onto it from... but some days she tries to jump from my bed instead and misses the gap.. silly cat.

With her fat pregnant belly, she fell off it before, dragging the curtains down with her. It was hilarious (and a pain in the arse to fix)

:roftl::roftl: Awww.. They do the funniest things.

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I got the first draft for fridays done.. will have to type it up.

And monday's one I haven't started because I was "taking a break" but I plan to start it tomorrow.. still giving me plenty of time


Nothing wrong with taking a "break"!:naughty:

I have been known to provide assistance with assignments before...and if someone was to scan and e-mail her notes...someone else might be inclined to type them for her :fisch:


HELLO TANYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bonk:


"chunky cheap and nasty" You said it.. :naughty:



*squeals with excitement* KEEEELLLLLZZZZYYYYY :huglove::huglove::huglove:

I've missed you soooooooooo much!

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Sounds fine, Kelz, it shouldn't take too long. Which train do you need to catch?


EDIT: Oops, question answered. *zhhz*



*squeals with excitement* KEEEELLLLLZZZZYYYYY :huglove::huglove::huglove:

I've missed you soooooooooo much!


Of course you did :mf_rosetinted:

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hi everyone :(

i was a bad friend today...i slept in and left cheese at school by herself I FEEL SO BAAAAD :crybaby:

and its even worse because she is sick and came just for me and i left her :(

i said sorry lots but i want her to know im really sorry by telling her on mfc lol IM SORRY BESTEST FRIEND CHEESE I LOVE YOU LOTS PLEASE DONT BE SAD AT ME:)

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The 5ish one.


:roftl::roftl: Awww.. They do the funniest things.

Thats managable


That they do


Nothing wrong with taking a "break"!:naughty:

I have been known to provide assistance with assignments before...and if someone was to scan and e-mail her notes...someone else might be inclined to type them for her :fisch:




Tempting... but it'd take longer for me to scan notes than to type them (I can't scan them onto dads computer because the printer cracks it when its plugged into it, and I haven't installed it onto this one yet)


besides.. I change things, and reword things when typing :wink2:

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Hello! :biggrin2:



Thats managable


That they do

Uh huh.. I really have no choice.. I can't be getting home at 9ish like other times.. But, I'm still 95% maybeyesh anyway.

Yesh, they do. We have a new toy here.. It's a cat tunnel.. Gabaa likes it the most ft. leaping into it with his head inside it and his bum hanging out of it.

Sorry it's blurry. there was alot of action going on. :naughty:



Hiya guys !! Gosh ... new stuff ! :bye:

Hello! Yep. It's pretty. *pbs* *squee*

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Uh huh.. I really have no choice.. I can't be getting home at 9ish like other times.. But, I'm still 95% maybeyesh anyway.

Yesh, they do. We have a new toy here.. It's a cat tunnel.. Gabaa likes it the most ft. leaping into it with his head inside it and his bum hanging out of it.

Sorry it's blurry. there was alot of action going on. :naughty:



As long as that 95% maybeyes doesn't become 95% maybeno :naughty:

:lmfao: way to go gabba




I got your girl today Melz.... she's good.

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As long as that 95% maybeyes doesn't become 95% maybeno

:lmfao: way to go gabba

MaybeNono! :naughty:

Gabaa is skilled *MV*

I got your girl today Melz.... she's good.

Fanks luv.. I'm still awaiting yours.. Tomorrow??


*want's to see everyone's drawings but knows she cant* :crybaby:


Hiya Soy ! :punk:

I have mine on photophucket. :wink2:


Hello HK!


Any idea why we need all this "friends" stuff?

So that you can't escape our sturker ways.. :bleh:

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Hello HK!


Any idea why we need all this "friends" stuff?

SILVZY !!! :huglove: ... Haha, funny you should mention that ... I was gonna ask the same thing !! :blink: I dunno ... still haven't got my head around it ... I'm 'guessing' it's just that it's a new feature on the upgrade but ... I don't really understand the need for it ... anyway, I'll ask the other moddies as they get online ... :thumb_yello:

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SILVZY !!! :huglove: ... Haha, funny you should mention that ... I was gonna ask the same thing !! :blink: I dunno ... still haven't got my head around it ... I'm 'guessing' it's just that it's a new feature on the upgrade but ... I don't really understand the need for it ... anyway, I'll ask the other moddies as they get online ... :thumb_yello:


I can't see why we need it? And people will get upset if they're not invited/declined so you probably end up inviting/accepting everyone, so where does that get you?

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