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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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I'm way behind you :naughty: I think you have nothing to fear.


yeah I know... but have you seen some people that joined later than you and have a much larger post count???


I bet she just looked at the pictures :roftl:





I can't say I won't either... at least the early pictures of Adam are safe... They're just not attractive... around the time of The Joshua Tree however :das:





*feels the need to post a a Mika pic but can't be bothered*

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Okay, I'm tag-idea-less, throw your extra tags that you all claim to have mulling in your heads and I'll pick the best two :naughty:


Today I went to Perth after school with the plan of going to try on properly the backpacks I saw there to compare to the ones in the camping shops here. When I got there I decided I should probably first go to Harbour Town to check the very last Jay Jays that I know of to see if they had a bag that I'd seen weeks ago and thought "Oh my god, this is the most perfect bag ever, I shall wait until it magically becomes cheaper, as is Jay Jays custom, and then buy it!", which subsequently went completely missing and has never been seen since. It turns out that it was ridiculously hot today though, and I was wearing jeans, and had to walk 2-3 km through unsheltered ridicuous heat to get to Harbour Town, but it was totally worth it - because they had the bag!


I'm totally not a bag person. My bags are: my school bag and one little one that just fits my camera, drivers license and smartrider card (and that one's too dressy to bring out just casually .. and it doesn't fit my wallet). And I have been looking everywhere for one that is not-too-big and not-too-small, and not-too-dressy and not-too-ugly, and this one is it! It has glitterys in it even :naughty:


Oh, and then I was looking for a dressy-skirt-to-wear-with-stockings-for-going-out-in-Costa-Rica-and-also-for-the-Kooks, because my only dressy-skirt-to-wear-with-stockings-for-going-out has like 400 layers and is too big to be worth packing for what use it would get, and I was also kind of looking for a day-dress to wear for more casual days where we just walk around town and stuff. And in Harbour Town Valley Girl I found a fantastic dress that is dressy enough for going out, has enough colours in it to make it match with a wide range of stockings, and is long enough and un-dressy enough to be wearable as a day dress! And it was cheap!


(oh yeah, my dog and cat posters fell down and I've been too lazy to put them back up *pbs*) P1060958.jpg


And because I decided you couldn't see the bag in all it's brilliant glory:



Not as tall as you. Just 5'10, or 178 cm...you use metric, right?

My birthday is March 1st. Yours?


Weak :naughty:

February 5th :naughty:


Last winter, I went driving in the foothills a few miles from my neighborhood, and I lost control of the wheel. The car went flipping off the road, and hit some trees, and I got knocked out. After a few hours, I crawled out of the car and passed out again on the ground. A very nice lady named Sandy found me the next morning on her way to work and reassured my worried friends and family.

My boyfriend at the time had gotten onto my msn while I was missing to see if he could get any information from my friends, and he talked to a bunch of MFCers (mostly aussies).

I came close to catching pneumonia from spending the night outside, and now that the weather's getting cool again, I have noticed that I have temperature issues, which was what I was telling Emmy about.


:jawdrop: Holy crap!

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Slow news week. But that's good. I expect you'll photoshoot..


Well duh!



Omg, you should have seen what Ambrose did to my curtains when he was a puppy. I wasn't allowed to have curtains again after that and I went 2 years with a wide and clear window. He hasn't done anything to the blinds in my room here yet, thank god. He did put pawprints all over the window sill though.


Who was the third order?

You! Neat! I no believe it!


No idea, I was just estimating :naughty: ER, and you ... and Kelzy ..?


OMG that is freaking brilliant! You should make heaps and sell them!


Except for the slight problem of the person who designed it already


I love chunky cheap and nasty jewellery just as much as classy expensive stuff! *waits for Kelzy to pick up on the cheap and nasty bit*


Tell me about it - plastic and colourful and from a two buck shop all the way!


How could you possibly forget? I’ve been reminding you every day for like three weeks!!!!

Tanya definitely has superior memory and has finished uploading said vids!

Yes, they did choose the song and yes the light up girl boy bits are interesting….but it takes the glare off their faces!


Yeah but then you didn't remind me for like a whole week :smth:

Yes, superior memory, superior dvd recording skills, superior dvd converting skills, superior uploading skills and superior ticket buying skills.

Good point, I didn't even notice them :naughty:


Do you really want to put Mika in the path of Paul and Mikey?


Well, it would be funny for our enjoyment :naughty:



... hi

Sorry it's blurry. there was alot of action going on.





The 'tourless' one was mine. I turn any opportunity into one to whine.




And btw, did you see me mention I am seeing the Basics on Sunday? Oh yeah, well, I'm seeing the Basics on Sunday. For free, in a small pub. Yes, I may well be meeting Gotye :fisch:


Like most social networking it's only pointless fun. Just another way to ego-stroke or whittle away your time.


Exactly. A myspace within MFC is about the most pointless thing I've ever heard. The whole ego-stroking point of myspace with the "look how many friends I have and look at the funny injokes I have with my cool friends" thing doesn't really apply when everyone knows everyone already.

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I barely have time to cope with forum stuff as it is - this just looks like an unnecessary level of complication to me.


But then I am a Luddite :mf_rosetinted:

Aaaahhh ... & there is the rub !! :roftl:


I think it's just there for fun...


It's really pointless, but then again, so is MySpace and Facebook...


Agree ... !:thumb_yello:

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Okay, I'm tag-idea-less, throw your extra tags that you all claim to have mulling in your heads and I'll pick the best two :naughty:


Today I went to Perth after school with the plan of going to try on properly the backpacks I saw there to compare to the ones in the camping shops here. When I got there I decided I should probably first go to Harbour Town to check the very last Jay Jays that I know of to see if they had a bag that I'd seen weeks ago and thought "Oh my god, this is the most perfect bag ever, I shall wait until it magically becomes cheaper, as is Jay Jays custom, and then buy it!", which subsequently went completely missing and has never been seen since. It turns out that it was ridiculously hot today though, and I was wearing jeans, and had to walk 2-3 km through unsheltered ridicuous heat to get to Harbour Town, but it was totally worth it - because they had the bag!


I'm totally not a bag person. My bags are: my school bag and one little one that just fits my camera, drivers license and smartrider card (and that one's too dressy to bring out just casually .. and it doesn't fit my wallet). And I have been looking everywhere for one that is not-too-big and not-too-small, and not-too-dressy and not-too-ugly, and this one is it! It has glitterys in it even :naughty:


Oh, and then I was looking for a dressy-skirt-to-wear-with-stockings-for-going-out-in-Costa-Rica-and-also-for-the-Kooks, because my only dressy-skirt-to-wear-with-stockings-for-going-out has like 400 layers and is too big to be worth packing for what use it would get, and I was also kind of looking for a day-dress to wear for more casual days where we just walk around town and stuff. And in Harbour Town Valley Girl I found a fantastic dress that is dressy enough for going out, has enough colours in it to make it match with a wide range of stockings, and is long enough and un-dressy enough to be wearable as a day dress! And it was cheap!


(oh yeah, my dog and cat posters fell down and I've been too lazy to put them back up *pbs*) P1060958.jpg


And because I decided you couldn't see the bag in all it's brilliant glory:



Frigged if I know... I added Raffa!


Love the bag and dress...




Oh, and I'm listening to something I recorded off old GNW... it's Paul singing The Love You Save!


And yes, it is for our amusement...

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Oh, I forgot to add: By some twist of fate the bag and dress match :naughty: Which kind of immediately rules out the possibility of wearing/using them togetehr, but I don't care :naughty: *hmph*


My greatest achievement.... holding onto the MQ whore position for over a year...


I knew you'd say that :naughty:


But then I am a Luddite :mf_rosetinted:


What on earth is that? :naughty:

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Noone else would add fosters so it had to be you


:lmfao: omg :naughty:


OD love the dress :das:


I got the last one, too :das::naughty:


It's got lovely layers and a bow at the back *pbs* And it rolls up small with no crease-possibility for packing :roftl:


And (too lazy to MQ): I imagine a GNW experience woukld be pretty traumatic for Mika himself ... but who cares? Frank Woodley making fun of Mika to Mika's face? Wow, that would be my dream :naughty:

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I knew you'd say that


But it's true...


If I can't have the post whore lead, I'll have the MQ whore lead... I can't help it if I like being a whore! :naughty::das:



Mannnnn the MFC is sooo stalkerish now with all the updates


Am I that see through


<Hiya all>


Yes you are!


hey ya Freds


*throws can of fosters to Freddie*


:jawdrop: ... Do it , DO IT !!! Hehehe ... *is curious*


If I must...



Cause I can't resist a man in a suit!
































A new game .. spot who added the tag


Dont worry I added zimmer frame to the oldlings thread






Nice one!


Good chance of that...



Geez Freds, if you're gonna stalk the thread, you may as well post in here!


And I see you just did... geez I'm KFSOBL...

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(oh yeah, my dog and cat posters fell down and I've been too lazy to put them back up *pbs*) P1060958.jpg


And because I decided you couldn't see the bag in all it's brilliant glory:



They are awesome! I love both the bag and dress.


The bag looks sort of like my main one, but mine isn't as colourful.

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They are awesome! I love both the bag and dress.


The bag looks sort of like my main one, but mine isn't as colourful.


Ohh, not as colourful, that must suck :thumbdown::naughty: Photoshoot!


Memoriesssss of the aussie thread


Have you seen that article that due to the credit crunch aussies are being forced to live in sheds


<goes to find>


Oi! That's not soo bad! My mum is building a shed-house on her block of land in Quarailingidingtiling :sneaky2::naughty:

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I wasn't going to MQ but these were there..


I bet she just looked at the pictures :roftl:

I did not!! I am reading it..




Ok so I looked at all the pictures first and now I'm reading it..

Im not an Aussie anyways , I can only pretend




Im here to get comfort anyways ... Im terrified , Im not used to it like you lot


Aww! That's pretty!!! :naughty:

You so to are an Aussie! (did that make sense?)


Memoriesssss of the aussie thread


Have you seen that article that due to the credit crunch aussies are being forced to live in sheds


<goes to find>

:roftl: Hey, it's entirely possible that someone could live in our shed. There's everything you need in there.



Hoopla Teegs!! :huglove:

OkD your bag is awesome.

Hey Sarah, Bec, HK and any lurkers.

Who added Jason Donovan??

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