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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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So, have you worked out if the little black and white one is a male or female? I bet on male. My tortoiseshell had black and white kittehs and they were all boys. That's me theory.. :naughty:


:eek: I don't even want to think about that.

Wake up OkD!!



Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure now that its a male, meaning we have 2 females and 3 males in the litter.


Its *works out time conversion* 10.30? there?


She's probably still asleep *zhhz*

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Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure now that its a male, meaning we have 2 females and 3 males in the litter.


Its *works out time conversion* 10.30? there?


She's probably still asleep *zhhz*

True.. she'll be snoring and farting :sleep_1:



Can I lend someones motivation?? I seem to have misplaced mine.

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True.. she'll be snoring and farting :sleep_1:



Can I lend someones motivation?? I seem to have misplaced mine.

Or suffering painfully from a spider bite :naughty:



Hmmm I seemed to use mine all up already in typing up the essay thats due tomorrow. Now that I've done that I can't be stuffed doing anything else

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The old boiler will be going to the great scrapheap in the sky, to be replaced by a new energy-efficient and very expensive model.




*accepts high five*

Yeah, no one was giving me anything so I had to like .. use my own brain .. and stuff.


That was a good one!


I didn't say you said I shouldn't.


Oh I do fangirl, but only for worthy causes.



Yeah. See what you're missing, Mika? Me making a fool out of myself.




I reckon it would be heaps funnier to see you fangirl in real life rather than on here...


On Packed to the Rafters just now the guy called the older girl a "cradle snatcher" and my dad CRACKED UP. He may or may not have produced tears from laughing too much.

I told him this is a perfectly normal term but he didn't believe me.

The other day we were talking about ... I can't remember, boardshorts I think, and he told me (again with uncontrolable laughter) that someone at work had come up with a GENIUS name for speedos "canary stealer or something". I told him it was budgie smuggler, and a perfectly normal term, and he completely broke down with how funny and genius a term he finds it to be.


Your dad is weird...


But only two


But if you start a thread you can add 6 tags...


BTW, move over Mika, and move down the line Twatty, because I found THE biggest whiner in the universe.

It's this short girl on this documentary or whatever it is. I can't stand her. All I hear is whine-whine-whine-whine-whine-whine-whine-whine-whine *breathe* whine-whine-whine-whine-whine-whine. How any person is able to spend more than 15 seconds in her presence without commiting suicide, I just just don't know.

Sure, she has some bone condition and her bones never grew, but just shut the **** up, PLEASE! *wonders why she is still watching this*


Wow... never thought there would be someone that whinges more that Meeks.. or Twatty..


Until I got to the bit about the bone condition, I thought it was you! *zhhz*


And how young is not too young?

Okay, Hugh is the youngest band member, shall we go back to Paul again?


How old are all the band members?


o.O I skimmed over that at first and thought it said 'and I'll take a sh!t in the meantime...'





I would never say that!!!



How rude!






Well. *takes deep breath* I'm in a performing arts program at my school, but because it's a part of the timetable, the teachers had to do some rearrangements to make it possible for all the students to take the course without dropping any of their OTHER subjects. What resulted was an English course, two days a week, but one that revolved around the performing arts--so instead of doing, say, a novel study, we'll study a play or something. It's kind of tricky to explain, but that's the gist of it.

I have to do some research on Bertolt Brecht and one of his plays and I reeeeeeally don't feel like it. :rolls_eyes:



OOoooooooooh! Brecht!


I studied one of his plays in Drama! (can't remember which one though)...


See....just that made me smile....


One of my work friends is seriously ill in Rome. He was over there on holiday and was just getting ready to board the plane to Dubai and he started coughing up blood.


Initially they thought it was a ruptured aorta. They later discovered it was a ruptured oesophagus and that he would require surgery and would be in hospital for three weeks.


At 6:30am this morning the call came through to say he was in pretty bad shape and was in a first stage coma. The family were called in both here and in Rome and told to expect the worst. With the time difference, we just have to wait.


We've all been in tears at various times today and we all went for a group coffee session with one of the welfare officers this afternoon....and this place always cheers me up, so here I am clock watching so I can get the hell outta here!






I'm so sorry to hear about your friend... hope he pulls through...




This is the photo I managed to take before the camera died. Not very good, but it'll do






I don't get it...


Attention people who know how to look up release dates properly: Are we getting the Paris DVD on November 10th?


I doubt it... we didn't get the last DVD at the same time as in Europe...


:blush-anim-cl: .................. well, all good children should be asleep by now/then ..... *hmmph*


Well, Prime Posum came in earlier... he told all the good boys and girls that it was time to go to bed...


Albeit belated ... but as promised ... here are 2 photos of the Python that rested on our Verandah for a few days ...






He/she has moved on now .... beautiful, isn't she/he ???


Holy crap it's a big snake!!!


So, there I was at the hospital and this rather dishy doctor went past .. dark haired, slim, Mediterranean looking .. and I thought "I hope he's the consultant I'm seeing"


Then when they called me it was to see the chief consultant


but then Dr McDreamy came into the consultation as well which was nice.




Gotta love McDreamy... I preferred McSteamy...



And now I have to go to the CTC... I'll get on here when I get down there...

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As long as you pay the fees to ship it over there :wink2:


Ah, that could be a problem.


:blush-anim-cl: .................. well, all good children should be asleep by now/then ..... *hmmph*






The bad ones will all end up on here sooner or later anyways *zhhz*


Albeit belated ... but as promised ... here are 2 photos of the Python that rested on our Verandah for a few days ... :original:






He/she has moved on now .... beautiful, isn't she/he ??? :cheerful_h4h:


Wooooooww! It's beautiful!


No fricking idea! :lmfao: We don't learn anything about reptiles really :naughty: But I imagine it is pretty difficult, I think-think-think retiles have cloacas anyway, perhaps by their colouring/markings?


Male cobras have forked penises...*zhhz*


Mmmm dishy doctors. I was just watching some fake ones on Grey's Anatomy. :naughty:


What, like Michael Phelps? *gigglesnort*


I reckon it would be heaps funnier to see you fangirl in real life rather than on here...


You know what's REALLY funny? Seeing your mum go fangirly.



I would never say that!!!



How rude!






Of course you wouldn't. *pbs*


OOoooooooooh! Brecht!


I studied one of his plays in Drama! (can't remember which one though)...


Was it the Threepenny Opera or the Good Woman/Person of Setzuan, by any chance?

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I wonder if he's related to my pharmacist, Mr McDroolworthy. :wub2:


:mf_lustslow: I "have" to go to priceline pharmacy today..

Any chance you could pap him? :fisch: For... ummm... rural pharmacy career prospects research. :naughty:


I reckon it would be heaps funnier to see you fangirl in real life rather than on here...

Jumping up and down and grinning like a great big git? Perhaps. :naughty:




My Greys Anatomy watching was halted awhile ago by nobody having the last 3/4 episodes of season 2 in English... so I'm going to have to hire out season 2...

You're still on Season 2? We're on number 5 now. :bleh:


Gotta love McDreamy... I preferred McSteamy...

McSteamy is a sleaze and McDreamy is too good to be true therefore he must have some pretty nasty skeletons in his closet. I liked George best until the thing with Callie and Izzy. Erica Hahn is pretty damn awesome, but only second to Addison. :das:

Edited by SuperTwat
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You're still on Season 2? We're on number 5 now. :bleh:



McSteamy is a sleaze and McDreamy is too good to be true therefore he must have some pretty nasty skeletons in his closet. I liked George best until the thing with Callie and Izzy. But Erica Hahn is pretty damn awesome. :das:


We have up to the end of season 4 downloaded I think....


have had for quite some months.


I've just been avoiding hiring season 2 (since I have to since it refuses to download) because

1. Blockbuster is makes you hire out a single disc now, you have to pay for the whole season

2. Hiring it out will mean I will start watching Grey's Anatomy again which will have adverse affects on my study :naughty:

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Why is there a big black line in my previous post?


What big black line?


My Greys Anatomy watching was halted awhile ago by nobody having the last 3/4 episodes of season 2 in English... so I'm going to have to hire out season 2...


Yes, me too :naughty: I think we already established this though.

*instructs someoen to properly upload a Greys Anatomy season 2 torrent*


Its *works out time conversion* 10.30? there?


She's probably still asleep *zhhz*


Well duh :naughty:



My dad: Bianca! Don't you have to wake up or smth!

Me: Um ... no ... I only have, like, one-ish classes and I can, like, catch up online or smth. *goes back to sleep*

(aka: Um ... no ... I'd rather sleep ... I only have 3 classes and I can catch up online for one of them.)


But if you start a thread you can add 6 tags...


WHAT!!! *goes on a thread starting spree*


How old are all the band members?


Luke and Paul (and Max): 23

Hugh: 21

No idea about Dan or Pete, they don't have wikipedia entries :naughty:


I doubt it... we didn't get the last DVD at the same time as in Europe...


Eurgh! How much later?


You know what's REALLY funny? Seeing your mum go fangirly.


Over who/what?

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Male cobras have forked penises...*zhhz*



You know what's REALLY funny? Seeing your mum go fangirly.



Was it the Threepenny Opera or the Good Woman/Person of Setzuan, by any chance?


How the hell do you know that???


I bet it is... I've seen mum swoon over the Bay City Rollers, Hush and Sherbet.. I think she liked Sherbet and Hush cause they wore tight trousers...


I don't think so... I may have been the Threepenny Opera... maybe... but it was 8 years ago so I can't remember... (I know it wasn't in yr 12 cause we did Gary's House and A Streetcar Named Desire)...


Thank God we didn't study Shakespeare in Drama past year 10... I hate Shakespeare... though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead was amusing...


Jumping up and down and grinning like a great big git? Perhaps. :naughty:




McSteamy is a sleaze and McDreamy is too good to be true therefore he must have some pretty nasty skeletons in his closet. I liked George best until the thing with Callie and Izzy. Erica Hahn is pretty damn awesome, but only second to Addison. :das:


Yep... I'd pay to see you do that! :naughty:



At least with McSteamy you know about his skeletons... though I do feel for McDreamy... the amount of pressure Meredith puts on him is unbelievable... if I were here I would've tolde her to bugger off...


and Erica is pretty good (and I love Addison's hair)...

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WHAT!!! *goes on a thread starting spree*




Luke and Paul (and Max): 23

Hugh: 21

No idea about Dan or Pete, they don't have wikipedia entries :naughty:




Eurgh! How much later?


I discovered that when I went to add tags to a thread i started..



Coolness... good thing they're not too young... my cut off is 20! :das:


I can't remember... I ordered it off Amazon...

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Coolness... good thing they're not too young... my cut off is 20!


I can't remember... I ordered it off Amazon...




*asks thread at large when LiveICM was released in Australia*


and, according to wiki:


Although a wide range of reproductive modes are used by snakes; all snakes employ internal fertilization, accomplished by means of paired, forked hemipenes, which are stored inverted in the male's tail.[41] The hemipenes are often grooved, hooked, or spined in order to grip the walls of the female's cloaca.[41]


Snakes do have cloacas :naughty: But the males also have forked hemipenes (no clue what that is :naughty:).


Wait ..


A hemipenis (plural hemipenes) is one of a pair of intromittent organs of male squamates (snakes, lizards and worm lizards).[1][2]

Hemipenes are usually held inverted, within the body, and are everted for reproduction via erectile tissue like that in the human penis.[3] Only one is used at a time, and some evidence indicates males alternate use between copulations. The hemipenis itself has a variety of shapes, depending on species. Often the hemipenis bears spines or hooks, in order to anchor the male within the female. Some species even have forked hemipenes (each hemipenis has two tips). Due to being everted and inverted, hemipenes do not have a completely enclosed channel for the conduction of sperm, but rather a seminal groove which seals as the erectile tissue expands.


Yeah, I still don't get it ... a penis, basically :naughty:


So yes, male cobras have forked penises, all male snakes do :das::naughty:

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Over who/what?


Over this concert we went to see a while ago...they're called Naturally 7, they're this group of guys who sing sort of a cappella hip-hop stuff, but really really good. I convinced her to stay afterwards, so we got their signatures, and she was worse than me :naughty:


How the hell do you know that???


Me and my friend did a research project on the reproductive systen in Bio two years ago. The things I remember from it are the things like that. :naughty:

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Hey guys ... just a quickie !! :bye: I'll be in an out alot over the next few days as it's my housemate's birthday this weekend & we are having a dinner on Sat. & a party on Sun. (so yes Tanya , I am cleaning like crazeh :lol3: ) !!!

The b'day is for P. of the pot rice fame !!! :wink2:


See yooz laterrrggghhh !!! :bye:

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Oooooooveeeeeeeeeeer myyyy shooooouuuuuldeerrrrrr, ruuuuunniiiiiiiiiiiiiing awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :naughty:


Where are you? :lol3:




Can you not sing that song???


I hate it!





I'm in the CTC... with two work for the dole peops...


Over this concert we went to see a while ago...they're called Naturally 7, they're this group of guys who sing sort of a cappella hip-hop stuff, but really really good. I convinced her to stay afterwards, so we got their signatures, and she was worse than me :naughty:




Me and my friend did a research project on the reproductive systen in Bio two years ago. The things I remember from it are the things like that. :naughty:



Awwwww... aren't mums adorable :naughty:


Erm..... okay!



I remember a teacher talking about how plants have male and female sex organs... the topic went rapidly from that to viagra... and the teacher said he'd need to use it in a few years...



But he's a dirty paedophile... he got fired from the school for hitting on the girls...


That's a good question Amy... what is the plural for two penises???



Maybe we should make a thread about it...

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Hey guys ... just a quickie !! :bye: I'll be in an out alot over the next few days as it's my housemate's birthday this weekend & we are having a dinner on Sat. & a party on Sun. (so yes Tanya , I am cleaning like crazeh :lol3: ) !!!

The b'day is for P. of the pot rice fame !!! :wink2:


See yooz laterrrggghhh !!! :bye:

When's his b'day???


And are you having pot rice? :das:

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*waits for forked penis to be added to tag list*:naughty:

If only there wasn't a 25 tag limit...


If you were in need of forked penis information you wouldn't know that you could find it in the aussie thread (yet you'd think you could find information about neighbours in here :naughty:)

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Over this concert we went to see a while ago...they're called Naturally 7, they're this group of guys who sing sort of a cappella hip-hop stuff, but really really good. I convinced her to stay afterwards, so we got their signatures, and she was worse than me


Me and my friend did a research project on the reproductive systen in Bio two years ago. The things I remember from it are the things like that.




Forked....not the word my bio teacher used. She said they are two penises (penisi?) in and of themselves.


What I got from the wiki entry was that they have two penii that are both forked, but I just woke up :naughty: And I failed my exam on comparative reproduction :naughty:


Hey guys ... just a quickie !! I'll be in an out alot over the next few days as it's my housemate's birthday this weekend & we are having a dinner on Sat. & a party on Sun. (so yes Tanya , I am cleaning like crazeh) !!!

The b'day is for P. of the pot rice fame !!!


See yooz laterrrggghhh !!!


Have fun!




Can you not sing that song???


I hate it!


Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, loooooooooooooooooooooosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing my waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.




I'm in the CTC... with two work for the dole peops...


Oh yeah, I meant to ask before when you mentioned CTC - wtf is CTC?

*waits for forked penis to be added to tag list*


:naughty: *joins the waiting*

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