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The Australian Thread: Part Seventeen

Rainbow Sky

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Did Scut tell them pirates this wench has worthy cleavage?? (*) (*)


Spotlight!! It's sad that I get turned on by that.. I've had the sewing machine going today.. I will talk to you tomoro..

Goodnight Becsterrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh :


I duno... you'll have to ask her :naughty:


Wench is 75% chance going to be the name of the kitten I have 87% sure of keeping :naughty: (cos she has an eyepatch).

But I'll register her under a much more normal name :fisch:




Speaking of which, I voted yesterday, and on the ballot was a Mike Halliwell.:


Thats where his been lately :shocked:


Sorry guys, but I can't keep on hanging around. Will be back at 19:15:


You really need to put a time zone after that or convert it into aussie time :naughty:

But they still get most of the inside jokes, and we don't put out a newsletter.



We totally should





Do you think anyone besides us would read it?:


You'd be surprised... all those lurkers would read it, not admit it to it, but get more of the In jokes *zhhz*





Maybe he has each and every one of our names and pictures on profile and has us being watched by his own private investigator.

That would only be cool if he had notepad files to go along with it all.... *hmph*


And if he did he'd just be copying the aussies anyways *hmph*

i hate sad movies.



I lurrvveee sad movies...

Definately among my fave genres


Morning all... this having to keep the door open because the kittehs are in my room is driving me nuts... got woken 7ish by dad calling the cat loudly to feed her, so I yelled at him to shut up, then went back to sleep, and got woken just after 9 by a blowfly who flew into my room and would not leave :naughty:

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Morning, Soy!


What you need are earplugs.:naughty:

I think I do :shocked:


i just managed to waste an hour and a half at the power centre (the new warehouse store style shopping centre... where spotlight and anaconda are.. I am in love with anaconda, its an outdoor adventure good stores... it has a rock climbing wall and kayak testing pool, and lots of opening day sales, including a dome tent I brought for $19 bargain.)


Anyways.. off again

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Does anyone know when it will be released in Australia? I'm looking forward to watching the 40 minute long documentary and playing 'The Mika Whining Drinking Game'. :cheerful_h4h:


Exaggeration, we never used to get blogs at all, we have never been deprived of mika.
Some of us are. Some of us have seen Mika live, and haven't recovered.

Speak for yourselves, some of us haven't even seen him live. We don't need blogs, all he has to do is not cancel scheduled gigs and keep his tour promises. :mf_rosetinted:


I'm not selfish, just brutally honest. It rubbed off on me from these aussies.

He doesn't love us, he appreciates us because we keep his paycheck coming. He shows that when he rubbed mud on himself for the entertainment of an indeterminate number of strangers around the world.

Hear Hear! We line his wallet and satisfy his need for approval and acceptance. That is all.


Oh so the ninjas didn't kidnap you while you were hanging out the washing?


(that was the consensus we reached as to what had happened to you :fisch:)


Those pesky ninjas are a bigger interruption than Mike is...


Nice consensus.


Scut nearly sent some Pirates around, just in case.


Those Ninjas are stealth, never know when they'll sneaky up on you

The Ninjas opened up random programs on my computer to taunt me. Hiding under my desk didn't help, I just hit my head while getting up. *has The Pirates' phone number on speed dial*


i just managed to waste an hour and a half at the power centre (the new warehouse store style shopping centre... where spotlight and anaconda are.. I am in love with anaconda, its an outdoor adventure good stores... it has a rock climbing wall and kayak testing pool, and lots of opening day sales, including a dome tent I brought for $19 bargain.)

Ooh, would the tent be useful for a beach day? :das:


Hey slut :original:

Ummm, I'm not a fan of that word. Even if it's used affectionately or re-claimed to be re-defined, at the present it still propagates sexism and patriarchy.

Edited by SuperTwat
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Ummm, I'm not a fan of that word. Even if it's used affectionately or re-claimed to be re-defined, at the present it still propagates sexism and patriarchy.


Sorry. It's a quote from a movie :naughty:


EDIT: It's weird that you say that because you do have the word "twat" in your username. They both sort of have the same connotations. Well, for me.

Edited by Fmbm
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