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Oh I see...lots of people don't like clowns, or are afraid of them. I personally am not afraid of them but I'm also not crazy about them.:naughty:



I find them quite interesting though,but I don't like when one exaggerates with it... :boxed:



Eureka Alice!!!


Yep Avoca, watercolour and crayons, thoug the trunk and the paws are not so great, in terms of dimensions i think...


Keti, the circus must no doubt belong to his tenderest childhood memories, and its quite hard for one to get away from those when creating, but then it's just my wild thinking ;)


I agree with you Carla,I loved the PDP show,I've never seen such a thing in my life,but I hope the new album won't be in the same style though...I mean,I wouldn't have anything against it,but again I would like it to be more...less extraordinary,you know what I mean?

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Tax Babies 'to Save Planet'

By Tamara McLean

December 10, 2007


COUPLES who have more than two children should be charged a lifelong tax to offset their extra offspring's carbon dioxide emissions, a medical expert says.


The report in an Australian medical journal called for parents to be charged $5000 a head for every child after their second, and an annual tax of up to $800.


And couples who were sterilised would be eligible for carbon credits under the controversial proposal.


Perth specialist Professor Barry Walters was heavily critical of the $4000 baby bonus, saying that paying new parents extra for every baby fuelled more children, more emissions and "greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour".


Instead, it should be replaced with a "baby levy" in the form of a carbon tax in line with the "polluter pays" principle, he wrote in the latest Medical Journal of Australia.


"Every family choosing to have more than a defined number of children should be charged a carbon tax that would fund the planting of enough trees to offset the carbon cost generated by a new human being," said Prof Walters, an obstetrician at King Edward Memorial Hospital.


Sustainable Population Australia suggested a maximum of two, he said.


By the same reasoning, contraceptives like diaphragms and condoms, as well as sterilisation procedures, should attract carbon credits, the specialist said.


"As doctors, I believe we need to think this way," he wrote in a letter to the journal.


"As Australians I believe we need to be less arrogant.


"As citizens of the world, I believe we deserve no more population concessions than those in India or China."


Garry Eggers, director of the NSW Centre for Health Promotion and Research, agreed with the call, saying former treasurer Peter Costello's request for three children per family - "one for mum, one for dad and one for the country" - was too single-minded.


"Population remains crucial to all environmental considerations," wrote Professor Eggers, a leading advocate of the personal carbon trading debate.


"The debate (around population control) needs to be reopened as part of a second ecological revolution."


Family groups rejected the calls, saying larger families used less energy than smaller ones and should not be penalised.






*freaks out*

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wow, it's great! :wub2:


is mika the only one who does writing every time? yes?




what is it with all the circus stuff?


I dunno...some say the elephant was also drawn as an association from circus,I think it may be,but it doesn't have to mean neccessarily...:boxed: I'm not sure though.



You know what I'm really looking forward to? Too se the artwork for the new album. :D

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I dunno...some say the elephant was also drawn as an association from circus,I think it may be,but it doesn't have to mean neccessarily...:boxed: I'm not sure though.



You know what I'm really looking forward to? Too se the artwork for the new album. :D


TBH, I'm rather excited for the songs than the artwork. Ofcourse I'm also excited for the artwork. Just a new album:wub2:

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Or even more extraordinary but leaving the circus theme behind, he is such an imaginative person he can get along with practically anything he fancies...

Enough circus, enough lollipops, enough chewchews, big girls, BB...

Now we need something not as sweet as lollipops, other animals but monkeys and elephants, skinny girls, and instead of BB a woman that leaves her husband and kids behind and flies off somewhere other than Meexiiicoooo....lol

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TBH, I'm rather excited for the songs than the artwork. Ofcourse I'm also excited for the artwork. Just a new album:wub2:


last night i had a dream about the new album.. and at least two of the songs had "chicken" in the title :lmfao: t'was weird becasue i'm not one of those people who say "chicken this, chickny" all the time hahaha (not that i have anything against that word :das:)

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Maybe it's a reference to India, elephants are common there, and the pattern of the saddle is too...


Or maybe an OCD allucination with elephants..in TUTUS...lol


i hope he comes to NZ and likes it.. and then he can draw lots of birds.. and lizards. and my pet cow if he really wants too....

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TBH, I'm rather excited for the songs than the artwork. Ofcourse I'm also excited for the artwork. Just a new album:wub2:


I thought it wasn't neccessary to mention the excitment about the album,because it's implicit :roftl::wub2:



Or even more extraordinary but leaving the circus theme behind, he is such an imaginative person he can get along with practically anything he fancies...

Enough circus, enough lollipops, enough chewchews, big girls, BB...

Now we need something not as sweet as lollipops, other animals but monkeys and elephants, skinny girls, and instead of BB a woman that leaves her husband and kids behind and flies off somewhere other than Meexiiicoooo....lol


No skinny girls please! :roftl: he needs bunnies :D xD


Hmmm,maybe she flied off to Brasil? She can get a nice tan over there,remember? ;)



Maybe it's a reference to India, elephants are common there, and the pattern of the saddle is too...


Or maybe an OCD allucination with elephants..in TUTUS...lol


I was thinking about the India when I saw the elephant too!


What's TUTUS?

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i think aside childhood memeories, which we cannot know about, he may be fascinated by the whole circus idea: a mix of nature and man's will power, colours, magic, music and sparkle.. very mika. :thumb_yello:


he's somewhat of the ringmaster (aside looking stunning in that jacket :mf_rosetinted:): rules and controls, presents and is the real star in the spotlight. :wink2:

even now that he's rejected his ringmaster persona to embrace the head clown or whatever (tells about sad things with a smile on his face.. rings a bell..? :rolleyes:), I think his intentions are to be in the show and above it, at the same time.

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i think aside childhood memeories, which we cannot know about, he may be fascinated by the whole circus idea: a mix of nature and man's will power, colours, magic, music and sparkle.. very mika. :thumb_yello:


he's somewhat of the ringmaster (aside looking stunning in that jacket :mf_rosetinted:): rules and controls, presents and is the real star in the spotlight. :wink2:

even now that he's rejected his ringmaster persona to embrace the head clown or whatever (tells about sad things with a smile on his face.. rings a bell..? :rolleyes:), I think his intentions are to be in the show and above it, at the same time.


I agree with you at that point :thumb_yello:


Actually...he wants to be the center of all and everything in the show. He has the charisma,the control,that role suits him perfectly.

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Can't see the picture properly yet, but will do tomorrow when I get back to the laptop.

So an elephant then, hope he's not hinting!

I know he suggested I go bigger for a costume, but that's ridiculous! LOL!

Besides I've already got one decided, ha ha.

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Is it just me or is he trying to adapt to Sophie's style and technique? :naughty:


My thoughts exactly... so no it wasn't just you. :naughty:


I still think it's awesome since the project it's one of these random ideas and I like them in general, anything wacky. Even I didn't think about adding paper to it. And so it being quite difficult to continue.

Edited by Sity
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I thought it wasn't neccessary to mention the excitment about the album,because it's implicit :roftl::wub2:





No skinny girls please! :roftl: he needs bunnies :D xD


Hmmm,maybe she flied off to Brasil? She can get a nice tan over there,remember? ;)





I was thinking about the India when I saw the elephant too!


What's TUTUS?


Small skirts ballerinas wear to dance...

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Is it just me or is he trying to adapt to Sophie's style and technique? :naughty:


Exactly my thought when i first saw the drawing, he's trying to soften his trait, although i'd say he's a massive megalomane, he likes it BIG (not in a weird sense lol)...the words house is huge and now an elephant, i see a trend for huge in mika's art...

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Wait, hold the phone! I was reading the comments and he provided champagne to the christmas party?


ding dang! that's awesome!



He sure did, what a guy!

It was very nice too.

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