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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobssessives' PART 4


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“Please stop crying, Liene. I cant stand to hear you cry”

I knew who it was, I didn’t even need to ask. His hands were cold and sweaty. Micas hands were always cold and sweaty, because he was always nervous. I turned around.

There he was. His thin, tan face right infront of mine. Those deep brown eyes seeing into my heart. A single curl fell from his head and bounced right ontop of his nose.


He smiled, and I melted.

“Mica” I said to him, “why couldn’t you confront me? Why couldn’t you just ask me? Everyone knows that you like me. Why couldn’t you just come out and say it to me? Why are you so shy?”

Mica blushed. His head drooped a little, and another curl fell infront of his face.

“I couldn’t ask you to the dance because I couldn’t buy you a card.”


“What?!” I asked. I was so confused.

“I couldn’t as you to the dance because I couldn’t buy you a card.”

“What do you mean mica?” I aksed. “You couldn’t afford it? You didn’t have the money?”

“No…” he said. “Its not that.”

“I didn’t know which one to get you. I couldn’t read them at the store.”

“What do you mean mica, i…I don’t understand….” I asked him, staring at his down turned face.

“Liene,” he said to me, “Do you want to know why I am so shy at school? Why I never talk? Why I never answer questions?”

“Ofcourse Mica. You can trust me by now.” I said to him, lifting up his face with my hand.

He looked up at me. His eyes were wet, and a tear nearly fell. Yet he got some courage, and stopped it from falling. He took a deep breath.

“Liene, I cant read well. I don’t read…actually, at all. Im dyslexic.”

I stood in amazement. I would have never guessed it.

“Liene, I cant read. I went to the store to buy you a card. I picked them up and tried to read them, but I couldn’t. I was afraid I would buy you the wrong one. I sat there and stared and cards until my eyes hurt and my head ached. I sat there until the manager kicked me out of the store. I couldn’t read the cards liene. I didn’t want to buy you the wrong one. I wanted a card as perfect as you. But I couldn’t read them. That’s why I don’t answer in class. I don’t read the lessons.”


“Mica…” I said to him, now feeling so horrible, “You don’t need to buy me a fancy card to ask me to a dance! You could have just told me yourself.”

Mica looked at me with those sorrowful eyes. “I didn’t feel it was gentlemanlike. I needed to get you a card. So I made you one. But I felt like such a fool, I didn’t know what to write. I just made it in the way I knew how.”

Mica pulled a wrinkled card out of his pocket. He handed it to me. I opened it.

I had a picture of an eye. Then a big red heart. Then a picture of me.

“I love Liene” He said outloud to me.

I felt so happy and sad at the same time. I started to cry.

Mica put his hand under my chin and lifted it.

“Hey, hey. Don’t cry love. I just told you my deepest secret. That means I really trust you. And the card is totally true. I really do love you liene.”

I sniffled and smiled.

Mica places his thumbs under my eyes and wiped away the tears. Then he grabbed my hand and lifted me up.

“You see this tree.” He stated to me.

“Pick any flower. Any at all from this tree.”

I didn’t I reached up and picked a pretty pink flower from one of the branches.

Mica bent it into a circle and tied a knot in it. I didn’t know what he was doing.

Then he got onto one of his knees and held my hand.

“Liene” He said to me, smiling hard and chuckling.

“Would you give me the HONOR or accompanying you to the dance this Friday?”

I sniffled and smiled. “Ofcourse Mica.”

He had tied the flower into a ring. He slipped it onto my finger.

“For you” he said, raising himself up to my level.

“Ive got to go home mica. My mother will be worried. I will see you Friday for the dance, yes?”

“Absolutely, love” He said to me.

I looked up at him. “Oh, and I loved the ring. I have something for you too mica.”

“Oh yeah?!” He chuckled, kiddingly.

“Yeah.” I said. “Close your eyes and reach out your hands”

He reached out his hands, expecting me to put something in them for him.

Instead, I reached up and kissed him soft on the cheek.

I GOT UP AND RAN away, laughing histerically.

Mica’s eyes shot open. An expression of shock took over his face. He smiled a HUGE grin. He placed him hand on his cheek where I had kissed his and rubbed it.

I looked back when I was sure he could no longer see me. I watched as he jumped in the air, rubbing his cheek and laughing! He could hardly believe that the girl of his dreams had accepted him. He laughed out loud and spun in circles. I was so happy, I could almost cry.



that is the sweetest thing! i want part three!


seriously, i was almost crying at the dyslexic bit. i'm in love with our boy all over again!



you're a genius. let me know when it's part 3!


gotta go to bed now

talk to you later this week!

xoxo forever kira marie

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guess what! i just found out we have a delia's here!

i am SO going this week!

haha thanks.


i own two pair of the delias skinnies. They are amazing.



it's so sweet!!!! i don't know what to say! the daydreams are brilliant! KEEP EM COMIN MY GOOD LASS!

they seriously make me want to cry. i'm not joking.

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SAMMY???????????????????? :shocked::shocked:


I really dunno what to say...that was the most really the most genious daydream I've ever read...you can't image how I was taken by the story...it was like I am Liene...I've never had a feeling like that before reading a daydream...SAMMY...YOU ARE REALLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!!! :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: I really wanted to cry and laugh at the same time...that was sooo goddamned genious!!! :shocked:

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SAMMY???????????????????? :shocked::shocked:


I really dunno what to say...that was the most really the most genious daydream I've ever read...you can't image how I was taken by the story...it was like I am Liene...I've never had a feeling like that before reading a daydream...SAMMY...YOU ARE REALLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!!! :mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow: I really wanted to cry and laugh at the same time...that was sooo goddamned genious!!! :shocked:



aw,i can't read her daydream....im afaraid that i'll fell in depression-i daydream too much :rolls_eyes:


how r u?How was ur day?:original:

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Hi girls!! How are you? What's new there?

helloooo :bye:


well mika posted new blog :wub2: think it's the only what matter:wub2:


what's new with u?

hahah I think I'm depressed, too xD


good! I have a A in Spanish!!!!




aw,really!? excellent! :clap: i looooooooooove spanish-but we dont have it in school:thumbdown:


i learned it quiet good bcd of soup operas:naughty:

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helloooo :bye:


well mika posted new blog :wub2: think it's the only what matter


what's new with u?



aw,really!? excellent! :clap: i looooooooooove spanish-but we dont have it in school


i learned it quiet good bcd of soup operas:naughty:

Really? New? I think he posted yesterday? :wink2: with me? Nothing nothing...but I wrote big test from Math...and it was very difficult and I was really nervous...so I'm worried about my mark:blink: but now.........RELAX! TAKE IT EASY:naughty:

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Really? New? I think he posted yesterday? :wink2: with me? Nothing nothing...but I wrote big test from Math...and it was very difficult and I was really nervous...so I'm worried about my mark:blink: but now.........RELAX! TAKE IT EASY:naughty:

aw yeah,it could be yesterday:wink2:


oh,i hope ur mark will be good :huh:



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