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Reviews dvd Parc Des Princes


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I am terribly not sorry but YOU ARE...lets face it : WRONG

(if thats the way you chose to see things in terms or being right or being wrong)


First of all, the all part with the evolution of words is exactly what identicaltwin said, maybe you should read what people have to say first before you write long out of debate paragraphs saying things that everybody knows about in order to prove someone wrong, thats absolutely NOT what she was talking about or again what she said, she even agrees with you on that.


I just went to the french thread to look for someone i used to know and thats how i finished here to read this thread and i think its absolutely unfair to mention people (in this case sariflor and identicaltwin) in threads they are not supposed to go into, where the used language is not the one they are supposed to understand...but im not here for that... thats your all business and just a statement.



so..."introduire" is a very specific case, its a partial false friend and if you want to use it as présenter then you need to add "auprès de" (and it seems you personally didnt know it before you checked it ...which means that it is not used a lot by the masses) or it doesnt have the same meaning, so mika use it the WRONG WAY like when he uses chambre for pièce , thats all, nothing more... now if you ask me if it means he doesnt speak a proper french , well, i personally thing he says it by coquetterie, which is the case of NUMEROUS bilingual people, god knows it...though these days its not so cute or trendy anymore, but mika as we know it is alway a little bit late about that (cf. the mentos blog)


there is a good and clear example on a forum discussion about this false friend, not for you nicki27, but for anyone who would like to learn the difference:



you CAN say "introduire un conférencier" (that works in this case) but you can also say "présenter un conférencier"


"Madame, permettez-moi de vous introduire M. Jones" litterally means "Madam, let me introduce Mr Jones into you". Sounds a bit obscene ;-)


At an embassy party, you'd rather say "Madame, permettez-moi de vous présenter M. Jones"




now i recommend - for anyone interested in language: "Element pour une macro-syntaxe" by alain berrendonner in a scarano (éd.)


and all i know is that mika is bilingual, why we make mistakes though we are bilingual is a part of the discursive memory and enonciation (pluri operator , pluri codic)


now for the french version of GK i personnally think that the lyrics are VERY good for several reasons (except the end), thing is that the translation from the gk french lyrics into english sounds lame but thats why its the french lyrics and not the english ones. i was really amazed that someone succeed in writing it so cleverly and beautifully.


it always makes me smile a little when people who insist on orthography, grammar and tenses make HUGE faults themselves, when they write in their own language,lol, othography (especially the french one ) will always be for me something ridiculous based on non less ridiculous rules made by and for some ridiculous (not so) clever donkeys...


Hope you've learned your lesson : the thread is not closed but it is awfully bad form not to move on with the mob :naughty: ... and being right, or more learned than some MFCers is not encouraged here, either :mad: !

So from now on please stop being uppity with your betters (and do not, repeat :no: not introduce a gentleman into a lady, unless you direct blue movies :shocked:).





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Well it's taken me a long time - but I have finally watched this DVD. And although I really enjoyed the documentary part, I found the concert itself to be a bit disappointing. I think Mika was trying so hard to make it a good show that the tension stopped him from performing at his best. He was out of breath from trying to get around the vast stage, and you could see he wasn't getting the feedback from the crowd that he usually thrives on.


I'm actually hoping that the recession will make it impossible for him to put on a gig like this again.


I know you probably all discussed this pages ago, so I won't go on.



Agree with the feedback on the gig, as I said on numerous occasions before so I won't bore everyone again :roftl:. There have been plenty of other Mika gigs that I have found a lot better, musically and vibewise.

On him doing it again....I would say that the perfect solution is this:

He can do a once-a-year massive gig like this (in Paris or London or some other large city) so that he can satisfy all his creative and grandiosity urges, and so that whoever wants to watch the big showtype thing can, and then the rest of the time he just does his regular smallish gigs that satisfy those of us who want to see the "closer" more "real" Mika. Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :blush-anim-cl::wub2:.


How's that for a plan? Everybody happy :naughty:.





I sure won't be going to such a gig, but if 55,000 other people want to...


Poor Mika might be able to recoup some of his costs with a second gig so I wouldn't deprive him. I mean we wouldn't want the recession to eat into the champagne budget would we? :wink2:



No, of course not :naughty:. I like Mika's champagne.

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Wow that's a bit brutal.


I sure won't be going to such a gig, but if 55,000 other people want to...


Poor Mika might be able to recoup some of his costs with a second gig so I wouldn't deprive him. I mean we wouldn't want the recession to eat into the champagne budget would we? :wink2:


:shocked: Oh no - I don't want the champagne budget to run out :naughty:


(But if he hurried up with the second album so that we could all rush out and buy it, he'd have pots of money again :fisch:)



TopvCol put on utube a few hours ago sound only recordings of the PdesP show and it is brilliant : thumb_yello: : you can feel the vibes in the audience much better than on the dvd and, without the circus stuff on the way : bored: , thoroughly enjoy Mika's magnificent voice : bow: ... breaking from time to time with the pressure of the occasion but it's actually more touching : wub2: than annoying.


I like you, you're refreshingly self centered : wanting Mika to be unable to make his silly dreams come true for lack of money , that's so deliciously unPC : clap: ! Don't hold your breath, though :no: ... and remember he has promised us a few acoustic gigs in smaller theatres before the next album is out

We may well have discussed the PdesP dvd ages and pages ago, it's always interesting to see a fan's opinion on this thread.






I've heard the live recording from PdP and didn't think the show sounded any better. One of the highspots for me from the DVD was (surprisingly) Rain, the chorus didn't sound quite so dischordant, and Mika was sitting still at the piano concentrating on the song.


I applaud Mika's efforts to make this more than an ordinary gig, and would never dismiss them as a silly dream, but for me it just didn't work.


I have an uncomfortable vision of Mika the entertainer - as opposed to Mika the singer - doing shows like this in 20 years time in Las Vegas :eek:

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On him doing it again....I would say that the perfect solution is this:

He can do a once-a-year massive gig like this (in Paris or London or some other large city) so that he can satisfy all his creative and grandiosity urges, and so that whoever wants to watch the big showtype thing can, and then the rest of the time he just does his regular smallish gigs that satisfy those of us who want to see the "closer" more "real" Mika. Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :blush-anim-cl::wub2:.


And a definite "Yes" to this :thumb_yello:

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He can do a once-a-year massive gig like this (in Paris or London or some other large city) so that he can satisfy all his creative and grandiosity urges, and so that whoever wants to watch the big showtype thing can, and then the rest of the time he just does his regular smallish gigs that satisfy those of us who want to see the "closer" more "real" Mika. Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :blush-anim-cl::wub2:.




And a definite "Yes" to this :thumb_yello:


But of course!:wub2::naughty:

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BTW I'm not sure everyone has heard the story we've been told by the security of the PDP so I think it's the right time to repeat it... even if it won't solve the tesco bag mystery


Security guy speaking : "Who's the blondie who follows Mika everywhere with his videocamera ? Geee, I could swear the man even filmed the toilets! And you should have seen the scene when I first got here for the preparations. I met this weird looking guy on the way, riding around the stadium like mad on a kick scooter with a tiny red backbag. And this poor camguy was running after him with his camera on his shoulder... the poor lad. I only realized who they were when I later was introduced to Mika..."


I almost died from laughter seeing the doc because it reminded me so much of what this bodyguard had said :roftl:


:lmfao: That is just HILARIOUS!!! :lmao:



Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :blush-anim-cl::wub2:.


Hear hear! :thumb_yello::biggrin2:

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Could someone please tell me where to find the GK French lyrics translation? I know I've seen the French lyrics somewhere in this thread but not the English translation. (Tbh I actually don't know if such a translation exists, I'm just assuming here :roftl:) It would be much appreciated! :D

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I saw the DVD in the next day it was released, and I knew people would be very excited, so I decided to wait to post my review!

Probably I’m going to say things that other Mfc’ers said!

I prefer this DVD instead of his first for a few reasons; first I think he is so happy in the images and the gig went so well, that we can’t ignore his happy faces and expressions, is so lovely to see, that we almost feel happy just to see his happiness (sorry if I’m being confusing:blush-anim-cl:)! The second reason is all the set design, and all the details… he is definitely brilliant, is creativity never stops and he is very professional! So colorful, so many lights, everything was perfect visually, and I have to say that I’m not a huge fan of circus theme, (and I don’t like clowns)! And the third reason is the documentary… it is great to see how he worked, and how he gave so much of him to that show!:wub2:

The concert in generally was very good (in my opinion, of course), I don’t say it was perfect because the set list was almost the same than the other DVD, I know that he hadn’t more songs to add, so maybe it would be better if he waited till the release of the new CD! Of course I liked to see the DVD and (once again) I think it’s amazing, but I’m saying this because he will not release a new DVD so soon (I guess), so we will have to wait to have his new songs in a DVD a little bit more! This is just my theory, I hope you understand me!:bleh:

I think the crowd was not very “expressive” (I don’t know if this is the word I want to use:blink:)! We didn’t hear them very clear, I don’t know if this is an effect of post-production, or if was the crowd that wasn’t singing the songs with him.

Sorry if I wrote some mistakes, I'm not used to write so much in English!:blush-anim-cl:


Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :blush-anim-cl:wub2

How's that for a plan? Everybody happy :naughty

I agree! :thumb_yello:

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I saw the DVD in the next day it was released, and I knew people would be very excited, so I decided to wait to post my review!

Probably I’m going to say things that other Mfc’ers said!

I prefer this DVD instead of his first for a few reasons; first I think he is so happy in the images and the gig went so well, that we can’t ignore his happy faces and expressions, is so lovely to see, that we almost feel happy just to see his happiness (sorry if I’m being confusing:blush-anim-cl:)! The second reason is all the set design, and all the details… he is definitely brilliant, is creativity never stops and he is very professional! So colorful, so many lights, everything was perfect visually, and I have to say that I’m not a huge fan of circus theme, (and I don’t like clowns)! And the third reason is the documentary… it is great to see how he worked, and how he gave so much of him to that show!:wub2:

The concert in generally was very good (in my opinion, of course), I don’t say it was perfect because the set list was almost the same than the other DVD, I know that he hadn’t more songs to add, so maybe it would be better if he waited till the release of the new CD! Of course I liked to see the DVD and (once again) I think it’s amazing, but I’m saying this because he will not release a new DVD so soon (I guess), so we will have to wait to have his new songs in a DVD a little bit more! This is just my theory, I hope you understand me!:bleh:

I think the crowd was not very “expressive” (I don’t know if this is the word I want to use:blink:)! We didn’t hear them very clear, I don’t know if this is an effect of post-production, or if was the crowd that wasn’t singing the songs with him.Sorry if I wrote some mistakes, I'm not used to write so much in English!:blush-anim-cl:



I agree! :thumb_yello:


Yes that's the negative point of the DVD in my opinion... This is indeed a "post-production effect", we can't really hear the crowd, but I was there and I can assure you that the crowd was amazing, and much noisier than you can hear! For me the crowd contributed to the success of this night, really!:thumb_yello:

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I have an uncomfortable vision of Mika the entertainer - as opposed to Mika the singer - doing shows like this in 20 years time in Las Vegas :eek:


Good thing I didn't read your post yesterday evening or I would have had nightmares all night long :hypo:... but what you foresee -all the time hoping you are wrong- is something, I suppose, that crosses everybody's minds from time to time ... Still the Las Vegas vision gave me the creeps : I imagined a 45 year old Mika, with a toupet and heavy make up, doing his Céline there for weeks on end :eek: .


If he had just average talent, It wouldn't be so sad :emot-sad: but the man's a musical genius, for God's sake, does he need somebody to spell M-U-S-I C for him now :mad:?


Perhaps it's a bit unfair : don't forget that he did watch the DVD, might not have been more delighted than some of us were :bored: , and his promise of a few acoustic gigs may be an answer to his own, and our, reactions to the PdesP circus :thumbdown: .


You finger-crossed Id3

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I read it today... sam i not allowed to comment something that was still discussed 2 days ago?? epecially when there is a big mistake in what has been said?


its no closed at all , its brand new and open unless you declare it officially closed or unless you dont want me to comment it.


EDIT: okay you edit your post to provoke me by referring to personal stuff (which btw you dont even get yourself thats the funny part)that not a lot of people can understand, again it only proves how mean and ignorant you are, go and check your faults


No, you're not... hadn't you realized it yet ? So sweetly naive of you !


You're not supposed to comment :no: , you're supposed to shut your trap and conform.


For some MFCers, post editing is not a cowardly practice, it's a religion :bow: . You can't possibly attack people about their religion (it's bound to be forbidden by the MFC rules).


Don't hold your breath or you might die from lack of oxygen before the K shoot you dead :gun2: , you uppity rebel !


And you're not playing fair :thumbdown: : if you are here as an entomologist you're not supposed to interfere with the insects you are studying. Can you imagine Fabre kicking an ant-hill to see how the poor little buggers were reacting to aggression :shocked: ?


Let's end on a brighter note : being so insecure that you are literally unable to acknowledge your faults is as touching :wub2: as it is irritating :mad: , don't you think ?





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I have an uncomfortable vision of Mika the entertainer - as opposed to Mika the singer - doing shows like this in 20 years time in Las Vegas :eek:

:eek:Eek indeed:shocked::roftl:

Agree with the feedback on the gig, as I said on numerous occasions before so I won't bore everyone again. There have been plenty of other Mika gigs that I have found a lot better, musically and vibewise.

On him doing it again....I would say that the perfect solution is this:

He can do a once-a-year massive gig like this (in Paris or London or some other large city) so that he can satisfy all his creative and grandiosity urges, and so that whoever wants to watch the big showtype thing can, and then the rest of the time he just does his regular smallish gigs that satisfy those of us who want to see the "closer" more "real" Mika. Oh, and also a once a year fanclub only gig please MR. M :wub2:.



I especially agree with the fanclub only gig part:wub2::naughty:

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I think the crowd was not very “expressive” (I don’t know if this is the word I want to use:blink:)! We didn’t hear them very clear, I don’t know if this is an effect of post-production, or if was the crowd that wasn’t singing the songs with him.

Sorry if I wrote some mistakes, I'm not used to write so much in English!



Yes that's the negative point of the DVD in my opinion... This is indeed a "post-production effect", we can't really hear the crowd, but I was there and I can assure you that the crowd was amazing, and much noisier than you can hear! For me the crowd contributed to the success of this night, really!:thumb_yello:


I agree with Chopotte in that the crowd aspect of it is just due to editing.

The crowd was great, and to me that was also one of the big successes of the night. At one point I even just turned around and video'd everyone around us because it amazed me to see all those people so excited. In my opinion, when putting the DVD together they should have kept a bit more crowd "noise" to make it a bit livelier, as I find that it now sounds a bit sterile sometimes, and it's not a reflection of what the atmoshpere was like on the night.

In fact, and despite the lesser quality and the fact that I can't see much of Mika's face from close up in my videos, I prefer to watch/listen to my own recordings of the PDP gig because they feel a lot more "lively" than the proper DVD.

Here are a couple of examples.

I mean, check the energy in the crowd (and between crowd and Mika from around 02:00 on this one:



and when he comes over in IJCGE:




And of course the encore of Relax, that was fantastic when he came over around 02:20:



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You're very welcome ;)

I know most Swedish people don't understand French :naughty:


:naughty: :naughty:


No that's right Niki, we have our heads full of the English!:naughty:


Thanks for the translation, I've always wondered what all the fuzz was about!:biggrin2:

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Yes that's the negative point of the DVD in my opinion... This is indeed a "post-production effect", we can't really hear the crowd, but I was there and I can assure you that the crowd was amazing, and much noisier than you can hear! For me the crowd contributed to the success of this night, really!:thumb_yello:


I agree with Chopotte in that the crowd aspect of it is just due to editing.

The crowd was great, and to me that was also one of the big successes of the night. At one point I even just turned around and video'd everyone around us because it amazed me to see all those people so excited. In my opinion, when putting the DVD together they should have kept a bit more crowd "noise" to make it a bit livelier, as I find that it now sounds a bit sterile sometimes, and it's not a reflection of what the atmoshpere was like on the night.

In fact, and despite the lesser quality and the fact that I can't see much of Mika's face from close up in my videos, I prefer to watch/listen to my own recordings of the PDP gig because they feel a lot more "lively" than the proper DVD.


Unfortunately, I didn’t went to that show, but since the moment I started to see the DVD I found that some things were strange, because we can see people jumping and clapping, but we didn’t hear people singing. How a crowd could be so silent and clapping and jumping at the same time?? Impossible… and I know the French people love him so much, and there were 55 000 people to see him, so I thought the “silent crowd” would be a not-so-good effect.:thumbdown:

The people who went there knows that… they know people supported him so much and were very excited with him, but for those who just had the possibility to see the concert now (like me)… you could get the wrong idea! :blink:

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Unfortunately, I didn’t went to that show, but since the moment I started to see the DVD I found that some things were strange, because we can see people jumping and clapping, but we didn’t hear people singing. How a crowd could be so silent and clapping and jumping at the same time?? Impossible… and I know the French people love him so much, and there were 55 000 people to see him, so I thought the “silent crowd” would be a not-so-good effect.:thumbdown:

The people who went there knows that… they know people supported him so much and were very excited with him, but for those who just had the possibility to see the concert now (like me)… you could get the wrong idea! :blink:

Yes, I totally agree with you Liliana :thumb_yello:. It's a shame.

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I totally agree.............it gives completely the wrong impression, it just doesn't reflect the reality at all.:shocked:


Thanks for posting the vids Sari...........wow, happy memories indeed!:mf_lustslow: I think the Relax encore is my favourite track

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I agree with Chopotte in that the crowd aspect of it is just due to editing.

The crowd was great, and to me that was also one of the big successes of the night. At one point I even just turned around and video'd everyone around us because it amazed me to see all those people so excited. In my opinion, when putting the DVD together they should have kept a bit more crowd "noise" to make it a bit livelier, as I find that it now sounds a bit sterile sometimes, and it's not a reflection of what the atmoshpere was like on the night.


:thumb_yello: I knew we would finally both agree on something Sariflor! :roftl:


thanks for your vids!:wink2:

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