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I forgot to post my thoughts here. Today I saw it. It was long and just as soon as you think the film is over it starts up again. :naughty: But the cinematography is beautiful. The Northern Territory landscape is a character in it's own right, really gorgeous. The character Nullah is so adorable. :cheerful_h4h: Hugh Jackman was also verra pretty in it (can't say the same for Nicole Kidman, though). The storyline is pretty good, there's a bit of both emotion and action. The filming style was interesting, definitely a throwback to classic Hollywood epics and even Westerns. Overall I enjoyed it. :thumb_yello:

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Glad you enjoyed it! I agree with your thoughts. I think I felt the same way you did the first time. Personally, I felt pretty thrown around with how much the movie seems like it's over and then starts up again....but seeing it the second time I actually enjoyed all of the twists and turns throughout the film.


*sigh* I just loves it. :)

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Yeah, three times... I saw Moulin Rouge five times when it came out in theaters

Haha I saw it about 5 or 6 too I think :naughty: each time I had to sneak in as I was a year too young to see it.


Hopefully going to face the freezing cold to stand outside for hours at the premiere tomorrow :naughty:

So excited :thumb_yello: Since I'm a big Baz fan and basically idolised Nicole from the age of about 6 :naughty:

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Have fun seeing it! Hope you end up enjoying it. :)


I saw it again with my mom this time and she loved the whole movie. She said she wants to see it again and I said "Well, you know who's willing to go with you!" lol


Oooh...sounds like a movie I need to take my mom and sister to.

'Coz hubby would be miserably grumpy.:naughty:

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You'd be surprised...he may even like it! It's got cowboys and rough-housing in it. Christopher that it was great and said he'd def go see it with me again. :)


Ha! Don't get me wrong, my hubby's a pretty tolerant man - but we watched separate movies on our 10th wedding anniversary. :naughty:

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  • 3 months later...
Apparently part of the story is about Aboriginal children being taken from their parents...


For those who don't know: During the earlier part of last century (up until about the 60's I think), Aboriginal children were taken from their parents and put into white families... they were basically made to disown their Aboriginal heritage and 'become' white people... the children taken from their parents were referred to as the stolen generations...


I'm not exactly an expert on the stolen generations, but I think Kelzy knows more than me...

Oh, I got a mention :naughty:


I bought the DVD the other night. I just finished watching it and realised there's actually a thread on here. I loved Nullah. Reminded me of my friends son. :naughty: Anyway, my head's still processing it. Thought it was really beautifully done. Would easily watch it again and probably have more to say about it then. :wink2:

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