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This One's For Us Girls PART 33


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Yes I am going to bed (just waiting for my iPod to finish updating)...

Sara Bareilles was SO nice to me after the gig......She genuinely cared about talking/hugging/signing/photo-taking/warming us up even though she was supposed to be doing other things :)

*adds Sara to the "LONG" list of artists who are nice to people* :punk:

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Well he started talking to me, you know, simply "Hello, how are you?" and then we talked about the show being awesome, the weather (such a cliché! :naughty: ), about uncomprehending german reporters, me travelling 600 km just to be able to see his show and then it was basically me trying to convince him to have a gig in the Czech Republic on the next tour. :naughty: We'll see (hopefully) soon if that worked :mf_rosetinted:


Aw that's sweet :bleh:


Not long to go til we find out :cool:

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Not long left.




No way, they can't handle us


Ha ha! Aw. Yeah me neither.


Exactly ! We're too much :das::naughty:


As I said, maybe he found some boys thread..... naah... he couldn't do that! .. :mf_rosetinted:


Aw, that special guy :wub2: And cos he's so nice we just like him even more :doh: What did you talk to him about?


Read it in my reply to Sarah's question :wink2:


I forgot to add that a friend of mine was with me, and she talked to him before me, well "talked" xD... It looked like this:

Mika: Hello!

Friend: :mf_lustslow: Heello!

Mika: How are you?

Friend: :-) ....... :-) ............... (-: ..................... Great! ...............................................................

Mika: It's so **cking freezy, isn't it?

Friend: ..................................................... Yeah!


And that was pretty much it (-: She just couldn't get a word out of herself... and was so embarrased afterwards... well and after I heard this conversation I thought this can't happen to me! That's why I talked as much as I could xD

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No, me either.


Anyway, must be off to bed now. I hate how the time goes by so quickly when I'm on here :thumbdown:


Goodnight xxx




Read it in my reply to Sarah's question :wink2:


I forgot to add that a friend of mine was with me, and she talked to him before me, well "talked" xD... It looked like this:

Mika: Hello!

Friend: :mf_lustslow: Heello!

Mika: How are you?

Friend: :-) ....... :-) ............... (-: ..................... Great! ...............................................................

Mika: It's so **cking freezy, isn't it?

Friend: ..................................................... Yeah!


And that was pretty much it (-: She just couldn't get a word out of herself... and was so embarrased afterwards... well and after I heard this conversation I thought this can't happen to me! That's why I talked as much as I could xD


:roftl: All I managed to get out was hello.

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:roftl: All I managed to get out was hello.


Next time you're gonna manage a "How'r you?" :bleh: You can do it, I trust you!! :naughty:


Just kidding, next time think about any question you wanna ask him, then do it and you'll see you will talk more :wink2:

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Next time you're gonna manage a "How'r you?" :bleh: You can do it, I trust you!! :naughty:


Just kidding, next time think about any question you wanna ask him, then do it and you'll see you will talk more :wink2:


I will have something planned for next time. It was freezing when I met him and I wasn't wearing a coat so I guess that could have contributed to my lack of conversation.

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I will have something planned for next time. It was freezing when I met him and I wasn't wearing a coat so I guess that could have contributed to my lack of conversation.

Oh, okay, I can imagine :wink2: Must've been even colder than when I met him... cause you met him exactly two weeks after me (if I can still count... :fisch: ) ...

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Hmm, let's see if I remember with my crap memory (Elina don't say anything)


Tis never a smart thing to tell me NOT to say anything ya know :naughty:


Hehe, can you imagine that by the time she will be telling this story to her grandchildren, they will probably go "Katy Perry? You mean that old "has-been"? Eeew grandma, her music is so old and terrible!"


I seriously can't imagine that


Chances are, they'd have no clue who she was :naughty:


Oh I think I'd love to see the wee ones reactions :lmfao:


haha yeah!



I'm going to bed now.. This is the earliest I've been to bed in WEEKS...possibly months haha


Thanks for the visual! Shame one can't actually see you though.


Haha well good night then! xxx


I don't know why but that really made me LOL. I'm so happy to be at home by myself so I can laugh like a weirdo


It wasn't THAT funny :roftl:

Like the weirdo you are, you mean?

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I will make you hate that saying. When you sleep over at mine I will play someone saying that on repeat so the next time you even here the word ATE you will want to rip out your hair :mf_rosetinted:


No, you is :mf_rosetinted:


You can never make me hate it. :lmao:

:shocked: Oh you're pure evil you :no: (Oh well, won't work anyway, I'd just be laughing my head off at it :lmfao:)


No YOU is. :mf_rosetinted:

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