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MFC banner competition: final round!!!!


What is your favourite banner ?  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite banner ?

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We are not starting from scratch lol!

Don't worry I'll fix this, even if it takes me 2 days to investigate every IP & every vote !;)

*will need coffee*

*makes coffee for Niki*


Might have to look into stopping new users from voting.. They shouldn't be voting on banners anyway.. Pfft, they don't even know what chicken is. *hmph*

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I do agree with Caz though, we might be coming down too hard on someone.


All the wonderful photos we post on MFC (not the banners), photoshopped to lose their watermarks etc, borrowed from belga, getty, wireimage... we love them all, but those sites might have a lot to say to us about the legality of us doing that. So none of us is perfect.:wink2:

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Now I see a different perspective on it .....


It is bad that we have had to deal with this , I honestly had no idea this would happen , on the other side of the coin ... not only with this I suppose we need to be aware of how many younglings we have and how much things want to be won .


I won a pair of mikas shoes last week on ebay and got a loads of mega abusive emails from a child!! saying how upset she was :boxed:


So yeh ....... I see

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Now I see a different perspective on it .....


It is bad that we have had to deal with this , I honestly had no idea this would happen , on the other side of the coin ... not only with this I suppose we need to be aware of how many younglings we have and how much things want to be won .


I won a pair of mikas shoes last week on ebay and got a loads of mega abusive emails from a child!! saying how upset she was :boxed:


So yeh ....... I see


Im not a child :mf_rosetinted:

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Yes cheating is wrong , and yes its wrong to the other particpants .. which eventually should be apologised for .. i also realise a lot of hard work has gone in from the mods !!! :bow: .. and its a shame it has come to cheating to try and win ... its wrong end of ...


But cummon guys ... i dont know who the person is , but they MAY have just been a person DESPERATE for the DVD ! For all we know it could have been a youngling , who doesnt have it and cant get it from thier parents for xmas !! Whether its a youngling or not ... for all mfc members know it could be or could have been , obviously the mods will know different !! ... there are more problems that come from trolls on this forum and cheating for a dvd seems much more "innocent" than the stirring that can go on from trolls !!


They probably did it without realising it would be taken so seriously , as its a banner comp !! ... im sure when they realise and view the thread they will realise how they have upset people ... but its like a witch hunt at the minute over cheating on a banner :boxed: ... i doubt they WILL admit it publicly now ! ... and they shouldnt have to ... only the participants that they cheated against and the mods for thier hard work ! .....


I don't think you can say, "It's only a competition for a DVD,"

and then turn around and say maybe this person was

desperate for the the DVD. :blink: If it's "only" a DVD, then why go to

such great lengths to win it? It IS

only a DVD. I don't think you can call it "innocent" to

cheat. It's not innocent -- you know when you're doing it that you're

doing something wrong, something that's harmful to others. Maybe

some of the other banner artists are just as desperate to win the DVD

but they don't resort to cheating... I don't think it's fair to them to

turn a blind eye to what's happened here.


I DON'T want a witch hunt -- and I don't think the person should confess

publicly, or even privately for that matter. That's totally unnecessary.

What are we going to do? Stone them? Of course not.


If nothing else this was a valuable lesson to me, not to be so trusting.

I really didn't think it would be necessary to see if anyone was trying to

throw the vote off, either by using multiple identities or by some other

means. I knew people would get their friends to vote for them, but

I didn't realize that anyone would go to extreme measures...


Now I know. :boxed:

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Yeh ... I see it all but Im hurt overall


I was mega trusting on this , this didnt even cross my mind this would happen .


I do see the side of a child (lets say) desperate to win , but much more all the time and effort that went into this .. its a kick in the teeth


Anyways thats all from me .. I look forward to posting the goodies :punk::punk:

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Anyways thats all from me .. I look forward to posting the goodies :punk:


Yes, that's right! :thumb_yello:


And the next time we'll do things a little differently. Forewarned is

forearmed and all that... :)

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I don't think you can say, "It's only a competition for a DVD,"

and then turn around and say maybe this person was

desperate for the the DVD. :blink: If it's "only" a DVD, then why go to

such great lengths to win it? It IS

only a DVD. I don't think you can call it "innocent" to

cheat. It's not innocent -- you know when you're doing it that you're

doing something wrong, something that's harmful to others. Maybe

some of the other banner artists are just as desperate to win the DVD

but they don't resort to cheating... I don't think it's fair to them to

turn a blind eye to what's happened here.


Hi deb :wink2:

I didnt say it WAS innocent , I said cheating IS wrong , and its a shame for the mods and other competitors and all thier hard work ... I meant "to me" it seems quite innocent compared to alot of the other things that go on the forum like people deliberately coming on the forum to wind others up and making it thier life ambition to be a troll and annoy others - when compared to going to extraordinary measures to win a mika dvd... thats what i meant , not that its innocent .. it isnt .... and i dont think it would be fair to turn a blind eye either , i didnt say that either - i said i think the mods and other competitors have the right for an apology :wink2:


... and "to me" it is just a dvd and a competition (which btw - i think is an amazing thing) - but to the person who cheated however its obviously alot more than just a DVD - im not that person .. what i was referring to is ... yes it is wrong BUT it doesnt need people going over how wrong and disgusting it is (noone in particular again)... it COULD have been a youngling ... If it was - are younglings not allowd to do silly things and learn by thier mistakes ? :wink2: It maybe isnt a youngling , but my point was it COULD have been ... That was what i meant ... and i personally think in any circumstance ... its unfair to be judgemental (as im sure you agree) when people dont even know who created the banner .... as i say , it could have been a desperate youngling ... god knows i cheated at games when i was young ;) But i got laughed at - disqualified and didnt have to go through public humiliation about it either ... what if in RL it was a 12 year old that cheated at a game for example to win a fiver ... would he be put out infront of the whole street to apologise to the neighbours ? i tend to think any youngling would be in tears if they were humiliated like that :wink2: (just an example of what i was getting at earlier :-) )


I DON'T want a witch hunt -- and I don't think the person should confess

publicly, or even privately for that matter. That's totally unnecessary.

What are we going to do? Stone them? Of course not.


That wasnt implied to anyone particular either , it was a comment in general ... But others were asking for a public apology , that was why i resulted with the witch hunt comment ...


As i said before , its obvious people take it alot more serious than i personally do , which is fine!!! - and why i said , maybe MFC isnt for me today :naughty: But i do think that point was worth pointing out which i did ...


Caz xoxo

Edited by mikas_gal07
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Regardless of anyone confessing publicly, the mods can see who the person/people are who voted through multiple accounts by looking at the IP address. Maybe people don't realise: your computer has its own IP address and no matter how many alternative member accounts you make, they are all traceable back to you.


That would still let people vote at home/work/school/friend's house, if they were sufficiently determined, But (now I'm gonna get shot) perhaps this kind of dishonesty is difficult to distinguish from when we encourage each other to vote in say "kids choice" awards when we're not kids.


Presumably it was one of the (leading) contestants? If not, it's tough on whoever had votes disallowed.

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I voted for myself, and I asked a lot of people to vote too...am I a bad person now?:shocked:


asking ppl to vote for you is one thing, voting for yourself (multiple times that is) another!


sorry you don't qualify,you're not bad enough:thumbdown:

next time try harder:naughty:



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asking ppl to vote for you is one thing, voting for yourself (multiple times that is) another!


sorry you don't qualify,you're not bad enough:thumbdown:

next time try harder:naughty:




Sh*zzle, there goes my bad ass image:mf_rosetinted:

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Now I see a different perspective on it .....


It is bad that we have had to deal with this , I honestly had no idea this would happen , on the other side of the coin ... not only with this I suppose we need to be aware of how many younglings we have and how much things want to be won .


I won a pair of mikas shoes last week on ebay and got a loads of mega abusive emails from a child!! saying how upset she was So yeh ....... I see

Mika's shoes? Will they fit you? I don't see sparkly gold ones suiting you Fred. :wink2:


Im not a child


No, but you have a big fat nose. :lmfao:

Yeh ... I see it all but Im hurt overall


I was mega trusting on this , this didnt even cross my mind this would happen .


I do see the side of a child (lets say) desperate to win , but much more all the time and effort that went into this .. its a kick in the teeth


Anyways thats all from me .. I look forward to posting the goodies :punk::punk:


Fred, darling, you are such an innocent in some ways, it's endearing.


Yes, that's right! :thumb_yello:


And the next time we'll do things a little differently. Forewarned is

forearmed and all that... :)


And deb, practical to the last! :thumb_yello:


I have to say (and sorry to the creator of option B) I will be disappointed if there was no cheating going on there! I mean really, Mika just looks ODD to say the least. I can't believe it has so many votes!

If it wins, how long will we have to put up with it?

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Niki said GMT 10pm, which will be in 45 minutes :wink2:


oh thanks!


guess i should vote now:sweatdrop:


well it's not gonna make a difference anyway,it needs 5 more votes after me!



EDIT: voted:thumb_yello:

Edited by dilek
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I have to say (and sorry to the creator of option B) I will be disappointed if there was no cheating going on there! I mean really, Mika just looks ODD to say the least. I can't believe it has so many votes!

If it wins, how long will we have to put up with it?


I'm sorry to disappoint you love, but my hands are clean:thumb_yello:

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