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MFC banner competition: final round!!!!


What is your favourite banner ?  

214 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite banner ?

    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
    • H
    • I
    • J

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...how long is it going to be our banner?


Several weeks at least -- well into the new year, I expect :)


Can you post the larger versions please? :wub2:


As was posted earlier, we're working on it :thumb_yello:

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Aaaw! Now you might hurt the person who made Q!:sneaky2:

You're so..unsensitive!:mf_rosetinted:


I'd do ANYTHING for Z :sneaky2:

I don't care ... let's be honest, Z is the best :)



voted :angel_not:


The banner on your signature is made by you? It's GOOD, really good

Edited by Kissable
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voted... but it was such a hard choice, so many nice one. In the end I got it down between A & E I liked the piccy in A best and the firework behind him but in E I liked the colouring cos it matches MFC colours and that is has text on the bottom and I liked what the text says.


I liked E too, but for a completely different reason!!!:wub2::roftl:



You both have very good taste. :thumb_yello:

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voted... but it was such a hard choice, so many nice one. In the end I got it down between A & E I liked the piccy in A best and the firework behind him but in E I liked the colouring cos it matches MFC colours and that is has text on the bottom and I liked what the text says.


I liked E too, but for a completely different reason!!!:wub2::roftl:


You both have very good taste. :thumb_yello:

Very good taste. :das:

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Hmmmm,I can't choose....



I would have done the banner if the first prize was the live meeting with Mika,in private. :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

I wouldn't be getting any sleep if that was the first prize.. :roftl:

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I didn't realise it was anonymous since a lot of people were posting ones they had made before the competition closed. I never posted mine. I also, tbh, am not all that satisfied with how they look in the first post and think alot of the banners are suffering a lack of votes due to this. Mine included obviously, and this isn't jealousy, merely my attempt to show what mine looks like properly. I'm surprised no one else has done it, tbh. If the first post could show all of ours in better quality it would be nice. I offered to help and was ignored.

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