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The Portuguese Thread - Part 2,5


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Se calhar a culpa é tua, já viste? :naughty:


(agora a sério, há coisas que não percebo mesmo...mas se me explicassem já era um avanço)

Depois dizes que eu tenho o síndrome do calimero! :tears:


Eu mesmo explicando às vezes não chego lá!:naughty:

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After our friend lucy got away very upset i was trying to find out what upset her and saw some comments on mikagasmics which i believed caused her to go away, namely a few ones making fun of the pics there...





epá mas isto nao se faz, estas estupidas tem a mania que sao donas disto a gozar e a humilhar as miudas....




People shouldn't be doing this, its so stupid to think one owns this place and make fun of other girls...




mas tb a gente vai se queixar a quem????

o fredericoduplo é amigo delas!?....



But then to whom may we report this?

FreddieDouble is their friend|?




Is this the offensive thing about mentionning your name FD????????



Willy, firstly: 'estas estupidas' literally means that you are calling us stupid. That is insulting.

Secondly, it is unfair on FD to assume that if he's our friend he won't do his job properly and let us off for what you perceive to be a problem. Nothing in your posts suggests that you think that it's silly anyway, as you are making a big deal out of it.

Also, let me remind you that your friend Lucy got upset about comments made HERE ON THIS THREAD, as admitted by herself!

I really don't want to get caught up on all this cr@p and stoop down to the level of some people who I've been shocked by, but I think that this needed to be said.

Let me also add that last night, on the thread, we were just having fun like one does on MFC.

Nobody was upset, and everyone was a willing participant of the fun. It looks like for some reason you guys decided to make a big fuss out of it and start the criticising behind closed (or not so closed, as it's all coming out now) doors.

If anything, the comments that you mention STARTED HERE on this thread!!!

If you have a problem with something, you should say it. If you don't feel comfortable doing it on the thread, pm the person. Why do you guys instead come to this thread, still in a public forum, and speak badly about others who presumably can't understand you and therefore defend themselves?

That is cowardly and quite double faced.

You may not like me for example, but at least I can be proud to say that I am honest and straight forward, and will not do this sort of thing.

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I had no intention to offend or hide anything from anyone otherwise i'd use pm...

And we often mention other people's names here to identify situations or posts...

i know nothing about mika's PLife except what i acknlowdge here...

And i would very much solve this as soon as possible as i just come here for fun, never thought i would have to quote myself or translate my sayings for christ's sake...

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Willy, firstly: 'estas estupidas' literally means that you are calling us stupid. That is insulting.

Glad u can read portuguese, please acknowledge stupid in our country is not that offensive, more of a slang treatment, such as merde in rench doesn't mean **** in portuguese..

If i wanted to offend anyone i wouldn't use stupid...



Secondly, it is unfair on FD to assume that if he's our friend he won't do his job properly and let us off for what you perceive to be a problem. Nothing in your posts suggests that you think that it's silly anyway, as you are making a big deal out of it.



already explain it u'll take it as u want it as i won't be able to convince u otherwise...



Also, let me remind you that your friend Lucy got upset about comments made HERE ON THIS THREAD, as admitted by herself!



dunno that as when she left she was on both threads



I really don't want to get caught up on all this cr@p and stoop down to the level of some people who I've been shocked by, but I think that this needed to be said.

Already explained, i had no intention to offend anyone...

u may believe it, maybe you don't...Let me also add that last night, on the thread, we were just having fun like one does on MFC.


We were too...



Nobody was upset, and everyone was a willing participant of the fun. It looks like for some reason you guys decided to make a big fuss out of it and start the criticising behind closed (or not so closed, as it's all coming out now) doors.



If we meant to be that close we'd pm eachother as i said before...



If anything, the comments that you mention STARTED HERE on this thread!!!

If you have a problem with something, you should say it. If you don't feel comfortable doing it on the thread, pm the person. Why do you guys instead come to this thread, still in a public forum, and speak badly about others who presumably can't understand you and therefore defend themselves?


I am happy to translate it all for u...

This was no talking badly, this was stating a fact...



That is cowardly and quite double faced.





If i was a coward i wouldn't be here translating and quoting myself...


You may not like me for example, but at least I can be proud to say that I am honest and straight forward, and will not do this sort of thing.




I have nothing against u sara, threads are open u read them if i was not honest i would pm people not state my opinion in an open thread...


And if u read it all last night and fell offended why didn't u pm me to talk about it???

You let the dogs on me whithout even asking me for reasons/proper translations???






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Dear god/deus...

I wasn't here last night, and I see that there were some issues... I'm not stading in anyone's side, I don't have any preferences, but even if I did I doubt you wold even care:naughty:

I hope things between some members get sorted out soon, and someone apologizes(I'm not making anyone apologize of course...) because we are all here with a common interest, Mika as you know. There's no reason to offend other members or have arguings... I know some of you may have reasons to say all this, and I wold do the same, but we're all here to have fun as you said, so let's rest the case...:wink2:(I don't want for you to think that I'm bossing you around, it wold just be nicer if you did that... Or sort it out between you and the other persons that are involved in what you're talking about)


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olá :bye: acho que estou no thread errado, estão todos escrevendo em inglês :blink:



Entao somos 2 !:naughty:


A Sariflor deixou uma mensagem eu fui au tradutor nao comprendi todo mas a ultima mensagem traduzi so e nao gostei do que ela disse ...ela o ano passado criticoume no tread do encontro com o Mika que eu harcelei (nao sei se é portugués lol) a mae do Mika portanto ela nao pode dizer que é uma boa pessoa !

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Willy, firstly: 'estas estupidas' literally means that you are calling us stupid. That is insulting.


No, it is not.

I'm glad to know you guys can speak portuguese, but more than translating the words, you should try to know how offensive a term is in a language, before attacking everyone in this thread.

As Carla said, "estúpido" is not a word we use when we want to offend anyone, believe me.

Secondly, it is unfair on FD to assume that if he's our friend he won't do his job properly and let us off for what you perceive to be a problem. Nothing in your posts suggests that you think that it's silly anyway, as you are making a big deal out of it.


What's silly for a person may not be silly to other, and vice-versa.

The fact that someone got offended with a couple of jokes is a proof of that.


Also, let me remind you that your friend Lucy got upset about comments made HERE ON THIS THREAD, as admitted by herself!


At that point we had no idea WHY she had left the MFC, so we were trying to figure it out. And then other user told us that she was upset in the other thread too. We were worried, and of course, confused.


I really don't want to get caught up on all this cr@p and stoop down to the level of some people who I've been shocked by, but I think that this needed to be said.


Well, speaking for myself, I still don't understan what this cr@p is all about.


Let me also add that last night, on the thread, we were just having fun like one does on MFC.


Same here.


Nobody was upset, and everyone was a willing participant of the fun. It looks like for some reason you guys decided to make a big fuss out of it and start the criticising behind closed (or not so closed, as it's all coming out now) doors.


As said before, we had no idea at that point what was happening. Some of us weren't even on the Gasmics thread, so we didn't know what was being said there.

Closed doors? I'm sorry, but do you think we're dumb? If you do, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm absolute sure everyone here knows that anyone can read and translate what we write.


If you have a problem with something, you should say it. If you don't feel comfortable doing it on the thread, pm the person. Why do you guys instead come to this thread, still in a public forum, and speak badly about others who presumably can't understand you and therefore defend themselves?


I guess it's the same for you guys. If you have problems with someone here, why not PM her/him/them?


And as far as I know, there's no problem in commenting unpleasant situations of the MFC here, even if we're upset and overreacting. But ok, it won't happen again...no need to worry about that.


That is cowardly and quite double faced.


Now you're offending all of us. Again, we're all aware that many people can understand us.



You may not like me for example, but at least I can be proud to say that I am honest and straight forward, and will not do this sort of thing.


So what?

Not everyone likes us either, so... As I said before, when we talked about you (if you're curious, I said I thought you were likely to be chosen as one of the new mods) we've never talked much, so I have no idea how you're like. The fact that other people may not like you it's not my problem. And certainly, not a problem for the whole portuguese group.


As far as I'm concerned, you may not like us either, but I'm really not worried about that. There's thousands of people here in the forum, and I know I won't like everyone, and not everyone will like me.


From now on, I'd appreciate if you, FD and everyone that comes here would PM me if I say something you find offensive. I really don't like to see this mess on the thread, specially because there are people here that have no idea what's happening or what was said before.


Thank you.

Edited by Mary
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tudo bem Lils, e com você?


Quer dizer eu podia estar melhor! Mas estou bem! :naughty:


bemm eu tenho um jantar pra fazer

ja que nao me respondem

ate logo


por favor traduzam isto que eu tenho pressa os meus filhos tem que jantar


Até logo! :bye:


Oi pessoal já agora!:bleh::bye:


Olá porquinha! :bye:

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