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I'm leaving this forum for a while


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Dark Light! You surprised me. Okaaaay, um, all the best with whatever you're doing outside of the forum and we'll look forward to seeing you back here! Make sure you make a return thread:wink2:


I surprised you:shocked: well some people (naming no names) have surprised me on here too:shocked:


I shall be back in a short while you can't get rid of me for good lol:naughty:


I just have a bit of stuff to do a lot of it takes time & planning & so I won't be able to come online much:thumbdown:


hey ho I'll be back very soon, no doubt before the new year


have a good new year by the way:punk:

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I surprised you:shocked: well some people (naming no names) have surprised me on here too:shocked:


I shall be back in a short while you can't get rid of me for good lol:naughty:


I just have a bit of stuff to do a lot of it takes time & planning & so I won't be able to come online much:thumbdown:


hey ho I'll be back very soon, no doubt before the new year


have a good new year by the way:punk:


Oh, people surprise me on here all the time. You'd think I'd be used to it by now:bleh:

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Oh, people surprise me on here all the time. You'd think I'd be used to it by now:bleh:


I was referring to some negativity actually:thumbdown:


I thought this was a pleasant forum & that everyone was grown up & not immature, childish bullies I was wrong:thumbdown: (but that's a different story alltogether) and NOT the reason I'm leaving anyhow it's just 'cause I'm busy

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Actually, I was also talking about negativity.


About a year ago I saw the first hints and glimmers that not all was as bright and shiny around this place as I'd thought (as some of my newbie-ness started to wear off) and since then I've seen plenty. And it keeps surprising me, even though I feel it shouldn't anymore.

Edited by chickadee
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Actually, I was also talking about negativity.


About a year ago I saw the first hints and glimmers that not all was as bright and shiny around this place as I'd thought (as some of my newbie-ness started to wear off) and since then I've seen plenty. And it keeps surprising me, even though I feel it shouldn't anymore.


hmm sucks doesn't it:thumbdown: well after 11 months here I've started to notice bullying directed at me a fair few times by people who are old enough to know better (they're older than I am & i'm 23) they need to grow up in my opinion


anyhow It's in no way as bad as the derren brown fan forum Everyone on there is nasty & bullies others so that's why I left there permanently!!

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by the way if any of my friends on here wanna contact me then my myspace link (if you're not already on my friendslist is under my user name here)


and my facebook is here




I'll be on there more than here when I have the odd spare moment or two!! catching up with my friends

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hmm sucks doesn't it:thumbdown: well after 11 months here I've started to notice bullying directed at me a fair few times by people who are old enough to know better (they're older than I am & i'm 23) they need to grow up in my opinion


I'm not replying to try and change your mind... if you want to leave, that's up to you... but I thought I'd mention this...


If that's the case then you need to mention it to the mods... that's what they're there for... :thumb_yello: And even though you said you're not leaving because of the negativity I hope you think about this.. if you leave, you're leaving something unfinished... maybe working through it with the person you are having issues with can help...



And to be honest... you've got a lot of strong personalities and people from lots of countries on here... you're going to get differences of opinion... If you mention to them in a calm way that something someone has said to you has offended you, they usually will understand and ease off a bit (for lack of a better word)... people on here are pretty reasonable...


Even as a moderator I had a lot of arguments with people on here... I had a few arguments with Christine and I get along with her now... and even with Niki27...




And if you want to talk, you know where I am... :wink2:

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Aaaw that's very bad news, that people behave like that.

Okay, I can say I have a dislike for some people on here, but I certainly don't show them that.

If they really did something bad, then you should contact the mods, as some others said too.

Anyways, goodbye:huglove:

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I shall be back at some point but i'm off for a while if you wanna contact me then my Real friends on here know where to find me



Oh, thats kinda surprising, but good luck to you! Come back as soon as you can!

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I'm not replying to try and change your mind... if you want to leave, that's up to you... but I thought I'd mention this...


If that's the case then you need to mention it to the mods... that's what they're there for... :thumb_yello: And even though you said you're not leaving because of the negativity I hope you think about this.. if you leave, you're leaving something unfinished... maybe working through it with the person you are having issues with can help...



And to be honest... you've got a lot of strong personalities and people from lots of countries on here... you're going to get differences of opinion... If you mention to them in a calm way that something someone has said to you has offended you, they usually will understand and ease off a bit (for lack of a better word)... people on here are pretty reasonable...


Even as a moderator I had a lot of arguments with people on here... I had a few arguments with Christine and I get along with her now... and even with Niki27...




And if you want to talk, you know where I am... :wink2:



i tried to reason with the people concerned but they were just concerned with being childish & flinging insults at me all the time they wouldn't back down:sneaky2::thumbdown:


I can't be bothered with it all anymore let them carry on their childish ways if they wanna i don't give a damn:sneaky2:


thanks to everyone leaving me a message here


I shall sorta 'drop by' now & then over the coming week or two but won't be on here for hours & post on the boards as much as I'd normally do so


see you all soon :bye:


and btw i have pmed a mod

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