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Twilight Thread II!!!!


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i can't see how you all can JUST like edward, when you are picturing robert.


i read it before all the twilight madness, before id even heard of rob!

i fell in love with his character and kinda pictured my own edward! in twilight hes just sooooo sweet and charming, caring etc.. and stephanies always going on about how amazing he looks!:wub2:

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i read it before all the twilight madness, before id even heard of rob!

i fell in love with his character and kinda pictured my own edward! in twilight hes just sooooo sweet and charming, caring etc.. and stephanies always going on about how amazing he looks!:wub2:


who did you picture?

i only read it for rob, so i pictured him.

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eh? :blink: im confused!

he isnt photogenic, he only looks good in the movie, and in the professional photos where hes wearing makeup!


I HAVE to agree with that! THAT is how I feel too!


Okay - yeah Rob is Edward -- but, in real life ROB is not NEAR as beautiful as Edward! If Rob could run around everyday with loads of make-up on then YEAH he would look THAT good all of the time!


I do agree as an actor though Rob is the BEST Edward there could have been! NO ONE else could have played that part better - or even AS good!


Honestly when I watch the movie it is NOT Rob I see at all! He was SO good at the part - it is like Edward is a completely different entity all together!

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behind the scenes of the "meadow" scene.



it looks like there's some extra stuff that will be on the dvd :punk:


cool!! i cant WAIT for the dvd!

i kinda pictured the medow a bit differently. Wasnt it supposed to be sunny :blink:



thought the medow would be like that ^^ but with shorter grass!

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