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Twilight Thread II!!!!


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i wasn't even finished with new moon when i got eclipse. there was no way i was spending a day without reading :no:


TRUST ME - I know why!!!!!!


I sat and read the preview of Eclipse yesterday -- it was better then nothing! But, it did make me want it even more!!! Well -- at least I will have Eclipse while I am off for the next two days!!! Then I will be able to start on Breaking Dawn really soon! And I am SO looking forward to that one - I can hardly stand it!


I think that the movie - New Moon.... is going to be SO good! It has ALOT of potential! And I can just see a theater FULL of people crying! :naughty:

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Hey! I haven't been on in a while >.<

I was wondering, who do you guys want to play Jacob in New Moon? Do do want them to keep Taylor? Or cast Michael Copon(:das:) I like him. He wrote on my facebook wall.


THEY better KEEP Taylor -- or I am going to start a riot! :sneaky2:

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THEY better KEEP Taylor -- or I am going to start a riot! :sneaky2:


Hahaha! Either way, I don't mind. Taylor is really cute and hopefully with the extra pounds of muscle he's been trying to gain he'll do really good as New Moon Jacob. But I wouldn't mind seeing Michael as Jacob either. :mf_lustslow:

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Hahaha! Either way, I don't mind. Taylor is really cute and hopefully with the extra pounds of muscle he's been trying to gain he'll do really good as New Moon Jacob. But I wouldn't mind seeing Michael as Jacob either. :mf_lustslow:


For me it is already set in stone! Taylor IS Jacob Black -- when I read New Moon all I could see was Taylor's face -- It will destroy everything for me - if they change Jacob NOW! They knew before they EVER started casting or filming WHAT Jacob would become in New Moon -- so if Taylor is not good enough all of a sudden - he should not have been good enough to start! I think he did a fabulous job -- and New Moon needs Taylor to 'feel right'

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For me it is already set in stone! Taylor IS Jacob Black -- when I read New Moon all I could see was Taylor's face -- It will destroy everything for me - if they change Jacob NOW! They knew before they EVER started casting or filming WHAT Jacob would become in New Moon -- so if Taylor is not good enough all of a sudden - he should not have been good enough to start! I think he did a fabulous job -- and New Moon needs Taylor to 'feel right'


Ohhh, well that changes everything. I didn't really picture anyone in specific as Jacob in new moon... He was just someone I created in my mind... But I agree, changing him now would kind of ruin everything.. but I'm smitten :wub2: Hahahaha.

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Hey! I haven't been on in a while >.<

I was wondering, who do you guys want to play Jacob in New Moon? Do do want them to keep Taylor? Or cast Michael Copon(:das:) I like him. He wrote on my facebook wall.


either is fine with me. i've warmed up to taylor as a person, but as jacob...it's just not happening. what did michael write? :naughty:


Hahaha! Either way, I don't mind. Taylor is really cute and hopefully with the extra pounds of muscle he's been trying to gain he'll do really good as New Moon Jacob. But I wouldn't mind seeing Michael as Jacob either. :mf_lustslow:


he's so cute for doing that. but he's still going to look so young and be short.


For me it is already set in stone! Taylor IS Jacob Black -- when I read New Moon all I could see was Taylor's face -- It will destroy everything for me - if they change Jacob NOW! They knew before they EVER started casting or filming WHAT Jacob would become in New Moon -- so if Taylor is not good enough all of a sudden - he should not have been good enough to start! I think he did a fabulous job -- and New Moon needs Taylor to 'feel right'


even with the movie, i can't picture him.

this is who i see:



and him, even though he's not native american :naughty:


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Ohhh, well that changes everything. I didn't really picture anyone in specific as Jacob in new moon... He was just someone I created in my mind... But I agree, changing him now would kind of ruin everything.. but I'm smitten :wub2: Hahahaha.


I am SO thankful that I SAW Twilight before I read the book -- cause I had everyone in my mind -- and not the other way around!!!! I think *at least for me* it was SSSOOOOOO much better that way!

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either is fine with me. i've warmed up to taylor as a person, but as jacob...it's just not happening. what did michael write? :naughty:




he's so cute for doing that. but he's still going to look so young and be short.




even with the movie, i can't picture him.

this is who i see:



and him, even though he's not native american :naughty:



Ahahhaha, what did he say? Well. I wrote "Copon > Lautner" on my facebook status... to see if he would notice LOL.

And I wrote happy new year on his wall and he said:

"you too!!!! love the status!!!"


nyahahahhahah. I'm at season two of OTH(my friend has been passing me her DVDs), and I googled him cause I noticed how good looking he was (:blush-anim-cl:) and I saw that he was campaigning to be Jacob Black on his facebook page so I added him! lol.


You've been picturing Nathan as Jacob? That's kind of random! But he's real cute.

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I am SO thankful that I SAW Twilight before I read the book -- cause I had everyone in my mind -- and not the other way around!!!! I think *at least for me* it was SSSOOOOOO much better that way!


Yeah, it must've been... You didn't have to go through the whole "Ugghh, he was chosen for *insert character* that is SO not how I pictured him". It was the same for me with the Harry Potter books, I saw the first movie before reading the series.

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Ahahhaha, what did he say? Well. I wrote "Copon > Lautner" on my facebook status... to see if he would notice LOL.

And I wrote happy new year on his wall and he said:

"you too!!!! love the status!!!"


nyahahahhahah. I'm at season two of OTH(my friend has been passing me her DVDs), and I googled him cause I noticed how good looking he was (:blush-anim-cl:) and I saw that he was campaigning to be Jacob Black on his facebook page so I added him! lol.


You've been picturing Nathan as Jacob? That's kind of random! But he's real cute.


omigosh!! i should add him :naughty:

he looks just like taylor would be in 5 years.


i have! i don't remember if it started during twilight or new moon, but i still picture him. my bff watches OTH and whenever she explains things to me, she calls nathan, jacob. sometimes she'll call him nathan, and i'm like "who? :blink:"

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omigosh!! i should add him :naughty:

he looks just like taylor would be in 5 years.


i have! i don't remember if it started during twilight or new moon, but i still picture him. my bff watches OTH and whenever she explains things to me, she calls nathan, jacob. sometimes she'll call him nathan, and i'm like "who? :blink:"

Yeah! Add him, he answers quite a few people when they write on his wall. You just have to catch him when he's online. (Which is frequently. lol)

Add me on facebook too.. if you want. :original: Can you find people by email? mine is ohwowitsnicka@hotmail.com lol.


And that whole Jacob/Nathan thing. How confusing! LOL.

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Hahaha! Either way, I don't mind. Taylor is really cute and hopefully with the extra pounds of muscle he's been trying to gain he'll do really good as New Moon Jacob. But I wouldn't mind seeing Michael as Jacob either. :mf_lustslow:


i didnt really know who micheal was, so i googled him...and omg he looks like a grown up version of Taylor!!

but i still want Taylor to be Jacob or else :sneaky2:


ps- uve got mitch (maxxie) in ur avatar!!! i ♥ skins!

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