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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hi all, I only heard about the bushfires this morning and that was right before church, so now I'm home I've come racing on here to ask how everyone is?


Please, please tell me you are all OK...


Praying for all you Victorians and people living near the borders...:wub2:

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Visualising rain ... :aah:




:sad: Has it rained yet - I've got a headache now?

Awww ... thanks Silver .... *pats your head*

Hi all, I only heard about the bushfires this morning and that was right before church, so now I'm home I've come racing on here to ask how everyone is?


Please, please tell me you are all OK...


Praying for all you Victorians and people living near the borders...:wub2:




Does anyone live near there?????????????/


please, no :sad:

As far as I know ... we are all ok .... atm ... :thumb_yello:

Hello all !! :bye:

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Does anyone live near there?????????????/


please, no :sad:

Yep. Me, Bec, Tanya, Twatty, Pinkoranges and ummm.. There may be more. Well, anyway we are Victorians.

I'm not in the fire zone. Some friends of my brothers were in the fire zone and have evacuated.


I hope everyone has a good fire plan :huglove:

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Yep. Me, Bec, Tanya, Twatty, Pinkoranges and ummm.. There may be more. Well, anyway we are Victorians.

I'm not in the fire zone. Some friends of my brothers were in the fire zone and have evacuated.


I hope everyone has a good fire plan :huglove:

Glad you're ok Kelz ... :wub2: ...


We seem to be ok atm too ... some rain would make us happy tho' ....

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:shocked: How close are they SD ??!! Smoke can travel a long way ....


I think they are still a few towns away. But the smoke is starting to clear up a little now so that's good.


:shocked: this can't be good for your lungs..


It was getting inside somehow! And the smell of it gave me a headache.


Hi Aussies!

I just saw the news about bushfires. It's horrible.

Hope everyone is okay. :)


Thankyou! So do I.

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I think they are still a few towns away. But the smoke is starting to clear up a little now so that's good.




It was getting inside somehow! And the smell of it gave me a headache.




Thankyou! So do I.

Oh .... that's good then ... I heard about the fires NE of Melb. .... they completely wiped out Marysville !! :no:


Stay in touch eh? Just so we know you're ok ... :huglove:

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Glad you're ok Kelz ... :wub2 ...


We seem to be ok atm too ... some rain would make us happy tho' ....

We had some rain.. Well, alot of rain actually. And now it's sunny again, but about 28 degrees.. lovely.

Aww, I'm sorry it's so hot for you guys! It's been pouring here for about 4 weeks. You can have the rain. I'm most certainly done with it!


*orders rain to move south*

Orders Sun to go North!

Hi Aussies!

I just saw the news about bushfires. It's horrible.

Hope everyone is okay. :)

So far we're all ok. :huglove:

I think they are still a few towns away. But the smoke is starting to clear up a little now so that's good.


It was getting inside somehow! And the smell of it gave me a headache.


Thankyou! So do I.

Oh, it's horrible when the smoke gets in. I hope you're doing ok.

Like HK said, please keep us updated. :huglove:

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We had some rain.. Well, alot of rain actually. And now it's sunny again, but about 28 degrees.. lovely.


Orders Sun to go North!


So far we're all ok. :huglove:


Oh, it's horrible when the smoke gets in. I hope you're doing ok.

Like HK said, please keep us updated. :huglove:


Thanks Kelz ... I'm keeping all my computer channels open ... :thumb_yello:


Great you had some rain .... it isn't as hot here today, there is a southerly blowing which is good for coolth ... but a bit gusty for fires ... :blink: ....

There is a fire out of control about 20-30 k's south of Bega ... which is about 80k's from us .... & one in a national park approx. the same distance to the north of us .... we can see a smoke haze ... but so far so good ... always have to keep an eye out for floating embers tho' ....

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Hi guys...I'm glad everyone is ok *hugs you all tight*


We had some family friends in Kinglake but they're ok...house is gone but the main thing is they're ok.


Channel 9 has just said that the winds have picked up again :tears:


We've had bugger all rain here so far.

Edited by Tanya K
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oh that's not good. you live in the bush? i didn't know that!

what is the difference between "the bush" and "the outback" ?

is there a difference?


As HK said, the outback is a lot more desert... Though apparently a fella from Perth thought we were in the outback...



Here's the outback...







In between Walgett and Grawin...




I think out of the Aussies here ... probably Teegs, Sweet Dreams & Chickadee are the furthest inland ....


Us three are about the furthest inland... looks like SD is the furthest in out of the three...


very pretty. i'm for a mika gig on your varenda too!


How nice would it be to have a mini concert on her verandah?


Just watching the ABC news ... Awful bushfires in Victoria & NSW !!


It sure is terrible... I've been thinking of the poor people who lost their homes and loved ones all day...


How awful. I'm not surprised, though, since today was officially Melbourne's hottest day on record. The high winds aren't helping either.



City swelters, records tumble in heat


* Hamish Townsend

* February 7, 2009 - 1:56PM


Melbourne's all-time weather record has been broken and the city is sweltering under the twin effects of high temperatures and hot north-west winds.


The city hit 46.4 degrees at 3.04pm - the hottest day since the Bureau of Meteorology started keeping records after the building of records mysteriously burnt down 150 years ago.


The previous record was 45.6, set on January 13, 1939 - a day otherwise known as Black Thursday.


"I've got a massive spreadsheet here of maximum temperatures and it doesn't mean anything any more. The whole thing's gonna have to be rewritten," BoM senior forecaster Terry Ryan said.


"Most places around the state will break all-time records."


The town of Avalon, 50km south-west of Melbourne also broke its hottest-day record, reaching 47.9 degrees at 2.50pm.


Wind gusts of up to 82kmh have also been reported at Melbourne Airport, where it was a sweltering 46.8 degrees at 3.03pm.


Other top temperatures around the state include 47.6 at Hopetoun airport (2.30pm), 47.1 at Geelong airport (2.40pm), 46.8 at Laverton (2.41pm), 46.4 at Longerenong in the Wimmera (2.30pm), 46 at Mildura (2.35pm) and 46.3 at Swan Hill (2.30pm).


The temperature also topped 45 at locations including Horsham, Nhill, Scoresby and Stawell.


Melbourne's peak also breaks the previous February record of 43.2, set on February 8, 1983 - remembered by many as the day of a massive dust storm.


Today's record is also hotter than Ash Wednesday, on February 16, 1983.


Relief, however, is on the way with the cool change reported to have passed through Warnambool and Port Fairy in Victoria's south-west.


This should put it on target to reach the city about 6pm, Mr Ryan said.


Temperatures are expected to drop by around 15 degrees in the first hour, though little rain is expected.


No relief from the wind is expected at all as strong gusts, albeit from the opposite direction, will accompany the cool change.


Source: http://www.theage.com.au/national/city-swelters-records-tumble-in-heat-20090207-80ai.html


Wow... that's hot.


Has anyone heard from Teegs? Doesn't she live in country NSW too?


haven't heard from Teegs .... but there were no fires near her when I watched the 7pm news ...


I heard from Teegs a few hours ago and she said it's bloody hot there.


I'm okay... there are no fires near us, though it's been very hot here today... it was 40 degrees yesterday, and very humid yesterday, today it's around 37, but it's dry heat... I much prefer the dry heat anyways..


Oh, hey Kelz ... I'm glad you & Teegs are ok ...


Thanks for the concern HK! :huglove:


Hmm, my house is now surrounded by smoke. I hope the fires don't get any closer.


Hopefully not...


Yep. Me, Bec, Tanya, Twatty, Pinkoranges and ummm.. There may be more. Well, anyway we are Victorians.

I'm not in the fire zone. Some friends of my brothers were in the fire zone and have evacuated.


I hope everyone has a good fire plan


I think that's about it... pinkoranges is in Wodonga so if anything happens there we'll hear about it from SD...


You forgot Tanya... though she's not in the fire zone either...


Aww, I'm sorry it's so hot for you guys! It's been pouring here for about 4 weeks. You can have the rain. I'm most certainly done with it!


*orders rain to move south*


Only in Australia would you have rain, fire and hot weather in the one day! :naughty:


Oh .... that's good then ... I heard about the fires NE of Melb. .... they completely wiped out Marysville !!


Stay in touch eh? Just so we know you're ok ...


I saw pictures of the town on the news... it's absolutely devastating...


Kingslake was completely wiped out too... apparently that's where most of the deaths occured...


Thanks Kelz ... I'm keeping all my computer channels open ...


Great you had some rain .... it isn't as hot here today, there is a southerly blowing which is good for coolth ... but a bit gusty for fires ... :blink: ....

There is a fire out of control about 20-30 k's south of Bega ... which is about 80k's from us .... & one in a national park approx. the same distance to the north of us .... we can see a smoke haze ... but so far so good ... always have to keep an eye out for floating embers tho' ....


I thought of you when I saw that there were fires near Bega... hopefully you'll be okay :huglove:...

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It's good that they're okay... can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost my house and all of my belongings...



A woman on the news was saying about how her dogs were in the house when they left and they don't know where they were... she was in tears and I almost was as well :tears:...

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It's good that they're okay... can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost my house and all of my belongings...



A woman on the news was saying about how her dogs were in the house when they left and they don't know where they were... she was in tears and I almost was as well :tears:...


I know, I've been watching it all day and the stories are just horrific. Toll is up to 65 and they're saying to expect it to climb much higher.


Marysville is gone completely....a whole town gone...just like that :tears:

Oh, and you were spot on. I'm not in the fire zone. We live a good hour and a half from Whittlesea but I'd be thinking about getting out if I were in South Morang coz that's getting a bit close.

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