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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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The stimulus package has just been blocked in the upper house and has been sent back down to the lower house for another vote. If it goes back to the upper house and is blocked again, we could end up with a double disillusion situation.

They think they have stopped the fires from merging!


thank you! they are south west no?


I've had a quick look but can't find anything about fires in Kelmscott :thumb_yello:


This is the link for the Fire & Emergency Services of Western Australia if you want to keep an eye on it.



Edited by Tanya K
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The two men arrested this morning have been cleared of any wrong doing and the wind has picked up in the Whittlesea fires.

Hey HK :huglove:

Hey Tan ... :huglove: ..... hhmm ... that's no good about the wind ... or the suspects ... :blink: .... is it cooler there atm ?? Melb. was 'sposed to have rain too ...

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Hey Tan ... :huglove: ..... hhmm ... that's no good about the wind ... or the suspects ... :blink: .... is it cooler there atm ?? Melb. was 'sposed to have rain too ...


It is cooler today. Unfortunately the weather is supposed to heat up from tomorrow with northerly winds!

We haven't had any rain where we live but they got between 5 and 15mm in a couple of the fire areas which is great!

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The stimulus package has just been blocked in the upper house and has been sent back down to the lower house for another vote. If it goes back to the upper house and is blocked again, we could end up with a double disillusion situation.

They think they have stopped the fires from merging!



I've had a quick look but can't find anything about fires in Kelmscott :thumb_yello:


This is the link for the Fire & Emergency Services of Western Australia if you want to keep an eye on it.




thank you tanya!

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It is cooler today. Unfortunately the weather is supposed to heat up from tomorrow with northerly winds!

We haven't had any rain where we live but they got between 5 and 15mm in a couple of the fire areas which is great!

Hhhmmm .... YURG to the heating up & YAY for the rain !

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The CFA have just put up a few of the fire maps. This is just one of the fires burning :shocked:





S**t! Rosina was right. Sky News just had a breaking report. There is a fire in Melbourne and it's not far from us. Yarra Bend park in Ivanhoe has gone up in flames. 50 firies and a water bomber is on the way and they think homes could be lost! The poor buggers!


We've had smoke in our street for a couple of hours but we just assumed it was coming down from Whittlesea. I'm going to head off and watch the news and make some phone calls!

I hope Blue Sky's family are ok!

Edited by Tanya K
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The CFA have just put up a few of the fire maps. This is just one of the fires burning :shocked:





S**t! Rosina was right. Sky News just had a breaking report. There is a fire in Melbourne and it's not far from us. Yarra Bend park in Ivanhoe has gone up in flames. 50 firies and a water bomber is on the way and they think homes could be lost! The poor buggers!


We've had smoke in our street for a couple of hours but we just assumed it was coming down from Whittlesea. I'm going to head off and watch the news and make some phone calls!

I hope Blue Sky's family are ok!


OK Tan ! Take care & post when you can :huglove:

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Hello all! Our friends are all present and accounted for:thumb_yello: but they said the smoke was awful. I can believe that because it was really strong where we are.

This Release went out following the Ivanhoe fire:


News Releases


Fires a Risk to Metropolitan Areas


back to list

12 Feb 2009




The Metropolitan Fire Brigade this afternoon responded to a large grass fire, burning in Banksia Park beside the Yarra River in Ivanhoe East.



Twelve fire appliances and over 40 firefighters attended. Fire efforts were hampered by a strong south easterly wind blowing at up to 30km per hour.


This outbreak follows a warning from MFB and CFA fire chiefs this morning, that all residents across metropolitan areas should not be complacent, and that the fire risk remains extremely high.


“The heatwave in late January left gardens and local parklands exceptionally dry, so the threat of bushfires extending into metropolitan areas is very real,” said Tony Murphy, Chief Fire Officer MFB.


“People in metropolitan areas need to understand they’re not immune from bushfires. They too need to prepare their property and have a fire plan. Fires don’t discriminate; last Saturday’s tragic events have proven that.


“While we are still busy battling these fires, it is important residents in metropolitan areas do their best to prepare their homes and businesses for fires.


“The weather is expected to heat up again early to mid next week, so we need all Victorians to co-operate and be as well prepared and informed as possible. Being prepared could save your life.”


For fire safety information:

Visit www.mfb.vic.gov.au (look under 'summer fire safety campaign') or www.cfa.vic.gov.au

Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667



What to do

The MFB and CFA are advising the public:

  • If you choose to stay, be prepared and have a fire plan or if you choose to leave, leave well before any immediate threat.
  • Listen for weather updates and fire news on ABC 774 radio
  • Road travel is extremely dangerous during fires, and it blocks roads preventing access for emergency services. If you decide to leave, leave early
  • Practise a fire escape plan
  • Ensure all rubbish stored outside is disposed of properly and not left to accumulate
  • Do not store raw materials, combustibles and stock close to dry scrub and park land
  • Keep lawns cut and remove leaves from gutters
  • Remove any overhanging branches and overgrown vegetation
  • Keep timber and rubbish away from fences, particularly where the fence borders any bush or park land
  • Have garden hoses connected to taps and ensure the hoses can reach all parts of your property

With the potential for fires to continue running for days and weeks to come, all Victorians need to remain vigilant.

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Hey Silver!! Hey Tan!


Ok, I just heard on the news that they think power lines are to blame for the Kinglake fires. :boxed:


Also a CFA volunteer who spent the week battling bushfires has died in a suspicious house fire in Melbourne.

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I got it for the sport, music and UKTV


That's a good reason to have it then... :naughty:


Awwww .... thank you Mana....


your koala link reminded me of smth. I received the other day ....


Subject: HEAT in South Australia


It has been so hot in South Australia for over a week…40+ degrees Celsius everyday, very dry also.


This is from a guy who works in WA but lives at Maude in SA.


His wife sent him these photos of a little Koala which just walked into the back porch looking for a bit of heat relief.

She filled up a bucket and this is what happened!










Awwwwwwwww .....


AWWWWWWWWWW!!! That is soooooo adorable! I showed it to mum and she thought it was adorable too...


I love animated films but must admit I hadn't heard about "Coraline". I shall look out for it now.


The only problem I have with animated films is finding children to drag along to watch them with me


I have one... *huggles Britt tight so silver doesn't steal her*



Although, Britt does go to more adult sort of stuff... She came along to U23D with us in Melb and she sat still through most of it...


For everyone's information, I am now enjoying an alcoholic slushy....well, it's actually my 6th but I'm not counting


Where's mine?


It wouldn't be quite so bad if I wasn't due to go into hospital for a minor op next week - I will be off for a least a week after that. I will have an absolute mountain of work to go back to.


(Although the op might have been postponed due to the bad weather - I must phone and check)


I didn't know you were going in for an operation... hopefully it all goes well..


HONESTLY !!! You UK/Euros have a totally irrational fear of our wildlife .... in almost all cases it is due to an over-active imagination ...


EDIT: And some Aussies too ....


Hey! :sneaky2:


Black widow nasties ... crocs ... kangers .... huge scorpion thingies .. is it any wounder!!


Kangaroos aren't dangerous unless you go and annoy them...



And the bigger the scorpion, the less poisonous they are... I learnt that from Indiana Jones!


Oh, and you probably wouldn't need to worry about scorpions unless you plan to go to the outback or right in the bush...


And Crocs are really only up north..



Though those drop bears are damn dangerous... and they're everywhere...


My car is screwed.


So I let it run for about an hour last night, and then this morning nothing, not even dash lights. It has major faults, and I need a car, because there is no way to get to the primary school by public transport, and getting to uni is also difficult.



But I can't go car hunting today unless I find a way to go by public transport, and my need for a car is such that I don't want to have to rely on just going on the weekends to look.


Damn... what sort of car are you looking at getting?


first of all I love the story of sam the koala and the fireman! that was so adorable!


this is what my street looked like the other day!



we had 51mm in a five-hour period!



aaand in other news people have been discoraged from fundrasing seperately, or donating goods for the bushfire relief and all we are allowd to do is give to the red cross!



I hope you all are well! although I hear its closing in on Melbourne is this correct!


I think I understand the reason why they want you to only donate to the red cross... it's so when people donate money to help the bushfires the money actually goes to the right group, and not into some scammers pockets...


i have a friend who lives in kelmscott (near perth)... is it ok in that area?


So far, so good...


The CFA have just put up a few of the fire maps. This is just one of the fires burning.





S**t! Rosina was right. Sky News just had a breaking report. There is a fire in Melbourne and it's not far from us. Yarra Bend park in Ivanhoe has gone up in flames. 50 firies and a water bomber is on the way and they think homes could be lost! The poor buggers!


We've had smoke in our street for a couple of hours but we just assumed it was coming down from Whittlesea. I'm going to head off and watch the news and make some phone calls!

I hope Blue Sky's family are ok!


Hopefully it's all out... that's not good at all..

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S**t! Rosina was right. Sky News just had a breaking report. There is a fire in Melbourne and it's not far from us. Yarra Bend park in Ivanhoe has gone up in flames. 50 firies and a water bomber is on the way and they think homes could be lost! The poor buggers!


We've had smoke in our street for a couple of hours but we just assumed it was coming down from Whittlesea.

I saw the smoke from that earlier, I also assumed the same. This is too close for comfort. :boxed:


This Release went out following the Ivanhoe fire:


News Releases


Fires a Risk to Metropolitan Areas


back to list

12 Feb 2009




The Metropolitan Fire Brigade this afternoon responded to a large grass fire, burning in Banksia Park beside the Yarra River in Ivanhoe East.



Twelve fire appliances and over 40 firefighters attended. Fire efforts were hampered by a strong south easterly wind blowing at up to 30km per hour.


This outbreak follows a warning from MFB and CFA fire chiefs this morning, that all residents across metropolitan areas should not be complacent, and that the fire risk remains extremely high.


“The heatwave in late January left gardens and local parklands exceptionally dry, so the threat of bushfires extending into metropolitan areas is very real,” said Tony Murphy, Chief Fire Officer MFB.


“People in metropolitan areas need to understand they’re not immune from bushfires. They too need to prepare their property and have a fire plan. Fires don’t discriminate; last Saturday’s tragic events have proven that.


“While we are still busy battling these fires, it is important residents in metropolitan areas do their best to prepare their homes and businesses for fires.


“The weather is expected to heat up again early to mid next week, so we need all Victorians to co-operate and be as well prepared and informed as possible. Being prepared could save your life.”


For fire safety information:

Visit www.mfb.vic.gov.au (look under 'summer fire safety campaign') or www.cfa.vic.gov.au

Call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667



What to do

The MFB and CFA are advising the public:

  • If you choose to stay, be prepared and have a fire plan or if you choose to leave, leave well before any immediate threat.
  • Listen for weather updates and fire news on ABC 774 radio
  • Road travel is extremely dangerous during fires, and it blocks roads preventing access for emergency services. If you decide to leave, leave early
  • Practise a fire escape plan
  • Ensure all rubbish stored outside is disposed of properly and not left to accumulate
  • Do not store raw materials, combustibles and stock close to dry scrub and park land
  • Keep lawns cut and remove leaves from gutters
  • Remove any overhanging branches and overgrown vegetation
  • Keep timber and rubbish away from fences, particularly where the fence borders any bush or park land
  • Have garden hoses connected to taps and ensure the hoses can reach all parts of your property

With the potential for fires to continue running for days and weeks to come, all Victorians need to remain vigilant.

I keep telling my family this but they don't take it very seriously, they still have the mentality that fires only happen in more rural and remote areas. I would hate to see the huge lots of undeveloped land and farmland that's not even a few minutes away from where we live catch fire before they take the risk seriously. :mf_rosetinted:


HONESTLY !!! You UK/Euros have a totally irrational fear of our wildlife .... in almost all cases it is due to an over-active imagination ...

EDIT: And some Aussies too ....

Well I've had close encounters with red back spiders in my garage, huntsmen spiders around the house, and white tailed spiders in the bathroom and who knows what species of snakes in the empty lots when on walks and I'm supposed to be living in a 'suburban' area let alone in more rural areas. My arachnophobia was not built in a day, so I think the fear is somewhat justified.

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Damn... what sort of car are you looking at getting?







A little one :naughty:


Probably an excel or somehing like it. I test drove one today and liked it. Going to car city on the weekend and a few other dealers then making a decision (it sounds hasty but I need wheels)


And Bargains today... dad took me to this direct to publich alcohol store today near his work (I was looking at cars in dandy and he gave me a lift home)


Got a bottle of Butterscotch snapps for $5 (without a label) and a bottle of the cream for $7.50 (factory seconds with slight label flaws etc which were 2 for 15) So I now I have all the ingredients for cowboy shots *licks lips*


They also has those smoothies there for 10 each (the cowboy, chocolate, cowgirls and banana ones) as well as other stuff reasonably cheap

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I keep telling my family this but they don't take it very seriously, they still have the mentality that fires only happen in more rural and remote areas. I would hate to see the huge lots of undeveloped land and farmland that's not even a few minutes away from where we live catch fire before they take the risk seriously.



Well I've had close encounters with red back spiders in my garage, huntsmen spiders around the house, and white tailed spiders in the bathroom and who knows what species of snakes in the empty lots when on walks and I'm supposed to be living in a 'suburban' area let alone in more rural areas. My arachnophobia was not built in a day, so I think the fear is somewhat justified.


I hope this doesn't come across as rude or anything, but it seems like a bit of a city thing to say... Actually, I heard on the radio that there are still people in Sydney that are burning stuff in the backyard... and where they are is almost bushland... fools...


Same here... I was never scared of spiders until I was about 14 or so... I went into the shed in Wello, and went to pick up a frisbee... there was a big arse huntsman on it and I put my hand on it! :shocked:


My arachnophobia was built in a day though :naughty:...


Oh, and I got bitten on the foot by a spider, which made it swell up like crazy and it got all gross and puss filled...


A little one :naughty:


Probably an excel or somehing like it. I test drove one today and liked it. Going to car city on the weekend and a few other dealers then making a decision (it sounds hasty but I need wheels)


And Bargains today... dad took me to this direct to publich alcohol store today near his work (I was looking at cars in dandy and he gave me a lift home)


Got a bottle of Butterscotch snapps for $5 (without a label) and a bottle of the cream for $7.50 (factory seconds with slight label flaws etc which were 2 for 15) So I now I have all the ingredients for cowboy shots *licks lips*


They also has those smoothies there for 10 each (the cowboy, chocolate, cowgirls and banana ones) as well as other stuff reasonably cheap


Excels are pretty good... I haven't really had any issues with them, though dad was saying that if you get the twin cam, you need to make sure you do services on it at specific points in time (they're really fussy)... teh single cam ones like mine don't care...



Oh, and make sure that the timing belt has been changed... if it breaks, it's a very costly thing to fix...




Sorry... I keep thinking of things that have had to be fixed on mine, which is only cause mine's 11-12 years old...

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Got a bottle of Butterscotch snapps for $5 (without a label) and a bottle of the cream for $7.50 (factory seconds with slight label flaws etc which were 2 for 15) So I now I have all the ingredients for cowboy shots *licks lips*


They also has those smoothies there for 10 each (the cowboy, chocolate, cowgirls and banana ones) as well as other stuff reasonably cheap

That's dead cheap. Is that the Bacchus brand? If so we know who's going for a booze run next week. :naughty:

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I saw the smoke from that earlier, I also assumed the same. This is too close for comfort. :boxed:



I keep telling my family this but they don't take it very seriously, they still have the mentality that fires only happen in more rural and remote areas. I would hate to see the huge lots of undeveloped land and farmland that's not even a few minutes away from where we live catch fire before they take the risk seriously. :mf_rosetinted:



Well I've had close encounters with red back spiders in my garage, huntsmen spiders around the house, and white tailed spiders in the bathroom and who knows what species of snakes in the empty lots when on walks and I'm supposed to be living in a 'suburban' area let alone in more rural areas. My arachnophobia was not built in a day, so I think the fear is somewhat justified.


I hope you & your family will be safe too .... :wub2:



Okkkkaaay ..... I'm only saying that some people feel a bit too much like the prey of our wildlife ... which they are not.

Apart from redback spiders , I've encountered all of these also & ... tho' I'm not comfy having spiders or snakes walk or slide beside me ... :boxed: ... I don't just go & kill things just 'cos that's what they are ... when I walk in the bush, it's usually in the cooler months & even then I tromp loudly !! And I don't kill spiders that I know are of no harm to me ... I remove them safely. A daddy long legs or a huntsman spider isn't out to get me ... in fact, they are more likely to be our allies when it comes to mozzies which can carry fatal diseases :smth:

Anyway, I was mostly referring to some of our honouraries who are too afraid to come here 'cos our wildlife ! :blink:

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Excels are pretty good... I haven't really had any issues with them, though dad was saying that if you get the twin cam, you need to make sure you do services on it at specific points in time (they're really fussy)... teh single cam ones like mine don't care...



Oh, and make sure that the timing belt has been changed... if it breaks, it's a very costly thing to fix...




Sorry... I keep thinking of things that have had to be fixed on mine, which is only cause mine's 11-12 years old...



*makes note of that*


The ones Im looking at are all 12-9 years old. I won't go any earlier than a 97 (the one I drove today was a 98) but can't go much beyond 9 because of money issues. I had planned to have had more time to save for a car


That's dead cheap. Is that the Bacchus brand? If so we know who's going for a booze run next week. :naughty:


Yep the Bacchus brand. We may be able to work something out :das::fisch:


My view is that factory seconds, or without a label doesnt matter, the alcohol still tastes the same. And even when you don't get the cheap deals (which they dont always have) their still only $10 each



Anyways Im off to bed. Sunburn always makes me sleepy


*finds it funny that it in both my trips to qld, it hasn't been until just after I've gotten back that I've gotten sunburnt*

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