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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Mum just dialled 9...



She wants coffee from Maccas... it's too bloody cold to go outside!!!



(if you hadn't realised already, it's frigging cold in Orange... it's not too bad outside, but it's the wind that's bad... it feels like it's coming off ice!)


*rugs up*


Off I go...

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Same here... I was never scared of spiders until I was about 14 or so... I went into the shed in Wello, and went to pick up a frisbee... there was a big arse huntsman on it and I put my hand on it! :shocked:


Huntsmen are harmless :naughty: People SO over estimate the danger of our animals. How many people do you know that have died from any snake or spider or anything? Even if the spider or whatever is "deadly", it depnds on the sex of the spider, where and how hard they bite you, how much venom they release, etc. AND for a lot you have to actually be allergic to the venom, and most people aren't. My friend got bitten by a red back and freaked out and went to hospital and nothing happened.


But I do also have a friend who got bitten by a spider and has a massive hole in her leg where the venom started eating her flesh :cheerful_h4h:


But over all I think it's just a fear of the unknown. I'm not afraid of any Australian animals, but most of the animals in Costa Rica terrify me :naughty: TWO people in our group got stung by scorpions!! I saw THREE scorpions and THREE tarantulas and hundreds of the most freaky insects ever :naughty: And they have big predators that we don't. We have ... sharks and crocodiles. They have sharks and crocodiles, and jaguars and pumas and coatis and etc etc :naughty: *loves it* :wub2:

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The smoke is getting bad. The sky is a mean shade of grey and it was dark all day and now it's seeping into the house.


Oh not cool. There's supposed to be one closish to you isn't there?





Oh congrats *wishes oodles of luck*


And there is only one other applicant. They are also getting a second interview. *goes to find out who it is and incapacitate them*


Hmm... seems you need to get someone 'taken care of'

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Oh congrats *wishes oodles of luck*


Hmm... seems you need to get someone 'taken care of'


*accepts oodles of luck*

*starts planning her life around this new position*

*psht, who am I kidding, I already had it sorted out the day I came out fo the first interview :naughty:*


Yes, do you know some one who can 'help'? :mf_rosetinted:

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The smoke is getting bad. The sky is a mean shade of grey and it was dark all day and now it's seeping into the house. :boxed:



Ooooh... hopefully whichever fire that smoke's coming from stays as far away as possible... make sure you let us know though...


Huntsmen are harmless :naughty: People SO over estimate the danger of our animals. How many people do you know that have died from any snake or spider or anything? Even if the spider or whatever is "deadly", it depnds on the sex of the spider, where and how hard they bite you, how much venom they release, etc. AND for a lot you have to actually be allergic to the venom, and most people aren't. My friend got bitten by a red back and freaked out and went to hospital and nothing happened.


But I do also have a friend who got bitten by a spider and has a massive hole in her leg where the venom started eating her flesh.


But over all I think it's just a fear of the unknown. I'm not afraid of any Australian animals, but most of the animals in Costa Rica terrify me :naughty: TWO people in our group got stung by scorpions!! I saw THREE scorpions and THREE tarantulas and hundreds of the most freaky insects ever :naughty: And they have big predators that we don't. We have ... sharks and crocodiles. They have sharks and crocodiles, and jaguars and pumas and coatis and etc etc *loves it*


That may be the case but I still don't like putting my hand on one. Call me a sook if you like, but often people are scared of something because they have a bad experience because of that thing... My cousin hates swimming because Dad tried to teach her how to swim when she was little and freaked out when she went under water without warning. I personally think it's ridiculous that she hates swimming (especially when she goes to an Australia day celebration at a pool), but I can see why.



Though, snakes don't freak me out...




I don't know anyone who's died from snake or spider bites, but I have known people who have died because of electric fences or quad bikes... that makes me wary of going anywhere near either...




Well done! And good luck!

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Oh not cool. There's supposed to be one closish to you isn't there?


Ooooh... hopefully whichever fire that smoke's coming from stays as far away as possible... make sure you let us know though...

I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:

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I don't know anyone who's died from snake or spider bites, but I have known people who have died because of electric fences or quad bikes... that makes me wary of going anywhere near either...


OMG, really? I am extremely uncoordinated and find it very hard to be near an electric fence and not end up accidentally touching it. This news worries me. Please elaborate.


Well done! And good luck!


:biggrin2: *starts collecting good luck into a jar to take to interview*

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I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:


Crap, what an awful feeling. I hope they keep it under control. :boxed: :boxed: :boxed:


It's so weird that I've had 3 fires like 100m from my house and I've never gone into that packing mode, or been told to. But they are MUCH more careful with stopping fires getting to proper heavily built up residential areas. I hope you/the suburb next to you will all be okay though!

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I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:


I’m glad to hear you’re okay!:huglove:


That must have been really scary!:shocked:

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What have you packed by the way?

I think in a 5 minutes sort of situation I would first grab my laptop, dog, and bird (I'd have to run out and get his small cage though). Then I'd run back and also grab my old photo albums, all my DVDs/CDs (burnt ones, I mean) and my cameras.


With like an hour to pack I would take ... I would just get a bunch of boxes and start pushing things off shelves and emptying things out of drawers into them with whatever looks irreplaceable. Looking around my room I'm pretty certain I could easily fit everything that I would miss into my car. The only thing that there is absolutely no protection for is the sheep and alpacas. That TOTALLY sucks :tears:

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I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:


So that's where you've been. It's reassuring to read that it's controlled...but that's scary. *hugs* .

Whenever I read about something awful that happens near where I live, I often worry and hope that it's nobody I know.

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I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:


It's good to be packed up ready to go, rather than not packing nad having to be evacuated quickly without those sorts of things...


OMG, really? I am extremely uncoordinated and find it very hard to be near an electric fence and not end up accidentally touching it. This news worries me. Please elaborate.




:biggrin2: *starts collecting good luck into a jar to take to interview*


When my brother was in yr 8, a boy he had become friends with was electrocuted, during the Christmas school holidays. I remember seeing the news about it and even though they hadn't mentioned the boy's name, we knew who it was cause Zoe's friend's father was a police officer and he knew... I don't know the full story, but I heard from someone that he'd gotten into an argument with his parents and went off and touched the fence, and someone else said he'd tripped and fallen on the fence... I don't know what's true, but I'm sure he knew it was electric, so he wouldn't have touched it without knowing it was live...


Nathan doesn't seem to have too much luck with kids dying in his class... the quad bike accident was a kid in Nathan's class (in yr 3)...

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What have you packed by the way?

I think in a 5 minutes sort of situation I would first grab my laptop, dog, and bird (I'd have to run out and get his small cage though). Then I'd run back and also grab my old photo albums, all my DVDs/CDs (burnt ones, I mean) and my cameras.


With like an hour to pack I would take ... I would just get a bunch of boxes and start pushing things off shelves and emptying things out of drawers into them with whatever looks irreplaceable. Looking around my room I'm pretty certain I could easily fit everything that I would miss into my car. The only thing that there is absolutely no protection for is the sheep and alpacas. That TOTALLY sucks :tears:


I would try and grab photos, the laptop, DVDs/CDs, certificates, teh dog and anything I got from my grandparents and uncle... the xbox (as much as I love it), I can replace... the dolls are slightly less replaceable, but still, I have too many to try to pack... oh, and probably any autographed stuff...

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*accepts oodles of luck*

*starts planning her life around this new position*

*psht, who am I kidding, I already had it sorted out the day I came out fo the first interview :naughty:*


Yes, do you know some one who can 'help'? :mf_rosetinted:


*doesn't jinx it by asking what you will do if you don't get it*


I'm sure someone on here should be able to hook you up :fisch:


I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed:


Wow.... thats pretty close. Good thing your prepared at least.


What direction is that suburb from you, if you know (the winds they're predicting for tomorrow are Northlies, and that will determine which way the fire will go)

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What have you packed by the way?

I think in a 5 minutes sort of situation I would first grab my laptop, dog, and bird (I'd have to run out and get his small cage though). Then I'd run back and also grab my old photo albums, all my DVDs/CDs (burnt ones, I mean) and my cameras.


With like an hour to pack I would take ... I would just get a bunch of boxes and start pushing things off shelves and emptying things out of drawers into them with whatever looks irreplaceable. Looking around my room I'm pretty certain I could easily fit everything that I would miss into my car. The only thing that there is absolutely no protection for is the sheep and alpacas. That TOTALLY sucks :tears:

I haven't packed that much stuff. I've put aside in a pile photos, a folder of important documents, a folder of stuff from my school days (like awards, things that I had published etc) and a bunch of diaries, writing notebooks, cards, letters, etc. If I had to I'd shove all those in a backpack with my laptop, phone, MP3 player, chargers and DVDs. If I had time I'd also grab my gym bag and shove some clothes in it. But it's unlikely I'd have to anyway, it's just that I'd rather be safe than sorry.

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I found out why the smoke has gotten worse tonight: there's a fire on the the other side of my suburb. It's controlled now so the risk is low but it still spooked me so I spent the last hour packing irreplaceable things like photos, letters, etc. :boxed

Oh I'm so glad you are now ok .... but better to have your stuff ready ... I was doing the same thing a few days ago ... :boxed:

Just checking you are still all OK :bye

Thanks Silv ... so far so good ...



:groovy :groovy :groovy :groovy :groovy :groovy :groovy

YAY !!! :groovy:

*accepts oodles of luck*

*starts planning her life around this new position*

*psht, who am I kidding, I already had it sorted out the day I came out fo the first interview :naughty:*


Yes, do you know some one who can 'help'? :mf_rosetinted:


I’m glad to hear you’re okay!:huglove:


That must have been really scary!:shocked:

Thanks Sienna ... *hugs*


Hello again all !! *waves*

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Hmm I'm thinking of going to see Coldplay when they come here, there's still crappy seat tickets available and some General Admission ones on ebay for only 20 more than the original price (which makes them a slightly pricey 160)....


Anyone want to go :naughty:


(I would really love to go see Kings Of Leon as well, but they cost even more for tickets on ebay and are completely sold out)

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