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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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But there's Harold and Lou in "Neighbours" :blink:


Maybe he only has eyes for the hunks and doesn't see the rest :wink2:


Maybe I was blinded by jason Donovans toned hunky body <not that I looked no way not me>


Actually . Steve Irwin is the legend over here , we love him :thumb_yello:

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Oh, really ??? :roftl:



Well, I saw him today ... & just happened to mention that I chat to a girl in Portugal who want's to know where all the good looking guys in Aussie are .... :naughty:


I reckon it was this post HK :thumb_yello:


And Congrats again








(But I'm catching you up :wink2:)

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Zomg! This is the longest MQ I've ever written...

Dunno... when I find some, I'll let you know... :naughy:

I'll be waitin'! *naughty*


'ello dahlins' !!


STUCKZ: There are good looking guys everywhere !! I just think you have to BE HERE to meet them ... :naughty: ... come on over & get stuck in !! :wink2::roftl:

Kk, StuckZ will get stuck in!

Thinking about it though, going to Oz may be a realistic possibility... Next year I'll be picking a university, and my two strong choices are definetely Portugal or the UK -- but Australia, even being very far away, strangely attracts me... :naughty:


I start back at uni tomorrow :shoced: How scary.


So today I did a trip to Big W and picked up things I need to organise my lecture notes and all (I got document folders, in yellow red and purple, and put an A5 size 64 page notebook in there, and a A4 size pad of paper, as well as a small pad of paper)


Now the only thing I need is textbooks (which I'll get eventually, since can't do philosophy well without the set readings)

I started school today after a week's holiday! Exams are slowly coming along... May/June.

I really enjoy shopping for stationary and stuffs too! Don't care much for clothes :naughty:


Back to school shopping is fun, and seeing people again is fun. And exams, I shouldn't have to worry about just yet :wik2:
Aaw! Good on you!! ; )


that was origianlly a south african thing. some idiot rewrote it :rotl:
Really? There are many stereotypes about SA around, but, when it comes down to it, they're just as crazy as Aussies or, um... what's the word? Porkies?:mf_rosetinted:


Hi/bye Aussies :bye:


Hello all!
Hey magnificent girls!
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ER BE JEALOUS!!!!!!! :shocked:


Chris Martin talked to my friend from stage!!!!! :shocked:


Okay, so she fainted and missed half the show, but he asked her if she was okay! Obviously making it totally worth it!


I peed myself laughing when she said she fainted. That is so something she would do. And by that I mean she leaves her house once every 3 or 4 months, and generally under the cover of darkness or shade or something :naughty: And her first ever concert was Coldplay at Challenge stadium, in general admission, I didn't expect it to go well :naughty:


Well, yeah, here's my trademark blatant private msn conversation sharing:


Leah says:

u see what i wrote about my concert?

Bianca says:


Bianca says:

where si it?

Leah says:

went to the coldplay concery

Leah says:


Bianca says:

i know

Leah says:

half way through i fainted

Leah says:

sucked so badly

Bianca says:


Bianca says:


Leah says:

couldnt breathe so i was panicing

Bianca says:

where were you?

Leah says:

then grey went over my eyes then i woke up on the floor

Leah says:

4th from the stage

Bianca says:

ohhhhhhhhhh sucks!

Leah says:

the singer asked what happened to me

Bianca says:

OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS??????????????????????/

Leah says:

so i was carried out by st john ambulance

Bianca says:

chris martin spoke to you from the stage?????????

Leah says:

anthony caught me, he said my eyes were open the entire time and i has shaking like i was having a fit

Bianca says:

oh that sucks hahaha

Leah says:

lol yeah he looked at me as i was being carried passed and asked what happeneed

Bianca says:

so no one else was fainting?

Leah says:

there was 1 more after me

Leah says:

and another girl was carried out by 2 security

Leah says:

lol its just too hot

Bianca says:

did you see the rest of the show?

Leah says:

and my feet and back were hurting so badly,a nd i hadnt eaten for about 8 hours

Leah says:

yeah i sat with the medics and watched the rest


Hi & bye everyone :bye:....is mum's birthday so I must be off but just wanted to say hello!:wub2:

OKD: yes I do like Vampire Weekend....I finally looked at my e-mails :wink2:

*gropes Kelzy* :hugove:

OMG!!!!! That is so coolio!!!!!! O_O!!

I guess fainting in concerts does have its advantages!!!


*is not going to MQ* :cherful_h4h:

Hello All!!


StuckZ - there's no hot guys anywhere here :n: Can you pack some in a suitcase and ship them over??

Ok, so, there are some. They're all in Melbourne on trams and 13 years too young for me. :nughty: *points to Bec/Twat/Teegs/Zoe powerade bottle episode*

You want guys from here? Um... do you want me to send, um... my brother over? :mf_rosetintd:

Ok, when I visit Oz I'll make sure to go on a tram to Melbourne!! ;P


Hi all!

Haven't been on for a few days. How's you all?

I probably should be doing my homework, but 'sif that's gonna happen...

I'm celebrating, cos I got into the musical I tried out for! (so what if it's only a chorus part... I didn't really want to be the perverse old lady anyways...lol)


CONGRATULATIONS EJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : D : D

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Okay, a small development in the :ds: arena today.


In English extension (where I had another perfect opportunity, but wimped out yet again) we were sitting there listening to the teacher and writing some things down. And he rested his foot against mine, and left it there for about half the lesson. And he must have known that it was my foot because I was the only one sitting across the table! :shocked::biggrin2:


But then I tried to catch his eye but he wouldn't look up from his book! :thubdown:


I know it's a rather small accomplishment. But at least it's something! :naugty:

Funny, when I started reading your post it sounded to me like the teacher was giving you footsies!!! :eek:

But congratulations!!!! When is your next lesson with him ??

:shocked: There SO ARE hot guys here !! AND in various age ranges ... :ds: ... (more about that later)
I did notice, when I was working at the Aussie embassy! (do you remember this episode?)

I was walking from the metro station to the embassy building, and I saw these two cute 20-something year olds, backpacks on their backs. they looked pretty lost, definetely didn't look portuguese, and I had no idea I'd be seeing them abould half an hour later! (think their passports had been stolen).

I totally embarassed myself in front of them, but I'll never be seeing them again probably, so all is well. Their drivers licenses said QLD. *das*


What else can I say? Darren Hayes, the guy from Silverchair, Sam Sparro (but if you look in the wikipedia article on him, he's of portuguese descent as well... so there is hope *naughty*)

So I do have a good impression of Aussie men. Um, even the ambassador was cute!



There are good looking guys here.. I was just trying to get StuckZ off the scent. More for us.. :das::wink2:

I'm Speshul. *pbs* Edited by im_stuck_in_the_middle
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I have a friend .... who is a guy ... who in my mind is absolutely beautiful ... (including good looking :win2: ) ....


........ want more info ... ??? :nauhty: :ds:

Tell us then! *wub2*


BTW ... interesting that FD has logged in ... just when we're talking about ...


HOT AUSSIE GUYS ..... FD !!! :naughy:

Hi FD!!


Listen .. dont listen to the rumours man! :rftl:


You know my feelings on hot aussie guys .. all toned , tanned , with long blonde hair .. remember the shows we get over here!


Home and away ....


Neighbours ...


I rest my case ...


It was only when I started to talk to Kelzy that I realised ... my world was false



Definetely.... plus, Oz has the big waves too!


:nauhty: Well, actually ... it did start with StuckZ .... you know ... :wink2:






However .... come to think of it ....







hhmmmm .... :das:


After all ... he is 32 .... :wink2:

He's more appropriate for our Kelzy then!!! Is he her type ??


Well, I saw him today ... & just happened to mention that I chat to a girl in Portugal who want's to know where all the good looking guys in Aussie are .... :naughty:

Whaaaat? You mentioned ME to your GOOD-LOOKING FRIEND??













I love you!!!!!!!! :wub2:



Actually . Steve Irwin is the legend over here , we love him :thumb_yello:

I love that guy!!


Um ... *coughjustmademy13,000postcough*


Zomg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a lucky old number! Congratsssss!


*phew* .. That was one long MQ!

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Aah! I was about to have a fit -- pressed the "Submit Reply" button, got a little message saying something like this; "Your post is 15252 characters long. Please shorten it to up tp 10000 characters".


Me: :eek:


.. And so I shortened it .. think it was Bianca's msn post that made it so long ..:boxed::naughty:


I've tried very long MQs - but then I find I've quoted posts but forgotten what I wanted to say about them :doh:

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Oh yes, it sucks ... and those messages!:shocked: Aka: "your post has 20 smileys, please shorten it to 7 smileys...":sneaky2:


I hate that smiley limit - and why 7? Why not 10?

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Becster nesta rock says: "I think I'll go to bed"

You're dialing 9 now.


I was going to bed. Its just part of my routine in going to bed, if I'm on the computer is that one last check... and then I have to reply and and and.... :naughty:

Um ... *coughjustmademy13,000postcough*


Congrarts :woot_jump:

Thinking about it though, going to Oz may be a realistic possibility... Next year I'll be picking a university, and my two strong choices are definetely Portugal or the UK -- but Australia, even being very far away, strangely attracts me... :naughty:


I started school today after a week's holiday! Exams are slowly coming along... May/June.

I really enjoy shopping for stationary and stuffs too! Don't care much for clothes :naughty:


You should go to school in Aus :das:


I do like stationary shopping, but I find clothes shopping more fun, on a good day. Random store browsing with friends is best.


I hate that smiley limit - and why 7? Why not 10?


The powers that be like 7 *smth*


Well, my lucky number is 83 - that would be a better limit :roftl:



That would be... or no limit.



But then we would just have posts full of smilies and pictures and such that go on and on forever (like on amf :naughty:)

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*ding* goes the little lightbulb...




Chris Martin talked to my friend from stage!!!!!


Okay, so she fainted and missed half the show, but he asked her if she was okay! Obviously making it totally worth it!


I peed myself laughing when she said she fainted. That is so something she would do. And by that I mean she leaves her house once every 3 or 4 months, and generally under the cover of darkness or shade or something :naughty: And her first ever concert was Coldplay at Challenge stadium, in general admission, I didn't expect it to go well :naughty:


Well, yeah, here's my trademark blatant private msn conversation sharing:


OMG! OMGOMGOMGOMG! WHY was she not FREAKING OUT??! OMG! *is 300% jealous*

At the very end of their set, as they were going offstage, he blew some girl in the front row a kiss. I was like, Why is that not me?


Hi & bye everyone :ye:....is mum's birthday so I must be off but just wanted to say hello!:wb2:


TAN! :mf_boff:


Okay, a small development in the :da: arena today.


In English extension (where I had another perfect opportunity, but wimped out yet again) we were sitting there listening to the teacher and writing some things down. And he rested his foot against mine, and left it there for about half the lesson. And he must have known that it was my foot because I was the only one sitting across the table!


But then I tried to catch his eye but he wouldn't look up from his book!


I know it's a rather small accomplishment. But at least it's something!


Next step: start a game of footsie with him next time you have that class. :naughty:

That's like what Fremantle is like. Walking around that town you have to keep checking your mouth is tightly sealed, not allowing any drool to escape. Fremantle is simply infested with hot artistic/musician types :naughty:


Musicians?! *makes a mental note to visit Fremantle for an extended period one day*


Um ... *coughjustmademy13,000postcough*



*misses being a postwhore*


I've tried very long MQs - but then I find I've quoted posts but forgotten what I wanted to say about them




Hey everyone...I managed to convince my mum to let me have the day off school, so a day of nothing! :kachinga:

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:sneaky2: OK Becs (hi Becs:bye:) and StuckZ


stationary - with an "a" - means standing still


stationery with an "e" is the one you mean (paper, notepads etc).




Unless you have some very strange ways of shopping :naughty:

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:sneaky2: OK Becs (hi Becs:bye:) and StuckZ


stationary - with an "a" - means standing still


stationery with an "e" is the one you mean (paper, notepads etc).




Unless you have some very strange ways of shopping :naughty:


I knew that... *zhhz*


There was something in school they used to try and make us remember (like the principal is your pal for principal and principle) but it must not have worked well :fisch:

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BTW: For those who are obsessed with such things, today, for the first time in over a year, I am wearing "The purple top" (today its a dress, over leggings)


I wasn't going to, but then I didn't want to wear the top/dress I was going to wear, and I was already in the leggings, so though, hey why not give the good ol famed Purple Top a try

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