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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I'm gonna stay put for a little while...



I forgot about Letterman being on tonight...


Oh Teegs ... been meaning to ask you ... have you seen that new UK comedy skit show on ABC tv on Wed.nights called 'Ruddy hell, it's Harry & Paul' ???

It's pretty funny ... & each week they do a Bono & the Edge skit !!! :roftl:


Try to catch it this week if you can ... not sure how many eps. they'll do ... :wink2:

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I shall attempt an MQ later


*points to link in signature for Neighbours fans*


*hugs everyone and runs away*


*glares angrily into the distance*

*looks at your signature*

*groans* :naughty:


I read this yesterday and logged out and started to read the book I’m reading at the moment, Second Glance by Jodi Picoult, and found both words within minutes!

Coincidence? Of course…but a funny one!




You learn something every day :wink2:


So I don't have to learn anything else today? Yay! :biggrin2:


Hi all! =]

Went to musical rehearsal today. I am now a wife.

I'm not really sure if it counts as a lead, but it's not chorus... I reckon I come under the category 'General Cast'. haha




I've found a banana dolphin :pbjt:






Awww Silv & Dances ... that pic. is most apeeling ...




Ewwwwww... glas I'm not going to the Syd concert then... the last all ages gig I went to was at the Hordern Pavillion for the Kooks and they (the security) were sh!t... and the teenies were pushing in...


I remember saying something like "I think the crowd will be quite psycho because it is all ages" and I remember you saying something like "psht".

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:lmfao: YES !!! That was last week I think !! :roftl:


Ooooh... I remember seeing that one on Youtube ages ago... twas verra funny!




I remember saying something like "I think the crowd will be quite psycho because it is all ages" and I remember you saying something like "psht".


Famous last words, right? :naughty:


Rightio, now I'm going to bed... nighty night!

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Hi OKD !! :huglove: We hardly 'see' each other anymore ... :sneaky2: *hmph*


Howz 'Brosey ??? :wub2::cheerful_h4h:


I see you right now! *looks at you*

Brosey is currently rolled up at the bottom of my bed, occassionally throwing me annoyed "stop making so much tapping noises" looks. :cheerful_h4h:

Today he, Jack and Zen went for an adventure at the tip. They pretty much dissapeared out of sight the entire time me and my dad were loading a ridiculous amount of cardboard into the recycle-y thingy, I can only assume they went to play with their friends Ickis, Oblina and Krum :smth:


Famous last words, right? :naughty:


Rightio, now I'm going to bed... nighty night!


:naughty: Nighty night!

Edited by Oakie Doke
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I see you right now! *looks at you*

Brosey is currently rolled up at the bottom of my bed, occassionally throwing me annoyed "stop making so much tapping noises" looks. :cheerful_h4h:

Today he, Jack and Zen went for an adventure at the tip. They pretty much dissapeared out of sight the entire time me and my dad were loading a ridiculous amount of cardboard into the recycle-y thingy, I can only assume they went to play with their friends Ickis, Oblina and Krum :smth:


:roftl: Don't the pups just love the tip ??!! :naughty:


I avoid taking mine there these days ... they'd just get grotty ... esp. in the rain & mud ... :boxed: .... mind you, rain aint' much of an issue these days ... :blink:


Awww ...'Brosey all rolled up ... :wub2::cheerful_h4h:

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:roftl: Don't the pups just love the tip ??!! :naughty:


I avoid taking mine there these days ... they'd just get grotty ... esp. in the rain & mud ... :boxed: .... mind you, rain aint' much of an issue these days ... :blink:


Awww ...'Brosey all rolled up ... :wub2::cheerful_h4h:


Get some sleep Happi --- you are feeling sleeeeeepy :hypo:

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You should go to school in Aus :ds:

I'd love to!


I do like stationary shopping, but I find clothes shopping more fun, on a good day. Random store browsing with friends is best.
Oh yeah, I love clothes shopping, when I'm in the mood and when the clothes actually fit me*naughty* .. I agree on your 2nd point!!


But then we would just have posts full of smilies and pictures and such that go on and on forever (like on amf :naghty:)

AMF! Must go on and abuse smileys!! *pbs*


:sneay2: OK Becs (hi Becs:bye:) and StuckZ


stationary - with an "a" - means standing still


stationery with an "e" is the one you mean (paper, notepads etc).




Unless you have some very strange ways of shopping :naghty:

I remember that! I was tired last night though, and often get those two confuzzled *blink*

... I do everything strange *naughty*


I knew that... *zhhz*


There was something in school they used to try and make us remember (like the principal is your pal for principal and principle) but it must not have worked well :fich:

Zomg! Was he a popular principal ??


BTW: For those who are obsessed with such things, today, for the first time in over a year, I am wearing "The purple top" (today its a dress, over leggings)


I wasn't going to, but then I didn't want to wear the top/dress I was going to wear, and I was already in the leggings, so though, hey why not give the good ol famed Purple Top a try

I've never seen the Purple Top! : ( .. but I'm sure you look very schmexy in it! *das*


*does part 2 for MQing StuckZ posts* :nauhty:

*feels elated*

*feels honoured*



You must be high on sugar!
Last night? All I had for dinner was boiled codfish and veggies!:shocked:



Porkies. LOL! Bonkers!:
Pork and Cheese?

Pork and Beans? :smth:



Hello magnificent StuckZ!!


LOL! Yes!! Send us your men in exchange of ours.

Hmmm. Depends how old your brother is. But we are all different ages so someone could "keep" him.

My brother? Turned 23 in January. Interested? Or maybe you'd like Daddy StuckZ instead? *naughty*


Yes. Definitely catch a tram. It's an experience. Especially with Twatty and Bec. hahahaha.
I'll make sure I do when I go there!!


remember you fell in love with the paper shredder.:
Zomg! I did! You're bringing the lurve back!



Lol! There's plenty more where they come from.. *will picspam*
Please do!!



DO I have a type?? :blik: Square jawlines. Great smile. Slightly taller. Dark and mysterious.. According to a psychic, years ago, I always go for wizards. 'tis true. (And I know they call Mika "The Wiz" but having not met him personally I can't say whether I'd agree with that or not)
I guess we have a similar 'type' then *naughty* *punk*



:by: how is everyone? :wnk2:
Hey Guylaine! I'm good! And you ??


No surprises there :rofl:


And the wind kept blowing a blind into the back of my chair (we couldn't close the window), especially when anyone opened the door.

Aaw, hate draughts too. :thumbdown:


:naugty: Thankfully not. The teacher is a girl.


Well we have that class once a week (every Monday).

Lovely to know that! *naughty*

I'm rooting for ya! : )



I slept for too long. :dh:
I do that all the time... : P


I shall attempt an MQ later :wink2:

*points to link in signature for Neighbours fans* :fisch:

*hugs everyone and runs away*

*double huggles Tan*!


Hi all! =]

Went to musical rehearsal today. I am now a wife.

I'm not really sure if it counts as a lead, but it's not chorus... I reckon I come under the category 'General Cast'. haha

Zomg!!!!!! Congratssss!!!!! : D


She's a great author!:thum_yello:


Have you read My Sister’s Keeper?

Istarted reading that book once! Never got round to finishing it though, and don't remember why... *boxed*


:bong: I've found a banana dolphin
Wow! It's so coolio!



Awww Silv & Dances ... that pic. is most apeeling ... :blush-anm-cl::naghty: :rolls_yes:
Lovely pun!!


And two of them are gay... you might not have too much luck with them dearest...

I know... *cries*


I'm going to bed. Goodnight everyone! :wb2:
Goonie dightey SD!


And March has roared in like a lion...
I know! Feb went by so fast... Edited by im_stuck_in_the_middle
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Hey G! Good. Sitting in a house that's getting bashed around by the strong wind, but otherwise! I love that whistling sound.. How are you?


I can only imagine that way back when MFC was started ... they picked a random low no. which happened to be 7 ... & they had to limit image posting in posts (including smileys) 'cos it slows down the forum or smth. ??? :smth:


Hello All !! :bye:

Thanks for the congrats. ... 13 is one of my lucky numbers ... (it's my birthdate :wink2: )


EDIT: You could always ask in the Mod Squad thread ... :smth:


13 is my lucky number as well! (and my birthdate :naughty:)


wow if there was an award for the most welcoming thread, i'd say you guys would win it hands down!

so many "non australians" come to visit here, it's incredible! :wub2:


by the way, during this morning news on tv, they started talking about "best job in the world". 35000 people applied for it. you didn't have to have schooling, just be willing to swim, scuba dive, be carismatic and enjoy life. it paid $100000 for 6 months. it said something about queensland, but i forget exactly what they said. it was to promote the great barrier rief.

7 canadians had applied for the job.

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13 is my lucky number as well! (and my birthdate :naughty:)


wow if there was an award for the most welcoming thread, i'd say you guys would win it hands down!

so many "non australians" come to visit here, it's incredible! :wub2:


by the way, during this morning news on tv, they started talking about "best job in the world". 35000 people applied for it. you didn't have to have schooling, just be willing to swim, scuba dive, be carismatic and enjoy life. it paid $100000 for 6 months. it said something about queensland, but i forget exactly what they said. it was to promote the great barrier rief.

7 canadians had applied for the job.


I saw that job advert! It was based on an island, mainly for whale watching - crossed with wildlife ranger. My brother was thinking of applying ...

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