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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I'm not touching that one. :naughty:



Yar. If I had've won Tatts on the weekend.. Funnily enough I had a dream I'd won, so I bought a ticket - but lost.. Some guy won though :sneaky2:from the same place I'd bought mine.

Anyway, I'm all for cheap. So NZ here we come.

Tanya will come and make some comment.


and wow... it could have been you... you just needed to buy it sooner/later.


Shame you didn't though, and I never enter it so we have no hope of me ever winning, not unless you can win without entering which I don't think is likely.

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I mean, Look at Lily Allen's 3rd nipple and then when you can pry yourself away from it look at her management's skills. She just promo'd and she'll be back in June for concerts.

I mean, THAT's how it's done. Mika - Get yourself an 11th toe or smth.



So what you’re saying is the Mika way isn’t always the best way?:shocked:


You have shattered my dreams and I will have scars for ever!






I've seen two spiders in two days... Both on my drivers side window...


One went under the door handle and I used a stick to get rid of it... I didn't even know it was there till I put my hand on it...





How much do you talk about spiders in here?








AHh yes. They probably will. Have to remember they're old fellas now. :blush-anim-cl: 6 months on the road would feel like an eternity to them. :old::naughty:



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So what you’re saying is the Mika way isn’t always the best way?:shocked:


You have shattered my dreams and I will have scars for ever!

How much do you talk about spiders in here?




:roftl: Well hello our Swedish Sienna !!! :huglove::bye:

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Ick indeed...


There was a big one in my room, but he disappeared... then I get one on my fricking car!!!


i'm actually budgeting to go to australia for a mika gig/meeting MFCers. i have no way of telling if i could actually go yet, but if the situation works out.. who knows.. at least i will have the money there.


and its cheaper to fly to australia then the south island.




Then come on over!!!


i hear our prime minister is having chats with your prime minister about changing the law so you can fly between oz and nz without the big rigmarole..


That would be very shiny... considering how close we are...


I think you kinda liked it.


I've been dreaming about them.

A promo isn't even a complete gig. Promos are designed to leave you wanting more. The problem with this picture is we didn't get dessert *hmph*

And, the other moronic part of it is that so many people became Mika fans AFTER the promo by seeing him on the TV or hearing him on the radio - which was what was intended to happen. pfft! World tour, my ass.

Maybe I'm just cranky cos we're not on the 360° tour. And I told U2 so. Can't bloody well be a 360° tour if it's only in 180°'s of the world.


Just a wee bit...


That's weird... I've been dreaming about zombies, U2 concerts and operations for the last week or so...



*gigglesnort* It's true though... and I'm not too worried about U2 just yet... it's only the first leg... Besides, they seem to like South America and they haven't been mentioned yet...


*steals 180° joke and takes it to u2.com* :fisch:


As for U2... sucks so much they're not coming here. Whats a world tour without an aussie pit stop?


Seems they have the Europe/North America syndrome for this tour


Just wait... might be a while, but I'm sure they'll come..


Exactly!! Pisses me off.

Maybe they'll end it here though, they've done that before.


They did it with the Vertigo tour, right?



Or they could be complete spaz's and not do a tour here at all... they did that with the Elevation tour...


U2 are NOT coming here ????!!!!


Not at this stage... they've only announced the first leg...


AHh yes. They probably will. Have to remember they're old fellas now. 6 months on the road would feel like an eternity to them.


Though I reckon Larry's aging slower than the others... Dorian Gray anyone? :naughty:



They really need someone to look after them when they're not on stage... I bags Adam! :das:


If I hadn't brought a car, I would say anywhere. The US, Europe, and everywhere else. But alas, my poor savings are depleted, and uni books are preventing me from putting more money into them, so anywhere cheap is my answer until the savings get a boost


I know the feeling about being poor... I'm getting a few hours at work, but not enough...


How much do you talk about spiders in here?



Ummmmmm... not that much... you must come in when we're talking about spiders... :naughty:

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Well that was interesting :blink:...


I was just in my second home (the Adam subforum), and someone was saying about how she ran into this guy who looked just like Adam and he was really bitter and rude... apparently she'd been told that Adam's father had been in America and had had a second family... :blink:




That was so weird..

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Yup !! Pretty good thanks hun ... :wub2:


'Tis very quiet on MFC lately ... (I just read your post in the Apples ... :wink2: )



It is quiet and it starts to worry me a little, in my county it's absolutely quiet about Mika, nothing on radio and not a word on the blogs that use to write about his music, I think people are about to forget him with exception for a small exclusive group, the MFC!:roftl:


But I really don’t know so much about how artist usually promotes their music…I only find it strange with this long time without an album…what is it now, two years?


Is that a long time or not???:blink:




Ummmmmm... not that much... you must come in when we're talking about spiders... :naughty:


I guess just my usual luck then, I fear them with a passion!!!:naughty:

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*pbs* See what happens when I get bored. dasgirlblink.gif

OH Yes !!!!!

Can our new PW wave a PW sign ??!! (or is that too many frames ... or indeed, too much to ask ... :blush-anim-cl: ) .... whatever, it is awesome ... I'd love to know how to make smileys one day ... *pbs*

Thanks !!

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Apparently 3 days in hospital...



I'll be off work for at least a week, maybe more... dunno how long till I quiz the doc...


I think you may find it's a bit longer than that


That's a good point... maybe Mika could get the same management as Lily...


But isn't Lily managed by her father?


:roftl: Hahaha !!! But I slept !! 8 hrs. :mf_rosetinted:


But I've just come in from work - and you are online right now :naughty:


I don't go to uni. Can I come and stay?


Any time you like :thumb_yello:


Oooh, this could work!

Next week I'm taking him to meet my friend who miiii-iiiight be letting me move into her live in place to share her load :biggrin2:

We'll see how she likes "Raymond" (Although she knows his name is Ambrose ... I think this is probably irrelevant)


:sneaky2: Don't even think of changing his name. I shall cut you out of my will if you do.

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How much do you talk about spiders in here?



All the time - you wouldn't believe how many different deadly spiders they have here :eek:



mmmmmm... not that much... you must come in when we're talking about spiders... :naughty:


Which is most of the time as you have a lot of spiders :fisch:

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:roftl: Verra kewl, Kelzy !!



Hi Silv !! :bye: Yes ... & I'll be going to sleep ... & then eventually, you'll be going to sleep ... & then I'll wake up & come here ... & then you'll wake up & come here ... & then you'll go to work & then come home & then on here ... & then ... I'll go to bed ... *pbs*

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Hi Silv !! :bye: Yes ... & I'll be going to sleep ... & then eventually, you'll be going to sleep ... & then I'll wake up & come here ... & then you'll wake up & come here ... & then you'll go to work & then come home & then on here ... & then ... I'll go to bed ... *pbs*




But I might stay up all night too :wink2:

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