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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Exhausted. Feet hurt, I hate heels. Had an okay night. Happy for my friend but also a bit sad. Oh well, such is life. Incapable of complete sentences. Sleeeeeep. Ciao.


Why sad?


I remember my friend getting married... but I was jealous more than sad (because she was marrying my first love)... and that she was getting married and I wasn't... now Í choose to ignore the fact that I'm single and have been for almost 6 years...






Okay, I think I might've just depressed myself a bit...


And now's my cue to leave...

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Why sad?


I remember my friend getting married... but I was jealous more than sad (because she was marrying my first love)... and that she was getting married and I wasn't... now Í choose to ignore the fact that I'm single and have been for almost 6 years...






Okay, I think I might've just depressed myself a bit...


And now's my cue to leave...

Some of it is a tad personal, but also because I worry a bit that the friendship will not be the same once they start a new life so markedly different from my own and the one I plan to lead in the future. But I think that they're just niggling doubts at the back of my mind, for the most part I'm happy for them.

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Awwwwwwww ..... :wub2:


That has to be the most pathetic lion I have ever seen. It looks more like a rabbit on a bad hair day.


I think I just added to my reputation... Aussie thread stripper...


Would this be the opposite of a post whore? :naughty:


Mine's my name... first and last name...


Such startling originality. I think you'll have to be Minister for Innovation :wink2:


Frig! My door just opened by itself and there was no-one there! Freaked me out a bit!


:shocked: You were expecting someone? You keep people in your fridge :eek:




ST - lolcat stuff - please deal with this :sneaky2:

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Oooooh, lucky!



I thought he would've just taken off...



Wait a minute... how the hell do you reverse into someone... in drive thru... unless you're a f**king moron???




Can't take off when my car is behind his in the drive thru and his blocked in in the front... otherwise he prob would have.


His a moron who didn't see my itsy bitsy car


Bugger, Bex !!!


Sounds like you'll be OK with insurance etc. tho' ??!! :thumb_yello:


Should be. I'm insured for uninsured drivers, so RACV should handle it and get the money from him. This morning the damage doesn't seem that bad, just a few minor scratches, one big scratch and a squashed pop up light


*hugs Teegs* yeah, he's dumb. He "didn't see her" and wanted to leave the drive thru.. :doh:

*hugs Bec* you haz a McFlatty car.

*hugs HK* How do you put up with us??

*hugs thread* I wuvs you, i weally weally do.


time for bed *zhhz*

And, See you other babes tomorrow in Melb. :das:


See you today :wink2:




Frig! My door just opened by itself and there was no-one there! Freaked me out a bit!


You haz ghosts


Exhausted. Feet hurt, I hate heels. Had an okay night. Happy for my friend but also a bit sad. Oh well, such is life. Incapable of complete sentences. Sleeeeeep. Ciao.


Glad the night was okay *sends you DCS foot spa and duct tape to put it back together*


We is here....yous is not.....why???? :tears:


At 3 am :shocked: are you crazy? (okay so most of us are normally there at 3am, but not when we have to get up the next day :fisch:)

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Some of it is a tad personal, but also because I worry a bit that the friendship will not be the same once they start a new life so markedly different from my own and the one I plan to lead in the future. But I think that they're just niggling doubts at the back of my mind, for the most part I'm happy for them.


fair enough... I can understand that!




I'm sure you'll get past the niggling doubts...


We is here....yous is not.....why???? :tears:


Cause it's 3am perhaps? *smth*


That has to be the most pathetic lion I have ever seen. It looks more like a rabbit on a bad hair day.




Would this be the opposite of a post whore? :naughty:




Such startling originality. I think you'll have to be Minister for Innovation :wink2:




:shocked: You were expecting someone? You keep people in your fridge :eek:


Actually, it reminds me of Madagascar 2... Britt and I went to see it yesterday, and it had Alex the lion as a cub in Africa..



Quite possibly... :das:



Oooooh yayness!



I thought it might've been Dad telling me to go to bed, but when i looked at the door there was no-one there... I looked to the ground expecting to see the dog or something (who was actually in the laundry at the time) but there was nothing...


Can't take off when my car is behind his in the drive thru and his blocked in in the front... otherwise he prob would have.


His a moron who didn't see my itsy bitsy car




You haz ghosts


What an idiot... who puts their car into reverse in drive thru anyways? Least you'll be able to get him to pay for it to be fixed...




I must have...

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*laughs at your avatar again*


*does the same for yours*


Settle gretel. :naughty:

Goodnight :huglove:



*sprays thread with therapeutic relaxing incense*


Never Heather. :sneaky2:


Funny, I just lit some...TP!


lol good girl!! i should probly start one of those!


haha i heard the nose piercing hurts like shizza!

but i got my ear done tonight and it didnt hurt one bit :biggrin2:


Hmm, I think I want to get my nose pierced one of these days...


In other news ... my Clancy sold another photo today !!


But ... she also flew back up north this morn. too ...


But I just talked to her on the phone & she arrived safely !!


That's great! Not that she's gone, obviously...


Bianca and Tanya update:

"front row between luke and hugh. awesome system for being let in. tanya annoyed at being asked for id."


:punk: Suffer Tanya!!


Haha! Sooo, Tanya isn't as old as she claims she is then? :das:

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Sufferrrggghhhh Tanyarrrggghhh


I can scare them off!! *roarrrrrrrr* :roftl:



Roarrrrrrghhhhhhhh* :thumb_yello:


Hey all.


So quick update .. I am super pissed (though Kelz and Dc are life savers and helping me laugh now) at some bogan who, while in a MAccas Drive Thru reversed not only into my car BUT ONTO IT as well.


I ft a busted head light, scratches to the car and my licence plate is bent out of shape and will have to do the tediousness of making my first ever claim tomorrow morning, for something that wasn't my fault.

What a f*cker. :thumbdown:

How do you reverse ONTO a car??! :boxed:


Some of it is a tad personal, but also because I worry a bit that the friendship will not be the same once they start a new life so markedly different from my own and the one I plan to lead in the future. But I think that they're just niggling doubts at the back of my mind, for the most part I'm happy for them.


That's understandable...my mum lost touch with a friend of hers after she got married...but that was because neither of them tried very hard to keep it going, I'm sure you'll still meet in the middle.


That has to be the most pathetic lion I have ever seen. It looks more like a rabbit on a bad hair day.


Bahaha! And it's true...


You were expecting someone? You keep people in your fridge :eek:


You don't?? *smth* :blink:

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Maybe Kelz can frighten off your 'friends' !!


she's my last hope


Sufferrrggghhhh Tanyarrrggghhh



Yep, those are the ones. I couldn't do that to my ear. Imagine if you changed your mind



:naughty: even if i regretted it.. i would NEVER give my mother that satisfaction. possibly my 4 most hated words together "I told you so". i would never hear the end of it!




Hmm, I think I want to get my nose pierced one of these days...

i would aswell!, but i dont have very good pain tolerance :boxed:

they look awesomo though! :blush-anim-cl:

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Haha! Sooo, Tanya isn't as old as she claims she is then?


Yes she bloody well is. They were just blind and stupid or sleazy!




We leftzzzz....sorry HK!:wub2:


Roarrrrrrghhhhhhhh* :thumb_yello:


*sigh* Why was Kelzy telling me to suffferrrrrgggghhhhh this time!


I see Australia's gone out for the day then :wink2:


Ministerial conference at Parliament (Luna Park ft. psycho Kelzy & lovely Bec):wink2:

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What a f*cker. :thumbdown:

How do you reverse ONTO a car??! :boxed:




easy... you reverse onto a car that is a driving speed bump as is, especially toa 4wd

I see Australia's gone out for the day then :wink2:


Of course :biggrin2:





Ministerial conference at Parliament (Luna Park ft. psycho Kelzy & lovely Bec):wink2:



Oh I'm lovely :wub2:


Photos/reports will potentially be put on amf soon

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*appears* *pbs*


*still can't believe Kelz got her camera to work*


*goes to google camera cooking and battery freezing for second opinions on these ridiculous activities*

:blink:? Huh? Who are you? Camera cooking?

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*appears* *pbs*


*still can't believe Kelz got her camera to work*


*goes to google camera cooking and battery freezing for second opinions on these ridiculous activities*


It only likes it when I touch it though. :das::fisch:

I'll find you smth about it.


Hello All!! :bye:

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I see Australia's gone out for the day then :wink2:

We're ALL back now...I imagine the laughs only increased as the day went on...sorry I had to leave early.


What a riot, my video is hilarious, wait till I get back next week to upload it!! I have never seen my feet so brown, I look like I spent the summer on the beach....hahaha just trying to make the northern hemisphere jellus.


Twatty I missed meeting you, hope the wedding was fun.

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We're ALL back now...I imagine the laughs only increased as the day went on...sorry I had to leave early.


What a riot, my video is hilarious, wait till I get back next week to upload it!! I have never seen my feet so brown, I look like I spent the summer on the beach....hahaha just trying to make the northern hemisphere jellus.


Twatty I missed meeting you, hope the wedding was fun.

I watched my videos on the way back on the train! You are a riot!! The LT lipsync is brilliant! :bow::huglove:

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I see Australia's gone out for the day then :wink2:


Yeah, I guess... I was working, though I see the others had a pretty darn good time...



I'm a wee bit jealous now... though we get to have a kick arse time at GC! 6 days (okay, basically 5 days)!





*checks AMF*

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