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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I've been reading this book and the author recommends probiotics and I've never really had anything to do with them...


What are they? A capsule? A liquid? A powder?

I get capsule or powder form. The powder form has more bacteria in it so it's better. :thumb_yello:

Where'd you put your sig/avvie?? *searches cat pee corner*


I LOVE that one. :roftl:

I need to make a new one of both.. And I remove them when I'm undecided :naughty:. Cat pee corner is a good place to look though.

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I get capsule or powder form. The powder form has more bacteria in it so it's better. :thumb_yello:


I need to make a new one of both.. And I remove them when I'm undecided :naughty:. Cat pee corner is a good place to look though.


Yay! Someone here to talk to!



So, do you mix it with water or in milk or juice or sprinkle it over breakfast cereal or what?

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Actually, I don't know why I said "Yay, someone to talk to" cos any minute now my husband is going to return from reading to my son and is going to want his computer back and I'm going to have to make an unceremonious quick exit.... Possible without saying goodbye even...

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Nice post whoring skills :roftl: Love the cakes. *eats Kenny*

I mix it into some Ensure (food drink) if I have powder. Because powder is for when I'm really unwell. Capsules for when I'm well. But, basically the powder has to be mixed with room temp water.


GC in 4 days. Bec, DC, Teegs and moi. :das:

And heaps of people in spirit.

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GC in 4 days. Bec, DC, Teegs and moi. :das:

And heaps of people in spirit.


Ooh, exciting! As soon as your answered I realised that you'd already mentioned when the trip is. I'm silly.


You'll all have to tell the rest of us about it when you get back, just so we can be more jealous. :naughty:


Do you have any plans for what you will be doing when there?

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Ooh, exciting! As soon as your answered I realised that you'd already mentioned when the trip is. I'm silly.


You'll all have to tell the rest of us about it when you get back, just so we can be more jealous. :naughty:


Do you have any plans for what you will be doing when there?

I'm not sure entirely on the plans, but there will be some online updates since I can access internet on my phone :wink2: And, we're all good at putting $1 in for 10 minitz :meow: (lolcat joke where they sit under the umbrella)


Who wants a postcard :das:

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So.... how many of you are packed and ready for GC apart from Bec?


Probably no one


I did it again :shocked: and became the least slack of the slackerrghhs


I'm trying to decide if I have a second helping of dinner or if I move on to dessert.... Dinner was pasta bake *Yum!*



Pasta bake *wants*


Though we're having Roast Pork *licks lips*






GC in 4 days. Bec, DC, Teegs and moi. :das:

And heaps of people in spirit.

We're not going to be able to move about the apartment, there'll be that many people there in spirit


I'm not sure entirely on the plans, but there will be some online updates since I can access internet on my phone :wink2: And, we're all good at putting $1 in for 10 minitz :meow: (lolcat joke where they sit under the umbrella)


Who wants a postcard :das:


Which Reminds me... I need to send Arts Postcard from Kylie :fisch:

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You are planning to make yourself known to me at this time aren't you? You have to!!! I always feel so out of everything!!!


Damn straight I am!!!


I promised Amy (my cousin, and one of the triplets - there's three of us born in 1983 and we're referred to as the triplets) that I would visit her, so I will defo make sure I have time for you...


Poor Manhands!


As for Madoona, she deserves it.


I thought it was a wee bit cruel for Manhands...



But Madoona defo deserved it... :naughty:


:roftl: 4 days until you and Teegs are sharing a bed. :das:


Why me?



I've already slept with him *hmph*




OG.. that sounds so wrong!


what...what's happening without me?


srsly gis, wuts hpning?


Gold Coast... soon! Woot!


Noooo :noh: I can't sleep with Bec. Something WOULD happen and you yourself said "No Mikamite babehs created in GC"

So to bed with Teegs you go. :mf_boff:


What, am I the whore of the Aussie thread or smth?


Also, just wanted to announce to the world in general that our DVD player died on Friday and hubby bought a new one yesterday and it does a whole bunch of formats.... including avi's!! That means we can watch Xena on the TV now!!!


*buries CD's old DVD player*



*worships new DVD player*


OK, messing around in photobucket and thought I'd give the Aussie thread some cake... I just love these!




Respect my authoritah!!!




I was watching South Park at the backpackers...


So.... how many of you are packed and ready for GC apart from Bec?


Not me... my suitcase is still on top of the cupboard... full of towels and such...


I'm not sure entirely on the plans, but there will be some online updates since I can access internet on my phone :wink2: And, we're all good at putting $1 in for 10 minitz :meow: (lolcat joke where they sit under the umbrella)


Who wants a postcard


I'm sure we'll work it out when we get there...


Good idea Kelz...


In my defense I have washed all my clothes and they just need packing. So that's prepared enough for me.


I've thought about it...


Kelz, did you download Big Girls Are Best from that link?

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Why me?



I've already slept with him *hmph*




OG.. that sounds so wrong!

Because you two are flying together so you can have some love together. :naughty:


Maybe we need to organise a rotation system.

Musical beds :das:

What, am I the whore of the Aussie thread or smth?

Do you object? Honestly? :bleh:

Not me... my suitcase is still on top of the cupboard... full of towels and such...

I'm sure we'll work it out when we get there...


Good idea Kelz...

Mother Melzy has gone away for 3 days with the suitcase I need. :naughty:

Kelz, did you download Big Girls Are Best from that link?

Yes *zhhz*
Kelz: I just converted the video of Big Girls Are Best off YT and downloaded it...


This link may work...


If not, I'll email it to you...

Now I have *zhhz*


I miss pages sometimes and have to go back. :blush-anim-cl:



Ohhh.. oh yeah yeah yeah...:punk:

Spanks Teegs!

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Musical beds... sounds interesting :das:


And I see I am still the only one to have packed *may be slightly over eager :naughty:*


I figured, if I pack now, its done and then I also know what clothes I can wear until we do leave, without havng to rewash clothes to pack

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Because you two are flying together so you can have some love together. :naughty:


Maybe we need to organise a rotation system.

Musical beds

Do you object? Honestly?

Mother Melzy has gone away for 3 days with the suitcase I need.

Yes *zhhz*


Now I have *zhhz*


I miss pages sometimes and have to go back.



Ohhh.. oh yeah yeah yeah...:punk:

Spanks Teegs!


That works! :das:


Damn... you need to demand that she returns the suitcase...



It's a good song, isn't it? :das:




I loves it... not as much as In A Little While (cause i imagine Bono's singing it to me :wub2::mf_lustslow::das:), but it's good...

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Musical beds... sounds interesting :das:


And I see I am still the only one to have packed *may be slightly over eager :naughty:*


I figured, if I pack now, its done and then I also know what clothes I can wear until we do leave, without havng to rewash clothes to pack


that's a good idea... but I 'm just not that organised... and getting the suitcase from the top of the couboard is too much hard work...

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GC in 4 days. Bec, DC, Teegs and moi. :das:

And heaps of people in spirit.


Woah !! I thought there were at least 6 of you going ??!! :blink:


And I'm one of those spirits ... *pbs* :wub2:

*Hmmm ... considers which appliance ..... :das: ... OG, no ... not that one !! :blush-anim-cl: *


Put it this way ... I know that Tan is a toaster ... what are the other spirits ??

Once I know ... I'll make my choice ... (from the dregs ... :wink2: )


A late Hello to All ... :bye:

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I hereby give permishun to you all to slap me if you see me online before my exams finish on the 22nd of January. :naughty:


Have a safe trip, to those who are going to GC. :bye:


And for those who aren't going, have fun whoring up the thread without them. :wink2:

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