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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I like how you just refer to them as :das:


Oh, and I read your myspace comment and I'm going to reply here just because I feel like it. Yes, I do expect a full report. It doesn't need to be too detailed though.


So do I :naughty:


Yes, yes, well I'll get onto it at some point (and by some point I mean some day that Petra isn't online and talking to me continuously :sneaky2:) And beggars can't be chosers, it will be what ever level of detail I see fit.


Also, I did post a few Tony pictures a while back in the thread. But I am able to oblige..








I'm in a smile mood.





Wow! Sorry! I didn't realise how huge they were.


No apologies required.

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Yeah, it's quiet. I'm just eating dinner now but my first exam is tomorrow. I still have half of the material to cover by 12pm tomorrow.


:shocked: Go and study!


Pot - kettle - :fisch:


*ft sucking too hard on lollipops because that makes Mike smile* *zhhz*


He's easily pleased :das:


Now it's my turn to post cute pictures, because I'm in a Rod Thomas mood.


:sneaky2: Rod Thomas is not cute. :sneaky2:


Ambrose is cute :wub2:

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Ooooh :das: Keep us posted, won't you :naughty:




There's a guy exactly like that here! Well, he used to be like that...but ever since he graduated he's just been festering at home, even though if he had any motivation he could be famous by now.





Baaahhh! Lucky...mine are next week...:stretcher:




BETTY SPAGHETTI! Lordy, I remember her! I think I had two, back in the day.




Aww, I hate mousetraps...but we have to put them out, because they get into all the food. I don't think they live in the walls, but one will find its way in every now and then...and our cat is useless, she just sits around all the time. I hate finding the poor little thing with its head stuck in there...or worse, if it's only got one leg caught and is still alive...

It's so quick though, at least they don't feel anything.

I had tonnes, it was v. gudT.

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Indeed. :roftl:




Betty Spaghetti!!


You've been hanging out in the Aussie thread for how long?... and you're just telling us this now?

I KNOW! I love hes.


I just remembered her out of no where.


I had Tess, she had green hair and was from australia, this orange haired one, betty of course (with sparkleez hair) and a brown haired one i think.

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Stolen from another thread




Mika - bla bla bla the chinese dragon...

Yasmine - Mika...What's that?




Mika - Shut up, Yasmine! As I was saying...got stuck in China...bla bla bla...

Yasmine - MIKAAAAAAA! AAAAH! Fire, fire!! Destroying your stage!!!




Mika - Shhh, can't you see I'm talking here? Geez... OK, and then, the dragon....

Yasmine - OMG...there goes the gig...I need water...




Mika - *snifff* What's this smell? Is there something burning?

Yasmine - ......

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Yeah, it's quiet. I'm just eating dinner now but my first exam is tomorrow. I still have half of the material to cover by 12pm tomorrow. :boxed:


All the best ST:thumb_yello:


Why don't you get a cat of your own?

They are lovely animals:wub2:and the mouse problem would be solved, even if the cat doesn't catch and eat the mouse I believe the smell of cat would keep the mouse away!


But…don’t you think the mouse can find its way back to the house?

Our its cousins and friends?


*imagine the mouse starting a rumour of a nice house with friendly traps*:roftl:


Well, the thing is, we don't want a cat, right now. We don't want any pets. We're trying to save money for a house deposit and don't need the bills associated with a pet.


O.M.G.!!!! Look who's here!


Hey there OKD, long time no see.


Good time = being had


Yay!! Glad you're having fun. Sounds like a busy schedule.

Now it's my turn to post cute pictures, because I'm in a Rod Thomas mood.


Sorry to be dense but who is Rod Thomas? I just had to double check that you weren't meaning Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20 but with incorrect spelling, but that's not him in the pics...


It looks like it'll be an all-nighter for me. So much material, so little time.


Did you notice we've all stopped slapping you? Well, apart from that Gold Coast lot.


Stolen from another thread


I know I haven't got the picture with this quote but still.... That was very funny. Thanks for sharing:naughty:


Still awake. One third of the material left to go. Man, when Thursday evening comes I'm going to collapse in bed and not move for two days.


Don't kill yourself in the process ST:shocked: I hope you're able to retain most of what you studied, at least, until the exam is over.

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All the best ST:thumb_yello:



Did you notice we've all stopped slapping you? Well, apart from that Gold Coast lot.



Don't kill yourself in the process ST:shocked: I hope you're able to retain most of what you studied, at least, until the exam is over.



Yeah, I also gave up on staying away. I have limited my visits to designated study breaks only, though.


I also hope that I can retain it. Dunno if it'll work, though, since I'm so tired now. :boxed:

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Yeah, I also gave up on staying away. I have limited my visits to designated study breaks only, though.


I also hope that I can retain it. Dunno if it'll work, though, since I'm so tired now. :boxed:


Are you gonna try and get any sleep before the exam or do you need that time for getting ready and travelling?

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Are you gonna try and get any sleep before the exam or do you need that time for getting ready and travelling?

Well I don't have any time to sleep, I still have 11 lectures to read over then I have to travel to the exam venue which is 2 hours away.

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Well I don't have any time to sleep, I still have 11 lectures to read over then I have to travel to the exam venue which is 2 hours away.


Oh Twatty....

I have two words for you.




Red Bull.



Seems like you really did put in some hard work and studying after all. Too bad its all crammed. I hope the information overload continues to fire the synapses in your brain retaining all the info long enough for you to get it down on the exam paper. :blink: Will be thinking about you. And when you crash on Thursday, just don't forget to wake up for your 21st! I hope your birthday surprises include passing marks.

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Pot - kettle -




:sneaky2: Rod Thomas is not cute.


Ambrose is cute :wub2:


Yes well I can't post any pictures of Ambrose until my camera gets fixed/I get a new one. And that can't happen until I go to Perth and get a quote for repairs and send that in to the insurance company, which I can't do until I bring my dad back to the mechanic at 1.


I hate these big pictures


Don't be mean to Tony! :sneaky2:


Stolen from another thread


... :lmfao:!

You realise my dad is currently sitting across from me doing nothing and staring at my face to comment on what I am like when I am on the computer? How embrrassing :naughty: And then he wanted to know what was so funny and who I was talking to.


Still awake. One third of the material left to go. Man, when Thursday evening comes I'm going to collapse in bed and not move for two days.


:sneaky2: You are just as bad as me.


Sorry to be dense but who is Rod Thomas? I just had to double check that you weren't meaning Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20 but with incorrect spelling, but that's not him in the pics...


No, not Rob Thomas (although I did notice his existance when I was youtube searching yesterday). No, Rod Thomas is only the most genius and lovely musician in the universe ever.




Videoclip: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=XV8Po-APdpo&feature=channel_page

Videoclip: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_zVNZL5uM&feature=related

Videoclip: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=CXwqIJwUHd0&feature=channel


What he is like live: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=-phmTL4fZyE&feature=channel_page (something I only discovered yesterday, leading to a new fangirl burst)

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Oh funny story. I had to get up ridiculously early this morning (8am :boxed:)to follow my dad to the mechanic.

The thing is that only 3 keys came with the padlock on the front gate, and my dad lost his while I was away, and stole mine out of my car, and Jenny moved in yesterday so now there are 2 keys between four people. So on the way back we went to Bunnings and bought a combination padlock. Then we got home and Margaret had left ... and locked the gate on her way out, as she was the last person to leave, and that's the way it is.

But I don't have a key because my dad stole it, so then my dad was like "oh ****, I guess I'll jump the fence and go get it out of my car" .... "Oh ****, my car is at the mechanic" :naughty: So we had to leave my car at the road and jump the fence and walk to the house :roftl: Ambrose got confused and barked at us :lmfao:

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