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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Some more pictures from that Kooks beach:




Nawww, little itty bitty fiddler crabs. They kept popping in and out of their holes when you moved. Hilarious.



My friend Dani :cheerful_h4h:



Our project group :cheerful_h4h:



There was a splotch on my camera lens that entire day, I was so pissed off when I noticed it later :mad3:

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Okay! I'm off now! Hopefully to watch Twilight, we'll see! :bye:


Aww, I've just finished my first blog entry. I suppose you can read it when you return.


Have fun! Twilight is good for a film that was based on a book that in my opinion would have been very difficult to translate to screen. But that doesn't really matter because you just spend most of the movie staring at Edward. :naughty:

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No multiple choice - it was the kind of questions that you either know how to do your you don't, not much room for BS-ing.



Using my name in vain???:sneaky2:


And here's one that walked into a stationary tree.




I laughed myself silly when I noticed it. No one else thought it was all that funny. Freaks.


Great pics OkD!! I loved that walking tree one, and the crab too.



How is the GC gang??? Bored enough to be online I see??? C'mon it's the Gold Coast, there are trillions of things to do!! We will all be here when you get back AFTER the GC trip.:wink2:

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Just ignore her. She's tried to get me to post things on youtube before and I find that ignorance is the best method to avoid it. :wink2:

:roftl: Thanks SD !! I shall !!!

Using my name in vain???:sneaky2:




Great pics OkD!! I loved that walking tree one, and the crab too.



How is the GC gang??? Bored enough to be online I see??? C'mon it's the Gold Coast, there are trillions of things to do!! We will all be here when you get back AFTER the GC trip.:wink2:

:lmfao: Hiya Blue Sky !!!


Yes ... I love that walking tree walking into a stationary one too !!!


I don't think they are 'bored' exactly ... just addicted to us !! (ft. MFC :wink2: )

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:roftl: Thanks SD !! I shall !!!


:lmfao: Hiya Blue Sky !!!


Yes ... I love that walking tree walking into a stationary one too !!!


I don't think they are 'bored' exactly ... just addicted to us !! (ft. MFC :wink2: )


Hi HK!!


Addiction in one of its many forms!! I was reading yesterday about a medication they can give to alcoholics which cures them of alcoholism as long as they continue to drink and take the meds (sounds weird, I know) but gradually over time, the meds take the edge of the alcohol buzz until they really don't feel like drinking much any more.


Wondered if it would work for my other addictions like this place or chocolate. Take the meds and keep eating/posting.....:roftl:

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Hi HK!!


Addiction in one of its many forms!! I was reading yesterday about a medication they can give to alcoholics which cures them of alcoholism as long as they continue to drink and take the meds (sounds weird, I know) but gradually over time, the meds take the edge of the alcohol buzz until they really don't feel like drinking much any more.


Wondered if it would work for my other addictions like this place or chocolate. Take the meds and keep eating/posting.....:roftl:


Haha !! Perhaps I should try those meds . too !! I love to drink good /ok Aussie red wine ... I don't eat that much chockie ... BUT I am also here on MFC like an addiction !! :naughty:

Edited by happikali
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Aww, I've just finished my first blog entry. I suppose you can read it when you return.


Oooh ooh ooooh oooooooh! *rushes through mq to go and read blog entry*


Have fun! Twilight is good for a film that was based on a book that in my opinion would have been very difficult to translate to screen. But that doesn't really matter because you just spend most of the movie staring at Edward. :naughty:


It's basically the only movie I've ever seen without reading the book first (and that was mostly due to the "ew, it reads like fanfiction" discussion in here / general slackness) because it is usually my principle to always read the book first. And then whine the whole movie about how much it's cut out. This time I just thought the whole movie how much better it must be in the book and how much I want to read the book now. And how amazing it is that they managed to make someone so ridiculously good looking so freaking creepy. The way he doesn't look people in the eyes, especially at the beginning. Totally creepy. But my friend gave me her book afterwards, as well as swapping our photos, so now I have photos from the second half of the trip, thank god.


Just ignore her. She's tried to get me to post things on youtube before and I find that ignorance is the best method to avoid it. :wink2:




Haha !! Perhaps I should try those meds . too !! I love to drink good /ok Aussie red wine ... I don't eat that much chockie ... BUT I am also here on MFC like an addiction !!


I don't class it as an addiction though. Eurgh, my dad constantly comments on how I am addicted to my computer and it is my lifeline and I couldn't live without it and crap. I'm not addicted to it. I'm addicted to using it to talk to my friends. That's not an addiction, you can't be addicted to friends/socializing. :smth:

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Oh funny story. I had to get up ridiculously early this morning (8am : boxed:)to follow my dad to the mechanic.

The thing is that only 3 keys came with the padlock on the front gate, and my dad lost his while I was away, and stole mine out of my car, and Jenny moved in yesterday so now there are 2 keys between four people. So on the way back we went to Bunnings and bought a combination padlock. Then we got home and Margaret had left ... and locked the gate on her way out, as she was the last person to leave, and that's the way it is.

But I don't have a key because my dad stole it, so then my dad was like "oh ****, I guess I'll jump the fence and go get it out of my car" .... "Oh ****, my car is at the mechanic" :naughty: So we had to leave my car at the road and jump the fence and walk to the house : roftl: Ambrose got confused and barked at us :lmfao:


Disastrous things are happening to OKD (and her family) - all's right with the world


I did indeed put in some hard work but I think it was too little too late.


The exam was hideous. Truly hideous. Whether I pass or fail I'm just glad that 3 hours is over.


All exams are truly hideous. i hope you passed.


And here's one that walked into a stationary tree.




I laughed myself silly when I noticed it. No one else thought it was all that funny. Freaks.


:floor: Love it!


Have fun! Twilight is good for a film that was based on a book that in my opinion would have been very difficult to translate to screen. But that doesn't really matter because you just spend most of the movie staring at Edward. :naughty:


I suppose it may be because I'm old, but I just can't see the appeal in Edward (or whatever he's called in RL):blink:

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I really hope the guy here doesn't end up doing that. He deserves to do well and he certainly has more than enough talent to become famous or do anything else. According to my mum he's studying jazz and anthropology at uni, so that's good.


Ooowa! I'd like to meet this guy. Too bad about the opposite hemispheres and crap.





There are four of us on here.: This must be what it feels like to be a Mikasounds member!




Yeah, it's quiet. I'm just eating dinner now but my first exam is tomorrow. I still have half of the material to cover by 12pm tomorrow.


*slaps into next week*


wyn2 wun2 wub2 x 1,200


*Teegs worships Mzee*

*\Bec worships skills


*dc offers roll of toilet paper* (which, considering we've had to buy it twice is a big thing - 2 ply 250 sheets x 11)


:shocked: Is the change in climate (?) making you pee every 5 minutes or something??


<P>Hey ER </P>


<P>*sends warmth and as yet non existent sex tease videos* (but time may tell) </P>

<P>*sends hot aussie beach guys*</P>


Sex tease?! Steady on, I only asked for a strip tease...not that I'm complaining of course :naughty:


Oh...and a hot aussie beach guy is always appreciated :das:




I had tonnes, it was v. gudT.


My friends all had more than me. I was jellus.


Still awake. One third of the material left to go. Man, when Thursday evening comes I'm going to collapse in bed and not move for two days.


I hate exams. Mine are next week. Actually, why am I even here? Somebody slap me please...


*dances like an ant walking backwards*


*imagines an ant walking backwards*

*imagines DC attempting to make a dance out of this*

*collapses in fits of laughter*

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Hi and bye to everyone at the Gold Coast!!


In other news I've just made my own wordpress blog but I have no idea how it works.

*clicks the link in your sig*

You figured it out though :naughty: I WANT SUMMER HOLIDAYS!


BTW, I am automaticbrainchild, in case you were thinking you had some weird stalker.


I drink 'V' Black - it has the taurine and caffeine that Red Bull has but it also has guarana. It's what kept me up all night. I have another 3 cans sitting on my desk.


I did indeed put in some hard work but I think it was too little too late.


The exam was hideous. Truly hideous. Whether I pass or fail I'm just glad that 3 hours is over.



P.S. @ the internet addicted GCers.


D: Exams are evil. I've got my fingers crossed for you...






I was so excited. They were everywhere at my project And our campsite was called "El Chontal" which means walking trees


YESSSSS! See? I'm not insane! Aren't they fantastic? Yayyy!!!


And here's one that walked into a stationary tree.




I laughed myself silly when I noticed it. No one else thought it was all that funny. Freaks.



What an idiot.



I was going to say something ....but I've forgotten it already :doh:



Edited by englishrose
First post! :kachinga: (and yes I refuse to let this game die)
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I suppose it may be because I'm old, but I just can't see the appeal in Edward (or whatever he's called in RL):blink:


I don't really find him particularly appealing in real life. In any interview I've seen with him he just seems so bored and out of it. And his hair is rather insane (although I think he may have got it cut recently).


Ooowa! I'd like to meet this guy. Too bad about the opposite hemispheres and crap.


:roftl: Yes, too bad.


*clicks the link in your sig*

You figured it out though :naughty: I WANT SUMMER HOLIDAYS!


BTW, I am automaticbrainchild, in case you were thinking you had some weird stalker.


Haha, yes I did figure that out. Yours was actually one of the blogs I read to get some ideas before beginning mine. :wink2:

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Disastrous things are happening to OKD (and her family) - all's right with the world


I just got up. I had an appointment with the eployment company at 12.30. An hour nd a half ago. My dad came into my room at 6 to say he was leaving and not to miss my appointment. ****. :naughty:


I hate exams. Mine are next week. Actually, why am I even here? Somebody slap me please...


*slaps you*


YESSSSS! See? I'm not insane! Aren't they fantastic? Yayyy!!!



What an idiot.


Yes and yes.


I don't really find him particularly appealing in real life. In any interview I've seen with him he just seems so bored and out of it. And his hair is rather insane (although I think he may have got it cut recently).


Really? No, I find him particularly creepy in that movie. But I was watching some youtubes the other day, I started looking at Faker videos and managed to get to Robert Pattinson via Be the Twilight - Twilight - Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson, and he is really quite hot/handsome/cute. And the way he keeps moving his hair around :stretcher::naughty:

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