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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I just did the thing I usually do every January 1st. Put everything in My Documents, My Pictures and My Photos into folders named "2008" and into their relevant "Archive" folders :naughty:

It's so satisfying starting anew :cheerful_h4h:


Although this year I had to leave a few folders behind in my Pictures. What an obsessive picture saving year I had last year :naughty: (A habit which I do plan to continue :naughty:)

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No, people started liking him/thinking he was good looking in Harry Potter, but this is his first major role :smth: :naughty:


O.M.G. !!!! I am so dense!!! I've just worked out who you're all talking about!!! I definitely thought that he was bloody gorgeous in Harry Potter and was so bummed that he died. I could certainly have handled him showing up in the following movies:naughty:




In what way are you stuck? I can give lots of help with the topic of procrastination, but not lots of help with French, I'm sorry:bleh:


Oooh, yes, I should ask him for them. He is so ****ing nice that he'd probably send them right over.

I asked if I could have a copy of one of his limited edition singles and he freaked out because he didn't have any left and actually said he would give me his one personal copy and I was like ... no freaking way do I want your only copy :shocked:


Where did you meet him?

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Oooh, yes, I should ask him for them. He is so ****ing nice that he'd probably send them right over.

I asked if I could have a copy of one of his limited edition singles and he freaked out because he didn't have any left and actually said he would give me his one personal copy and I was like ... no freaking way do I want your only copy




You have to memorise it? that is totally ridiculous and unreasonable! In what way are you stuck?

I would've taken it :naughty:


I knowwww, that's 5 minutes of speech that I have to have! Internalised! In my head! It's impossible! :crybaby:

As in...I don't know what more to write. I'm nearly done, it's just getting all the ideas to flow together. Which they are NOT doing. And I have to get up in 5 hours.


Well done indeed. I don't think one instrument is enough for me. Although two chords is generally a lot further along than I get on any of ym instruments that I decide I need to own.

I honestly bought THREE instruments in Costa Rica. A bamboo recorder, a clay flute and an indian rain stick. And I almost bought a drum too, but then realised it was made of iguana skina and was put off


A druma mada ofa iguana skina? Howa grossa :naughty:


I just did the thing I usually do every January 1st. Put everything in My Documents, My Pictures and My Photos into folders named "2008" and into their relevant "Archive" folders :naughty:

It's so satisfying starting anew


Although this year I had to leave a few folders behind in my Pictures. What an obsessive picture saving year I had last year :naughty: (A habit which I do plan to continue :naughty:)


Heyyyy, maybe I should do that instead of just dumping all my photos into My Pictures!

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In what way are you stuck? I can give lots of help with the topic of procrastination, but not lots of help with French, I'm sorry:bleh:


Well, I've got mostly all I need--I've just written little bits at a time, of different ideas that I want to meld into one...so I've got all these snippets and i need to connect them somehow. It's irritating.

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Well, I've got mostly all I need--I've just written little bits at a time, of different ideas that I want to meld into one...so I've got all these snippets and i need to connect them somehow. It's irritating.


Oh, yes. That was always the irritating part of essay writing for me, getting it into a coherent argument, instead of just a collection of jumbled random facts I'd found out.

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O.M.G. !!!! I am so dense!!! I've just worked out who you're all talking about!!! I definitely thought that he was bloody gorgeous in Harry Potter and was so bummed that he died. I could certainly have handled him showing up in the following movies


Exactly. There's something seriously wrong with Silver :naughty:


Where did you meet him?


No where :crybaby:

Myspace :naughty:


I would've taken it


Because you are a mean, heartless person! (Petra had a spare copy she was going to send me anyway :naughty:)


I knowwww, that's 5 minutes of speech that I have to have! Internalised! In my head! It's impossible!

As in...I don't know what more to write. I'm nearly done, it's just getting all the ideas to flow together. Which they are NOT doing. And I have to get up in 5 hours.


ICK! And 5 minutes is LONG D: Good luck :blink:


A druma mada ofa iguana skina? Howa grossa


Yesa, ita wasa quitea grossa whena Ia realiseda.

My typing is retarded :naughty: That originally said "skina dn" and I was like "wtf?" and changed it to "skina and" and I obviously missed that that was where the a had gotten to :naughty:


Heyyyy, maybe I should do that instead of just dumping all my photos into My Pictures!


It's genius, right? You never need all those 4,000 pictures you scroll through to find the one you need anyway :smth:


If you need something to do today, OKD, you could maybe update your siggy?


Yeah I WANT to, but I have a lot of things I DO need to do, so I feel bad about not doing them so i do nothing instead *pbs*

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Because you are a mean, heartless person! (Petra had a spare copy she was going to send me anyway )


No...but imagine if he gets really famous, you could sell it for thousands on eBay :naughty:



ICK! And 5 minutes is LONG D: Good luck :blink:


I think I've got the thing written. I'll try and memorise it on the bus tomorrow. :rolls_eyes:


It's genius, right? You never need all those 4,000 pictures you scroll through to find the one you need anyway :smth:


We-ell, you never know, you might be able to make an art project out of all those wacky trippy blurry ones in 20 years. (I can't remember the last time I deleted a photo :roftl:)




Yeah I WANT to, but I have a lot of things I DO need to do, so I feel bad about not doing them so i do nothing instead *pbs*


Hahaha. I wish you spoke French. You'd like my speech. I justify procrastination in it.

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Agh, I need to memorise the methods of action, side effects, and conditions they're used to treat for about 80 drugs by tomorrow. Another all-nighter methinks. :sneaky2:


Have fun ST.... :thumbdown: I think one of the hardest things about what you're doing is when it's all rhetorical still. It's a lot easier to remember stuff if you've got practical examples in your mind that you dealt with that you can remember. And that may help you for some of them, cos I know you've done some prac, but it's not gonna work for 80! What about mnemonics? Are you any good with those?



Hang on, if I remember correctly, you have to invent your own, don't you, cos they don't teach you any in your course...

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No...but imagine if he gets really famous, you could sell it for thousands on eBay :naughty:


Yes, well thats exactly why I want all his limited edition stuff :naughty:


I think I've got the thing written. I'll try and memorise it on the bus tomorrow.


Good luck! :cheerful_h4h:


We-ell, you never know, you might be able to make an art project out of all those wacky trippy blurry ones in 20 years. (I can't remember the last time I deleted a photo :roftl:)


OH I do still keep everything, it's just filed away in an Archive folder where I don't have to look at it all the time :naughty:


Hahaha. I wish you spoke French. You'd like my speech. I justify procrastination in it.


Please translate it! Or at least stick it in an online translater :naughty:


OK laydeez, on that note I really think I should go to bed...I have to get up in 4 and a half hours...yae...

And now that I think of it, I might not be on for another week, when exams are done. (But I probably will. :naughty:)



See you tomorrow!


You sound exactly like me. I sabotage myself all the time, and a lot of it is guilt related.



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Agh, I need to memorise the methods of action, side effects, and conditions they're used to treat for about 80 drugs by tomorrow. Another all-nighter methinks. :sneaky2:


Ew :boxed: You should have made posters or something :naughty: But that is ridiculous.

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Have fun ST.... :thumbdown: I think one of the hardest things about what you're doing is when it's all rhetorical still. It's a lot easier to remember stuff if you've got practical examples in your mind that you dealt with that you can remember. And that may help you for some of them, cos I know you've done some prac, but it's not gonna work for 80! What about mnemonics? Are you any good with those?



Hang on, if I remember correctly, you have to invent your own, don't you, cos they don't teach you any in your course...

I started making pneumonics for the side-effects but I realised that I kept forgetting which pneumonic was for which drug and some of the pneumonics contained the same letter (e.g. 'a' standing for aggresion in one and ataxia in another) so I gave up on them. :blink:

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I started making pneumonics for the side-effects but I realised that I kept forgetting which pneumonic was for which drug and some of the pneumonics contained the same letter (e.g. 'a' standing for aggresion in one and ataxia in another) so I gave up on them. :blink:


Pneu is to do with lungs ST. I really did spell it right. It is Mnemonics:tears:


That does sound bloody confusing. We had a lot of TLA's, but generally that just gave us the title or name of something. I didn't have many mnemonics at all really for things like symptoms or whatever...

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Pneu is to do with lungs ST. I really did spell it right. It is Mnemonics:tears:


That does sound bloody confusing. We had a lot of TLA's, but generally that just gave us the title or name of something. I didn't have many mnemonics at all really for things like symptoms or whatever...

:lmfao: Oops.


If the side effects make sense in terms of the method of action of the drug I'm fine with it. But when you get random things like hirsutism and phenytoin it doesn't stick so well in my brain. I'm just going to try to rote learn them, I really should have started studying earlier on because then I could have used plain old repetition. :thumbdown:

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OK laydeez, on that note I really think I should go to bed...I have to get up in 4 and a half hours...yae...

And now that I think of it, I might not be on for another week, when exams are done. (But I probably will. :naughty:)



Good luck!




Agh, I need to memorise the methods of action, side effects, and conditions they're used to treat for about 80 drugs by tomorrow. Another all-nighter methinks. :sneaky2:



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:lmfao: Oops.


If the side effects make sense in terms of the method of action of the drug I'm fine with it. But when you get random things like hirsutism and phenytoin it doesn't stick so well in my brain. I'm just going to try to rote learn them, I really should have started studying earlier on because then I could have used plain old repetition. :thumbdown:


Really? Phenytoin can cause hirsutism? Well, who would have thunk it!

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why the ":boxed:" OKD? Did my post not make sense?


No, it's just representing a general "we suck" :naughty:


I started making pneumonics for the side-effects but I realised that I kept forgetting which pneumonic was for which drug and some of the pneumonics contained the same letter (e.g. 'a' standing for aggresion in one and ataxia in another) so I gave up on them. :blink:


Ew :boxed: Those acronym things sooo don't work for me. My brain just doesn't work like that :naughty:

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Ew :boxed: Those acronym things sooo don't work for me. My brain just doesn't work like that :naughty:


Same here. What helps me sometimes is to attach meaning by relating whatever it is, to a person I know.


So maybe 'hirsutism' would remind me of a colleague at work and make me wonder if the hairs on her chin are due to her taking the 'phenytoin' to help with seizures. (My imagination can be quite awful, I know). Anyhoo, I don't know if I'd be able to imagine 80 people from my RL anyway. :blink:

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Really? Phenytoin can cause hirsutism? Well, who would have thunk it!

I got scared so I went back and checked it now. :naughty: It does indeed, and it causes vitamin deficiencies like vitamin D and folate, and decreases insulin release, which all seems pretty random to me. :blink:

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