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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I think you may find that it's illegal for you to share a room because of your respective ages. It would be in the UK.


REALLY? That's a bit odd. It really is. But it would be really odd anyway.

I do think/hope my dad was joking about at least the living in my room part :naughty:


I think I should have MQ'd all this.


You have to break the cycle. Make yourself get up just a little later tomorrow instead of a lot later.


I know it's tough , but you can do it :thumb_yello:


:crybaby: I'm not storng enough! I can't do it! I'll be stuck like this foreverrrrr! :crybaby:

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REALLY? That's a bit odd. It really is. But it would be really odd anyway.

I do think/hope my dad was joking about at least the living in my room part :naughty:




:crybaby: I'm not storng enough! I can't do it! I'll be stuck like this foreverrrrr! :crybaby:


Of course you can do it:thumb_yello: You've worked with poisonous frogs and lived to tell the tale :wink2:

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Of course you can do it:thumb_yello: You've worked with poisonous frogs and lived to tell the tale :wink2:


Psht, poisonous frogs I can handle any day, we're talking about sleeping in a relatively normal manner here, :shocked: :shocked:


Is it technically correct or incorrect to put a comma before a "too" at the end of a sentence?

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You might want to see what they've been up to



Wowza, I'm jealous.

Well, I would be if I hadn't gotten to meet Bianca. *zhhz*





Don't think you're going to get away with it that easily

*got away with it that easily*

DAUGHTAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gropes*


awwwwwww How sweet. And I expect to see you here more often now.

Love the titty shot.



I expect to be here more often. But my grades last semester were crap and my parents have decided to crack down via using Dishpig as a spy.:thumbdown:

We'll see how the multi-tasking goes.



I really want to post that picture of us and our space-age ice cream, but for the life of me cannot find the cord I need to get it off my camera and onto my laptop.:blink:

Well, at least we know who to blame now




Or we won't even consider EVER using your real name.


Not that we would anyway *zhhz*


My mother. She wouldn't let me go out last night because she believes she is right in assuming that if I were to go to a small party--think 6 or 8 people, one of them my boyfriend--I would get alcohol poisoning, shoot up heroin, and get myself pregnant. Apparently my judgement counts for nothing--despite the fact that I have been (slightly) drunk a grand total of one time, have never done any form of drug despite it being offered, and that the thought of having children is enough to make me stick to abstinence my entire life.

Not to mention the fact that I'm 17 and know what a condom is.


Rant over.

Poor Dishpig. He wants to be liked but keeps making everyone angry at every turn.


I'm sorry your mother was being unreasonable. I wish I could give some advice, but I've been having unreasonable mother issues of my own.


I solved it by going back to my dorm.:fisch:

ARTS!!! *huggles*


Wait... I'm back..


I just read up on the type of cyst I have...


The bold bit might be why the doctor wants to take out the ovary and tube...

Rozeh has a boyfriend, Teegs is getting surgery....why didn't anyone call me?!:shocked:

anyone missme?


I know kelz did

I didn't.:mf_rosetinted:


Because we's been texting.:biggrin2:

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It depends on the context - what did you want to say?:wink2:


"I like white toblerone"

"I like white toblerone, too" or "I like white toblerone too"


*eats white toblerone*

*wonders if that's how you spell toblerone*


Wowza, I'm jealous.

Well, I would be if I hadn't gotten to meet Bianca. *zhhz*



I really want to post that picture of us and our space-age ice cream, but for the life of me cannot find the cord I need to get it off my camera and onto my laptop.:blink:



Don't you have a hole in your laptop to put the card into?

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"I like white toblerone"

"I like white toblerone, too" or "I like white toblerone too"


*eats white toblerone*

*wonders if that's how you spell toblerone*


Personally I don't think you need a comma. But you could use one to make a specific meaning clear


I like white toblerone too :sneaky2: - I like white toblerone as well as you


I like white toblerone, too (as well as milk and plain)

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Personally I don't think you need a comma. But you could use one to make a specific meaning clear


I like white toblerone too :sneaky2: - I like white toblerone as well as you


I like white toblerone, too (as well as milk and plain)


Hm. Okay then :naughty:

Petra always has commas before her toos and I said I thought this was wrong and she said it's how she learnt it :smth: It just sounds wrong in my head to have a pause before the too, even in the second one.

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We can walk AND talk :das:

Come baaack! :crybaby: I was only watching pointless MGMT videos!




Well, yes, wehere would I go? Why would my brother get my room and I get nothing? :naughty: Hopefully my brother will also disagree enough to go and live somewhere else instead :sneaky2:


Did you just say MGMT?:das:


Oh God Im bad, Im totally obsessed with them now.

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Hm. Okay then :naughty:

Petra always has commas before her toos and I said I thought this was wrong and she said it's how she learnt it :smth: It just sounds wrong in my head to have a pause before the too, even in the second one.


It's probably strictly grammatically correct to put the comma in, but languages evolve and most people wouldn't use it these days.

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Wowza, I'm jealous.

Well, I would be if I hadn't gotten to meet Bianca. *zhhz*



*got away with it that easily*




I expect to be here more often. But my grades last semester were crap and my parents have decided to crack down via using Dishpig as a spy.:thumbdown:

We'll see how the multi-tasking goes.



I really want to post that picture of us and our space-age ice cream, but for the life of me cannot find the cord I need to get it off my camera and onto my laptop.:blink:


Poor Dishpig. He wants to be liked but keeps making everyone angry at every turn.


I'm sorry your mother was being unreasonable. I wish I could give some advice, but I've been having unreasonable mother issues of my own.


I solved it by going back to my dorm.:fisch:




Rozeh has a boyfriend, Teegs is getting surgery....why didn't anyone call me?!:shocked:


I didn't.:mf_rosetinted:


Because we's been texting.:biggrin2:

Thank god for cell phones :crybaby:

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We can walk AND talk :das:

Come baaack! :crybaby: I was only watching pointless MGMT videos!




Well, yes, wehere would I go? Why would my brother get my room and I get nothing? :naughty: Hopefully my brother will also disagree enough to go and live somewhere else instead :sneaky2:

Sorry I was drifting on and off the computer a lot today :naughty:


Doesn't make me happy like it used too..:sad:

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Hoopla Teegs! :huglove:

I hope they don't cut anything out without being certain. Really bothers me when doctors decide these things for patients.. I nearly lost my entire bowel that way..


Yep. It's the MS blog. *growls*


Ooooh... not good...


Well hopefully the doctor will come and visit beforehand... if not I'll tell one of the nurses to tell him or smth... I'd much prefer to be whole (or as whole as possible)...


Interesting. What was the source of this information? I can see why the cyst, even if benign, could cause problems. It might be good to ask your doctor if that is your case so you can know the urgency of your surgery.


It wasn't Wiki I can tell you... It was http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2960...


I doubt I'll be able to get in to ask him again cause it's a pretty long waiting list, but I'll see if I can talk to him again beforehand..


Um .... *is now confused* ..... happy birthday! :cheerful_h4h: What did you get? :biggrin2:


Don't think too hard there Bianca...


Ouch! *hugs* I had a tumour in my womb removed years ago. It was the size of a tennis ball and had deveolped from a miscarriage.. those wombs are weird business indeed.




By replying in detail to you I'm basically going to have to explain.. but it's in my blog and I don't feel like repeating the incident.. so let me just say that he is narrow minded and judgmental and happens to be a very nasty person sometimes.. He may not rip the piercings out of peoples faces, but he showed extreme distaste at my nose piercing to the point he implied it was slutty... He just should've shut up after "I personally don't like piercings" to which I replied "lucky it's not on your nose then." But he had to go on and insult me and alot of my friends in one sentence. :thumbdown:


FFS I'm 31.


They really are weird... but I guess they're necessary... Speaking of, I made some comment about if I couldn't have children, and mum said that if that was the case, I could have one of Zoe's eggs cause so far she seems to produce children (or in this case, child) that look like me... I said that it would be my luck that it would turn out like Zoe, and then said I'd ask for a refund!



That's just plain rude. It has nothing to do with him, it's your face and like you said, you're 31... though by his attitude he seems to be treating you like you're 13 instead...


One of my daughters got her nose pierced - it looks cute.

My other daughter got her belly button done - that is lovely

as well - however their father did NOT agree, and was really

unkind to them next time they went to his house!!

PS - Looking good for 31!!! :das:


Zoe's got a lip piercing...when mum found out about it she wasn't happy but she didn't carry on like a fool about it... Dad didn't care...



I reckon Melz looks younger than me...


Did they give him a piece of their mind too? I love belly button rings.. I'm tempted to get one.. No this hasn't turned me off at all!! In fact, I informed Mother Melzy that this nose ring is in fact 100% permanent now!!

But, I really am surprised at this (though I shouldn't be) since I've had a tattoo for 10 years now, and finally I'm informed that such things are slutty. :rolls_eyes:

I put him in his place - which of course angered him more since I did it in front of his daughter, grandchildren and ex-wife. :fisch: But I won't be unfairly judged, and he and his trollop pisshead girlfriend have been warned several times recently that I won't tolerate such derogatory opinions, especially when aimed at family members. She recently called my 13yo niece "Paris Hilton" because she'd bleached her hair. And by "Paris Hilton" she meant "Dumb Slut" - so I threw that one at him too.

They've met my wrath..

:das: 31 yo dateless tattoo'd pierced angel!! Woo!!


That's frucking rude.




I wonder what would happen if the trollop pisshead gf got a piercing or tattoo? I guess she wouldn't be a slut then...


They did actually - they are getting better at standing up for themselves!! :naughty:

I have two tattoos - and if anyone thinks I am slutty then they better

change the definition in the dictionary - oh to have that much energy!! :roftl:


I have a cross with a rose in the centre of it - on my right arm,

and 3 chinese symbols with a daffodil on my left hip. That one was

really painful though!! :naughty:


I was about to ask where, but nevermind...


I F***IN Love it!!! We had a blast. I had a blast. Apart from the flu. My ears were still popping today from the flight home. :naughty: It didn't help that I couldn't pinch my nose and blow when Bec and I were going down.. Oh hello, that sounds so wrong.


Oh really? *das*


Oh yes, I knew he'd get us that... Forgot the name of the biccies though, but think they started with "Mc" and they were basically biscuit, jam and chocolate... yum! And they were long and rectangular, but you could break them up.




I was thinking of Wagon Wheels... they have jam, chocolate and biscuit, but they're not rectangular... or start with Mc...


:shocked: Teeth and hair? Oh my God...that is so weird...it's almost like a baby...

Best wishes Teegs...I hope it comes out with as little trouble as possible...:huglove:




Hey, that reminds me--I recently discovered that we sell Timtams at the supermarket where I work! I haven't bought any yet but I will :das:


Apparently... there seems to be a lot of stuff in mine, so there's probably teeth and hair in mine... lovely...


I hope so too!




And why not?


So far nothing other than the dinner. But dad's going to buy me a watch.


I'll be choosing it myself because I'm picky with watches: they have to be either digital or analogue with the hour dots (I need to be able to tell the time precisely when using public transport), and it can't be too big since I have small wrists, not too feminine (e.g. diamonds) or too masculine (e.g. leather) because both annoy me, and it's gotta match the majority of my clothes... so it may take me a while to find the perfect watch. :naughty:


I never imagined saying this, but I feel sorry for your dad... :naughty:


So I might have mentioned that Margaret's daughter Jenny moved in to the study?

Okay, I think I failed to mention it properly, but yes, I was a bit like "wtf, there isn't enough room for three people in this house let alone four".

I just found out that my brother is being kicked out of his house.

And moving in here. Moving into MY room.

Has anyone seen what my room looks like? Has anyone seen how big my room is?

Oh. My. God.


You poor bugger...


Oh my god, I am so freaking bored right now :taz:


Read a book?


I think you may find that it's illegal for you to share a room because of your respective ages. It would be in the UK.


I don't know if it is...


Rozeh has a boyfriend, Teegs is getting surgery....why didn't anyone call me?!


Don't blame me.. I don't have your phone number! *hmph*


"I like white toblerone"

"I like white toblerone, too" or "I like white toblerone too"


*eats white toblerone*

*wonders if that's how you spell toblerone*


Right spelling... I would say the second one...











Well, the band stuff is finished... we played at 8:30am, and we had the tenor drummer's daughter having a bash on the tiny little tenor drum!


Actually, it was good, cause we played the Aussie stuff (Waltzing Matilda, I Still Call Australia Home, We Are Australian and Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport), though one of the pipers needs to learn to not rush through tunes at his pace... it is a band..


I also dislike this man immensely, cause he said that Zoe, my cousin Erin (Melinda to DC) and I were bad influences on his son... I hate to say it, but Lachlan is a bad influence on himself (and said some very sexual things to us for no reason)...




Anyways... I hope everyone is having a great day! And Twatty, stay away from the bogans..


I'll be resisting the urge to abuse the crap out of my cousin's drug dealing bf who is going out to Manildra... The stupid sh!t won't know what hit him (seeing as my aunt is going out there too *evil grin*)...

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Did you just say MGMT?:das:


Oh God Im bad, Im totally obsessed with them now.


Hmm, yes, I was obsessively watching youtube videos trying to decide if I like-like them, or just think they are good. I'm still undecided :naughty:


It's probably strictly grammatically correct to put the comma in, but languages evolve and most people wouldn't use it these days.


Hmmmm, okay.

Dammit, why is Petra always right?


Apparently... there seems to be a lot of stuff in mine, so there's probably teeth and hair in mine... lovely...


Grooooss! Do you get to keep it? :das:


Read a book?


Dammit, where were you last night? That is a genius idea, I have had an untouched Twilight sitting on my bedside table for the past week.


I'll be resisting the urge to abuse the crap out of my cousin's drug dealing bf who is going out to Manildra... The stupid sh!t won't know what hit him (seeing as my aunt is going out there too *evil grin*)...


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*tiptoes in and sits down in a corner*



Arts.... your still alive :shocked:


*has things to send you*


I've been enjoying the poptarts too!!

They ring you while you're away, but when you're back no no no. *eyeroll*






I know... 3-4 rings while away, nothing so far while I'm home. When I go away again they'll be all over me to work



Hi Mikamites et. al. (<-- Does that make sense in that context? What does et. al. stand for?)





*glances at time of post*


Hmm I believe I was pulling on a jumper then and creeping closer to the fire




"us" like yeah I'm a wannaliveinaussiesland crazy beotch


Hiya, elanorelle. I hope you're well. :bye:




I'm not a big fan of Australia day, though. The patriotic part is nice but it's also the day that the bogans of my neighbourhood come out in force and don flags and burn meat and chug beer and sing badly. :mf_rosetinted:

BUt thats what aussie day is all aboout



Obviously I didn't notice..






The person who idd it was fair sneaky about it


I F***IN Love it!!! We had a blast. I had a blast. Apart from the flu. My ears were still popping today from the flight home. :naughty: It didn't help that I couldn't pinch my nose and blow when Bec and I were going down.. Oh hello, that sounds so wrong.

Mika who?


I hope you get 5 Bs & 4 Cs!


That does sound wrong






There's only one way to eat them: make a hot chocolate or coffee, bite the ends off the biscuit then use the biscuit like a straw to suck up the drink - the Tim Tam goes soft and mmmm. :cheerful_h4h:




So I might have mentioned that Margaret's daughter Jenny moved in to the study?

Okay, I think I failed to mention it properly, but yes, I was a bit like "wtf, there isn't enough room for three people in this house let alone four".

I just found out that my brother is being kicked out of his house.

And moving in here. Moving into MY room.

Has anyone seen what my room looks like? Has anyone seen how big my room is?

Oh. My. God.






And hey everyone,


I am sunburnt (funny, I go to qld for a week, no sun burn, I go to Wahalla for a weekend and come back sunburnt), tired and sore, but apart from that had a good weekend.


We went up to wahalla for the aussie day weekend to camp. I forgot my pillow but luckily my duffel bag made a slightly not comfortable but passable pillow. Got bitten by some insect. Climbed up a 1k path (all up hill) to the cricket ground, then got a lift down in the 4wd


Went 4wd ft Thompson river crossing (and later swimming ft parking with all the other 4wds on the rocks in the middle of the river)


Walking 1 km down hill to check out a water tunnel, then 1km along the hot river bank to check out its entrance ft path that was barely there, then all the way back again


Doing a Ghost tour which spent too little time telling the ghost stories of the town and more time telling other stuff


Getting ridicolously cold for summer nights once the sun no longer shone on the valley wahalla is in, but being super warm in the day


And packing it all up to come back home to showers, mattresses and pillows today

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I am sunburnt (funny, I go to qld for a week, no sun burn, I go to Wahalla for a weekend and come back sunburnt), tired and sore, but apart from that had a good weekend.


We went up to wahalla for the aussie day weekend to camp. I forgot my pillow but luckily my duffel bag made a slightly not comfortable but passable pillow. Got bitten by some insect. Climbed up a 1k path (all up hill) to the cricket ground, then got a lift down in the 4wd


Went 4wd ft Thompson river crossing (and later swimming ft parking with all the other 4wds on the rocks in the middle of the river)


Walking 1 km down hill to check out a water tunnel, then 1km along the hot river bank to check out its entrance ft path that was barely there, then all the way back again


Doing a Ghost tour which spent too little time telling the ghost stories of the town and more time telling other stuff


Getting ridicolously cold for summer nights once the sun no longer shone on the valley wahalla is in, but being super warm in the day


And packing it all up to come back home to showers, mattresses and pillows today


Ooooh, fun! Pictures?

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And yesterday I was saying to my sister FFS I'm 21. I guess it never ends.



There's only one way to eat them: make a hot chocolate or coffee, bite the ends off the biscuit then use the biscuit like a straw to suck up the drink - the Tim Tam goes soft and mmmm.


Guess not. *sigh*




Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Timtams and milo!


Back soon.


Dammit, I was going to get some today but I forgot...still, there's always tomorrow :naughty:


Did you have a birthday while I was away? Weren't you 16 before?


Oh yeah, that too...:naughty: I also moved away from home, recorded a song with Mika, and won the lottery.


I'll be choosing it myself because I'm picky with watches: they have to be either digital or analogue with the hour dots (I need to be able to tell the time precisely when using public transport), and it can't be too big since I have small wrists, not too feminine (e.g. diamonds) or too masculine (e.g. leather) because both annoy me, and it's gotta match the majority of my clothes... so it may take me a while to find the perfect watch. :naughty:


See, I just get cheap plastic Mika-ish kid's watches for $2 at the thrift store...


So I might have mentioned that Margaret's daughter Jenny moved in to the study?

Okay, I think I failed to mention it properly, but yes, I was a bit like "wtf, there isn't enough room for three people in this house let alone four".

I just found out that my brother is being kicked out of his house.

And moving in here. Moving into MY room.

Has anyone seen what my room looks like? Has anyone seen how big my room is?

Oh. My. God.


Whoa. Sh*tty. Make him sleep under your bed until he is forced to move out due to being eaten by the dust bunnies.


*got away with it that easily*




Poor Dishpig. He wants to be liked but keeps making everyone angry at every turn.


Aww. Well, like I said, as long as he shares...:naughty:


I'm sorry your mother was being unreasonable. I wish I could give some advice, but I've been having unreasonable mother issues of my own.


I think we're good now. We had a long, sophisticated conversation and both sides were presented and considered...it surprised both of us...



Rozeh has a boyfriend, Teegs is getting surgery....why didn't anyone call me?!



I've probably still got your number somewhere...although Mother Rozeh wouldn't have me using it under her knowledge...



I am sunburnt (funny, I go to qld for a week, no sun burn, I go to Wahalla for a weekend and come back sunburnt), tired and sore, but apart from that had a good weekend.


We went up to wahalla for the aussie day weekend to camp. I forgot my pillow but luckily my duffel bag made a slightly not comfortable but passable pillow. Got bitten by some insect. Climbed up a 1k path (all up hill) to the cricket ground, then got a lift down in the 4wd


Went 4wd ft Thompson river crossing (and later swimming ft parking with all the other 4wds on the rocks in the middle of the river)


Walking 1 km down hill to check out a water tunnel, then 1km along the hot river bank to check out its entrance ft path that was barely there, then all the way back again


Doing a Ghost tour which spent too little time telling the ghost stories of the town and more time telling other stuff


Getting ridicolously cold for summer nights once the sun no longer shone on the valley wahalla is in, but being super warm in the day


And packing it all up to come back home to showers, mattresses and pillows today


That sounds fantastic! Glad you had fun and WB.



I really should be doing math. I have an exam tomorrow at 1. But I've been doing it for ages.

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anyone missme?


I know kelz did :wub2

Me Me Me!!!!!!!! wyn2 wun2 wub2


I finally cracked and took down my big poster of Mika's face. Now there is a big space on my wall and it looks weird.

If DC lets you see some of his photos from the Gold Coast, you could have bigger than lifesize prints of us and put one up there :thumb_yello:

I think you may find that it's illegal for you to share a room because of your respective ages. It would be in the UK.

I hadn't ever thought it would be illegal. It makes sense that it's discouraged, just never imagined it would be illegal.



I expect to be here more often. But my grades last semester were crap and my parents have decided to crack down via using Dishpig as a spy.:thumbdown

We'll see how the multi-tasking goes.


Poor Dishpig. He wants to be liked but keeps making everyone angry at every turn.


I'm sorry your mother was being unreasonable. I wish I could give some advice, but I've been having unreasonable mother issues of my own.

Daughtah!! Well, those grades are important. We can't live off you if you're a failure. :P At least your spy is worth spying on in return..

We like him when he's not keeping you away from us. *zhhz*

And I have unreasonable father issues.. It's contagious. I really think there's something in the air atm.


Rozeh has a boyfriend, Teegs is getting surgery....why didn't anyone call me?!:shocked

Because we's been texting.:biggrin2

Well if you can text OS then we should exchange numbers..


Well hopefully the doctor will come and visit beforehand... if not I'll tell one of the nurses to tell him or smth... I'd much prefer to be whole (or as whole as possible)...

Definitely get information from them regarding intended surgery and worse case scenario surgery.. You have to sign something before getting knocked out to say you authorise them to do whatever is necessary, but you can stipulate what you don't want to happen. And I agree about being whole. It's why I have refused bowel surgery. I think that once they cut some out it can lead onto further problems. The body is amazing and can heal itself. You just have to treat it right. Best to let them look properly first.


I doubt I'll be able to get in to ask him again cause it's a pretty long waiting list, but I'll see if I can talk to him again beforehand..

Perhaps you could call up and tell the receptionist that you have a few questions regarding the surgery and could he please answer them. If she says yes have a list ready to email through so he can read and reply.


They really are weird... but I guess they're necessary... Speaking of, I made some comment about if I couldn't have children, and mum said that if that was the case, I could have one of Zoe's eggs cause so far she seems to produce children (or in this case, child) that look like me... I said that it would be my luck that it would turn out like Zoe, and then said I'd ask for a refund!

Lol!!! Brother Melzy's kids look like me too so I should just get them to have one for me to adopt.

That's just plain rude. It has nothing to do with him, it's your face and like you said, you're 31... though by his attitude he seems to be treating you like you're 13 instead...

Funny you should say 13, since that's the age of my niece and half sister. The sister is wanting her ears pierced, I got the impression I was used as an example rather than them just saying No to her. :thumbdown:

Zoe's got a lip piercing...when mum found out about it she wasn't happy but she didn't carry on like a fool about it... Dad didn't care...


I reckon Melz looks younger than me...

I just don't understand why the reaction? It's not even permanent.


Because I need cheekbones. Stupid german face.. You look your age which is a good thing. But I think you'll get stuck in a time warp at some point soon. The last time I looked my age was when I was 17.

That's frucking rude.

Indeed it is. But we are speaking about the same people who said to me 3 days after I turned 16 "You're old enough to get your own place now. Move out". I'd been living like an unwanted dog in a caravan out the back and was still in high school doing year 10. Sums them up nicely doesn't it.

I wonder what would happen if the trollop pisshead gf got a piercing or tattoo? I guess she wouldn't be a slut then...

Double standards of course.

I was thinking of Wagon Wheels... they have jam, chocolate and biscuit, but they're not rectangular... or start with Mc...
I keep thinking of Royales.



Happy Invasion Day!!!!

I also dislike this man immensely, cause he said that Zoe, my cousin Erin (Melinda to DC) and I were bad influences on his son... I hate to say it, but Lachlan is a bad influence on himself (and said some very sexual things to us for no reason)...


Anyways... I hope everyone is having a great day! And Twatty, stay away from the bogans..


I'll be resisting the urge to abuse the crap out of my cousin's drug dealing bf who is going out to Manildra... The stupid sh!t won't know what hit him (seeing as my aunt is going out there too *evil grin*)...

I'd rather hang with bogans than bigots!!!

But there's always a point where you just can't resist any further and have to say smth. Some people just need shutting up sometimes.


btw, a south park ep with Bono was on today. :roftl: yeah yeah yeah!

Edited by Kelzy
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Dammit, where were you last night? That is a genius idea, I have had an untouched Twilight sitting on my bedside table for the past week.

I started reading it last night. It's nice braindead fiction.. And Rpattz is easy on the eye.. :das:

I know... 3-4 rings while away, nothing so far while I'm home. When I go away again they'll be all over me to work


That does sound wrong


up up Up uP UP UPPPP!



And hey everyone,


I am sunburnt (funny, I go to qld for a week, no sun burn, I go to Wahalla for a weekend and come back sunburnt), tired and sore, but apart from that had a good weekend.


We went up to wahalla for the aussie day weekend to camp. I forgot my pillow but luckily my duffel bag made a slightly not comfortable but passable pillow. Got bitten by some insect. Climbed up a 1k path (all up hill) to the cricket ground, then got a lift down in the 4wd


Went 4wd ft Thompson river crossing (and later swimming ft parking with all the other 4wds on the rocks in the middle of the river)


Walking 1 km down hill to check out a water tunnel, then 1km along the hot river bank to check out its entrance ft path that was barely there, then all the way back again


Doing a Ghost tour which spent too little time telling the ghost stories of the town and more time telling other stuff


Getting ridicolously cold for summer nights once the sun no longer shone on the valley wahalla is in, but being super warm in the day


And packing it all up to come back home to showers, mattresses and pillows today

Ohhh, sounds like you had fun.


Guess not. *sigh*

Well, it does get better. By the time you're 31 you can throw things like "I'm an adult" "Have some respect" back at them. Or in my case "No, don't tell me to STFU - you STFU" :naughty: Yeah, I would've been justified in telling him to grow up. And, you can also kick them out of your house when they annoy you. And give them christmas presents that say "Be nice to your kids - they choose your retirement home"

I think we're good now. We had a long, sophisticated conversation and both sides were presented and considered...it surprised both of us...

I had hoped you'd inherited your intelligence from her. *hugs*

I really should be doing math. I have an exam tomorrow at 1. But I've been doing it for ages.

Do you think you'll pass ok?

Edited by Kelzy
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Brake Brake Brake Brake BRAKE BRAKE!!!!



*thinks brake looks weird and wonders if its spelt right or if its just because I wrote it multiple times*

:roftl: :roftl: It does look funny!!


But you can call me Vivian or Dolly.

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