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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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I'm melting.. it's 43 degrees and I just discovered my ankles do in fact swell up and become painful in the heat. And after reading the 7 day forecast, I don't think I'll be going anywhere for the next week. :boxed:


And yet we're supposed to be in Melb tomorrow


Thankfully there's air con


And I have a plane on tuesday to catch


Today I have eaten basically nothing but zooper doopers..


Its far too hot for food


And I think another late night swim is in order.


I've also been worried abut my kitties...its the first time they've been too hot (the older cat knows how to cool down by now), so I've been giving them ice and wetting them down a bit when they start panting, and keeping an eye on the water. Poor babies



It's supposed to be 47 degrees this Sunday here! :shocked:




Wow.. lucky you had aircon.


And 47 :shocked:


Though apparently Frankstons going to be one or two degrees cooler than Melbourne

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I know! It's insane. I'm hoping the forecast is wrong.


A concept my friend and I made up. *points to the blog link in her signature*

I keep looking at it hoping it's changed.

And Hahahaha!!! :roftl:


And yet we're supposed to be in Melb tomorrow


Thankfully there's air con


And I have a plane on tuesday to catch


Today I have eaten basically nothing but zooper doopers..


Its far too hot for food


And I think another late night swim is in order.


I've also been worried abut my kitties...its the first time they've been too hot (the older cat knows how to cool down by now), so I've been giving them ice and wetting them down a bit when they start panting, and keeping an eye on the water. Poor babies.

I can't come tomorrow. Train problems. Secondly, I'm not coping with the heat. Zooper Doopers, 2 minute noodles, poptarts, & Cordial.

Awww Poor things.. :wub2:I'm keeping ours inside. They're just all laying around on the floor in whatever room the cooler is in.:naughty:

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I can't come tomorrow. Train problems. Secondly, I'm not coping with the heat. Zooper Doopers, 2 minute noodles, poptarts, & Cordial.

Awww Poor things.. :wub2:I'm keeping ours inside. They're just all laying around on the floor in whatever room the cooler is in.:naughty:


We could try for Monday, but thats still fairly hot.


I'd feel bad though asking her to reschedule until after I get back.


As it is Im thinking of skipping my costume party on Saturday... its far too hot to do anything at the moment.


And wow pop tarts, and 2 minute noodles are more than me (though dad did buy me ham today, since I eat that and salad in hot weather.


Our cats seem to be sticking to the bathroom and kitchen, where its not carpeted. Poor little thing... they have no idea what to do in this heat

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Argh, I'd forgotten how tiring school can be. But I got awesome teachers! :biggrin2:


Oooh, that helps :biggrin2:


It's supposed to be 47 degrees this Sunday here!



I'm yet to take pictures. I'll get around to it soon. I so badly want to have a nap/NTS attack but I know that if I do I'll be up late tonight. Grr.


Finishing school a year early seems like an attractive prospect at the moment. When we walked into our first Physics lesson the teacher made us do all of these relatively difficult maths equations. If he'd asked me to do them at the end of last year I might have managed, but not after two months of holidays!




Whaaat, work on the first day? Nonsense!


Lazytown is on! :punk:



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And I just checked out Connexs site... I don't even think I would have been able to make it with the train problems (almost every Frankston service, or at least every second at the moment has been cancelled)


And with tomorrow being a hot one as well... I see more trains off the lines.


And since Saturday was going to be a public transport day.. I'll have to wait and see

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Weather for Perth WA


Current: Mostly Cloudy

Wind: S at 19 km/h

Humidity: 54%





Melbourne is 37.9 degrees right now, and thats only cos a cool change came through and we dropped about 5 -8 degrees at 7.


We reached 45, and it got down to a cool 28.8 at 4am, which was our min.


Can we swap places :naughty:

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Omg, I went to Centre**** today to plead my case for doing 2 units a semester from now on, and present them with my letter of proof.

Stood in line for two and a half hours and even had that lady who comes down the line when there is a big line ask me what I was in for and confirm I was in the right place. And then when I got to the counter the lady was all like "Oh, we don't deal with Youth Allowance, you need to go to Youth Allowance and talk to them". WHAT THE **** IS YOUTH ALLOWANCE? THEY ARE YOUTH ALLOWANCE, YOUTH ALLOWANCE IS CENTRE****, CENTRE**** IS YOUTH ALLOWANCE! I don't get it at all, I have always gone to that office, that is WHERE I got my youth allowance. They don't deal with youth allowance? They gave me my youth allowance! She like, photocopied my letter and then told me to ring some number.

I can't be arsed now :mad3:

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Melbourne is 37.9 degrees right now, and thats only cos a cool change came through and we dropped about 5 -8 degrees at 7.


We reached 45, and it got down to a cool 28.8 at 4am, which was our min.


Can we swap places :naughty:


:tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:


It was 43 the day I came home and the day after. No one offered me sympathy :sneaky2:

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Weather for Perth WA


Current: Mostly Cloudy

Wind: S at 19 km/h

Humidity: 54%






The good news is we have clouds overhead and it almost looks like a storm is coming.. (but probably not) Either way I'm rain dancing ft. feathers and facial piercings in sheer desperation.

And I just checked out Connexs site... I don't even think I would have been able to make it with the train problems (almost every Frankston service, or at least every second at the moment has been cancelled)


And with tomorrow being a hot one as well... I see more trains off the lines.


And since Saturday was going to be a public transport day.. I'll have to wait and see

And it would be logical to assume Monday won't be much better. :sad:

Melbourne is 37.9 degrees right now, and thats only cos a cool change came through and we dropped about 5 -8 degrees at 7.


We reached 45, and it got down to a cool 28.8 at 4am, which was our min.


Can we swap places :naughty

We're about 35 right now. I can handle this.. just. We're supposed to get to around 20 overnight.


Omg, I went to Centre**** today to plead my case for doing 2 units a semester from now on, and present them with my letter of proof.

Stood in line for two and a half hours and even had that lady who comes down the line when there is a big line ask me what I was in for and confirm I was in the right place. And then when I got to the counter the lady was all like "Oh, we don't deal with Youth Allowance, you need to go to Youth Allowance and talk to them". WHAT THE **** IS YOUTH ALLOWANCE? THEY ARE YOUTH ALLOWANCE, YOUTH ALLOWANCE IS CENTRE****, CENTRE**** IS YOUTH ALLOWANCE! I don't get it at all, I have always gone to that office, that is WHERE I got my youth allowance. They don't deal with youth allowance? They gave me my youth allowance! She like, photocopied my letter and then told me to ring some number.

I can't be arsed now :mad3:

Isn't your centre**** set up so that there's different queuing areas?


It was 43 the day I came home and the day after. No one offered me sympathy :sneaky2:

*goes back in time and uses telepathy* Oh, Beeyankar.. it's so hot there. You poor thing. *snaps out of it*

Aussies! My sympathies - I don't know how you can stand so much heat. I would have melted by now :sweatdrop:

Awww. Thanks! Or you'd have invested in Air-con. I'm seriously considering it now. Normally our house keeps cool, but... :boxed:

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And it would be logical to assume Monday won't be much better. :sad:


We're about 35 right now. I can handle this.. just. We're supposed to get to around 20 overnight.



Mondays at 34 now.. which is 2 degrees lower than its predicted 36, so it might be cooler. At the least, the trains will be more likely to run.


I'm still hot and would rather be somewhere else, but this breeze is nice. Its getting towards non whingingness weather

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Oooh, that helps :biggrin2:


Whaaat, work on the first day? Nonsense!




It does indeed. And guess who I have english extension with for an hour and a half every Monday after school (with only 4 or 5 people in the class)?


I know! I had to do work in every subject today! It wasn't fair.


It's one of my favourite new age kids television shows, along with Yo! Gabba Gabba. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LazyTown



Ring any bells?


Weather for Perth WA


Current: Mostly Cloudy

Wind: S at 19 km/h

Humidity: 54%




I hate you. :mf_rosetinted:




Only a little bit.

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Isn't your centre**** set up so that there's different queuing areas?


No, there is just one queue :sneaky2: But she was saying no one in the whole building would be able to handle anything to do with Youth allowance. wtf.

*goes back in time and uses telepathy* Oh, Beeyankar.. it's so hot there. You poor thing. *snaps out of it*


Awww, thanks! :cheerful_h4h:

I'm sorry it's so hot there, Kelz, I hope it reaches the 20 degrees minimum soon, to relieve you of this torture.


*turns off fan because it's getting chilly* :penguin:

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It's one of my favourite new age kids television shows, along with Yo! Gabba Gabba. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LazyTown



Ring any bells?



Oh, Yo Gabaa Gabaa is on his back on the floor and not interested in summer. I've been wet facewashing them :naughty: They hate me but love me all at the same time.

No, there is just one queue :sneaky2: But she was saying no one in the whole building would be able to handle anything to do with Youth allowance. wtf.

Well, (to quote Teegs I think) That's just bloody stupid.

Awww, thanks! :cheerful_h4h

I'm sorry it's so hot there, Kelz, I hope it reaches the 20 degrees minimum soon, to relieve you of this torture.


*turns off fan because it's getting chilly* :penguin:

I forgot to mention that the pics of your room gave me your address.. So I know where to send the sun!!! :sneaky2::naughty:

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It does indeed. And guess who I have english extension with for an hour and a half every Monday after school (with only 4 or 5 people in the class)?


:das: :das: :das:?


I know! I had to do work in every subject today! It wasn't fair.


Wow, that shouldn't be allowed.


It's one of my favourite new age kids television shows, along with Yo! Gabba Gabba. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LazyTown



Ring any bells?


NO!? What time is it on?


I hate you. :mf_rosetinted:




Only a little bit.



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:das: :das: :das:?


Wow, that shouldn't be allowed.


NO!? What time is it on?






It definately should not.


Well, it wasn't actually on. I got really excited because I thought that it had finally returned to ABC. But it was just an ad with one of the songs on it. :thumbdown:

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Oh, Yo Gabaa Gabaa is on his back on the floor and not interested in summer. I've been wet facewashing them They hate me but love me all at the same time.


:lmfao: That is brilliant!


Well, (to quote Teegs I think) That's just bloody stupid.




I forgot to mention that the pics of your room gave me your address.. So I know where to send the sun!!! :sneaky2:


You didn't get it from the postcard that you wrote on that also had my address on it? :naughty:




It definately should not.


Well, it wasn't actually on. I got really excited because I thought that it had finally returned to ABC. But it was just an ad with one of the songs on it.




Oooh, okay, because I was watching abckids today :naughty: is it a good show? Kelzy's link implies not.

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After centre**** I decided to pop into the King Kong store next door (do you have King Kong? It's like the Reject Shop, only crappier, there's probably nothing in there over 4 dollars) to look for wrapping paper, and I ACTUALLY HONESTLY found a headphone adapter for my keyboard. It was $1. And it actually fits and works. I am ****ing amazed. It is beyond ridiculous that they had them :naughty:

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Oooh, okay, because I was watching abckids today :naughty: is it a good show? Kelzy's link implies not.


Well, I think it's brilliant!


It is very weird though. It encourages kids to keep fit and healthy. The basic storyline is that a new girl named Stephanie (the one with pink hair) has moved to Lazytown where everybody is very lazy. But she and Sportacus (the hero who can do crazy acrobatics and lives in a blimp floating about Lazytown), who is played my the show's creator and Olympic gymnast, get everybody in the town (they are all puppets) active again. Sportacus gets his powers from "sports candy" (fruit - usually an apple). The villain of the show is Robbie Rotten and he is always trying to make everybody in Lazytown lazy again because he wants it to be peaceful and quiet. Every episode he disguises himself in some way to try and stop the townspeople and Sportacus from being healthy and active. Each time it ends with his true identity being discovered with the simultaneous cry of "Robbie Rotten!" by everybody. Throughout each episode they sing a couple of songs and it always ends with a rendition of 'Bing Bang'.. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=moBnvpvL47Q


That's about it I think. :naughty:

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Well, I think it's brilliant!


It is very weird though. It encourages kids to keep fit and healthy. The basic storyline is that a new girl named Stephanie (the one with pink hair) has moved to Lazytown where everybody is very lazy. But she and Sportacus (the hero who can do crazy acrobatics and lives in a blimp floating about Lazytown), who is played my the show's creator and Olympic gymnast, get everybody in the town (they are all puppets) active again. Sportacus gets his powers from "sports candy" (fruit - usually an apple). The villain of the show is Robbie Rotten and he is always trying to make everybody in Lazytown lazy again because he wants it to be peaceful and quiet. Every episode he disguises himself in some way to try and stop the townspeople and Sportacus from being healthy and active. Each time it ends with his true identity being discovered with the simultaneous cry of "Robbie Rotten!" by everybody. Throughout each episode they sing a couple of songs and it always ends with a rendition of 'Bing Bang'.. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=moBnvpvL47Q


That's about it I think. :naughty:


Oi! That's pretty awesome! *listens to song again*

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