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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Help finish translating Facebook into English (Pirate)


English (Pirate) is still a work in progress. You can become a translator in order to help make Facebook available to English (Pirate) speakers everywhere.

To do this, simply add the Translations application by clicking the Translate Facebook button below.

I wish to participate in Facebook's language translation project and I agree to the Additional Terms Applicable to Translate Facebook.





:roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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*doesn't like pineapple zooper doopers*

*offers the rest of her pineapple zooper doopers around the thread*


Hi Biancs ! :wub2: I'm not much of a pineapple anything fan ... :naughty:


Oh, I still haven't PM'd you those Mondo pics. ... I'll call up P/B now & send 'em ...


BTW ... the recommended book to have when you have a Uke is called 'Ukulele Chord Dictionary' ... it's fairly slim & lightweight, easy to carry around ! :thumb_yello:

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Hi Biancs ! :wub2: I'm not much of a pineapple anything fan ... :naughty:


Oh, I still haven't PM'd you those Mondo pics. ... I'll call up P/B now & send 'em ...


BTW ... the recommended book to have when you have a Uke is called 'Ukulele Chord Dictionary' ... it's fairly slim & lightweight, easy to carry around ! :thumb_yello:


oooh, I am a massive pineapple fan, but fresh pineapple, and this ... this is just wrong :boxed:


Yes! Although atm I am obsessed with pirate facebook :naughty:


Ooooh, I will think about it :naughty: Depends how much it is.


(And don't any one reveal to her, but I just changed Petra's language to Pirate :lmfao:)

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:blink: I've only just joined FB ... still dunno my way around ... where do I find that ? Is it easy to change back ?? :original:


Yes! :biggrin2:

Now mine says something different, but it's pretty obvious. Um, "Settings" in the top right corner, then the top one (not sure wht it says anymore :lmfao:) and then .. language shoud be an option in there somewhere. And it says "English (Pirate)" as the very last option I think.

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Petra Nepomuck (London) scrawled

upon the hour of 6:45 in the mornin' on the day of Januarrrry 21st, 2009


:lmfao: :lmfao:



Avast! Ye've been skewered by the scurvy dog:

Cap'n Danielle Birt - Return Fire!|keelhaul

Cap'n Tanya Kennedy - Return Fire!|keelhaul

Cap'n Petra Nepomuck - Return Fire!|keelhaul




Crewmembers Kelzy Melzykins O'Brien, Kirsty Hoath, 'n Petra Nepomuck pledged tharrr loyalty to The Grates. - Spy more Flags



Sirens & shanty writers - 4,351 loyal scallywags



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Yes, her writing is starting to REALLY frustrate me. But I am engrossed all the same, I stayed up till like 5am last night reading, I'm 1/3rd through :naughty:



*waits for Bec's costume pictures*


Thats the way I am with Twilight too


and Keep waiting :fisch:


I have to pack for qld (visiting mum) so photos won't be on till after that (and I accidently deleted the full length shot... so there's only really pics of me from the neck or so up)


I saw apart of a news item - forest fires in Australia - but, despite my

really bad geography ability, I know Australia is a huge continent so

I guess the hot weather is partly to blame - and it's not in your backyard!! It's been minus 3 last few nights and set to get colder!!


Some of them are close to the power stations, and so it (and the fact that the constant use of air con means the state is using too much power... so much that the gov actually asked that people set their air con no lower than 25C .... shops and such have been using their dim lights and turned off lights in their fridges and stuff to reserve power, as well as the heat causing things to overload) has been messing with the power in certain areas..


All I can say is that I'm glad that the record breaking 3 in a row 43+ days are over.


Oh, I bought Zooper Doopers today! They are in the freezer freezing. I got the "normal" flavours, I think. There was another one with jaffa and such, but I got the one with fairy floss.



Did you try fairy floss yes?


The other ones are a bit weird



I just read that they're remaking Friday the 13th...


As much as I think the series lost it's way in the later movies, I just know that they'll ruin it.


I wish they'd leave a cult movie alone!



*hides in corner*



Oh no... I don't like when they remake movies like that


You sound quite calm....I have never experienced a cyclone before, but I would be scared. I think we use the term 'tornado', if I'm not mistaken.

Hoping everything goes okay for you.


Hurricane is a more accurate corresponding term I think.



Still waiting on Bec's Dorothy photoshoot.



Keep waiting :fisch:


*doesn't like pineapple zooper doopers*

*offers the rest of her pineapple zooper doopers around the thread*


*gladly takes pineapple zooper doopers*


*is jealous that you have zooper doopers*



OMG!! :lmfao:

Did anyone else know that you can set your language on Facebook to 'Pirate'??!




*is so going to do this*

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Did you try fairy floss yes?


The other ones are a bit weird


Ah yes, that was my first, very nice. I really loved that one. Got my hopes up a bit too high for the other flavours though.

But I am intrigued by the banana flavour that the other packet had. I do love banana in all forms of natural and artificial flavourings.

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Sorry for being a dumbass ... but I switched over to pirate ... ok ... the whole page looks pirate-y ...BUT is it sposed to translate MY writing?? OR do I have to write in pirate style to begin with ??!! :boxed:


I can't right click BTW ... have a Mac :blink:


I WANT it to translate MINE !! :crybaby:

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Ah yes, that was my first, very nice. I really loved that one. Got my hopes up a bit too high for the other flavours though.

But I am intrigued by the banana flavour that the other packet had. I do love banana in all forms of natural and artificial flavourings.

At least you liked fairy floss.. Bubble gum is also good, as is the purple one

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Sorry for being a dumbass ... but I switched over to pirate ... ok ... the whole page looks pirate-y ...BUT is it sposed to translate MY writing?? OR do I have to write in pirate style to begin with ??!! :boxed:


I can't right click BTW ... have a Mac :blink:


I WANT it to translate MINE !! :crybaby:

It won't translate yours... its just set so the fts of facebook are in the language you select.


It assumes that you'd right in the language you selected if you wanted to :fisch::naughty:


(so you'd have to translate your own writings to pirate)

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It won't translate yours... its just set so the fts of facebook are in the language you select.


It assumes that you'd right in the language you selected if you wanted to :fisch::naughty:


(so you'd have to translate your own writings to pirate)

Aaaaahhh ... thanks for that Bex ... :naughty:


god have i got alot of pages to look back through here

Hiya Olivia !! :huglove:

Have fun reading !!! :naughty:

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Hi happikali! :wub2:

Ah... I see. Thanks. :thumb_yello:

I know he's fairly used to them, but for me, still sounds frightening ...:blink:


Yeah, I'd probably be scared if it were cat. 3 or something (this one's only cat. 1) and its only 990 hp (above 100hp is just a tropical low), so even if it does hit, it's not really that big... =]


Yeh ... scary for me too !! Aaaand ...not that you would have known, but bonzaboy is a girl ... that is just the name of her horse ... :naughty::wink2:


d'you know that I've used this username forever, and this is the first time I've been mistaken for a guy because of it? lol

But there's no way ya's could have know, so I forgive ya. =]


OMG!! :lmfao:

Did anyone else know that you can set your language on Facebook to 'Pirate'??!



lol, that's hilarious! I just set mine. =D

I'm gonna see if I can convince some of 'me hearties' to switch their language too. :roftl:

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