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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hey all


Man dial up feels weird. Im used to do everything at once


I arrived safely, though my recommondation... if you value your legs don't fly tiger (so little leg room)


Thanks to all those who wished me good times and such. I'd mq you.... but it'd take forever and I still want to try and get onto facebook


Yay! You haz proved that you arrived!


To quote Kylie's 2nd album title.. "Enjoy Yourself" :punk:


Hopefully we'll be seeing 'Bec - version: dialup' every now and then. :thumb_yello:



I take it there is no news of a tour yet??


Look, look! It's Jols! *points*


Hey, if there was news of a tour, I would fly down to Perth and personally inform you!


..just don't hold me to that.. :naughty:

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What, no snowman?


You can have this one back :wink2:




Hey guys!


Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Have been mental with work and have hardly any free time to sit in front of the comp and play on here!!


Hope everyone has been well, I take it there is no news of a tour yet?? :naughty:


Jolene :huglove: Long time no see!


Have a piccy



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Bec "vershun dial up" checking in.


Dc where are those facebook photos :sneaky2:


*gets impatient*


No mq again.... I might have to go back and do one when I get back.


Lil bro is so excited to have me here that his nagging me to do things every 2 seconds.


I slept on a water bed with satin sheets last night :das::naughty:

(water beds are so weird to sleep on)


Anyways will check back in later....

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Just a quick Hi/Bye.

Going to watch Ed Wood and then get some more sleep.


Oh, random fact: It's Kobiiiii and Alice Coopers birthday today. :yay: And they both think they're 18..

Hope you're all well :huglove: and Bec - Hope you're having fun.. hintpostcardhint

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First item of business!


Thanks to the GC 4 for my post card....it made my day!


1. Bec - in answer to the pointy building, I shall quote my former boss and say......wouldn't touch the sides :naughty:


2. Teegs - *gropes you back* I look forward to meeting you one day :das:


3. DC - thanks for the message, I can't wait to meet you either and don't believe anything Kelzy has told you :wink2:


4. Kelzy - You groped everything in my honour but you didn't grope me :tears: I would share Mr. Stanley with you *enters tantrum position*....and what massive fibs have been filling DC's fragile little mind with :naughty: Oh, and you should have your Cyndi Lauper stuff tomorrow....sorry, i got a little side tracked!


To quote Kylie's 2nd album title.. "Enjoy Yourself"


Oh, I loved My Secret Heart!


*skips off singing*

I look at your picture and stare into space

I think I must know every line on your face!


I found the last Tiny Teddie from Tanya's Mika Mail in my biscuit tin today


Cheer up Silver....when you run out of vegemite, I will send you some more and I'll put in some tiny teddy's!!


I slept on a water bed with satin sheets last night

(water beds are so weird to sleep on)


Anyways will check back in later....


Have fun Bec!


I had to change my satin sheets when Bianca was here coz she kept losing the doona :naughty:


Going to watch Ed Wood and then get some more sleep.

Oh, random fact: It's Kobiiiii and Alice Coopers birthday today. And they both think they're 18..


JD yummy!


It was Paul Stanley's on the 20th January but I won't mention his age :bleh:

I love your siggie, I have a fluffy stitch toy....he's sooooo cute and adorable, just like me!

Edited by Tanya K
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4. Kelzy - You groped everything in my honour but you didn't grope me :tears: I would share Mr. Stanley with you *enters tantrum position*....and what massive fibs have been filling DC's fragile little mind with :naughty: Oh, and you should have your Cyndi Lauper stuff tomorrow....sorry, i got a little side tracked!

JD yummy!

It was Paul Stanley's on the 20th January but I won't mention his age

I love your siggie, I have a fluffy stitch toy....he's sooooo cute and adorable, just like me!

:roftl: I was saving up the groping of you for another meetup :das:

Oh!! Yes!!!!! I actually completely forgot about it too. Thankyou!

JD yummy indeed.

:naughty: He must be nearing 60. oh, but he's still delishishness.

Me so Cute and Fluffy!!


Hi Tan *hugs*

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I had to change my satin sheets when Bianca was here coz she kept losing the doona


Yes, they must be the most stupid invention ever.


I had a most BRILLIANT day today! *pbs*


So. Last night I figured out how to get there. Cannington Vet, just off the Albany Hwy. Easy. Take the Freeway, turn right at the Leech Highway, the exit after my uni exit, And then turn right at Albany highway - that's it! All major roads, even!


All the same, I decided to set out extra early because also on the Albany hwy, just before the vet is a MASSIVE musical instrument store with a big sale (I saw the ad on TV, even), AND also Westfield Carousel, a big (for WA) shopping centre that I've managed to have never been to in my entire life.


Unfortunately ... I was listening to Hamish and Andy. And I managed to completely miss the Albany highway turn off. NFI how I did that. I started suspecting it when I'd been driving down the Leech highway for like half an hour, but figured it must still be coming, because how stupid would I have to be to miss the Albany highway? However, something seemed wrong when the Leech highway ended at a T crossing of the Tonkin highway. Here I blamed Hamish and Andy, changed CDs to Vampire Weekend, drove along Tonkin until I could turn around, and went back the way I came.


Accompanied by Vampire Weekend I was easily able to spot the ****ing massive signs pointing out the Albany highway exits, and take one. Driving along Albany highway I became worried that I might not be able to spot the music store in time. But it turned out it was ****ING MASSIVE and bright red, and had a big guitar on top of it. Of course I still noticed it too late and had to go backwards to get to it. I walked aimlessly/awkwardly around the store trying to spot any ukeleles, unsuccessfully, and was about to ask someone when I finally noticed them at the front of the store. And they had a whole lineup of different ukeleles. From $22 to $200 :shocked: The $22 one was the "Ashton" I saw yesterday. I gave it a strum. It sounded like ****. It sounded like when you are little and you make a guitar out of a tissue box and lacky bands. I strummed the other ukelele's (all Mahalo). They sounded like miniature guitars. So I was inspecting the prices of them when someone came to help me. The cheapest Mahalo was one covered in glitter, for $34. Then the next one up was plain coloured and had a plug to attach an amplifier, and $69, and then they increased in dramatic jumps after that. So I was like "um .. I choose the cheapest one that doesn't sound like **** (aka, the sparkly one)" (because all the Mahalo ones sounded exactly the same to me anyway). He then proceeded to show me all the colours they had of it, and they were all covered in glitter, which I found annoying then, but I have since decided is pretty awesome. Mine is purple. This is it:


It came with the same case too. I wub it. But I had to give it to my friend who "bought" it for me, so she can wrap it and give it to me on Sunday. Basically brutally ripping my heart in two in the process.

It's okay my love, we will be reunited soon. Soon. *makes a counter for when she will see her glittery beloved once more*


So after purchasing my little purple beauty, and sitting in my car fiddling with him for a bit, I went on to my next adventure: Carousel. It was obviously extremely easy to spot, but arrived at 5.00pm. Thanks to my little unexpected detour earlier. And it closed at 5.30pm (pathetic, at least in Rockingham our shops are open until 6). But with some speed walking and good luck, perhaps half an hour would be just enough time to accomplish my main goal of the day - buying a reasonably priced copy of New Moon. I am desperate for it. My friend leant out her copy to someone else. And the library has like 8 holds on it. Rockingham Kmart and Target were completely sold out, and Dymocks and Angus and Robinson wanted THIRTY DOLLARS for it. So I speed walked into Carousel, quickly located a map and set of in the direction of Kmart, dodging raffle ticket sellers left right and centre. I made it to this extra-large Kmart store, and after getting lost on how to enter (quickly fixed with some slight backtracking and only minimal employees-noticing-me-going-the-wrong-way-and-laughing-at-me embarrassment) I made my way to the book section and found one lonely copy of Twilight, representing the only Stephanie Meyer reading material present. ****ing Kmart and their cheaper prices. Now in a state of panic, there being only 10 minutes until closing time, I half speed walked and half sprinted to the Target, at the other end of the centre. I made it with seconds to spare, and located a glorious $23 copy. Not as good as Kmart prices, but passable.


So now I had reading material, but no food, as the food court closed with the shops. Outside the carpark was a KFC and Hungry Jacks. I considered for a short while, before deciding to first drive down to the Vet, so make sure I knew where it was and how to get there (considering my Albany highway finding luck earlier on), and MAYBE I would see a Subway on the way. If today was my lucky day. Guess what I saw on the way? Yes, you are right, I saw the MOST RIDICULOUSLY MASSIVE JB HIFI STORE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. But it was closed. I will just have to come back one day (you know, when I live there :fisch:). Oh, but next to it was a Subway. I located the vet with ease and returned to the JB Subway for dinner.


My job interview was at 7, so I still had an hour to kill in the JB parking lot. After a quick compulsory play with my ukelele (knowing I'd have to say goodbye soon :tears:) I dug in to New Moon :cheerful_h4h:. With constant paranoid time checks to make sure I didn't get sucked into it and forget to go to my interview. Of course Bella was complaining and whining the whole time about how she was turning older that day and she didn't want to. *doesn't want to turn 20 :crybaby:*


I arrived at my job interview a good, reasonable 5 minutes early (well, being on time for anything is unreasonable for me). But I made a better first impression with the punctuality than I ever have before, I wasn't even breathless! Commence my over hour long interview. The BEST interview I've ever had in my life. I SUCK at interviews, ESPECIALLY job interviews. THIS IS THE MOST INDESCRIBABLY PERFECT JOB! IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY! I NEED NEED NEED TO GET THIS JOB! HOLY ****! Okay, I'll just have to stop talking about it now, to lessen the depression if I don't get it. Okay. Cease all mention of this job until after I aquire it :naughty:


Anyway, yes, so I left the interview with a big grin on my face, because of how perfect the job was, and how well (for me) the interview went. I had to stop to drop off my ukelele buddy to my silly friend, and then came home and have been typing this since well before it clicked over to my birthday, but then it did, and then I had to open Petra's card and be harrassed in 40 different mediums and I forgot about this.

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Hiya OKD - sounds like a brilliant day!! Your ukelele looks really


Will keep my fingers crossed you get the job!! :huglove:


Hope you have a lovely birthday!!! :happybday:


Oh and it is! It's the most intelligent, beautiful and fantastic instrument ever created :wub2:

Thank you!! :biggrin2:




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Why hasn't anyone told me that I've been spelling ukulele wrong for like a year now?


I didn't have the heart to tell you :huglove:




:sneaky2:Besides, who notices one misspelled word amongst so many :roftl:

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Cheer up Silver....when you run out of vegemite, I will send you some more and I'll put in some tiny teddy's!!


That might be quite a while yet :naughty: I have to say I prefer Marmite :blush-anim-cl:


I shall just console myself with the cinnamon mints

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