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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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*really high 5's*

It's certainly something I could finish that fast, providing I skipped over the scenery paragraphs (e.g. Edward had a face of an angel - Edward had a body of a greek god - Edward had the most tantalising morning breath I'd ever smelt.. blah blah blah we get it.. he's hawt.. )


Hahahaa, yes, it's a bit like that. But I'm obsessed with reading now it's boring to not read. And if I don't go directly onto the next books in a series then I never will :blink:


Guess what I discovered today ... that Clancy left behind .....



..... lurking in the back of my freezer .....




5 Zooper Doopers !!!


I haven't tried one yet ... but will laterrrggghhh !!


Oooh, go for the fairy floss if she was stupid enough to leave one!


I just finished my last one :crybaby:


Oooooh... I wanna go ot Melb... well, if K Rudd gets to fork over my $950 (if I actually do qualify for it :sneaky2:) then I might make a visit...


I heard it's looking like he might not be! :crybaby:


Bloody hell! I always imagine you saying your long stories really really fast...


Yes, I think I do actually :naughty:


It's good that you got New Moon... I bought Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, but couldn't get Breaking Dawn... but I only went to Big W...


Oooh, I forgot about Big W. But the only Big W I know is in Mandurah. Might have to go there sometime.


Mika posted a bulletin on Myspace.

It was about his PDP dvd being on a website recommended for lovers on valentines basically.. "Why not share this moment with someone you want to make love to *insert kid dancing on top of piano in an astronauts outfit*"


How retarded and pointless.

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Oooh, go for the fairy floss if she was stupid enough to leave one!


I just finished my last one :crybaby:


:roftl: Haha !! Naaah ... a few orange, a blackcurrant & a cola ... I'm heading for the cola ... :das:


Have ya had a wonderful birfdy ?? Have ya... have ya ??? :huglove::cheerful_h4h:

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:roftl: Haha !! Naaah ... a few orange, a blackcurrant & a cola ... I'm heading for the cola ... :das:


Have ya had a wonderful birfdy ?? Have ya... have ya ??? :huglove::cheerful_h4h:


Oooh, yes, Cola is next best, then I'd say blackcurrent and orange is pretty average.


Yes! :biggrin2:


Ambrose and Jack started running around my room and noisily playfighting with each other at around 8. Because they love me so much. And then just when I was shouting at them to go away Petra decided to join in and start messaging me to wish me a happy Germany-time birthday. Eventually it quietened down enough for me to sleep until a reasonable hour :naughty: Then I lazed around the house (my favourite past time, so one thuroughly enjoyed on my birfday), and then went to my mother for dinner at around 5. Did I mention that my brother moved in with my mum? Instead of here? Well, he did, and he was there, obviously. From my mum I got a pair of ear rings, and from my brother I got a Billabong top. Then I went to my friend's house and we basically watched all our videos from Costa Rica. It was fantastic fun and I had a great time :naughty: And she got me a lovely necklace.

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Oooh, yes, Cola is next best, then I'd say blackcurrent and orange is pretty average.


Yes! :biggrin2:


Ambrose and Jack started running around my room and noisily playfighting with each other at around 8. Because they love me so much. And then just when I was shouting at them to go away Petra decided to join in and start messaging me to wish me a happy Germany-time birthday. Eventually it quietened down enough for me to sleep until a reasonable hour :naughty: Then I lazed around the house (my favourite past time, so one thuroughly enjoyed on my birfday), and then went to my mother for dinner at around 5. Did I mention that my brother moved in with my mum? Instead of here? Well, he did, and he was there, obviously. From my mum I got a pair of ear rings, and from my brother I got a Billabong top. Then I went to my friend's house and we basically watched all our videos from Costa Rica. It was fantastic fun and I had a great time :naughty: And she got me a lovely necklace.


YAY ! Sounds goood !!! And no, I didn't know your brother was no longer moving into your ROOM !!! :sneaky2:


So ... YAY !! :yay: ..,


Can't wait to chat with you re: your Uke discoveries ... (I'm still an infant btw ... :blush-anim-cl: )


Mine is natural, wood kinda colour ... *nothing exotic like yours * :naughty:

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YAY ! Sounds goood !!! And no, I didn't know your brother was no longer moving into your ROOM !!!


So ... YAY !! :yay: ..,


Can't wait to chat with you re: your Uke discoveries ... (I'm still an infant btw ... :blush-anim-cl: )


Mine is natural, wood kinda colour ... *nothing exotic like yours * :naughty:


Oh :naughty: Yeah, that happened on the weekend, and it turns out my mum decided at the very last minute that it would be okay for him to move in there.


:biggrin2: Me tooo!


Oooh, well the fancy schmancy wood ones I saw were more expensive :naughty: I only got the glitters because it was cheapest :naughty:

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Oh :naughty: Yeah, that happened on the weekend, and it turns out my mum decided at the very last minute that it would be okay for him to move in there.


:biggrin2: Me tooo!


Oooh, well the fancy schmancy wood ones I saw were more expensive :naughty: I only got the glitters because it was cheapest :naughty:

Awww ... as I said before .. I got mine for $30 ... anyway ... I never had a choice ... you got fancy-pants Uke ... !!! :groovy: ... Annnd ... you got a case !!

I didn't .... :no:hmphbg6DC.gif

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i love getting to the end of my tiny teddy packets coz i always find decapitated limbs




Ahoy there matey!


I'm happy to send you goodies, in exchange of goodies too.


:wink2: i might just take you up on that


Hi/bye Silverylala !



Guess what I discovered today ... that Clancy left behind .....



..... lurking in the back of my freezer .....


5 Zooper Doopers !!! : licks_lips:


I swear your names for me get worse - what are you on? :roftl:


Hope you enjoyed the zooper doopers


I heard today that Melb. will be 40 frikken 6 on Saturday :shocked: ... but then on Sat. night ... a cool change & will drop 20 degrees !!! :kachinga:


:shocked: I said I would try to get it to rain at the weekend for you - but I never expected it to be turned into a real forecast :naughty:

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Hey all!


Wow, Bec, that must have been an experience. You would have practically had to tie yourself down to stay still!

Staying still isn't so bad, since the water bed sort of settles around you.


Though I have to pick the satin sheets up from either the middle of the bed or the floor each morning


And I did wrap myself in my sleep in my doona a few times, in what I assume was sleep induced episodes of trying to stay on the bed.


Hope you're all well and Bec - Hope you're having fun.. hintpostcardhint



No postcards :naughty:

Truth be told, I haven't had a chance to buy any, though we did go to Bundy today.


They're coming..ish..


I got up to the bowling last night and will continue tonight. When (and IF) they get done, I'll personally send you a TXT informing you. Now go enjoy QLD!





*waits for text*


*realises phone doesn't have reception most of the time and is nearly flat*

*should charge phone*


I heard today that Melb. will be 40 frikken 6 on Saturday :shocked: ... but then on Sat. night ... a cool change & will drop 20 degrees !!! :kachinga:

I hope you have some cool change soon too !! :thumb_yello:


*is glad she's in QLD.I'm getting used to the humidity, so constantly 30ish doesn't seem so bad.





I heard it's looking like he might not be!







We've been paying attention to this (anything to do with free money means I pay attention *zhhz*)


Silly opposition opposing it (though apparently when it came to the vote in the lower house quite a few of the opposition stood up for it)


The only problem is the senate is suggesting changes, and now the government is telling the senate that the changes will just delay it and that the economy needs this now. So hopefully it doesn't get delayed too much.



HAppy Birthday Bianca by the way


Hey everyone else.


Managed to snag the dial up for a little while, though not long (leaving after this post)


Having fun, hanging with my little sibs. Went to Bundy and brought drinks from the BUndy ginger beer place (I love their apple ale, and their burgandy (portello) and their peachee but their so hard to find beyond the ginger ale back home)


Broke my milk bar sunnies, but they fixed now.


Found a wolf spider under by bed and threw new moon at it (a suprisingly affective weapon). Have been spider paranoid ever since.


Missing our msn conversations and finding I actually have to speak to people in person :blink: *zhhz*


Will fill you in on more when I get back (including the story of me stalking this guy on the way to my plane... this is a note for someone to remind me to tell it when I get back to Melbourne)

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Hi/bye Kelz ! :huglove

Are you 'scarce' atm 'cos you are unwell ?? :tears

mmhmmm. It's just one of those things. Summer always drains me.

Hoopla Melz...

What's happening? Ohhhhh... we gots rain on Wednesday night... and it was heavy too!

Hoopla Teegz!

I just had to take Merlin to the vet. He had a fight abscess on his jaw. Seems Gabaa and Merlz got a little too rough with each other the other night. :das:

Ahh! Yay! I wish we'd get some.

*sings in autotune*


Riding through Surfers on the bus all day

We hope that the driver is licenced

It doesn't get us down and we feel okay

Cause the signs that we're seeing are priceless




I wonder when the video will be finished?

Lol!! We forgot to do the actions.

Hahahaa, yes, it's a bit like that. But I'm obsessed with reading now it's boring to not read. And if I don't go directly onto the next books in a series then I never will :blink

I do the same thing. I'm going to go and grab New Moon today so I can drop down and pick up instantly. But I still have to work on my own writing..

Oooh, go for the fairy floss if she was stupid enough to leave one!

I just finished my last one :crybaby

Ohh! I love the fairy floss ones!! And the bubblegum, and blackcurrant.

How retarded and pointless.

Just a tad. :naughty:

:wink2 i might just take you up on that

Deal. I'll PM my addy. :thumb_yello:

Staying still isn't so bad, since the water bed sort of settles around you.


Though I have to pick the satin sheets up from either the middle of the bed or the floor each morning


And I did wrap myself in my sleep in my doona a few times, in what I assume was sleep induced episodes of trying to stay on the bed.

Skillz!! You haz 'em when asleep. :roftl:

No postcards :naughty

Truth be told, I haven't had a chance to buy any, though we did go to Bundy today.

I'll forgive you since I know how annoying the souvenir shops up there are.

We've been paying attention to this (anything to do with free money means I pay attention *zhhz*)


Silly opposition opposing it (though apparently when it came to the vote in the lower house quite a few of the opposition stood up for it)


The only problem is the senate is suggesting changes, and now the government is telling the senate that the changes will just delay it and that the economy needs this now. So hopefully it doesn't get delayed too much.

At least they are making sure it goes where it's needed. I was shaking my head in disbelief last night when they were asking for exact times it all went to print though. But then they got on to some intelligent questions.

Managed to snag the dial up for a little while, though not long (leaving after this post)

Bloody dial up.

Having fun, hanging with my little sibs. Went to Bundy and brought drinks from the BUndy ginger beer place (I love their apple ale, and their burgandy (portello) and their peachee but their so hard to find beyond the ginger ale back home)


Broke my milk bar sunnies, but they fixed now.

I love them sunnies.

Found a wolf spider under by bed and threw new moon at it (a suprisingly affective weapon). Have been spider paranoid ever since.

Hahahah!! I am not at all surprised. You should get some baygon.

Missing our msn conversations and finding I actually have to speak to people in person :blink: *zhhz*

Oh no!!!!!!! *mother melzy style*

Will fill you in on more when I get back (including the story of me stalking this guy on the way to my plane... this is a note for someone to remind me to tell it when I get back to Melbourne)

:das: I expect that you papped him somehow.

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Though I have to pick the satin sheets up from either the middle of the bed or the floor each morning



We've been paying attention to this (anything to do with free money means I pay attention *zhhz*)


Silly opposition opposing it (though apparently when it came to the vote in the lower house quite a few of the opposition stood up for it)


The only problem is the senate is suggesting changes, and now the government is telling the senate that the changes will just delay it and that the economy needs this now. So hopefully it doesn't get delayed too much.


Eurgh. *instructs you to keep following*


HAppy Birthday Bianca by the way




Found a wolf spider under by bed and threw new moon at it (a suprisingly affective weapon). Have been spider paranoid ever since.




I do the same thing. I'm going to go and grab New Moon today so I can drop down and pick up instantly. But I still have to work on my own writing..




Ohh! I love the fairy floss ones!! And the bubblegum, and blackcurrant.


Ewwwww, you can have the bubblegum :puking:

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I was saving up the groping of you for another meetup

Oh!! Yes!!!!! I actually completely forgot about it too. Thankyou!

He must be nearing 60. oh, but he's still delishishness.

Me so Cute and Fluffy!!

Hi Tan *hugs*


Promises, promises :das:

Welcome...if you've received them that is....stoopid Australia Post!

57 and old enough to be our father but I is not caring one little bit :das:

Well, Stitch is anyway :naughty:

Hi Kelz *gropes*


Yes, they must be the most stupid invention ever.




Are not!

*fangurls Bianca's ukelele and it's purple glitterness*

Don't worry OKD, Andy Lee distracts me too :das:


I'm sorry about all the rain in Queensland, I was just trying to get things a bit cooler for the rest of you


I'll have another go at the weekend


Can I please request snow and rain Ms. Silver?


That might be quite a while yet I have to say I prefer Marmite


I shall just console myself with the cinnamon mints



Although, I've never had marmite. I though it was supposed to be like vegemite but mum hates the stuff and loves vegemite *shrugs*


: o i love getting to the end of my tiny teddy packets coz i always find decapitated limbs


So, I guess that makes me the only one that likes decapitating them personally!



*instructs everyone to go ans marvel at Petra's masterpiece / Luke's lovely song*



Petra is made of fantastic and genius.....we all know this!:wub2:


Oooooh... I wanna go ot Melb... well, if K Rudd gets to fork over my $950 (if I actually do qualify for it ) then I might make a visit...


Ooooooh we want you to come to Melbourne!

*holds you to that* They said low income and if they judge it the same way they do for tax, it should be $50,000 or less.....so we would both definitely qualify if the coalition lets it through that is!


When I watch the weather on the news each night I always look for the reports in each of our respective regions ...


I heard today that Melb. will be 40 frikken 6 on Saturday ... but then on Sat. night ... a cool change & will drop 20 degrees !!!

I hope you have some cool change soon too !!


HK! :huglove:

Don't do that HK! I looked on the weather channel and it still has 43 for Melb and that's bad enough!



OKD - it's about time there were some pictures posted of my grandson.


I miss Ambrose


*agrees and demands pics*


Though I have to pick the satin sheets up from either the middle of the bed or the floor each morning


And I did wrap myself in my sleep in my doona a few times, in what I assume was sleep induced episodes of trying to stay on the bed.


Me too but don't tell OKD!



Will fill you in on more when I get back (including the story of me stalking this guy on the way to my plane... this is a note for someone to remind me to tell it when I get back to Melbourne)


Don't worry, none of us will let you forget that one!

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Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over! :groovy:


I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud. :biggrin2:


I think you'll find if anyone was distracting me, it was Hamish Blake :sneaky2:


I like him more than Andy as well.

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Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over! :groovy:


I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud. :biggrin2:




I like him more than Andy as well.


Well done SD :thumb_yello:

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Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over! :groovy:


I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud. :biggrin2:




I like him more than Andy as well.


WOAH! Well done! Let's see how long it lasts :naughty:


That's because you have taste :cheerful_h4h:

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Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over!


I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud.


I like him more than Andy as well.


Woo hoo....well done!



Our snow is rapidly turning to slush and is just manky now.


I will try my hardest to get it to rain in South Australia this weekend


Bugger South Australia, what about Victoria and New South Wales (just for you Teegs & HK)


That's because you have taste :cheerful_h4h:


Yep, and I can tell you both exactly where that taste is :naughty:


We don't know anyone is South Australia :naughty:


Unfortunately I do....and I say let 'em swelter!:roftl:

Edited by Tanya K
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Fashionably late.



Hey Olivia!!

That's good news if you're bored, right? :naughty:


:biggrin2: Yep!

Hello un-boring science lessons from now on :cool:





Promises, promises :das:


So, I guess that makes me the only one that likes decapitating them personally!



depends what mood its in. the grumpy ones peeve me off so much.. so they suffer my wrath of amputations..

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Hello all! The first week of year 11 is over! :groovy

I've done every bit of homework on the night that I got it (except for a huge music assignment)! I'm so proud. :biggrin2

Well done!! What's on for the weekend?

Our snow is rapidly turning to slush and is just manky now.

I will try my hardest to get it to rain in South Australia this weekend :badmood

:bow: I have faith in your skills!

We don't know anyone is South Australia :naughty

We don't - But the weather in South Australia drifts over into Victoria.. If you want to know what we're going to get - check out Adelaide.

Well done Silver for attempting to make it rain where the bloody heatwave starts. :naughty:

Bugger South Australia, what about Victoria and New South Wales (just for you Teegs & HK)

Unfortunately I do....and I say let 'em swelter!:roftl

But NSW has been getting a swirl effect of whatever we've been getting..

:biggrin2 Yep!

Hello un-boring science lessons from now on :cool:

Is science still boring?? Not much has changed.:naughty:


Ok, so I got a bit bored and made some more random smileys.. This time Twilight inspired.

I'm expressionless and in love wubella2melzy.gif


So the lion fell in love with the lamb roarbaahmelzy.gif


This is mah seducshun face ECDAS1melzy.gif

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Well done!! What's on for the weekend?


Ok, so I got a bit bored and made some more random smileys.. This time Twilight inspired.

I'm expressionless and in love wubella2melzy.gif


So the lion fell in love with the lamb roarbaahmelzy.gif


This is mah seducshun face ECDAS1melzy.gif


I'm going to Wagga to visit some cousins tomorrow. And then I'm coming home and hopefully making it here in time to go to a party at 7pm. Nothing is happening on Sunday as of yet.


:roftl: at those smilies!

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