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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Hello all ! :bye:

Yep ... I logged in late ... (stayed up way past my bedtime last night :blush-anim-cl::naughty: )


Kelz ... kewl new smilies !! :punk:

Was just wondering .... next time you're bored ... any chance of you doing a Mika hair do .... on the main 'smiler' in this gif ???




Cheesy, I know ... :blush-anim-cl: .... but , well , yeah ...... :naughty:

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I'm going to Wagga to visit some cousins tomorrow. And then I'm coming home and hopefully making it here in time to go to a party at 7pm. Nothing is happening on Sunday as of yet.


:roftl: at those smilies!

party? mmhmmmm.. I hope you don't plan on having too much fun young lady.. :naughty:

Thank you :blush-anim-cl:

Hello all ! :bye

Yep ... I logged in late ... (stayed up way past my bedtime last night :blush-anim-cl :naughty )

Easy to do. :wink2:

Kelz ... kewl new smilies !! punk:

Was just wondering .... next time you're bored ... any chance of you doing a Mika hair do .... on the main 'smiler' in this gif ???




Cheesy, I know ... :blush-anim-cl .... but , well , yeah ...... :naughty

Very cheesy :roftl: and not so easy for me actually. I create mine from scratch in my fav program, but it doesn't frame capture smileys.. But I'll see what I can do. I have ways around everythingk! and I haven't forgotten about the puppy dog eyes. I just surprisingly didn't have any. :blink:

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party? mmhmmmm.. I hope you don't plan on having too much fun young lady.. :naughty:


Not too much. :naughty:


I'm not really close friends with the guy who's having the party. More of a friendly acquaintance. But my close friend and I are sort of going together so we should have fun.

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Hiya Happi and Kelzy :sneaky2wub2:

Kelzy - I didn't know you could MAKE smilies :blink

Clever girl!! (you must get your intelligence genes from me :mf_rosetinted)


:sneaky2: Mother!! :huglove:

Yep! And I got my ball busting skills off Xena!! :wub2:

Not too much. :naughty

I'm not really close friends with the guy who's having the party. More of a friendly acquaintance. But my close friend and I are sort of going together so we should have fun.

Will anyone else be there :das: ??

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Very cheesy and not so easy for me actually. I create mine from scratch in my fav program, but it doesn't frame capture smileys.. But I'll see what I can do. I have ways around everythingk! and I haven't forgotten about the puppy dog eyes. I just surprisingly didn't have any. :blink

I knooowww ... oh well, if ya' can .... thanks ... :original:

Oh, & the puppy dog eyes was kinda sorted in that thread .... bonza found one that will work :thumb_yello:

Hiya Happi and Kelzy :sneaky2:wub2

Kelzy - I didn't know you could MAKE smilies :blink

Clever girl!! (you must get your intelligence genes from me :mf_rosetinted:)


She's just too clever ..... *hmmph*

:sneaky2 Mother!! :huglove

Yep! And I got my ball busting skills off Xena!! :wub2:

From our Mama Xena ... sistah .... :rolls_eyes:



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:naughty: No, no and no.

Damn, damn and text him.


I knooowww ... oh well, if ya' can .... thanks ... :original

Oh, & the puppy dog eyes was kinda sorted in that thread .... bonza found one that will work :thumb_yello


She's just too clever ..... *hmmph*


From our Mama Xena ... sistah .... :rolls_eyes



I'll have a go.

Oh, good! *crosses off list*


Lol!! I'm a fast learner. *suss*


I was using a boganism :naughty: Off someone/From someone..


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Damn, damn and text him.



I'll have a go.

Oh, good! *crosses off list*


Lol!! I'm a fast learner. *suss*


I was using a boganism :naughty: Off someone/From someone..



:roftl: Hahahah hahahaha hahaha ... I got a smoke off some bogan in Ball Mall yesty !!! :naughty:

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Can I please request snow and rain Ms. Silver?


Working on it :thumb_yello:



Although, I've never had marmite. I though it was supposed to be like vegemite but mum hates the stuff and loves vegemite *shrugs*


Having tried both now, I definitely prefer Marmite. Maybe it depends on what you've been brought up on. *shrugs back*



Yep ... I logged in late ... (stayed up way past my bedtime last night :blush-anim-cl::naughty: )



Was just wondering .... next time you're bored ... any chance of you doing a Mika hair do .... on the main 'smiler' in this gif ???




Cheesy, I know ... :blush-anim-cl: .... but , well , yeah ...... :naughty:


Cheesy - oh yes :rolls_eyes:

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It is completely manic in the Oldlings tonight so I have come here for a bit of peace and quiet :naughty:


When I said I would try to make it rain in South Australia, I meant geographically south as opposed to north (as I think they have enough up there).


So I am concentrating very hard :aah:

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It is completely manic in the Oldlings tonight so I have come here for a bit of peace and quiet :naughty:


When I said I would try to make it rain in South Australia, I meant geographically south as opposed to north (as I think they have enough up there).


So I am concentrating very hard :aah:


I am stalking you :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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I TOTALLY RELY on my pedestal fans !!

We bought 2 more this summer ... they're only $18 at Mitre 10 & Bunnings !


Plus ... I don't like air-con.... makes me sick, all that artificial air ...


I loooooove air con! We can't get away without it cause our house isn't as open as yours... otherwise we'd just open it up more and let it go... that and it doesn't seem as windy here as what it is in winter...


I heard it's looking like he might not be!


I know... though I could live without the $950 if it was going straight to hospitals...


Ambrose and Jack started running around my room and noisily playfighting with each other at around 8. Because they love me so much. And then just when I was shouting at them to go away Petra decided to join in and start messaging me to wish me a happy Germany-time birthday. Eventually it quietened down enough for me to sleep until a reasonable hour. Then I lazed around the house (my favourite past time, so one thuroughly enjoyed on my birfday), and then went to my mother for dinner at around 5. Did I mention that my brother moved in with my mum? Instead of here? Well, he did, and he was there, obviously. From my mum I got a pair of ear rings, and from my brother I got a Billabong top. Then I went to my friend's house and we basically watched all our videos from Costa Rica. It was fantastic fun and I had a great time. And she got me a lovely necklace.


Noice! Seems like you did pretty well...


Having fun, hanging with my little sibs. Went to Bundy and brought drinks from the BUndy ginger beer place (I love their apple ale, and their burgandy (portello) and their peachee but their so hard to find beyond the ginger ale back home)


Found a wolf spider under by bed and threw new moon at it (a suprisingly affective weapon). Have been spider paranoid ever since.


Will fill you in on more when I get back (including the story of me stalking this guy on the way to my plane... this is a note for someone to remind me to tell it when I get back to Melbourne)


Nice... I hope you bought me a bottle of bundy...


Oooooh... yuck spider! Good thing the book was useful!



Ooooh.. stalking a guy!


Hoopla Teegz!

I just had to take Merlin to the vet. He had a fight abscess on his jaw. Seems Gabaa and Merlz got a little too rough with each other the other night.

Ahh! Yay! I wish we'd get some.


Lol!! We forgot to do the actions.


Poor Merlin... No doubt they enjopyed the fight then...


The rain was nice ehile it started... though it's hot again...



Oh well... can't help it if we forgot..


57 and old enough to be our father but I is not caring one little bit



Ooooooh we want you to come to Melbourne!

*holds you to that* They said low income and if they judge it the same way they do for tax, it should be $50,000 or less.....so we would both definitely qualify if the coalition lets it through that is!


I don't care about the older bit either... Adam's the same age as my Dad... So is Bono...


Ooooh yes! :das: Might not be till spring or smth though... there will be less band stuff to miss out on if I go with Spring... I'm thinking maybe during school hols... then maybe off to Canberra or smth...


I should have earnt enough to get it... they were saying people who earnt less than a certain amount wouldn't get it... though I did work out at Walgett and did franklins and casual teaching so I should be right...


We don't know anyone is South Australia :naughty:


armande lives there... but haven't seen her so can't say much about that...


Bugger South Australia, what about Victoria and New South Wales (just for you Teegs & HK)


Awwwww... nice that you're sending some cooler weather to us too...


But NSW has been getting a swirl effect of whatever we've been getting..



Ok, so I got a bit bored and made some more random smileys.. This time Twilight inspired.

I'm expressionless and in love wubella2melzy.gif


So the lion fell in love with the lamb roarbaahmelzy.gif


This is mah seducshun face ECDAS1melzy.gif


Tell me about it... it seems to be at least 40 most places in NSW except for Orange and the coast... Actually, the little town about 30 mins west of here got to almost 44 yesterday...



And nice smileys Melz!

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hi! it's colddddddddddddddd ....... :tears:

we have opposite seasons!!!! obviously! how are you? :wink2:

OH !! Hello !!

I was just reading you in the Oldlings !! :roftl:


Pretty good thanks ... but today is a heatwave ... & it's kinda scary when you live in the bush like I do .... get the ol' bushfire fear starting to pervade the psyche ... :no:


The water coming out of my cold water tap is lukewarm .... :naughty:

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OH !! Hello !!

I was just reading you in the Oldlings !! :roftl:


Pretty good thanks ... but today is a heatwave ... & it's kinda scary when you live in the bush like I do .... get the ol' bushfire fear starting to pervade the psyche ... :no:


The water coming out of my cold water tap is lukewarm .... :naughty:


oh that's not good. you live in the bush? i didn't know that!

what is the difference between "the bush" and "the outback" ?

is there a difference?

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