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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Sky News has just updated the toll in Victoria to 76 and they're advising that it will climb well into triple figures. They also said that NSW coast is experiencing horrible winds again.


Don't know if anyone other than Vics will know him but Brian Naylor is unaccounted for but the body of his wife has been found :tears:


OMG. I come back from a fantastic day of having fun to find out the rest of the country has been busy dying and losing their homes, etc :shocked:


O.M.G. :shocked:


You poor bugger! I think we could all do with something to take our minds off the bushfires. How was your day? Did you have fun and have you got your ukelele?

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Sky News has just updated the toll in Victoria to 76 and they're advising that it will climb well into triple figures. They also said that NSW coast is experiencing horrible winds again.


Don't know if anyone other than Vics will know him but Brian Naylor is unaccounted for but the body of his wife has been found :tears:

Holy ****! :shocked:

(no I don't knwo who that is?)


You poor bugger! I think we could all do with something to take our minds off the bushfires. How was your day? Did you have fun and have you got your ukelele?


My day was FANTASTIC! AND YES I GOT MY UKULELE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course the first thing I did when I got home was strip down and count my welts :naughty: 5 on my arms, 2 on my back, 1 on my leg and 2 on my arse :biggrin2: And a sprained ankle.

IT WAS BRILLIANT! :original:

And I think I will go and learn how to tune my ukulele now :blink:

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My day was FANTASTIC! AND YES I GOT MY UKULELE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course the first thing I did when I got home was strip down and count my welts :naughty: 5 on my arms, 2 on my back, 1 on my leg and 2 on my arse :biggrin2: And a sprained ankle.

IT WAS BRILLIANT! :original:

And I think I will go and learn how to tune my ukulele now :blink:


Welts? :lmfao: What the hell have I missed...what were you doing to get welts all over your body? :das:

Glad you had a great time.....tune away!

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Hi bonza ! Did you get flooded in ??

Nope, but it started to look like it would for a while... The mud is knee deep in parts of my paddock... I've had enough! :sneaky2:




Hi guys...I'm glad everyone is ok *hugs you all tight*


We had some family friends in Kinglake but they're ok...house is gone but the main thing is they're ok.


Channel 9 has just said that the winds have picked up again :tears:


We've had bugger all rain here so far.

That's terrible! I really feel for everyone who are having to go through this... =(


It's good that they're okay... can't imagine how I'd feel if I lost my house and all of my belongings...



A woman on the news was saying about how her dogs were in the house when they left and they don't know where they were... she was in tears and I almost was as well :tears:...

I just saw that then! It was sad. I'm not usually an emotional person at all, but that made me tear up.



Holy ****! :shocked:

(no I don't knwo who that is?)



My day was FANTASTIC! AND YES I GOT MY UKULELE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course the first thing I did when I got home was strip down and count my welts :naughty: 5 on my arms, 2 on my back, 1 on my leg and 2 on my arse :biggrin2 : And a sprained ankle.

IT WAS BRILLIANT! :original:

And I think I will go and learn how to tune my ukulele now :blink:


Ohh! congrats on the Uke!

Ouch! how'd you sprain your ankle?

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Hahahahahahaahaha, I've been paintballing *msnslap*


:mad3: *hates ukuleles*


I thought that, after I logged out :naughty: Hurt a bit, did it?:roftl:

Tuning not going well dear?


Who added 'avoiding boys' to the tags? :sneaky2:


I would say Kelzy but everytime I blame her, it turns out to be someone else.....so I point the finger at OKD :wink2:

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We live a good hour and a half from Whittlesea but I'd be thinking about getting out if I were in South Morang coz that's getting a bit close.


Wow... hopefully those people in South Morang will start packing now...

Has this actually been recommended?! :boxed: :boxed: :boxed:

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Firstly, "avoiding boys" - It wasn't me. :naughty




Secondly.. :tears: what a horrible day. And, Brian Naylor. It's all so sad. :sad:


Has this actually been recommended?! :boxed: :boxed: :boxed:


I knooowwwww ... Brian Naylor & his wife .... :tears: ... a tv news legend ... :(


I haven't heard that .... but .... I keep an ABC news website page re: bushfires open all the time & click for updates ....

Edited by happikali
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I knooowwwww ... Brian Naylor & his wife .... :tears: ... a tv news legend ... :(


I haven't heard that .... but .... I keep an ABC news website page re: bushfires open all the time & click for updates ....

Can you link us that site please HK??

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Has this actually been recommended?! :boxed: :boxed: :boxed:


There is no recommendation for people to leave South Morang. It was on Sky News and all they said was that they had set up relief stations etc in South Morang for the Whittlesea fires and were keeping watch for a change in the direction of the fire.



I've been keeping an eye on the CFA website because they put regular alerts up on their website. DSE is another good site.

Edited by Tanya K
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Ok, I've been reading up on the ABC News site. A summary so far:


The death toll from horrific bushfires across Victoria this weekend has reached 84, surpassing the number of people who perished in the 1983 Ash Wednesday blazes.


More than 700 homes have been lost in what is being described as 'Hell on Earth', and it is feared the death toll will pass 100.


Twenty-six fires continue to burn across Victoria; 12 of those are out of control. Authorities suspect arsonists are responsible for some fires.


The Kinglake Complex blaze continues to burn out of control and so far has burnt through more than 220,000 hectares. Communities around Glenburn, Taggerty and Rubicon are being urged to remain alert for any threats to their homes.


The worst-hit areas are Kinglake, where at least 18 have died, St Andrews (12 lives lost), and Steeles Creek (seven dead).


Five people are dead in Callignee and Flowervale, three in Hazelwood, Whittlesea and Taggerty, and one in Jeeralang. More bodies have been found at Marysville, Humevale, Bendigo, Long Gully, Strathewan and Arthurs Creek.



Personal stories:


The reporter spoke to a schoolteacher from Kinglake who said that in the afternoon, Kinglake had not been mentioned on the radio.


"So he went for a walk up the street - there was a bit of smoke around but it didn't really smell like a fire - and he asked the firies if things were going to be all right; they said yes," Mr O'Sullivan said.


"By the time he got back down the street to his house, five minutes later, it was pitch black and five minutes later his house was in flames. He says if he was 10 minutes later he wouldn't be here today.


"So he's lost his house, his school's gone up; obviously he's very worried about the kids that attend that school."



Jay Cherie from Kinglake Central said her family had no warning of what was to come.


"When the power went out I madly started to try and pack some things and in doing so it was like night-time all of a sudden. My husband came running into the house and said, 'grab the kids, grab the cat, we've got to get out'," she said.


"We got in the car and went to go down towards Yea and the flames were coming up over the paddocks towards our place and we could just only settle in the township; we knew straight away our home was gone.


"A lot of people made that same decision; there were probably about 100 cars in the same area that we were in at the time and we had gas bottles exploding around us.


"At one stage there my husband said to my children, 'get down on the floor', because we didn't know what was going to happen.


"We had fire coming in on the right-hand side of us on a paddock and we had houses to the left of us on fire; no-one knew what was going to happen.


"My little girl was saying to me, 'Mum am I going to see my friends again?', she also said to me, 'Mum am I going to live tomorrow?'."



The suddeness is the part that creeps me out the most.

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Sure !! :wub2




just navigate your way around it re: your state ... but 'just in' is breaking news for across the country ... :thumb_yello

Thank you. And I'm thinking of you. :huglove:


There is no recommendation for people to leave South Morang. It was on Sky News and all they said was that they had set up relief stations etc in South Morang for the Whittlesea fires and were keeping watch for a change in the direction of the fire.

I've been keeping an eye on the CFA website because they put regular alerts up on their website.

Link please darling??

Ok, I've been reading up on the ABC News site. A summary so far:


The death toll from horrific bushfires across Victoria this weekend has reached 84, surpassing the number of people who perished in the 1983 Ash Wednesday blazes.


More than 700 homes have been lost in what is being described as 'Hell on Earth', and it is feared the death toll will pass 100.


Twenty-six fires continue to burn across Victoria; 12 of those are out of control. Authorities suspect arsonists are responsible for some fires.


The Kinglake Complex blaze continues to burn out of control and so far has burnt through more than 220,000 hectares. Communities around Glenburn, Taggerty and Rubicon are being urged to remain alert for any threats to their homes.


The worst-hit areas are Kinglake, where at least 18 have died, St Andrews (12 lives lost), and Steeles Creek (seven dead).


Five people are dead in Callignee and Flowervale, three in Hazelwood, Whittlesea and Taggerty, and one in Jeeralang. More bodies have been found at Marysville, Humevale, Bendigo, Long Gully, Strathewan and Arthurs Creek.



Personal stories:


The reporter spoke to a schoolteacher from Kinglake who said that in the afternoon, Kinglake had not been mentioned on the radio.


"So he went for a walk up the street - there was a bit of smoke around but it didn't really smell like a fire - and he asked the firies if things were going to be all right; they said yes," Mr O'Sullivan said.


"By the time he got back down the street to his house, five minutes later, it was pitch black and five minutes later his house was in flames. He says if he was 10 minutes later he wouldn't be here today.


"So he's lost his house, his school's gone up; obviously he's very worried about the kids that attend that school."



Jay Cherie from Kinglake Central said her family had no warning of what was to come.


"When the power went out I madly started to try and pack some things and in doing so it was like night-time all of a sudden. My husband came running into the house and said, 'grab the kids, grab the cat, we've got to get out'," she said.


"We got in the car and went to go down towards Yea and the flames were coming up over the paddocks towards our place and we could just only settle in the township; we knew straight away our home was gone.


"A lot of people made that same decision; there were probably about 100 cars in the same area that we were in at the time and we had gas bottles exploding around us.


"At one stage there my husband said to my children, 'get down on the floor', because we didn't know what was going to happen.


"We had fire coming in on the right-hand side of us on a paddock and we had houses to the left of us on fire; no-one knew what was going to happen.


"My little girl was saying to me, 'Mum am I going to see my friends again?', she also said to me, 'Mum am I going to live tomorrow?'."



The suddeness is the part that creeps me out the most.

Yes, that creeps me out too. :boxed: Suburbia is safe though. It's the outskirts and bush areas at greatest risk.

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There is no recommendation for people to leave South Morang. It was on Sky News and all they said was that they had set up relief stations etc in South Morang for the Whittlesea fires and were keeping watch for a change in the direction of the fire.



I've been keeping an eye on the CFA website because they put regular alerts up on their website. DSE is another good site.

Phew. You had me worried for a second because I didn't see any such recommendation in the CFA reports or the news.

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Can I just say that I heart Krudd.. Joward and his eyebrows wouldn't have shown such compassion.

:lmfao: .... took me awhile to figure out Who TF you were talking about !!! :roftl:

And yeah .... agree ....


I'm thinking about all of you guys too ... :wub2:


If you read the NSW reports ... there is one for Nerrigundah ... north of here, we have 3 families who are friends who live in that area ... & it's a freakin' tinderbox out there ... :thumbdown: .... they are fire savvy so ... I'm hoping they're ok ... *crosses everything*

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:lmfao: .... took me awhile to figure out Who TF you were talking about !!! :roftl:

And yeah .... agree ....

:naughty: Sorry for the confusion. Have to keep you on your toes.

I'm thinking about all of you guys too ... :wub2:


If you read the NSW reports ... there is one for Nerrigundah ... north of here, we have 3 families who are friends who live in that area ... & it's a freakin' tinderbox out there ... :thumbdown: .... they are fire savvy so ... I'm hoping they're ok ... *crosses everything*

That's a worry.. For them and for you. Isn't there a south-easternly wind change coming? :boxed:


Are you fire savvy my dear?

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