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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

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*Eight bushfires out of control in NSW* The Australian news


EIGHT bushfires are burning out of control in NSW as firefighters struggle to tame a total of 46 outbreaks throughout the state


A blaze at Peats Ridge, which threatened homes on the NSW Central Coast on Saturday, is now in check after burning more than 200 hectares of the Brisbane Waters National Park.


"Yesterday we managed to keep it relatively quiet with aircraft and today now the southerly change has gone through, so we need to look at putting containment lines in and actually putting that fire out," NSW Rural Fire Service Assistant Commissioner Rob Rogers told ABC Radio.


"We're fairly confident that we'll have containment on that fire ahead of lunchtime."


Mr Rogers said other fires causing concern were in the Bega Valley in southern NSW and Eurobodalla on the south coast.


"We have 46 fires on our books, eight of which are still classified as active."


In the Bega Valley, a fire that has destroyed more than 2,100 hectares of bush continues to burn out of control.


The outbreak at Eurobodalla has burnt out more than 400 hectares.


A fire in the Wollemi National Park has blackened more than 900 hectares in the Singleton area of the Hunter Valley and is still burning out of control.


Over the weekend, bushfires across the state ravaged more than 6,500 hectares as temperatures climbed into the 40s.


Meanwhile, in the state's alpine region, authorities continued to keep watch on a fire near Tumut that burnt out more than 330 hectares over the weekend.


At Shoalhaven, a fire in the Budawang National Park has been contained after burning through 2089 hectares of bushland.


To the east of the ranges, conditions are "looking okay" for the next few days, Mr Rogers said.


"West of the ranges the temperatures still are going to be up and we will end up with some increasing winds," he said.


A high fire danger warning would most likely be in place on Tuesday.


"We're not out of the woods, but for the coastal areas it's not too bad at all, but obviously we always have the potential out there in those western areas so we'll be keeping a very close eye on that."


A 31-year-old man from Somersby will appear in Gosford Local Court on Monday, charged with intentionally causing a fire at Kariong on the Central Coast.


Police said earlier reports that the man had been charged with lighting the Peats Ridge fire were incorrect.

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And the irony.


Queensland floodwaters recede but more rain to come

The Australian



FLOODWATERS are receding in some parts of north Queensland while other parts expect to be isolated for at least another month.


Floodwaters at Ingham, north of Townsville, are retreating as the Herbert River drops to 11.7m, from a peak of 12.25m.


But authorities fear this could be short lived as a monsoon trough moves through the area.


The weather bureau's senior forecaster John Hall said Ingham and surrounds would continue to receive isolated heavy showers from a monsoon trough that is stemming from a low system west of Mount Isa.


"There will be heavy falls later this week. We'll be monitoring this but can't say whether it'll fall over any particular catchments," Mr Hall said.


He said it was possible the rain could force river levels to rise again.


About 41 people remain at the evacuation centre at Ingham, including nine children and three babies.


Queensland Fire and Rescue Service swift water rescue technicians, 11 police, six Emergency Management Queensland staff, four nurses and three Salvation Army personnel will fly into Ingham to relieve current staff.


Emergency services and the RAAF are flying in rations to the Ingham area.


Meanwhile, more heavy rain is forecast for the Gulf of Carpentaria in Queensland's far north-west which has been cut off by floodwaters for five weeks.


The Carpentaria Shire Council expects more rain could isolate residents for another six to eight weeks.


Two-thirds of Queensland is flooded with a total of 36 council shires declared disaster zones.


The damage bill is being estimated to top $187 million.




Missing boy's parents don't want croc put down


The parents of a five-year-old boy feared taken by a crocodile along a north Queensland river say they don't want any of the reptiles put down.


A search for the boy in the Daintree River, north of Cairns, resumed on Monday, but has been hampered by the high tide.


Police say the boy, whose parents run a Daintree tourist venture, disappeared about 9.30am (AEST) on Sunday after following his dog into the water from a boardwalk.


His seven-year-old brother was with him and told police he saw a crocodile soon after his brother vanished.


Rangers have set a trap to try to determine what happened to the boy.


Acting Police Inspector Jason Smith told reporters the parents had said they did not want anything to happen to crocodiles along the river.


"I've been advised that the child's family that they do not want any adverse action against crocodiles in the Daintree," he said.


Police are expected to make further comment on Monday afternoon.

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My family seem to be OK, but one of my oldest friends is a policewoman and she had to stand guard all night over a house in yarra glen where 4 young people burnt to death. She said words cannot describe the gruesome horror of the aftermath.


The stories are so shocking, I cannot take it in, especially being in another country far from all my family and friends. I spoke to my sister today, and an old family friend was about to lose her house in the fire. Just sitting in Melbourne waiting for news her home was gone.


Happikali, are you OK? Have you heard from your friends yet?

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youre welcome

i was frightened! its good to relax

Aww, I'm glad you're relaxed now.



rest in peace victims!

live in peace survivors!



victoria is a tough cookie


All Australians are tough cookies.


My family seem to be OK, but one of my oldest friends is a policewoman and she had to stand guard all night over a house in yarra glen where 4 young people burnt to death. She said words cannot describe the gruesome horror of the aftermath.


The stories are so shocking, I cannot take it in, especially being in another country far from all my family and friends. I spoke to my sister today, and an old family friend was about to lose her house in the fire. Just sitting in Melbourne waiting for news her home was gone.


Happikali, are you OK? Have you heard from your friends yet?

:boxed: So sad.

I'm glad your family is ok. I can't take it all in either.

HK just updated her status on Myspace. She is "watching the fires". So we know she's ok atm.


I have to say part of that news article I posted really made me proud to be an Australian. "A survivor told news.com.au that arsonists should hope the police caught them first. "Watch your back, that's all I want to say to them. Watch your back, 24/7.""

There's so many angry & devastated people out there.

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I love them sunnies.




I expect that you papped him somehow.


I love them too, but they keep coming lose. Think I'll have to get another pair


And I didnt *shocked*








Nice... I hope you bought me a bottle of bundy...


Oooooh... yuck spider! Good thing the book was useful!



Ooooh.. stalking a guy!





I would... if I had gone to the factory *zhhz*


It was very useful (And twilight killed another one.... )


And unintentional stalking (he was on my train, my skybus, and my plane)


Yep. Me, Bec, Tanya, Twatty, Pinkoranges and ummm.. There may be more. Well, anyway we are Victorians.

I'm not in the fire zone. Some friends of my brothers were in the fire zone and have evacuated.


I hope everyone has a good fire plan


Mum has friends in Kinglake. We've been waiting for any news about them. We know their house and shop is gone, but as for them ... we can only wait.


And the Churchill fire is closish to the area where I know people, so I'm keeping my ears open for any news from there.




Can I just say that I heart Krudd.. Joward and his eyebrows wouldn't have shown such compassion.


Krudd and Brumby have both been amazing through this, especially considering John Brumby's family were close to the fire front themselves





Anyways.. I have been watching the news religiously at the moment. I can't believe how bad it is down there, 126 when I last checked and their prediciting it to reach the 200s once they are able to get into more areas and assess the damage.


My heart is with all those affected, and fingers are crossed that people we know made it out okay, but chances are we won't know for quite a few days.


Hk and SD... hope things are alright with the pair of you.

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hey there neighbors!

howza goin?


We here are now beginning to feel the effects of your heat wave!

water restrictions and all :(


We've been on level 5 restrictions here for months... since the first half of last year I think... sucks, but water needs to be conserved...


OMG. I come back from a fantastic day of having fun to find out the rest of the country has been busy dying and losing their homes, etc.




It is unbelivable... I can't get my lead around it.


Sky News has just updated the toll in Victoria to 76 and they're advising that it will climb well into triple figures. They also said that NSW coast is experiencing horrible winds again.


Don't know if anyone other than Vics will know him but Brian Naylor is unaccounted for but the body of his wife has been found


I just read about Brian Naylor and his wife... so sad... though I read that someone he worked with said it wasn't surprising they were found together...


Nope, but it started to look like it would for a while... The mud is knee deep in parts of my paddock... I've had enough!




That's terrible! I really feel for everyone who are having to go through this... =(


Good to hear you're okay!



So do I... the fires are nowhere near me, but I really feel for those caught up in it..


Ok, I've been reading up on the ABC News site.




"My little girl was saying to me, 'Mum am I going to see my friends again?', she also said to me, 'Mum am I going to live tomorrow?'."[/i]



The suddeness is the part that creeps me out the most.


Those stories are so sad... And especially what the little girl said.. :tears:


Can I just say that I heart Krudd.. Joward and his eyebrows wouldn't have shown such compassion.


I think Joward is like the Vulcans... pushes his emotions down deep inside and doesn't express them...



I saw Krudd hugging a man who had started crying... so sad, but good to see that he's down there...


Fire savvy ?? As best as can be ... we already know that if a fire was close to us we couldn't stay & fight it ... too much dry bush ... it's grab the pups, the photos & get the hell outta here ... !!!


Good to hear... hopefully it won't come to that...


I dont know much about the fires .... but my thoughts and love go out to you all .... I have family in Oz too !! I hope your ok and send out hugz !!


Thanks Caz...


I am so thankful that all of you are in the affected areas are safe. I was getting very worried about you


Thanks silver... some of us are in phone contact, so if someone gets evacuated, someone else will lette others know..


Death toll has climbed to 126. 33 of those were from Kinglake.

A man in a wheelchair has died in his home due to being unable to escape the fire.




Amid speculation some of the fires were deliberately lit - and with reports yesterday that people were returning to relight blazes after fire crews had left an area - Mr Rudd said: "There are no words to describe it other than mass murder."




His daughter told of another resident who "went to put his kids in the car, put them in, turned around to go grab something from the house, then his car was on fire with his kids in it, and they burnt".


I... there are no words..


I can't believe but feel so sad about the man in the wheelchair... and the man that lost his kids in the car...



I hope that people who lit those fires deliberately are tried for murder.




Mum was saying this morning that they hadn't even started looking in the houses yet... the death toll was from just people in cars...


im so glad all of you are fine, when i found out that there was a big fire, my mind jumped to you guys, and i was hoping no one was near/in it. im so glad to hear youre all fine though


We're all accounted for so far... thanks for the concern D..


More news coming. I hope Sarah is ok. And I'd like to know if Zoidy is ok too.


When was the last time someone heard from Sarah? I'm just checking on Facebook to see if Pammy is anywhere to be seen...




Okay, her page hasn't been updated since friday, but it doesn't look like she's in danger...


*Eight bushfires out of control in NSW* The Australian news


"We're not out of the woods, but for the coastal areas it's not too bad at all, but obviously we always have the potential out there in those western areas so we'll be keeping a very close eye on that."


*crosses all appendages*


Hoepfully there won't be any fires out this way...


My family seem to be OK, but one of my oldest friends is a policewoman and she had to stand guard all night over a house in yarra glen where 4 young people burnt to death. She said words cannot describe the gruesome horror of the aftermath.


The stories are so shocking, I cannot take it in, especially being in another country far from all my family and friends. I spoke to my sister today, and an old family friend was about to lose her house in the fire. Just sitting in Melbourne waiting for news her home was gone.


Why did she have to stand guard over the house?




*sends huggles to BS's family and friends*


I have to say part of that news article I posted really made me proud to be an Australian. "A survivor told news.com.au that arsonists should hope the police caught them first. "Watch your back, that's all I want to say to them. Watch your back, 24/7.""

There's so many angry & devastated people out there.


I completely agree with that...

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Mum has friends in Kinglake. We've been waiting for any news about them. We know their house and shop is gone, but as for them ... we can only wait.



And the Churchill fire is closish to the area where I know people, so I'm keeping my ears open for any news from there.




Krudd and Brumby have both been amazing through this, especially considering John Brumby's family were close to the fire front themselves




Anyways.. I have been watching the news religiously at the moment. I can't believe how bad it is down there, 126 when I last checked and their prediciting it to reach the 200s once they are able to get into more areas and assess the damage.


My heart is with all those affected, and fingers are crossed that people we know made it out okay, but chances are we won't know for quite a few days.


Hk and SD... hope things are alright with the pair of you.


I hope your Mum's friends got out safely... and hopefully the Churchill one doesn't go where you know people...



Actually, I heard that John Brumby's family is in there.. Are they okay?





So far, so good... haven't heard from zoidy or SD in a few days..

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Hello All ! Glad to hear everyone is still fine ... apart from feeling sick & anxious ... we're all still here ! SD & Teegs ... come & let us know how you are ... :huglove:


I haven't heard from my friends yet but ... going by this latest update, so far so good .... :thumb_yello:



Residents on alert over NSW south coast blaze


Posted 7 hours 16 minutes ago

Updated 6 hours 19 minutes ago

Firefighters have been back burning overnight along the southern side of the Jingera Rock fire, in the Bega Valley.




* Audio: Extended interview: NSW RFS Incident Controller Andrew Stark (ABC News)

* Map: Bega 2550


Residents on the NSW south coast are being warned to make a decision today on whether to evacuate or defend their homes from a bushfire burning in the Deua National Park.


Local authorities believe the fire was caused by a lightning strike in remote country on Thursday, but the outbreak was not spotted until Saturday evening.


The blaze, one of 46 bushfires across the state, is burning 35 kilometres north west of Narooma, 5 kilometres north of the Belowra Valley and 15 kilometres west of Nerrigundah .


Rural Fire Service Incident Controller Andrew Stark says the blaze is burning erratically and conditions are likely to deteriorate, despite a southerly change yesterday afternoon.


"We've seen this fire grow quite large in all directions," he said.


"The type of [weather] conditions that we could be facing means people need to be alert and to make some decisions about how to deal with this fire if it moves towards their properties.


"The indications from weather forecasters are that we could be returning to some pretty serious hot northerly dry wind conditions as early as Wednesday or Thursday."


Widespread smoke has been reported along the coast and earthmoving machinery will be used today to complete a fire break along the eastern side of the blaze.


RFS Incident Controller Andrew Stark says residents need to keep up to date with what is happening.


"Tonight we're holding a community meeting for information for the public," he said.


"Its going to be at 5:00pm [AEDT] at the Nerrigundah fire shed in Gulf Road. We'll have representatives from the Rural Fire Service, National Parks and State Forests there."


Firefighters have been back burning overnight along the southern side of another blaze that caused problems over the weekend at Jingera Rock, in the Bega Valley


It also started in remote bushland but authorities are hoping improved weather conditions today will make it easier to contain.


Tags: fires, bushfire, act, bega-2550



It's cooler here today which is s big relief ! :thumb_yello:

Thanks everyone for your concern ... :wub2:


EDIT: Good to hear from you Teegs !

Edited by happikali
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You know, the thing that annoys he sh!t out of me is that people are still trying to star fires... apparently there was a man in the Hawkesbury (north western Syd) who was burning stuff in his back year... it's a total fire ban you moron!


There was another person (I don't know where they came from, they didn't say) who emailed Ray Hadley and told him that they were burning stuff in their yard (in the middle of the bush), and that there was an old lady in between the houses that wouldn't be able to defend her house if there was a fire...


stupid people...



Anyways, here's a website with some links about the fires:



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I haven't heard from my friends yet but ... going by this latest update, so far so good .... :thumb_yello:



It's cooler here today which is s big relief ! :thumb_yello:

Thanks everyone for your concern ... :wub2:


EDIT: Good to hear from you Teegs !


Good to hear... hopefully you and your friends will be okay...



Orange is okay at the moment... Mum and I were talking about it about 15 mins ago, and she was saying the firies will have to keep a close eye on the Kinross State Forest *points to the east, over the hill* and Mt Canobolas *points to south west, the hill iwth te aerials*


Kinross SF is closer to us than Mt Canobolas, but it still has to get through a lot of houses before it gets to us... it will have to get through the public housing houses (though a lot of those are completely trashed and have long grass in their yards)...


They're doing a thing on the local news tonight about the fire risk in the central west... I'm going to watch it, then I'll come back report (if needs be)...

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Good to hear... hopefully you and your friends will be okay...



Orange is okay at the moment... Mum and I were talking about it about 15 mins ago, and she was saying the firies will have to keep a close eye on the Kinross State Forest *points to the east, over the hill* and Mt Canobolas *points to south west, the hill iwth te aerials*


Kinross SF is closer to us than Mt Canobolas, but it still has to get through a lot of houses before it gets to us... it will have to get through the public housing houses (though a lot of those are completely trashed and have long grass in their yards)...


They're doing a thing on the local news tonight about the fire risk in the central west... I'm going to watch it, then I'll come back report (if needs be)...


Thanks ... :wub2: Yeah , keep us updated about your area too Teegs :thumb_yello:

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Mum has friends in Kinglake. We've been waiting for any news about them. We know their house and shop is gone, but as for them ... we can only wait.


And the Churchill fire is closish to the area where I know people, so I'm keeping my ears open for any news from there.

:shocked: I hope they are ok.

Do you fly back tomorrow?

I think Joward is like the Vulcans... pushes his emotions down deep inside and doesn't express them...

Yeah, I agree. But sometimes it's good to see it's affected them. I respect men that can show emotion.

I saw Krudd hugging a man who had started crying... so sad, but good to see that he's down there...

Yeah, and Brumby broke down. I've been crying watching it all.

I hope that people who lit those fires deliberately are tried for murder.

I hope they get life imprisonment and sodomised.

Mum was saying this morning that they hadn't even started looking in the houses yet... the death toll was from just people in cars...

Oh God. :boxed: I had wondered about that.

When was the last time someone heard from Sarah? I'm just checking on Facebook to see if Pammy is anywhere to be seen...

Okay, her page hasn't been updated since friday, but it doesn't look like she's in danger...

Last we heard from Sarah was yesterday afternoon. Good to hear Pammy might be in a safe area.

Hoepfully there won't be any fires out this way...

I hope so too.

Actually, I heard that John Brumby's family is in there.. Are they okay?

I'm not completely sure, but apparently they are. Catherine Nixon did a press conference and reported that alot of CFA members and Police officers have also lost their homes. And they are out their helping those who have lost theirs too. Wonderful people.

Hello All ! Glad to hear everyone is still fine ... apart from feeling sick & anxious ... we're all still here ! SD & Teegs ... come & let us know how you are ... :huglove


I haven't heard from my friends yet but ... going by this latest update, so far so good .... :thumb_yello



Residents on alert over NSW south coast blaze


Posted 7 hours 16 minutes ago

Updated 6 hours 19 minutes ago

Firefighters have been back burning overnight along the southern side of the Jingera Rock fire, in the Bega Valley.




* Audio: Extended interview: NSW RFS Incident Controller Andrew Stark (ABC News)

* Map: Bega 2550


Residents on the NSW south coast are being warned to make a decision today on whether to evacuate or defend their homes from a bushfire burning in the Deua National Park.


Local authorities believe the fire was caused by a lightning strike in remote country on Thursday, but the outbreak was not spotted until Saturday evening.


The blaze, one of 46 bushfires across the state, is burning 35 kilometres north west of Narooma, 5 kilometres north of the Belowra Valley and 15 kilometres west of Nerrigundah .


Rural Fire Service Incident Controller Andrew Stark says the blaze is burning erratically and conditions are likely to deteriorate, despite a southerly change yesterday afternoon.


"We've seen this fire grow quite large in all directions," he said.


"The type of [weather] conditions that we could be facing means people need to be alert and to make some decisions about how to deal with this fire if it moves towards their properties.


"The indications from weather forecasters are that we could be returning to some pretty serious hot northerly dry wind conditions as early as Wednesday or Thursday."


Widespread smoke has been reported along the coast and earthmoving machinery will be used today to complete a fire break along the eastern side of the blaze.


RFS Incident Controller Andrew Stark says residents need to keep up to date with what is happening.


"Tonight we're holding a community meeting for information for the public," he said.


"Its going to be at 5:00pm [AEDT] at the Nerrigundah fire shed in Gulf Road. We'll have representatives from the Rural Fire Service, National Parks and State Forests there."


Firefighters have been back burning overnight along the southern side of another blaze that caused problems over the weekend at Jingera Rock, in the Bega Valley


It also started in remote bushland but authorities are hoping improved weather conditions today will make it easier to contain.


Tags: fires, bushfire, act, bega-2550



It's cooler here today which is s big relief ! :thumb_yello

Thanks everyone for your concern ... :wub2


EDIT: Good to hear from you Teegs !

That sounds like you're going to be ok then. Hopefully your friends contact you soon. xx


You know, the thing that annoys he sh!t out of me is that people are still trying to star fires... apparently there was a man in the Hawkesbury (north western Syd) who was burning stuff in his back year... it's a total fire ban you moron!


There was another person (I don't know where they came from, they didn't say) who emailed Ray Hadley and told him that they were burning stuff in their yard (in the middle of the bush), and that there was an old lady in between the houses that wouldn't be able to defend her house if there was a fire...


stupid people...



Anyways, here's a website with some links about the fires:



Some people!! :thumbdown:

That's a good link - thanks.

Good to hear... hopefully you and your friends will be okay...


Orange is okay at the moment... Mum and I were talking about it about 15 mins ago, and she was saying the firies will have to keep a close eye on the Kinross State Forest *points to the east, over the hill* and Mt Canobolas *points to south west, the hill iwth te aerials*


Kinross SF is closer to us than Mt Canobolas, but it still has to get through a lot of houses before it gets to us... it will have to get through the public housing houses (though a lot of those are completely trashed and have long grass in their yards)...


They're doing a thing on the local news tonight about the fire risk in the central west... I'm going to watch it, then I'll come back report (if needs be)...

I hope everything's ok there too. The SF's are a fair distance from town though, aren't they? The biggest problem with Kinglake's setup is that it was a town plonked inside a forest. MM and I just talked about how dangerous it is, and that you'd have to be aware of the danger before living there. I wouldn't live in an area like that.. No way!!! I love the bush, I have lived in the bush myself - and HK your home is amazing!!! But, I wouldn't choose to live in a furnace waiting to happen..

Especially since this: I was looking at youtube vids last night, and I read smth someone had written about the fires. I actually quoted it to ST.. It said (And I will fix typos and bad grammar)

"It's a tragedy, but I agree with gibbo 8080. It happens every year. They never back burn like the aboriginals know that's what is needed to be done in this country. They have had 2 weeks of 46 degree heat. People should of evacuated a week ago. You can't beat God or Mother Nature. Will they learn from this? This time will they back burn during winter months to stop this happening again? I don't think so. Sorry for all the people that lost their lives."

The vid

Someone has given it a thumbsdown, but this is actually SOO true. Back burning can save lives and trees and prevent large bush fires from spreading further. It should be done during the winter. The height of these trees makes it harder to contain. The density. The dry bark, and the dead branches on the ground.. arrghh..


I passed all 3 of my exams. :groovy


But I'm finding it hard to celebrate when so many people are having what's probably the worst week of their lives. :boxed


YAY!!! Some good news is exactly what I needed right now. :huglove:

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So pleased to hear that everyone is OK at the moment... I had this vague idea that Kelz was near the fire zone. We've had our cool change come through, Praise the Lord. It's so much pleasanter today than it has been.




Yes, the temperature has been so much nicer today.




More news coming. I hope Sarah is ok. And I'd like to know if Zoidy is ok too.
Hk and SD... hope things are alright with the pair of you.


Things are still okay here. We had a really short storm this morning with a bit of lightning which had everyone a bit worried but it didn't eventuate to anything.


I passed all 3 of my exams. :groovy:


Congratulations!! Those days and nights of no sleep did pay off after all! :naughty:

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I passed all 3 of my exams. :groovy:


But I'm finding it hard to celebrate when so many people are having what's probably the worst week of their lives. :boxed:


Well done! :huglove:


I can understand that... But I guess it's a huge weight off your shoulders...


Yeah, I agree. But sometimes it's good to see it's affected them. I respect men that can show emotion.


Yeah, and Brumby broke down. I've been crying watching it all.


I hope they get life imprisonment and sodomised.


I hope everything's ok there too. The SF's are a fair distance from town though, aren't they? The biggest problem with Kinglake's setup is that it was a town plonked inside a forest. MM and I just talked about how dangerous it is, and that you'd have to be aware of the danger before living there. I wouldn't live in an area like that.. No way!!! I love the bush, I have lived in the bush myself - and HK your home is amazing!!! But, I wouldn't choose to live in a furnace waiting to happen..

Especially since this: I was looking at youtube vids last night, and I read smth someone had written about the fires. I actually quoted it to ST.. It said (And I will fix typos and bad grammar)

"It's a tragedy, but I agree with gibbo 8080. It happens every year. They never back burn like the aboriginals know that's what is needed to be done in this country. They have had 2 weeks of 46 degree heat. People should of evacuated a week ago. You can't beat God or Mother Nature. Will they learn from this? This time will they back burn during winter months to stop this happening again? I don't think so. Sorry for all the people that lost their lives."

The vid

Someone has given it a thumbsdown, but this is actually SOO true. Back burning can save lives and trees and prevent large bush fires from spreading further. It should be done during the winter. The height of these trees makes it harder to contain. The density. The dry bark, and the dead branches on the ground.. arrghh..


I was watching Nine news, Prime News, ABC and the Biggest Loser all at once! :naughty:



I watched to local news, and all they really said was that parts of the central west are very similar in terrain and conditions to where fires have started in Victoria, so they're watching closely... that particular story was mostly about Victoria, so therewasn't much actually about which towns could be affected by a fire, but I suppose they didn't want to say anything because it could make people panic...


Though if I were to take a guess, anywhere around the mountain could be a risk, as well as Kinross SF, and out between Manildra and Molong... actually, anywhere around Manildra and west of it could go up...


Here's where I mean... Manildra's circled in blue, Molong's in purple, and the two roads that had a major fire last year are highlighted in red... Kinross SF is in the general area of the sorta green/khaki colour (near Ophir), and Mt Canobolas has the green arrow and the name written near it..




We're sorta kinda near the edge of town, if you go directly up the hill through the public housing estate, you're on the road to Clifton Grove (it's a housing estate surrounded by trees and dead scrub)... IF we did get a major fire and it was uncontrolable, then it would likely go through Clifton Grove, then (if the wind was pointing towards town) the houses on either side of the hill... but it would take a lot of burning to get to us though, and I doubt it would reach us.




And it is completely true.. they need to be back burning during winter when there's less of a chance of bushfires, not when they've got a great big fire destroying homes... not attacking the firies cause they're doing a great job, but I think sometimes they're stopped by the greenies who don't want anything burnt down... it's necessary...

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