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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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Glad to see everyone is still safe :huglove:

Yep... though I got a little worried when they talked about hte possible fire dangers in the central west (where I am) in an ad for the news... though htey said nothing of real interest besides that we're in similar terrain nad have similar conditions to Victoria...

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Glad to see everyone is still safe :huglove

Thanks for checking in :huglove:


I watched to local news, and all they really said was that parts of the central west are very similar in terrain and conditions to where fires have started in Victoria, so they're watching closely... that particular story was mostly about Victoria, so therewasn't much actually about which towns could be affected by a fire, but I suppose they didn't want to say anything because it could make people panic...


Though if I were to take a guess, anywhere around the mountain could be a risk, as well as Kinross SF, and out between Manildra and Molong... actually, anywhere around Manildra and west of it could go up...


Here's where I mean... Manildra's circled in blue, Molong's in purple, and the two roads that had a major fire last year are highlighted in red... Kinross SF is in the general area of the sorta green/khaki colour (near Ophir), and Mt Canobolas has the green arrow and the name written near it..




We're sorta kinda near the edge of town, if you go directly up the hill through the public housing estate, you're on the road to Clifton Grove (it's a housing estate surrounded by trees and dead scrub)... IF we did get a major fire and it was uncontrolable, then it would likely go through Clifton Grove, then (if the wind was pointing towards town) the houses on either side of the hill... but it would take a lot of burning to get to us though, and I doubt it would reach us.

Ok, so from that I assume that south easterly winds would be dangerous for your area. But, if the fires take hold then it looks like something reasonably controllable. And once again, it's the flyin embers that are the most concern.

And it is completely true.. they need to be back burning during winter when there's less of a chance of bushfires, not when they've got a great big fire destroying homes... not attacking the firies cause they're doing a great job, but I think sometimes they're stopped by the greenies who don't want anything burnt down... it's necessary...

I love our firies! And I know our greenies mean well too.. But common sense must prevail. This is something that can be avoided to a certain degree. There should be a law about how close people can live to State Forests, Pine Plantations or National Parks etc, or/and if living in an area close by that back burning must occur annually. Arsonists are a real threat to our country. It's time to make their sick fetish harder for them.


Melz, if you haven't seen the video clip for Get On Your Boots, I'd do so now... it's great... I love Adam in it... he's adorable :wub2:fangurl.gifmeegsbow.png...

hahaha!! I saw it.. I'm a bit surprised, because I don't really like it. :no:

Maybe it will grow on me.

I have the chance to buy one ticket, get one free from IMAX in Darling Harbour... for U23D... :shocked

I need to find someone who's willing to go with me!

DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :naughty:

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Ok, so from that I assume that south easterly winds would be dangerous for your area. But, if the fires take hold then it looks like something reasonably controllable. And once again, it's the flyin embers that are the most concern.


I love our firies! And I know our greenies mean well too.. But common sense must prevail. This is something that can be avoided to a certain degree. There should be a law about how close people can live to State Forests, Pine Plantations or National Parks etc, or/and if living in an area close by that back burning must occur annually. Arsonists are a real threat to our country. It's time to make their sick fetish harder for them.



hahaha!! I saw it.. I'm a bit surprised, because I don't really like it. :no:

Maybe it will grow on me.


DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :naughty:


Yeah, the embers will be a problem... especially down the back where there's heaps of trees and leaves...


The trees and whatever should be further away from the houses... they're supposed to be something like 30 metres or smth...



I like it... especially Adam... he's dancing around a bit :das:... he's gorgeous... I love him :wub2:...




I am... Zoe and I are going next Tuesday at 7pm... :woot_jump:

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i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!:shocked:

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl:


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty:


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall :sneaky2: or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*

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i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!:shocked:

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl:


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty:


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall :sneaky2: or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*


Oooooohhh... Sorry about that... we just talk away in Aussie and forget that people might not understand it... :blush-anim-cl:



The fires are pretty scary, but luckily none of us are affected (as far as we know)...

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i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!:shocked:

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl:


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty:


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall :sneaky2: or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*


Welcome Robi !!! :huglove: :huglove: :wub2:

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Yeah, the embers will be a problem... especially down the back where there's heaps of trees and leaves...


The trees and whatever should be further away from the houses... they're supposed to be something like 30 metres or smth...

30 metres sounds reasonably safe. They were saying these fires were 40 metres high :blink:

I like it... especially Adam... he's dancing around a bit :das... he's gorgeous... I love him :wub2...

I am... Zoe and I are going next Tuesday at 7pm... woot_jump:

:roftl: I'll watch it again later and see if it grows on me then

Yay!!! I really would love to see it again too.. (if it's on). Wonder if I can convince any Melbournites. :das:

i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!:shocked

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall :sneaky2 or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*

*throws a shoe at you for running away* :naughty:


It's so sad that people start these fires.

And lol!! Mika definitely won't come here now that we have fires.

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PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd said arsonists in Victoria had committed mass murder as the death toll in Australia's worst ever bushfires rose to 126 this afternoon, with the final toll expected to be much more.


That is exactly what it is. There is no possible punishment that would be worthy for them :blink:


His daughter told of another resident who "went to put his kids in the car, put them in, turned around to go grab something from the house, then his car was on fire with his kids in it, and they burnt".




Residents of Taggerty, Acheron, Snobs Creek and Eildon were also on alert.


Hahahahahahahaahahaha. Sorry.


It was believed the fire in Bendigo was caused by a cigarette, but Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said she was sickened by the fact some other fires might have been deliberately lit.


Am I the only one also sickened by the idea of it being started by a cigarette? That person should also be severely punished. How is that not 100% their fault?


A survivor told news.com.au that arsonists should hope the police caught them first. "Watch your back, that's all I want to say to them. Watch your back, 24/7."



*prepares pitchfork*

The parents of a five-year-old boy feared taken by a crocodile along a north Queensland river say they don't want any of the reptiles put down.


Oh, good!


I passed all 3 of my exams.


But I'm finding it hard to celebrate when so many people are having what's probably the worst week of their lives.


WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it is completely true.. they need to be back burning during winter when there's less of a chance of bushfires, not when they've got a great big fire destroying homes... not attacking the firies cause they're doing a great job, but I think sometimes they're stopped by the greenies who don't want anything burnt down... it's necessary...


I don't think any greenies would ever be against backburning. It's completely natural and neccesary for the ecosystems. Aboriginals have been doing it for ever, and the plants and animals have evolved to depend on it.

The only people I know against backburning are stupid idiots who continuously complain about the smoke, I am constantly telling people to STFU when ever there is any backburning. Grow a brain, please. (people who don't see the point of backburning, I mean - ie. my parents, etc)

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I passed all 3 of my exams. :groovy:





i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!:shocked:

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl:


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty:



It’s not the easiest English to understand…I feel the same way.

Let’s keep struggling together!


We have learned a lot of Brittish English through the Oldlings thread so far haven’t we?:wink2:






The fires are pretty scary, but luckily none of us are affected (as far as we know)...




It's hard to put in words but I'm thinking a lot of you!

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It’s not the easiest English to understand…I feel the same way.

Let’s keep struggling together!


We have learned a lot of Brittish English through the Oldlings thread so far haven’t we?:wink2:








It's hard to put in words but I'm thinking a lot of you!



need to broaden our points of view!:naughty:

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Hahahahahahahaahahaha. Sorry.

:naughty: I don't know how I missed that one.

Am I the only one also sickened by the idea of it being started by a cigarette? That person should also be severely punished. How is that not 100% their fault?

It sickens me too. I'm reminded of that ad in the 80's of the little cigarette butt being tossed out a window and igniting a fire.. It's their fault but not in the same way an arsonist is at fault.


*prepares pitchfork*

*sharpens spear*

I don't think any greenies would ever be against backburning. It's completely natural and neccesary for the ecosystems. Aboriginals have been doing it for ever, and the plants and animals have evolved to depend on it.

The only people I know against backburning are stupid idiots who continuously complain about the smoke, I am constantly telling people to STFU when ever there is any backburning. Grow a brain, please. (people who don't see the point of backburning, I mean - ie. my parents, etc)

I'd hope they weren't against it. I couldn't imagine them saying no unless there was a real danger to wildlife or smth like that. But, it's just so logical.. Burn down 100 trees in order to save 2000 trees, 500 homes and 100 lives.. or whatever the math turns out to be. Because obviously not all fires are deliberately lit.

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:roftl: I'll watch it again later and see if it grows on me then

Yay!!! I really would love to see it again too.. (if it's on). Wonder if I can convince any Melbournites. :das:



And lol!! Mika definitely won't come here now that we have fires.


Fair enough then... It's a bit like me with the song... When I first heard it I was a bit "oh, it's okay", but now I love it! :wub2:



I doubt you'll need to do much convincing... I didn't need to do much to convince Zoe... She's all up for it...



Yep... fires, floods and drop bears...


Am I the only one also sickened by the idea of it being started by a cigarette? That person should also be severely punished. How is that not 100% their fault?



I don't think any greenies would ever be against backburning. It's completely natural and neccesary for the ecosystems. Aboriginals have been doing it for ever, and the plants and animals have evolved to depend on it.

The only people I know against backburning are stupid idiots who continuously complain about the smoke, I am constantly telling people to STFU when ever there is any backburning. Grow a brain, please. (people who don't see the point of backburning, I mean - ie. my parents, etc)


I agree, but throwing a cigarette out a window is laziness... the fires that were started by arsonists do it for some sort of sick pleasure... though I guess those started by cigarettes will get some sort of punishment, though that's if they can catch them...



You would be surprised what the greenies will be against... they were against any sort of development in the Blue Mountains for a looooong time (and are only just allowing new houses to be built)... even one of the greenies on the council here cracked the ****s about a tree being knocked down to make way for a road, when 20 shrubs and trees are being planted next door...


I know some are doing it for the right reasons, but a lot of the greenies are only in it to try and get some sort of political advantage... there's a chick in the Greens party that said that our local member should stop talking about how bad the area I live in is... ignoring the fact that she's never been here before and people were getting robbed and harrassed practically every day...





As you can tell, I don't like greenies...



if you throw a shoe to me i might feel too important:wink2:


go back speaking yr aussie....i'll send you a notice when i'm about to post again


You should feel loved... throwing shoes is a way of showing affections around here :naughty:



And thanks in advance for letting us know if you're going to come in...

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i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*




It’s not the easiest English to understand…I feel the same way.

Let’s keep struggling together!


We have learned a lot of Brittish English through the Oldlings thread so far haven’t we?:wink2:



It's hard to put in words but I'm thinking a lot of you!


:wub2: You guys are so sweet.


You would be surprised what the greenies will be against... they were against any sort of development in the Blue Mountains for a looooong time (and are only just allowing new houses to be built)... even one of the greenies on the council here cracked the ****s about a tree being knocked down to make way for a road, when 20 shrubs and trees are being planted next door...


As you can tell, I don't like greenies...


I usually do like the greens but I have to agree with you here Teegs. My Uncle lives in Beaconsfield and the greens stopped the councils there and in the surrounding areas from doing preventative back burning prior to bushfire season which IMO was just ridiculous.

Someone needs to start getting their information updated. ACcording to CFA and DSE websites, there is no threat to the residents of Won Wron.....Sky News just spoke to a CFA rep who was saying the fire is raging towards Won Wron and they expect it to impact directly over night :shocked:

Edited by Tanya K
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if you throw a shoe to me i might feel too important:wink2


go back speaking yr aussie....i'll send you a notice when i'm about to post again






Hahah! You're very important!





It’s not the easiest English to understand…I feel the same way.

Let’s keep struggling together!


We have learned a lot of Brittish English through the Oldlings thread so far haven’t we?:wink2:





It's hard to put in words but I'm thinking a lot of you!

Awww. We do have alot of slang. I can understand that it must be hard to read.

Thanks :huglove:

Yep... fires, floods and drop bears...

:lmfao: :lmfao:

You would be surprised what the greenies will be against... they were against any sort of development in the Blue Mountains for a looooong time (and are only just allowing new houses to be built)... even one of the greenies on the council here cracked the ****s about a tree being knocked down to make way for a road, when 20 shrubs and trees are being planted next door...


I know some are doing it for the right reasons, but a lot of the greenies are only in it to try and get some sort of political advantage... there's a chick in the Greens party that said that our local member should stop talking about how bad the area I live in is... ignoring the fact that she's never been here before and people were getting robbed and harrassed practically every day...


As you can tell, I don't like greenies...

Well, I don't blame you for not liking them if they aren't being reasonable/realistic about things.

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Alrighty, I'm gonna head off now...


Night all!

Night Teegs!! :huglove:


:wub2: You guys are so sweet.




I usually do like the greens but I have to agree with you here Teegs. My Uncle lives in Beaconsfield and the greens stopped the councils there and in the surrounding areas from doing preventative back burning prior to bushfire season which IMO was just ridiculous.

Someone needs to start getting their information updated. ACcording to CFA and DSE websites, there is no threat to the residents of Won Wron.....Sky News just spoke to a CFA rep who was saying the fire is raging towards Won Wron and they expect it to impact directly over night :shocked:

:shocked: I've noticed that the websites aren't very current too.

Skynews is the most accurate source.

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