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The Australian Thread: Part Nineteen

Rainbow Sky

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:shocked: I've noticed that the websites aren't very current too.

Skynews is the most accurate source.


Well, I hope for once they're not accurate because they're saying it's going to get alot worse. Tomorrow's forcast is supposed to be gusting winds.

The just said on Channel 9 that arsonists are re-lighting fires that have already been put out. F***ing animals.


Here I am. :bye:


Sorry, I'm really busy with homework.


Don't be sorry, just glad you're ok :huglove:

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I'm going to bed now.


Na-night! :wub2:

Goodnight!! :huglove:


Well, I hope for once they're not accurate because they're saying it's going to get alot worse. Tomorrow's forcast is supposed to be gusting winds.

The just said on Channel 9 that arsonists are re-lighting fires that have already been put out. F***ing animals.

****errrggghhhss!! :sneaky2:

I need to go sit in the other room and have a watch of the latest. I hope they are wrong about the winds. :boxed:

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Look at the first comment: http://www.get-tuned.com/ukulele_tuner.php


Funky Nora\'s Mum [07-02-2009 10:58]mail.gif Nora, when you were born, the best part of you ran down the crack of my butt. Which explains why you can't spell or think straight. Sorry, just had to set the record straight. Love, ur Mum

PS: I love this tuner..it is great and very handy. Big thanks for publishing it.



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:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


*goes to bed*

Stay safe Australia :huglove:



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:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:


*goes to bed*

Stay safe Australia :huglove:




*joins in rain dance*

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I have been checking the news all day from work, pretty grim reading as the death toll kept going up. Most people seem to have been caught out by the speed of the fires.


I am so happy you are all still safe. :thumb_yello:

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I passed all 3 of my exams.


But I'm finding it hard to celebrate when so many people are having what's probably the worst week of their lives.


Yay! That is really good news. We need good news around this place.


I hope everything's ok there too. The SF's are a fair distance from town though, aren't they? The biggest problem with Kinglake's setup is that it was a town plonked inside a forest. MM and I just talked about how dangerous it is, and that you'd have to be aware of the danger before living there. I wouldn't live in an area like that.. No way!!! I love the bush, I have lived in the bush myself - and HK your home is amazing!!! But, I wouldn't choose to live in a furnace waiting to happen..

Especially since this: I was looking at youtube vids last night, and I read smth someone had written about the fires. I actually quoted it to ST.. It said (And I will fix typos and bad grammar)

"It's a tragedy, but I agree with gibbo 8080. It happens every year. They never back burn like the aboriginals know that's what is needed to be done in this country. They have had 2 weeks of 46 degree heat. People should of evacuated a week ago. You can't beat God or Mother Nature. Will they learn from this? This time will they back burn during winter months to stop this happening again? I don't think so. Sorry for all the people that lost their lives."

The vid

Someone has given it a thumbsdown, but this is actually SOO true. Back burning can save lives and trees and prevent large bush fires from spreading further. It should be done during the winter. The height of these trees makes it harder to contain. The density. The dry bark, and the dead branches on the ground.. arrghh..


Because of the bush fires that were here in 2003, we do have burning off, although I don't really recall them doing it much last winter....




I put that tag in ages ago! You haven't been paying attention!


i've heard of the fires..the news here are talking a lot about them!

i never post in this thread, mainly because i cannot understand you!:blush-anim-cl:


you have a very peculiar language...quite difficult for me...i tried many times but i had to give up :naughty:


now happi invited me again, as i was talking to her about the fires...we have fires in italy EVERY summer, due to some raskall or to natural combustion....a huge part of our beautiful country goes into smoke every year...i feel for you so much and for the ppl who died or lost their properties.


take care dear people..keep a small part of your country safe my god...mika might well land there sometimes!


*runs before being hit by a shoe*


Hi Robi, nice to see you here. I'd never really thought of us Aussies as speaking anything but English, except for the tiny bit of occasional slang. Don't you understand me when I go on the Oldlings?:tears:


I don't think any greenies would ever be against backburning. It's completely natural and neccesary for the ecosystems. Aboriginals have been doing it for ever, and the plants and animals have evolved to depend on it.

The only people I know against backburning are stupid idiots who continuously complain about the smoke, I am constantly telling people to STFU when ever there is any backburning. Grow a brain, please. (people who don't see the point of backburning, I mean - ie. my parents, etc)


The only people I know who really complain about the smoke from backburning have a legitimate reason to complain. People with serious lung conditions who find it difficult to breathe with the smoke. And they are not against backburning, they do see the reason for it, it just makes their lives quite difficult while it is happening.


It’s not the easiest English to understand…I feel the same way.

Let’s keep struggling together!


We have learned a lot of Brittish English through the Oldlings thread so far haven’t we?:wink2:


It's hard to put in words but I'm thinking a lot of you!


Hi Sienna.:bye:


Someone needs to start getting their information updated. ACcording to CFA and DSE websites, there is no threat to the residents of Won Wron.....Sky News just spoke to a CFA rep who was saying the fire is raging towards Won Wron and they expect it to impact directly over night :shocked:


That is a real worry. I mean, you rely on the information of those who are supposed to know. That's how you make your decisions... Lets hope people are checking more than one source of info.


If anyone is remotely interested, there are some new pics of Mika. You may be glad of the distraction.





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Hey HK. Any word on which direction it may head??


No .... I'm pretty sure the fire I posted about yesterday has been contained ... & the one near Bega I'm not sure about ... but really both are pretty far away ... one just always hopes there is not some new one somewhere ... from floating embers & such .... should be ok ... :huglove:

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Poo re: your English teacher tho' ... are there grounds to complain ???


Yeah, actually. I'm going to wait it out until next Monday but I want to take it up with the principal, under the claim that I'm not getting the education my level of intelligence deserves. It's true--she certainly hasn't taught me anything so far, and I can tell that there will be no further opportunity for me to learn and grow in that class.


Just watching the ABC news ... Awful bushfires in Victoria & NSW !!


I heard about the fires and read back; it's just sickening. My heart goes out to everyone who has suffered--and to all of you. I hope you all stay OK. :huglove:


How awful. I'm not surprised, though, since today was officially Melbourne's hottest day on record. The high winds aren't helping either.



City swelters, records tumble in heat


* Hamish Townsend

* February 7, 2009 - 1:56PM


Melbourne's all-time weather record has been broken and the city is sweltering under the twin effects of high temperatures and hot north-west winds.


The city hit 46.4 degrees at 3.04pm - the hottest day since the Bureau of Meteorology started keeping records after the building of records mysteriously burnt down 150 years ago.


The previous record was 45.6, set on January 13, 1939 - a day otherwise known as Black Thursday.


"I've got a massive spreadsheet here of maximum temperatures and it doesn't mean anything any more. The whole thing's gonna have to be rewritten," BoM senior forecaster Terry Ryan said.


"Most places around the state will break all-time records."


The town of Avalon, 50km south-west of Melbourne also broke its hottest-day record, reaching 47.9 degrees at 2.50pm.


Wind gusts of up to 82kmh have also been reported at Melbourne Airport, where it was a sweltering 46.8 degrees at 3.03pm.


Other top temperatures around the state include 47.6 at Hopetoun airport (2.30pm), 47.1 at Geelong airport (2.40pm), 46.8 at Laverton (2.41pm), 46.4 at Longerenong in the Wimmera (2.30pm), 46 at Mildura (2.35pm) and 46.3 at Swan Hill (2.30pm).


The temperature also topped 45 at locations including Horsham, Nhill, Scoresby and Stawell.


Melbourne's peak also breaks the previous February record of 43.2, set on February 8, 1983 - remembered by many as the day of a massive dust storm.


Today's record is also hotter than Ash Wednesday, on February 16, 1983.


Relief, however, is on the way with the cool change reported to have passed through Warnambool and Port Fairy in Victoria's south-west.


This should put it on target to reach the city about 6pm, Mr Ryan said.


Temperatures are expected to drop by around 15 degrees in the first hour, though little rain is expected.


No relief from the wind is expected at all as strong gusts, albeit from the opposite direction, will accompany the cool change.


Source: http://www.theage.com.au/national/city-swelters-records-tumble-in-heat-20090207-80ai.html


God...I can't even imagine...:boxed:


I passed all 3 of my exams.


But I'm finding it hard to celebrate when so many people are having what's probably the worst week of their lives.


Congratulations! *high-5's*

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Just making sure everyone is still ok :huglove:

Thanks Tan ... :huglove:

Well, the smoke haze that I woke up to has cleared now so I'm feeling way less nervous :naughty: .... big south/easterly gusts are coming thru' now ... I hope that's ok for some of the fire fronts ... possibly get some rain tonight ... :original:


How about you ? All ok where you are ?? :wub2:

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Since yesterday the official death toll has gone up to 173 with more than 50 people still unaccounted for. The number of homes destroyed has passed 750 including several entire towns. The amount of land affected is now more than 3,000 square kilometres. Who knows exactly how many animals have been affected either. *sigh*

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Thanks Tan ... :huglove:

Well, the smoke haze that I woke up to has cleared now so I'm feeling way less nervous :naughty: .... big south/easterly gusts are coming thru' now ... I hope that's ok for some of the fire fronts ... possibly get some rain tonight ... :original:


How about you ? All ok where you are ?? :wub2:


I'm glad the smoke has cleared up and you're ok :huglove: *crosses fingers for rain*

So far so good for my Uncle and we're ok because we live in the burbs. :thumb_yello:

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