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your wishes.....

but you don't have to talk about it if you don't want


Oh.. Well, I think it was the last one that scared you? Okay, jumping into the sea, water surrounding me, filing my mounth, my lungs, my veins. Water instead of air. Slowly becoming water myself, and slowly falling into a black/blue hole, with the last thing I see, smell, feel and taste the sea. For me, that would be a perfect death.

But, dying is a bit like running away. I don't want to run away, but I do want to let everything go. Just leave it behind, and nothing matters anymore. So I don't have to feel that pain anymore. Everyday I feel pain inside, slowly consuming me. Pain in my heart, in my toughts, in me. And everyday, I want to leave it behind. But I can't. Because I have to keep going. I have to go on, and on and on. I don't want to anymore. I can't leave it behind, I can't escape it even a few minutes. I feel like I escape a few minutes, like I leave the world behind, everytime I cut. I want to, everyday. But I can't, because I want to keep my promise. Instead of cutting, I take paracetamol. If I feel bad, I take 5-10 tablets in a few minutes. It makes me feel good some time. I just can't feel anything anymore, when I do. Oh, and I want to cry. All the time I was cutting much, I did it so I wouldn't cry. But now I can't cry anymore. Not when I want to.

And then there are my parents. They make me feel even worse. For my father I can't do anything right. He's always grumpy. He hits me when I do someting wrong, and my mother too. And if I start crying then, they hit me even harder. I just can't take it anymore.

I'm never completely happy.


Now you know.

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christ Becca, i can't believe you feel like that, you never show it. im always here for you, i know its not much help, but you will always be able to talk to me because your my best friend. i've never met you in life, but i feel more connected to you than my friends here at home.

i asked my science teacher about drowning. its not as nice as you put it. he said you feel like your heads gonna burst.now i've killed your only way out. my god Becca, i am so sorry.

i think i've just cried enough tears for the both of us.

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christ Becca, i can't believe you feel like that, you never show it. im always here for you, i know its not much help, but you will always be able to talk to me because your my best friend. i've never met you in life, but i feel more connected to you than my friends here at home.

i asked my science teacher about drowning. its not as nice as you put it. he said you feel like your heads gonna burst.now i've killed your only way out. my god Becca, i am so sorry.

i think i've just cried enough tears for the both of us.


I'm quite good at hiding my feelings. I think it's the only thing I'm good at. I feel like you are my best friend. You know me better than anyone else. Thank you so much. Okay, I already thought it wouldn't be so good. Tay, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to worry about me. I don't want anyone to cry for me. I'm not worth it.

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I'm quite good at hiding my feelings. I think it's the only thing I'm good at. I feel like you are my best friend. You know me better than anyone else. Thank you so much. Okay, I already thought it wouldn't be so good. Tay, I'm so sorry. I don't want you to worry about me. I don't want anyone to cry for me. I'm not worth it.


Oh, did your teacher try it out?


thats not the only thing you're good at. you make me come to this forum every day. to start with i was worried i wouldn't fit in. you instantly made me feel welcome and i don't want to lose that. or you. i don't talk to that many different people. i mainly talk to you. thatas why i come here, at the beginning i just hung around, watching other people talking, adn sure i come to check on the news every now and again, but if you're not here, i log back out after 10 mins.

i will worry about you, you are the bravest person i have ever been lucky enough to talk to, you've been through alot and you have coped with most of it, and for some things, you talk to us to get it off your chest, thats what brave is. not fighting people or stealing things. you don't need to be sorry for the fact that i cried, you made me realise what a good friend you are. and how much i don't want you to feel this way.


my teacher probably did.

he kinda freaks me out...... i mean, he makes home made fireworks for his pregnant wife, he makes stink bombs in class, he collects dead things....... what more do i need to say?

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thats not the only thing you're good at. you make me come to this forum every day. to start with i was worried i wouldn't fit in. you instantly made me feel welcome and i don't want to lose that. or you. i don't talk to that many different people. i mainly talk to you. thatas why i come here, at the beginning i just hung around, watching other people talking, adn sure i come to check on the news every now and again, but if you're not here, i log back out after 10 mins.

i will worry about you, you are the bravest person i have ever been lucky enough to talk to, you've been through alot and you have coped with most of it, and for some things, you talk to us to get it off your chest, thats what brave is. not fighting people or stealing things.


my teacher probably did.

he kinda freaks me out...... i mean, he makes home made fireworks for his pregnant wife, he makes stink bombs in class, he collects dead things....... what more do i need to say?


First, I talked the most to Alice [xhurtfulpurplex], and later to keti, but they both don't talk to me lately. I really enjoy talking to you, and I feel like you understand me. I liked you the first time I talked to you. And I wanted to let you feel welcome.

I feel welcome here. This place feels more like my home than my home does.

Maybe I am brave then, but I never feel brave. I'm depressed often, but talking to you makes me get out of it. Mostly.


I'm telling everything now anyway, so I can tell you this too. A few weeks ago, I was in history class. I had a question, and I raised my hand. But the wrong one, my left. My sleeve fell down, and the teacher saw my wrirst. With my scars. He looked like "OMG", and I put my arm down as quick as I could. Then I just walked out of the class, and later I said I didn't feel good. I didn't talk with the teacher about it, but we both knew it wasn't because I didn't feel good that I walked away.


Your teacher sounds weird. :roftl:

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First, I talked the most to Alice [xhurtfulpurplex], and later to keti, but they both don't talk to me lately. I really enjoy talking to you, and I feel like you understand me. I liked you the first time I talked to you. And I wanted to let you feel welcome.

I feel welcome here. This place feels more like my home than my home does.

Maybe I am brave then, but I never feel brave. I'm depressed often, but talking to you makes me get out of it. Mostly.


I'm telling everything now anyway, so I can tell you this too. A few weeks ago, I was in history class. I had a question, and I raised my hand. But the wrong one, my left. My sleeve fell down, and the teacher saw my wrirst. With my scars. He looked like "OMG", and I put my arm down as quick as I could. Then I just walked out of the class, and later I said I didn't feel good. I didn't talk with the teacher about it, but we both knew it wasn't because I didn't feel good that I walked away.


Your teacher sounds weird. :roftl:


i love talking to you. in a way i talk to you differently to the way i talk to my other friends. sometimes they ignore me and i get angry and i start shouting.

i even hit some of them, it gets their attention, but they don't want to talk to me ( i wonder why:roftl:) and i get even more annoyed, i walk off on my own and listen to my ipod. but when i talk to you, i feel that you listen, and i like the fact that you can tell me things, it makes me closer to you. i never feel sad when im here. and you really make me laugh, you say the craziest things sometimes. :wub2: you're the sort of person i always wished was my best friend. we really understand each other.


i hate teachers. they're meant to help you, not stare at you like your a freak or something. everyone says that teachers ' understand', when actually, most of them don't. i would have said something rude and walked out. but thats me and im mental:naughty:. when people just stare at you or change the subject when they talk to you, it can really make you feel alone.


my teaher is the weirest teacher i have ever met. but he makes lessons fun. crazy man. one time, he got some acid that comes out your stomach adn some food and a blender and a set of his wife's tights. he mashed up the food, added the acid, mixed it again then put it in the tights and squeezed it so all the liquid came out then he cut a hole in the end and pushed the rest out of the tights in a weird way. he said thats what happens in digestion, it smelt horrible. guess what it was.

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i love talking to you. in a way i talk to you differently to the way i talk to my other friends. sometimes they ignore me and i get angry and i start shouting.

i even hit some of them, it gets their attention, but they don't want to talk to me ( i wonder why:roftl:) and i get even more annoyed, i walk off on my own and listen to my ipod. but when i talk to you, i feel that you listen, and i like the fact that you can tell me things, it makes me closer to you. i never feel sad when im here. and you really make me laugh, you say the craziest things sometimes. :wub2: you're the sort of person i always wished was my best friend. we really understand each other.


i hate teachers. they're meant to help you, not stare at you like your a freak or something. everyone says that teachers ' understand', when actually, most of them don't. i would have said something rude and walked out. but thats me and im mental:naughty:. when people just stare at you or change the subject when they talk to you, it can really make you feel alone.


my teaher is the weirest teacher i have ever met. but he makes lessons fun. crazy man. one time, he got some acid that comes out your stomach adn some food and a blender and a set of his wife's tights. he mashed up the food, added the acid, mixed it again then put it in the tights and squeezed it so all the liquid came out then he cut a hole in the end and pushed the rest out of the tights in a weird way. he said thats what happens in digestion, it smelt horrible. guess what it was.


Same here. Just that I'm mostly alone at school, and I don't have an iPod.


Yep, but this teacher was kind, most of the time. And I do fancy him a bit. :blush-anim-cl: But now he just ignores me.

When I walked away, I thought I should have said something mysterious like "Scars just don't fade, you know."


Gross! :roftl: That's real yucky.


I really wanna meet you, can't you convince your family to go on vacation in the Netherlands? Deventer has a lot of err.. beautiful old houses, musea.. :mf_rosetinted:


It's snowing now.

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Same here. Just that I'm mostly alone at school, and I don't have an iPod.


Yep, but this teacher was kind, most of the time. And I do fancy him a bit. :blush-anim-cl: But now he just ignores me.

When I walked away, I thought I should have said something mysterious like "Scars just don't fade, you know."


Gross! :roftl: That's real yucky.


I really wanna meet you, can't you convince your family to go on vacation in the Netherlands? Deventer has a lot of err.. beautiful old houses, musea.. :mf_rosetinted:


It's snowing now.


awww. thats sweet. but jarsh that he ignores you.

you should have said that.


he is gross :roftl:


im really sorry Becca, but i have to leave now, i will be back as soon as i can but i have to go and meet my mum from work, i'll try and convince her that we need a holiday:thumb_yello:

awww snow!!! lucky.


hopefully you might be here when i get back, love you :wub2::bye:

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awww. thats sweet. but jarsh that he ignores you.

you should have said that.


he is gross :roftl:


im really sorry Becca, but i have to leave now, i will be back as soon as i can but i have to go and meet my mum from work, i'll try and convince her that we need a holiday:thumb_yello:

awww snow!!! lucky.


hopefully you might be here when i get back, love you :wub2::bye:


Hehe, I just thought of it later..


Yaay. :wub2:


I hate snow. :naughty:


Bye.. I'm maybe going to the library, so I probably won't be here.. But I hope! Love you too, very much. :wub2:

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Hey Bel:D

Im great thanks, you?


yep yep yep :D


wassup ? :D


I just read Becca's post from earlier and I wanna c if she's okay like if she needs sme to talk to but she was talking to Tayler so I dunno if Id be sticking my nose into smth I'm not sppose to. What dyou thnk ? :blink:

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yep yep yep :D


wassup ? :D


I just read Becca's post from earlier and I wanna c if she's okay like if she needs sme to talk to but she was talking to Tayler so I dunno if Id be sticking my nose into smth I'm not sppose to. What dyou thnk ? :blink:


I am extreamely happy:D


I haven't really tried to find out what its all about. I don't like sticking my nose into other peoples problems unless they ask. If you're concerned then you could ask. I'm sure she wouldnt mind if you're only trying to help.

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I am extreamely happy:D


I haven't really tried to find out what its all about. I don't like sticking my nose into other peoples problems unless they ask. If you're concerned then you could ask. I'm sure she wouldnt mind if you're only trying to help.


goood :arf2: any special reason ?


yeah but I don't wanna hurt her by not minding my own business. I should probably just not say anything. I just don't want her to feel alone like if she needs help that we're here for her if u c what I mean ...

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goood :arf2: any special reason ?


yeah but I don't wanna hurt her by not minding my own business. I should probably just not say anything. I just don't want her to feel alone like if she needs help that we're here for her if u c what I mean ...


:D Mayybeeeee....


Yeah I know what you mean. She should know that we're here for her and she might even read this anyway.

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