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The official 'We don't care about Mika's new album or acoustic tour' thread


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Yep- You heard it right.

We had a 'We don't care about Mika's sexuality' thread, and now we have a 'We don't care about Mika's new album or acoustic tour' one...Not that they are related in any way, obviously, but you get the jest.

This is the thread for all those who don't care about when/if the new album will come out, and of course it applies to the tour as well.

So...if you don't care, have decided that you will be following Britney from now now, (at the end of the day, she also does a circus thing :original: ), and really can't see what all the fuss about this acoustic tour is about (I mean, a small acoustic gig in a beautiful theatre, pfff, how overrated is that :naughty:)...this is the thread for you!

Feel free to post alternative activities that you think Mika should be embarking on rather than recording and touring, and we can discuss those; If deemed necessary, we can even send him a petition for some!

For example: honey harvesting.

:punk:Post away! Let's see who else doesn't care!!!




(Do you think this is reverse psych enough, WW? :bleh: )

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Yep- You heard it right.

We had a 'We don't care about Mika's sexuality' thread, and now we have a 'We don't care about Mika's new album or acoustic tour' one...Not that they are related in any way, obviously, but you get the jest.

This is the thread for all those who don't care about when/if the new album will come out, and of course it applies to the tour as well.

So...if you don't care, have decided that you will be following Britney from now now, (at the end of the day, she also does a circus thing :original: ), and really can't see what all the fuss about this acoustic tour is about (I mean, a small acoustic gig in a beautiful theatre, pfff, how overrated is that :naughty:)...this is the thread for you!

Feel free to post alternative activities that you think Mika should be embarking on rather than recording and touring, and we can discuss those; If deemed necessary, we can even send him a petition for some!

For example: honey harvesting.

:punk:Post away! Let's see who else doesn't care!!!




(Do you think this is reverse psych enough, WW? :bleh: )




Love it.


TBH I think I am going :insane: I am not sure if I care or not:naughty:

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I don't care!


In fact, I don't even like the guy. I'm here cause I thought this was the belgian Mika's fan club! :mf_rosetinted:


:naughty: Hehe, nice one :thumb_yello:




Love it.


TBH I think I am going :insane: I am not sure if I care or not:naughty:



Join the cause then, Kath!! The more the merrier

Let's show Mika how we don't care :original:

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:roftl::roftl: and you thought that since January 2007?

oh lord this is too funny! :naughty:


What can I say? I don't pay much attention to this place... :roftl:


Now really, who cares about his new album?! And tour? Small, intimate acoustic tour? Just Mika, a piano and a guitar or something like that? In beautiful theatres? Pffft... :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted: Who cares?

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Oh he should definitely go with honey harvesting!:naughty:


My regular beekeeper’s been has died all of a sudden, it seems to be a problem all over the world.

I’m sure he could find a new source of income in the bee business if he is tired of the singing potter!:original:



But inside am I crying....:blink:

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What can I say? I don't pay much attention to this place... :roftl:


Now really, who cares about his new album?! And tour? Small, intimate acoustic tour? Just Mika, a piano and a guitar or something like that? In beautiful theatres? Pffft... :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted: Who cares?


:naughty: funny girl

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Ahhhhhhh... thank you Sara. I just posted something on MikaSounds on a similar note - we'll see if it gets approved.


I think you probably meant this thread to be a light hearted joke... but it actually touches on an important topic.


I want Mika to enjoy the process of making the music as much as performing. I think it's really unfair for us to be constantly demanding more from him -- it seems nothing is ever enough to satisfy some people. If I were Mika I'd be really irritated by the never ending desperate comments telling him he's not doing enough or amusing us quickly enough.


He's not a puppet or a machine, he's an artist, and it will take however long it takes. I know we all miss him, we all would love some new music or a concert, but the way we have been acting as a whole (and by 'we' I mean the impression he'd be getting of his fans as a group, even if we don't all act like that) ... well I'd imagine that from his perspective it's like having thousands of whining toddlers tugging at his ankles all day long. That doesn't sound like fun to me, and I don't think that would make him feel much affection for his fans either.


Are we really any different from the record executives that he was rebelling against if we're pressuring him to do what we want and perform on command, rather than letting him make the music he wants in his own time?


Let's take a step back and give him a breath of fresh air... let him know his fans do have respect for him by letting him enjoy the creative process.


Edit: alright.... wrong thread for this obviously. Sorry!

Edited by zoots14
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well instead, he could teach us how to cook!

i saw on pdp that he owns 1 frying pan! :thumb_yello:



I like that idea :naughty: I could do with some lessons. He may need more than one pan though? Maybe I will have to bring my own pan when I pitch up at his place for the first lesson? You reckon? :bleh:


I don't care either I can resist with only one album !:mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, that's the spirit! You tell him girl :mf_lustslow:

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:naughty: funny girl



I'm always up for a joke! :naughty:



Ahhhhhhh... thank you Sara. I just posted something on MikaSounds on a similar note - we'll see if it gets approved.


I think you probably meant this thread to be a light hearted joke... but it actually touches on an important topic.


I want Mika to enjoy the process of making the music as much as performing. I think it's really unfair for us to be constantly demanding more from him -- it seems nothing is ever enough to satisfy some people. If I were Mika I'd be really irritated by the never ending desperate comments telling him he's not doing enough or amusing us quickly enough.


He's not a puppet or a machine, he's an artist, and it will take however long it takes. I know we all miss him, we all would love some new music or a concert, but the way we have been acting as a whole (and by 'we' I mean the impression he'd be getting of his fans as a group, even if we don't all act like that) ... well I'd imagine that from his perspective it's like having thousands of whining toddlers tugging at his ankles all day long. That doesn't sound like fun to me, and I don't think that would make him feel much affection for his fans either.


Are we really any different from the record executives that he was rebelling against if we're pressuring him to do what we want and perform on command, rather than letting him make the music he wants in his own time?


Let's take a step back and give him a breath of fresh air... let him know his fans do have respect for him by letting him enjoy the creative process. :thumb_yello:


Totally agreed! :thumb_yello:


I guess this thread is meant to be a little joke, at least I took it that way (as you can see from my posts :naughty:)


I think he should take all the time he needs. If it means we'll have a good album, the way Mika had planned it, with his own "signature", I prefer to wait a bit more! :thumb_yello:

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I like that idea :naughty: I could do with some lessons. He may need more than one pan though? Maybe I will have to bring my own pan when I pitch up at his place for the first lesson? You reckon? :bleh:


Humm...will he give those lessons all around the world? I'm in! :naughty:

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Ahhhhhhh... thank you Sara. I just posted something on MikaSounds on a similar note - we'll see if it gets approved.


I think you probably meant this thread to be a light hearted joke... but it actually touches on an important topic.


I want Mika to enjoy the process of making the music as much as performing. I think it's really unfair for us to be constantly demanding more from him -- it seems nothing is ever enough to satisfy some people. If I were Mika I'd be really irritated by the never ending desperate comments telling him he's not doing enough or amusing us quickly enough.


He's not a puppet or a machine, he's an artist, and it will take however long it takes. I know we all miss him, we all would love some new music or a concert, but the way we have been acting as a whole (and by 'we' I mean the impression he'd be getting of his fans as a group, even if we don't all act like that) ... well I'd imagine that from his perspective it's like having thousands of whining toddlers tugging at his ankles all day long. That doesn't sound like fun to me, and I don't think that would make him feel much affection for his fans either.


Are we really any different from the record executives that he was rebelling against if we're pressuring him to do what we want and perform on command, rather than letting him make the music he wants in his own time?


Let's take a step back and give him a breath of fresh air... let him know his fans do have respect for him by letting him enjoy the creative process. :thumb_yello:



Thank you for this. Your post is fantastic, and I totally subscribe to what you said. Very well put as well :thumb_yello:.


I made this thread to be both: a joke about the whole thing, seeing as we're all getting so demanding, and also a bit of a reality check about it.

I totally agree with what you said up there, and of course I need to put my arms up and plead guilty about asking for dates, etc... But I think that it's starting to go a bit too far now, and we should all chill and take a step back.

Reality is, it may take quite a while before we get the cd/tour/whatever, so we may as well stop harrassing him and leave him to it.

Like you said, I can only imagine how annoyed and frustrated he must feel already, without adding this annoying pressure.

It's like the blogging. If it all becomes a chore and an obligation, the fun is gone.

So.......let's focus on alternative activities for him then :naughty:.

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I like that idea :naughty: I could do with some lessons. He may need more than one pan though? Maybe I will have to bring my own pan when I pitch up at his place for the first lesson? You reckon? :bleh:


Yeah, that's the spirit! You tell him girl :mf_lustslow:


OMG!!! i just had a brilliant idea! he could have a travelling cooking show! we could buy tickets to "learn how to cook with mika" !!!! :naughty:

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I totally agree zoots. I have posted on this topic repeatedly but it seems to fall on deaf ears every time.


If people want to have a private moan once in awhile because they miss him it's understandable. If he comes on MFC and sees a bit of whining...well he enters here at his own risk. We're not talking to him.


But he rarely blogs anymore and it's not surprising because so many people don't respond to his blog entries. They just bang on about acoustic tour dates and when is the album going to be done, etc.


I don't know what anyone thinks this is going to accomplish besides irritating him. These things will happen when they happen and not a minute sooner - so just CHILL OUT.

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I think he should be growing seagulls, since he's more interested in their opinion more than in ours *inserts wombling lip*



I mean we don't really need him, do we?

Techically this is his fan club, yes, and so what?

Technically we practically live on here, but we'll survive

*starts music*



We needs a new tour soon, acoustic even, in small beautil theatres, sitting even!










Ok, I stop, I am already too depressed..

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I totally agree zoots. I have posted on this topic repeatedly but it seems to fall on deaf ears every time.


If people want to have a private moan once in awhile because they miss him it's understandable. If he comes on MFC and sees a bit of whining...well he enters here at his own risk. We're not talking to him.


But he rarely blogs anymore and it's not surprising because so many people don't respond to his blog entries. They just bang on about acoustic tour dates and when is the album going to be done, etc.


I don't know what anyone thinks this is going to accomplish besides irritating him. These things will happen when they happen and not a minute sooner - so just CHILL OUT.


you are totally right christine, i really don't care when his album comes out, as long as it's great. :naughty:

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We don't really want Mika to release a new CD or do more concerts :mf_rosetinted:


After all, it will only gain him more fans to irritate the heck out of him. If he thinks this is bad, wait until the third & fourth albums. He'll get no peace :no:


And then there will be the endless concerts, promotional appearances, TV shows, newspapers and magazines interviews, photoshoots etc - he won't have time to read his comics and play with Ella :sad: What will he find to blog about?


And MFC will be overrun with excitable puppy fans wanting to know stuff, but failing to notice the FAQs. And endless concert reviews from fans and analyses of lyrics and more "I don't like mika's hair short, long, curly, straight, blond" type threads. Really, it will be way too noisy :mf_rosetinted:


Best quit while you're ahead, Mika.:thumb_yello:


We'll keep talking and making things up while you drift off into comfortable obscurity, growing chickens and seagulls, harvesting honey and playing with Ella :thumb_yello:

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